register_event_ex | amxmodx | AMX X Documentation


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    1. Стоки


									native register_event_ex(const event[], const function[], RegisterEventFlags:flags, const cond[] = "", ...);
Переменная Описание
Name of event that should be hooked
Name of callback function
Flags used for filtering events (enum RegisterEventFlags); the valid flags are:
  RegisterEvent_Global - Global event (sent to every client)
  RegisterEvent_Single - Event sent to single client
  RegisterEvent_OnceForMultiple - Call only once when repeated to multiple clients
  RegisterEvent_OnlyDead - Call only if sent to dead client
  RegisterEvent_OnlyAlive - Call only if sent to alive client
  RegisterEvent_OnlyHuman - Call only if sent to human client (RegisterEvent_Single required)
  RegisterEvent_OnlyBots - Call only if sent to bot (RegisterEvent_Single required)
Condition string used for filtering events, built as:
"<argument number><comparison operator><value>"
Argument number is the argument position to be filtered
The comparison operator may be:
  "=" for equality comparison (all argument types)
  "!" for inequality comparison (all argument types)
  "&" for bitwise and (int argument) or substring
      comparison (string argument)
  "<" for less than comparison (int/float arguments)
  ">" for greater than comparison (int/float arguments)
The argument is compared to the specified value accordingly
Any number of additional conditions

Registers a function to be called on a given game event.

Examples for event conditions:
"2=c4" - Second parameter of message must be the string "c4"
"3>10" - Third parameter of message must be greater than 10
"3!4" - Third parameter of message must not be equal to 4
"2&Buy" - Second parameter of message must contain "Buy" substring
"2!Buy" - Second parameter of message must not equal "Buy"

Due to a long-standing bug that would break compatibility with older
plugins, the client id should be checked for alive/dead state if using
flags "d" or "e".

If multiple conditions are specified for a single parameter, only one
of them has to hold true for the event function to be called.

Event handle
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