AMX X Documentation


    1. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    2. Форварды
    1. Нативы
    2. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    2. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Форварды
    3. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    2. Форварды
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    2. Форварды
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Форварды
    1. Нативы
    2. Форварды
    1. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Стоки
    1. Стоки
    1. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Форварды
    3. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    1. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Форварды
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Форварды
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Форварды
    1. Нативы
    2. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    2. Стоки
    1. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Форварды
    3. Стоки
    1. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    2. Форварды
    3. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Форварды
    3. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Стоки
    1. Стоки
json_array_append_bool Appends a boolean value in the array.
json_array_append_null Appends a null in the array.
json_array_append_number Appends a number in the array.
json_array_append_real Appends a real number in the array.
json_array_append_string Appends string data in the array.
json_array_append_value Appends a value in the array.
json_array_clear Removes all elements from the array.
json_array_get_bool Gets a boolean value from the array.
json_array_get_count Gets count of the elements in the array.
json_array_get_number Gets a number from the array.
json_array_get_real Gets a real number from the array.
json_array_get_string Gets string data from the array.
json_array_get_value Gets a value from the array.
json_array_remove Removes an element from the array.
json_array_replace_bool Replaces an element in the array with boolean value.
json_array_replace_null Replaces an element in the array with null.
json_array_replace_number Replaces an element in the array with number.
json_array_replace_real Replaces an element in the array with real number.
json_array_replace_string Replaces an element in the array with string data.
json_array_replace_value Replaces an element in the array with value.
json_deep_copy Creates deep copy of passed value.
json_equals Checks if the first value is the same as the second one.
json_free Frees handle.
json_get_bool Gets a boolean value.
json_get_number Gets a number.
json_get_parent Gets value's parent handle.
json_get_real Gets a real number.
json_get_string Gets string data.
json_get_type Gets JSON type of passed value.
json_init_array Inits an empty array.
json_init_bool Inits a boolean value.
json_init_null Inits a null.
json_init_number Inits a number.
json_init_object Inits an empty object.
json_init_real Inits a real number.
json_init_string Inits string data.
json_object_clear Removes all keys and their values in the object.
json_object_get_bool Gets a boolean value from the object.
json_object_get_count Gets count of the keys in the object.
json_object_get_name Gets name of the object's key.
json_object_get_number Gets a number from the object.
json_object_get_real Gets a real number from the object.
json_object_get_string Gets string data from the object.
json_object_get_value Gets a value from the object.
json_object_get_value_at Gets a value at the specified position from the object.
json_object_has_value Checks if the object has a value with a specific name and type.
json_object_remove Removes a key and its value in the object.
json_object_set_bool Sets a boolean value in the object.
json_object_set_null Sets a null in the object.
json_object_set_number Sets a number in the object.
json_object_set_real Sets a real number in the object.
json_object_set_string Sets string data in the object.
json_object_set_value Sets a value in the object.
json_parse Parses JSON string or a file that contains JSON.
json_serial_size Gets size of serialization.
json_serial_to_file Copies serialized string to the file.
json_serial_to_string Copies serialized string to the buffer.
json_validate Validates json by checking if object have identically named fields with matching types.
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