stock show_activity_key(const KeyWithoutName[], const KeyWithName[], const ___AdminName[], any:...)
// The variable gets used via vformat, but the compiler doesn't know that, so it still cries.
#pragma unused ___AdminName
static __amx_show_activity;
if (__amx_show_activity == 0)
__amx_show_activity = get_cvar_pointer("amx_show_activity");
// if still not found, then register the cvar as a dummy
if (__amx_show_activity == 0)
__amx_show_activity = register_cvar("amx_show_activity", "2", FCVAR_PROTECTED);
new buffer[512];
new keyfmt[256];
new i;
switch (get_pcvar_num(__amx_show_activity))
case 5: // hide name to admins, display nothing to normal players
while (i++ < MaxClients)
if (is_user_connected(i))
if (is_user_admin(i))
LookupLangKey(keyfmt, charsmax(keyfmt), KeyWithoutName, i);
// skip the "adminname" argument if not showing name
vformat(buffer, charsmax(buffer), keyfmt, 4);
client_print(i, print_chat, "%s", buffer);
case 4: // show name only to admins, display nothing to normal players
while (i++ < MaxClients)
if (is_user_connected(i))
if (is_user_admin(i))
LookupLangKey(keyfmt, charsmax(keyfmt), KeyWithName, i);
vformat(buffer, charsmax(buffer), keyfmt, 3);
client_print(i, print_chat, "%s", buffer);
case 3: // show name only to admins, hide name from normal users
while (i++ < MaxClients)
if (is_user_connected(i))
if (is_user_admin(i))
LookupLangKey(keyfmt, charsmax(keyfmt), KeyWithName, i);
vformat(buffer, charsmax(buffer), keyfmt, 3);
LookupLangKey(keyfmt, charsmax(keyfmt), KeyWithoutName, i);
// skip the "adminname" argument if not showing name
vformat(buffer, charsmax(buffer), keyfmt, 4);
client_print(i, print_chat, "%s", buffer);
case 2: // show name to all users
while (i++ < MaxClients)
if (is_user_connected(i))
LookupLangKey(keyfmt, charsmax(keyfmt), KeyWithName, i);
vformat(buffer, charsmax(buffer), keyfmt, 3);
client_print(i, print_chat, "%s", buffer);
case 1: // hide name from all users
while (i++ < MaxClients)
if (is_user_connected(i))
LookupLangKey(keyfmt, charsmax(keyfmt), KeyWithoutName, i);
// skip the "adminname" argument if not showing name
vformat(buffer, charsmax(buffer), keyfmt, 4);
client_print(i, print_chat, "%s", buffer);