Constants | message_const | AMX X Documentation


    1. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    2. Форварды
    1. Нативы
    2. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    2. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Форварды
    3. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    2. Форварды
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    2. Форварды
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Форварды
    1. Нативы
    2. Форварды
    1. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Стоки
    1. Стоки
    1. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Форварды
    3. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    1. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Форварды
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Форварды
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Форварды
    1. Нативы
    2. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    2. Стоки
    1. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Форварды
    3. Стоки
    1. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    2. Форварды
    3. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Форварды
    3. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Стоки
    1. Стоки
#define MSG_BROADCAST               0        // Unreliable to all
#define MSG_ONE                     1        // Reliable to one (msg_entity)
#define MSG_ALL                     2        // Reliable to all
#define MSG_INIT                    3        // Write to the init string
#define MSG_PVS                     4        // Ents in PVS of org
#define MSG_PAS                     5        // Ents in PAS of org
#define MSG_PVS_R                   6        // Reliable to PVS
#define MSG_PAS_R                   7        // Reliable to PAS
#define MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE          8        // Send to one client, but don't put in reliable stream, put in unreliable datagram (could be dropped)
#define MSG_SPEC                    9        // Sends to all spectator proxies
Look at the actual HLSDK for details
#define SVC_BAD             0
#define SVC_NOP             1
#define SVC_DISCONNECT          2
#define SVC_EVENT           3
#define SVC_VERSION         4
#define SVC_SETVIEW         5
#define SVC_SOUND           6
#define SVC_TIME            7
#define SVC_PRINT           8
#define SVC_STUFFTEXT           9
#define SVC_SETANGLE            10
#define SVC_SERVERINFO          11
#define SVC_LIGHTSTYLE          12
#define SVC_UPDATEUSERINFO      13
#define SVC_DELTADESCRIPTION        14
#define SVC_CLIENTDATA          15
#define SVC_STOPSOUND           16
#define SVC_PINGS           17
#define SVC_PARTICLE            18
#define SVC_DAMAGE          19
#define SVC_SPAWNSTATIC         20
#define SVC_EVENT_RELIABLE      21
#define SVC_SPAWNBASELINE       22
#define SVC_TEMPENTITY          23
#define SVC_SETPAUSE            24
#define SVC_SIGNONNUM           25
#define SVC_CENTERPRINT         26
#define SVC_KILLEDMONSTER       27
#define SVC_FOUNDSECRET         28
#define SVC_SPAWNSTATICSOUND        29
#define SVC_INTERMISSION        30
#define SVC_FINALE          31
#define SVC_CDTRACK         32
#define SVC_RESTORE         33
#define SVC_CUTSCENE            34
#define SVC_WEAPONANIM          35
#define SVC_DECALNAME           36
#define SVC_ROOMTYPE            37
#define SVC_ADDANGLE            38
#define SVC_NEWUSERMSG          39
#define SVC_PACKETENTITIES      40
#define SVC_CHOKE           42
#define SVC_RESOURCELIST        43
#define SVC_NEWMOVEVARS         44
#define SVC_CUSTOMIZATION       46
#define SVC_CROSSHAIRANGLE      47
#define SVC_SOUNDFADE           48
#define SVC_HLTV            50
#define SVC_DIRECTOR            51
#define SVC_VOICEINIT           52
#define SVC_VOICEDATA           53
#define SVC_SENDEXTRAINFO       54
#define SVC_TIMESCALE           55
#define SVC_RESOURCELOCATION        56
#define SVC_SENDCVARVALUE       57
#define SVC_SENDCVARVALUE2      58
#define BLOCK_NOT                   0
#define BLOCK_ONCE                  1
#define BLOCK_SET                   2
    ARG_BYTE = 1,       /* int */
    ARG_CHAR,           /* int */
    ARG_SHORT,          /* int */
    ARG_LONG,           /* int */
    ARG_ANGLE,          /* float */
    ARG_COORD,          /* float */
    ARG_STRING,         /* string */
    ARG_ENTITY,         /* int */
write_byte(TE_BEAMPOINTS) write_coord(startposition.x) write_coord(startposition.y) write_coord(startposition.z) write_coord(endposition.x) write_coord(endposition.y) write_coord(endposition.z) write_short(sprite index) write_byte(starting frame) write_byte(frame rate in 0.1's) write_byte(life in 0.1's) write_byte(line width in 0.1's) write_byte(noise amplitude in 0.01's) write_byte(red) write_byte(green) write_byte(blue) write_byte(brightness) write_byte(scroll speed in 0.1's)
#define TE_BEAMPOINTS               0
write_byte(TE_BEAMENTPOINT) write_short(start entity) write_coord(endposition.x) write_coord(endposition.y) write_coord(endposition.z) write_short(sprite index) write_byte(starting frame) write_byte(frame rate in 0.1's) write_byte(life in 0.1's) write_byte(line width in 0.1's) write_byte(noise amplitude in 0.01's) write_byte(red) write_byte(green) write_byte(blue) write_byte(brightness) write_byte(scroll speed in 0.1's)
#define TE_BEAMENTPOINT            1
write_byte(TE_GUNSHOT) write_coord(position.x) write_coord(position.y) write_coord(position.z)
#define TE_GUNSHOT                  2
write_byte(TE_EXPLOSION) write_coord(position.x) write_coord(position.y) write_coord(position.z) write_short(sprite index) write_byte(scale in 0.1's) write_byte(framerate) write_byte(flags)
#define TE_EXPLOSION                3
#define TE_EXPLFLAG_NONE            0        // All flags clear makes default Half-Life explosion
#define TE_EXPLFLAG_NOADDITIVE      1        // Sprite will be drawn opaque (ensure that the sprite you send is a non-additive sprite)
#define TE_EXPLFLAG_NODLIGHTS       2        // Do not render dynamic lights
#define TE_EXPLFLAG_NOSOUND         4        // Do not play client explosion sound
#define TE_EXPLFLAG_NOPARTICLES     8        // Do not draw particles
write_byte(TE_TAREXPLOSION) write_coord(position.x) write_coord(position.y) write_coord(position.z)
#define TE_TAREXPLOSION             4
write_byte(TE_SMOKE) write_coord(position.x) write_coord(position.y) write_coord(position.z) write_short(sprite index) write_byte(scale in 0.1's) write_byte(framerate)
#define TE_SMOKE                    5
write_byte(TE_TRACER) write_coord(startposition.x) write_coord(startposition.y) write_coord(startposition.z) write_coord(endposition.x) write_coord(endposition.y) write_coord(endposition.z)
#define TE_TRACER                   6
write_byte(TE_LIGHTNING) write_coord(startposition.x) write_coord(startposition.y) write_coord(startposition.z) write_coord(endposition.x) write_coord(endposition.y) write_coord(endposition.z) write_byte(life in 0.1's) write_byte(width in 0.1's) write_byte(amplitude in 0.01's) write_short(sprite model index)
#define TE_LIGHTNING                7
write_byte(TE_BEAMENTS) write_short(start entity) write_short(end entity) write_short(sprite index) write_byte(starting frame) write_byte(frame rate in 0.1's) write_byte(life in 0.1's) write_byte(line width in 0.1's) write_byte(noise amplitude in 0.01's) write_byte(red) write_byte(green) write_byte(blue) write_byte(brightness) write_byte(scroll speed in 0.1's)
#define TE_BEAMENTS                 8
write_byte(TE_SPARKS) write_coord(position.x) write_coord(position.y) write_coord(position.z)
#define TE_SPARKS                   9
write_byte(TE_LAVASPLASH) write_coord(position.x) write_coord(position.y) write_coord(position.z)
#define TE_LAVASPLASH               10
write_byte(TE_TELEPORT) write_coord(position.x) write_coord(position.y) write_coord(position.z)
#define TE_TELEPORT                 11
write_byte(TE_EXPLOSION2) write_coord(position.x) write_coord(position.y) write_coord(position.z) write_byte(starting color) write_byte(num colors)
#define TE_EXPLOSION2               12
write_byte(TE_BSPDECAL) write_coord(position.x) decal position (center of texture in world) write_coord(position.y) write_coord(position.z) write_short(texture index of precached decal texture name) write_short(entity index) [optional - write_short(index of model of above entity) only included if previous short is non-zero (not the world)]
#define TE_BSPDECAL                 13
write_byte(TE_IMPLOSION) write_coord(position.x) write_coord(position.y) write_coord(position.z) write_byte(radius) write_byte(count) write_byte(life in 0.1's)
#define TE_IMPLOSION                14
write_byte(TE_SPRITETRAIL) write_coord(startposition.x) write_coord(startposition.y) write_coord(startposition.z) write_coord(endposition.x) write_coord(endposition.y) write_coord(endposition.z) write_short(sprite index) write_byte(count) write_byte(life in 0.1's) write_byte(scale in 0.1's) write_byte(velocity along vector in 10's) write_byte(randomness of velocity in 10's)
#define TE_SPRITETRAIL              15
write_byte(TE_SPRITE) write_coord(position.x) write_coord(position.y) write_coord(position.z) write_short(sprite index) write_byte(scale in 0.1's) write_byte(brightness)
#define TE_SPRITE                   17
write_byte(TE_BEAMSPRITE) write_coord(startposition.x) write_coord(startposition.y) write_coord(startposition.z) write_coord(endposition.x) write_coord(endposition.y) write_coord(endposition.z) write_short(beam sprite index) write_short(end sprite index)
#define TE_BEAMSPRITE               18
write_byte(TE_BEAMTORUS) write_coord(position.x) write_coord(position.y) write_coord(position.z) write_coord(axis.x) write_coord(axis.y) write_coord(axis.z) write_short(sprite index) write_byte(starting frame) write_byte(frame rate in 0.1's) write_byte(life in 0.1's) write_byte(line width in 0.1's) write_byte(noise amplitude in 0.01's) write_byte(red) write_byte(green) write_byte(blue) write_byte(brightness) write_byte(scroll speed in 0.1's)
#define TE_BEAMTORUS                19
write_byte(TE_BEAMDISK) write_coord(position.x) write_coord(position.y) write_coord(position.z) write_coord(axis.x) write_coord(axis.y) write_coord(axis.z) write_short(sprite index) write_byte(starting frame) write_byte(frame rate in 0.1's) write_byte(life in 0.1's) write_byte(line width in 0.1's) write_byte(noise amplitude in 0.01's) write_byte(red) write_byte(green) write_byte(blue) write_byte(brightness) write_byte(scroll speed in 0.1's)
#define TE_BEAMDISK                 20
write_byte(TE_BEAMCYLINDER) write_coord(position.x) write_coord(position.y) write_coord(position.z) write_coord(axis.x) write_coord(axis.y) write_coord(axis.z) write_short(sprite index) write_byte(starting frame) write_byte(frame rate in 0.1's) write_byte(life in 0.1's) write_byte(line width in 0.1's) write_byte(noise amplitude in 0.01's) write_byte(red) write_byte(green) write_byte(blue) write_byte(brightness) write_byte(scroll speed in 0.1's)
#define TE_BEAMCYLINDER             21
write_byte(TE_BEAMFOLLOW) write_short(entity:attachment to follow) write_short(sprite index) write_byte(life in 0.1's) write_byte(line width in 0.1's) write_byte(red) write_byte(green) write_byte(blue) write_byte(brightness)
#define TE_BEAMFOLLOW               22
write_byte(TE_GLOWSPRITE) write_coord(position.x) write_coord(position.y) write_coord(position.z) write_short(model index) write_byte(scale / 10) write_byte(size) write_byte(brightness)
#define TE_GLOWSPRITE               23
write_byte(TE_BEAMRING) write_short(start entity) write_short(end entity) write_short(sprite index) write_byte(starting frame) write_byte(frame rate in 0.1's) write_byte(life in 0.1's) write_byte(line width in 0.1's) write_byte(noise amplitude in 0.01's) write_byte(red) write_byte(green) write_byte(blue) write_byte(brightness) write_byte(scroll speed in 0.1's)
#define TE_BEAMRING                 24
write_byte(TE_STREAK_SPLASH) write_coord(startposition.x) write_coord(startposition.y) write_coord(startposition.z) write_coord(vector.x) write_coord(vector.y) write_coord(vector.z) write_byte(color) write_short(count) write_short(base speed) write_short(random velocity)
#define TE_STREAK_SPLASH            25
write_byte(TE_DLIGHT) write_coord(position.x) write_coord(position.y) write_coord(position.z) write_byte(radius in 10's) write_byte(red) write_byte(green) write_byte(blue) write_byte(brightness) write_byte(life in 10's) write_byte(decay rate in 10's)
#define TE_DLIGHT                   27
write_byte(TE_ELIGHT) write_short(entity:attachment to follow) write_coord(position.x) write_coord(position.y) write_coord(position.z) write_coord(radius) write_byte(red) write_byte(green) write_byte(blue) write_byte(life in 0.1's) write_coord(decay rate)
#define TE_ELIGHT                   28
write_byte(TE_TEXTMESSAGE) write_byte(channel) write_short(x) -1 = center) write_short(y) -1 = center) write_byte(effect) 0 = fade in/fade out, 1 is flickery credits, 2 is write out (training room) write_byte(red) - text color write_byte(green) write_byte(blue) write_byte(alpha) write_byte(red) - effect color write_byte(green) write_byte(blue) write_byte(alpha) write_short(fadein time) write_short(fadeout time) write_short(hold time) [optional] write_short(fxtime) time the highlight lags behing the leading text in effect 2 write_string(text message) 512 chars max string size
#define TE_TEXTMESSAGE              29
write_byte(TE_LINE) write_coord(startposition.x) write_coord(startposition.y) write_coord(startposition.z) write_coord(endposition.x) write_coord(endposition.y) write_coord(endposition.z) write_short(life in 0.1 s) write_byte(red) write_byte(green) write_byte(blue)
#define TE_LINE                     30
write_byte(TE_BOX) write_coord(boxmins.x) write_coord(boxmins.y) write_coord(boxmins.z) write_coord(boxmaxs.x) write_coord(boxmaxs.y) write_coord(boxmaxs.z) write_short(life in 0.1 s) write_byte(red) write_byte(green) write_byte(blue)
#define TE_BOX                      31
write_byte(TE_KILLBEAM) write_short(entity)
#define TE_KILLBEAM                 99
write_byte(TE_LARGEFUNNEL) write_coord(position.x) write_coord(position.y) write_coord(position.z) write_short(sprite index) write_short(flags)
#define TE_LARGEFUNNEL              100
write_byte(TE_BLOODSTREAM) write_coord(position.x) write_coord(position.y) write_coord(position.z) write_coord(vector.x) write_coord(vector.y) write_coord(vector.z) write_byte(color) write_byte(speed)
#define TE_BLOODSTREAM              101
write_byte(TE_SHOWLINE) write_coord(startposition.x) write_coord(startposition.y) write_coord(startposition.z) write_coord(endposition.x) write_coord(endposition.y) write_coord(endposition.z)
#define TE_SHOWLINE                 102
write_byte(TE_BLOOD) write_coord(position.x) write_coord(position.y) write_coord(position.z) write_coord(vector.x) write_coord(vector.y) write_coord(vector.z) write_byte(color) write_byte(speed)
#define TE_BLOOD                    103
write_byte(TE_DECAL) write_coord(position.x) decal position (center of texture in world) write_coord(position.y) write_coord(position.z) write_byte(texture index of precached decal texture name) write_short(entity index)
#define TE_DECAL                    104
write_byte(TE_FIZZ) write_short(entity) write_short(sprite index) write_byte density)
#define TE_FIZZ                     105
write_byte(TE_MODEL) write_coord(position.x) write_coord(position.y) write_coord(position.z) write_coord(velocity.x) write_coord(velocity.y) write_coord(velocity.z) write_angle(initial yaw) write_short(model index) write_byte(bounce sound type) write_byte(life in 0.1's)
#define TE_MODEL                    106
write_byte(TE_EXPLODEMODEL) write_coord(origin.x) write_coord(origin.y) write_coord(origin.z) write_coord(velocity.x) write_coord(velocity.y) write_coord(velocity.z) write_short(model index) write_short(count) write_byte(life in 0.1's)
#define TE_EXPLODEMODEL             107
write_byte(TE_BREAKMODEL) write_coord(position.x) write_coord(position.y) write_coord(position.z) write_coord(size.x) write_coord(size.y) write_coord(size.z) write_coord(velocity.x) write_coord(velocity.y) write_coord(velocity.z) write_byte(random velocity in 10's) write_short(sprite or model index) write_byte(count) write_byte(life in 0.1 secs) write_byte(flags)
#define TE_BREAKMODEL               108
write_byte(TE_GUNSHOTDECAL) write_coord(position.x) write_coord(position.y) write_coord(position.z) write_short(entity index???) write_byte(decal???)
#define TE_GUNSHOTDECAL             109
write_byte(TE_SPRITE_SPRAY) write_coord(position.x) write_coord(position.y) write_coord(position.z) write_coord(velocity.x) write_coord(velocity.y) write_coord(velocity.z) write_short(sprite index) write_byte(count) write_byte(speed) write_byte(noise)
#define TE_SPRITE_SPRAY             110
write_byte(TE_ARMOR_RICOCHET) write_coord(position.x) write_coord(position.y) write_coord(position.z) write_byte(scale in 0.1's)
#define TE_ARMOR_RICOCHET           111
write_byte(TE_PLAYERDECAL) write_byte(playerindex) write_coord(position.x) write_coord(position.y) write_coord(position.z) write_short(entity???) write_byte(decal number) [optional] write_short(model index)
#define TE_PLAYERDECAL              112
write_byte(TE_BUBBLES) write_coord(position.x) (min start position) write_coord(position.y) write_coord(position.z) write_coord(position.x) (max start position) write_coord(position.y) write_coord(position.z) write_coord(float height) write_short(model index) write_byte(count) write_coord(speed)
#define TE_BUBBLES                  113
write_byte(TE_BUBBLETRAIL) write_coord(position.x) (min start position) write_coord(position.y) (min start position) write_coord(position.z) (min start position) write_coord(position.x) (max start position) write_coord(position.y) (max start position) write_coord(position.z) (max start position) write_coord(float height) write_short(model index) write_byte(count) write_coord(speed)
#define TE_BUBBLETRAIL              114
write_byte(TE_BLOODSPRITE) write_coord(position.x) write_coord(position.y) write_coord(position.z) write_short(sprite1 index) write_short(sprite2 index) write_byte(color) write_byte(scale)
#define TE_BLOODSPRITE              115
write_byte(TE_WORLDDECAL) write_coord(position.x) decal position (center of texture in world) write_coord(position.y) write_coord(position.z) write_byte(texture index of precached decal texture name)
#define TE_WORLDDECAL               116
write_byte(TE_WORLDDECALHIGH) write_coord(position.x) decal position (center of texture in world) write_coord(position.y) write_coord(position.z) write_byte(texture index of precached decal texture name - 256)
#define TE_WORLDDECALHIGH           117
write_byte(TE_DECALHIGH) write_coord(position.x) decal position (center of texture in world) write_coord(position.y) write_coord(position.z) write_byte(texture index of precached decal texture name - 256) write_short(entity index)
#define TE_DECALHIGH                118
write_byte(TE_PROJECTILE) write_coord(position.x) write_coord(position.y) write_coord(position.z) write_coord(velocity.x) write_coord(velocity.y) write_coord(velocity.z) write_short(modelindex) write_byte(life) write_byte(owner) projectile won't collide with owner (if owner == 0, projectile will hit any client).
#define TE_PROJECTILE               119
write_byte(TE_SPRAY) write_coord(position.x) write_coord(position.y) write_coord(position.z) write_coord(direction.x) write_coord(direction.y) write_coord(direction.z) write_short(modelindex) write_byte(count) write_byte(speed) write_byte(noise) write_byte(rendermode)
#define TE_SPRAY                    120
write_byte(TE_PLAYERSPRITES) write_short(playernum) write_short(sprite modelindex) write_byte(count) write_byte(variance) (0 = no variance in size) (10 = 10% variance in size)
#define TE_PLAYERSPRITES            121
write_byte(TE_PARTICLEBURST) write_coord(origin) write_short(radius) write_byte(particle color) write_byte(duration * 10) (will be randomized a bit)
#define TE_PARTICLEBURST            122
write_byte(TE_FIREFIELD) write_coord(origin) write_short(radius) (fire is made in a square around origin. -radius, -radius to radius, radius) write_short(modelindex) write_byte(count) write_byte(flags) write_byte(duration (in seconds) * 10) (will be randomized a bit)
#define TE_FIREFIELD                123
#define TEFIRE_FLAG_ALLFLOAT        1        // All sprites will drift upwards as they animate
#define TEFIRE_FLAG_SOMEFLOAT       2        // Some of the sprites will drift upwards. (50% chance)
#define TEFIRE_FLAG_LOOP            4        // If set, sprite plays at 15 fps, otherwise plays at whatever rate stretches the animation over the sprite's duration.
#define TEFIRE_FLAG_ALPHA           8        // If set, sprite is rendered alpha blended at 50% else, opaque
#define TEFIRE_FLAG_PLANAR          16       // If set, all fire sprites have same initial Z instead of randomly filling a cube.
write_byte(TE_PLAYERATTACHMENT) write_byte(entity index of player) write_coord(vertical offset) (attachment origin.z = player origin.z + vertical offset) write_short(model index) write_short(life * 10 )
#define TE_PLAYERATTACHMENT         124
write_byte(TE_KILLPLAYERATTACHMENTS) write_byte(entity index of player)
write_byte(TE_MULTIGUNSHOT) write_coord(origin.x) write_coord(origin.y) write_coord(origin.z) write_coord(direction.x) write_coord(direction.y) write_coord(direction.z) write_coord(x noise * 100) write_coord(y noise * 100) write_byte(count) write_byte(bullethole decal texture index)
#define TE_MULTIGUNSHOT             126
write_byte(TE_USERTRACER) write_coord(origin.x) write_coord(origin.y) write_coord(origin.z) write_coord(velocity.x) write_coord(velocity.y) write_coord(velocity.z) write_byte(life * 10) write_byte(color) this is an index into an array of color vectors in the engine. (0 - ) write_byte(length * 10)
#define TE_USERTRACER               127
#define DRC_CMD_NONE                0   // NULL director command
#define DRC_CMD_START               1   // start director mode
#define DRC_CMD_EVENT               2   // informs about director command
#define DRC_CMD_MODE                3   // switches camera modes
#define DRC_CMD_CAMERA              4   // sets camera registers
#define DRC_CMD_TIMESCALE           5   // sets time scale
#define DRC_CMD_MESSAGE             6   // send HUD centerprint
#define DRC_CMD_SOUND               7   // plays a particular sound
#define DRC_CMD_STATUS              8   // status info about broadcast
#define DRC_CMD_BANNER              9   // banner file name for HLTV gui
#define DRC_CMD_FADE                10  // send screen fade command
#define DRC_CMD_SHAKE               11  // send screen shake command
#define DRC_CMD_STUFFTEXT           12  // like the normal svc_stufftext but as director command

#define DRC_CMD_LAST                12
#define DRC_FLAG_PRIO_MASK      0x0F    // priorities between 0 and 15 (15 most important)
#define DRC_FLAG_SIDE           (1<<4)  //
#define DRC_FLAG_DRAMATIC       (1<<5)  // is a dramatic scene
#define DRC_FLAG_SLOWMOTION     (1<<6)  // would look good in SloMo
#define DRC_FLAG_FACEPLAYER     (1<<7)  // player is doning something (reload/defuse bomb etc)
#define DRC_FLAG_INTRO          (1<<8)  // is a introduction scene
#define DRC_FLAG_FINAL          (1<<9)  // is a final scene
#define DRC_FLAG_NO_RANDOM      (1<<10) // don't randomize event data

#define MAX_DIRECTOR_CMD_STRING         128
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