AMX X Documentation


    1. Стоки
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    2. Форварды
    1. Нативы
    2. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    2. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Форварды
    3. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    2. Форварды
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    2. Форварды
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Форварды
    1. Нативы
    2. Форварды
    1. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Стоки
    1. Стоки
    1. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Форварды
    3. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    1. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Форварды
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
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    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Форварды
    1. Нативы
    2. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    2. Стоки
    1. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Форварды
    3. Стоки
    1. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    2. Форварды
    3. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Форварды
    3. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Стоки
    1. Стоки
abort Aborts execution of the current callback by throwing an error.
admins_flush Clears the list of dynamically stored admins.
admins_lookup Retrieves information about a dynamically stored admin.
admins_num Returns the number of admins in the dynamic admin storage.
admins_push Adds an admin to the dynamic admin storage for lookup at a later time.
amxclient_cmd Execute a command from the client without actually sending it to the client's DLL. This triggers plugin command hooks.
arrayset Sets all elements of array to a specified value.
AutoExecConfig Specifies that the given config file should be executed after plugin load.
callfunc_begin Initiates a function call to this or another plugin by function name.
callfunc_begin_i Initiates a function call to this or another plugin by function id.
callfunc_end Completes the call to a function.
callfunc_push_array Pushes an array onto the current call.
callfunc_push_float Pushes a float value onto the current call.
callfunc_push_floatrf Pushes a float value reference onto the current call.
callfunc_push_int Pushes an int value onto the current call.
callfunc_push_intrf Pushes an int value reference onto the current call.
callfunc_push_str Pushes a string onto the current call.
change_task Modifies the time interval of all tasks with the specified id.
ClearSyncHud Clears the display on a HUD sync object.
client_cmd Executes a command on the client.
client_print Sends a message to the client.
client_print_color Sends colored chat messages to clients.
console_cmd Executes a command from the specified client or the server console.
console_print Sends a message to the console of a client or the server.
CreateHudSyncObj Creates a HUD synchronization object.
CreateMultiForward Creates a global forward that will be called in all plugins.
CreateOneForward Creates a private forward that will be called in a single plugin.
dbg_fmt_error Retrieves the formatted error string from a trace.
dbg_trace_begin Returns a trace handle for the item at the top of the traced call stack.
dbg_trace_info Retrieves the call stack info for a trace.
dbg_trace_next Returns the next item in a traced call stack.
DestroyForward Destroys and deallocates a forward.
disable_event Disables a function hook of a game event which has been previously registered with register_event().
disable_logevent Disables a function hook of a game log event which has been previously registered with register_logevent().
elog_message Logs a message hookable by plugins to the current server log file.
emit_sound Emits a sound from an entity from the engine.
enable_event Enables a function hook of a game event which has been previously registered with register_event().
enable_logevent Enables a function hook of a game log event which has been previously registered with register_logevent().
engclient_cmd Execute a command from the client without actually sending it to the client's DLL.
engclient_print Sends a message to the client via the engine.
engine_changelevel Changes the map.
ExecuteForward Executes a forward.
find_player Find a player given a filter.
find_player_ex Find a player given a filter.
find_plugin_byfile Returns plugin id by filename.
force_unmodified Forces the clients and server to be running with the same version of a specified file.
format_time Retrieves the provided time using the specified format string.
get_addr_val Returns the value of an address.
get_amxx_verstring Retrieves the version string of the AMXX installation.
get_array Retrieves an array from the plugin calling the native.
get_array_f Retrieves a float array from the plugin calling the native.
get_clcmd Retrieves information about a client command.
get_clcmdsnum Returns number of registered client commands.
get_concmd Retrieves information about a console command.
get_concmdsnum Returns number of registered console commands.
get_concmd_plid Returns the parent plugin id of a console command.
get_flags Converts a bitflag value to a flag string.
get_float_byref Returns the float value of a by-reference parameter from the plugin calling the native.
get_func_id Retrieves a functions id for use with callfunc_begin_i()
get_gametime Returns the game time based on the game tick.
get_localinfo Gets info from the server.
get_mapname Retrieves the name of the currently played map.
get_maxplayers Returns the maxplayers setting of the current server, that is how many clients it supports.
get_modname Retrieves the name of the currently played mod.
get_module Retrieves info about a module by module index.
get_modulesnum Returns the number of currently registered modules.
get_param Returns the integer value of a parameter from the plugin calling the native.
get_param_byref Returns the integer value of a by-reference parameter from the plugin calling the native.
get_param_f Returns the float value of a parameter from the plugin calling the native.
get_players Stores a filtered list of client indexes to an array.
get_playersnum Returns the number of clients on the server.
get_plugin Retrieves info about a plugin by plugin index.
get_pluginsnum Returns the number of loaded AMXX plugins.
get_srvcmd Retrieves information about a server command.
get_srvcmdsnum Returns number of registered server commands.
get_string Retrieves a string from the plugin calling the native.
get_systime Returns the system time as a unix timestamp (number of seconds since unix epoch).
get_time Retrieves the current time using the specified format string.
get_timeleft Returns time remaining on map.
get_user_aiming Traces the client's current aim vector to see if it hits something.
get_user_ammo Retrieves ammo in the clip and backpack of the specified weapon.
get_user_armor Returns the client's armor value.
get_user_attacker Returns the last known attacker of a client.
get_user_authid Retrieves the SteamID of a client.
get_user_deaths Returns the client's death count.
get_user_flags Returns the client's admin flags as a bitflag sum.
get_user_frags Returns the client's frags.
get_user_health Returns the client's health points.
get_user_index Retrieves a client's index by name.
get_user_info Gets info from the client.
get_user_ip Retrieves the IP of a client or the server.
get_user_menu Returns if the client is watching a menu.
get_user_msgid Returns unique id of a client message.
get_user_msgname Retrieves the client message name from a message id.
get_user_name Retrieves the name of a client or the server.
get_user_origin Retrieves an origin related to the client.
get_user_ping Retrieves the ping and loss of a client.
get_user_team Returns the team id of the client, and optionally retrieves the name of the team.
get_user_time Returns client's playing time in seconds.
get_user_userid Returns the userid of a client.
get_user_weapon Returns weapon index of the currently carried weapon. Also allows retrieval of ammo in the clip and backpack.
get_user_weapons Retrieves all weapons in the client inventory, stores them in an array, and returns the inventory as a bitflag sum.
get_var_addr Returns the reference address of the variable passed in.
get_weaponid Returns the weapon id associated with a weapon name.
get_weaponname Retrieves the full name of a weapon.
get_xvar_float Returns the float value of a public variable.
get_xvar_id Returns a unique id for a public variable.
get_xvar_num Returns the integer value of a public variable.
hash_file Generate a hash value using the contents of a given file
hash_string Generate a hash value (message digest)
has_map_ent_class Returns if a map contains at least one entity with the provided class name.
int3 Triggers the software interrupt 3, used for breaking into an attached debugger.
is_amd64_server Returns if the server is 64 bit.
is_dedicated_server Returns if the server is a dedicated server.
is_jit_enabled Returns if the AMXX installation has the JIT enabled.
is_linux_server Returns if the server is running on Linux.
is_map_valid Returns if the given mapname is deemed valid by the engine.
is_module_loaded Returns if a module is loaded.
is_plugin_loaded Returns if a plugin is loaded by registered name or filename.
is_user_alive Returns if the client is alive.
is_user_bot Returns if the client is a bot.
is_user_connected Returns if the client is connected.
is_user_connecting Returns if the client is connecting.
is_user_hltv Returns if the client is a HLTV proxy.
LibraryExists Returns if a specific library or class is loaded.
log_amx Logs a message to the current AMXX log file.
log_error Logs an error in the native and breaks into the AMXX debugger.
log_message Logs a message to the current server log file.
log_to_file Logs a message to the specified file
md5 Calculates the MD5 keysum of a string.
md5_file Calculates the MD5 keysum of a file.
module_exists Returns if a specific module is loaded.
next_hudchannel Returns the next valid hudchannel for the client.
num_to_word Converts an integer to a text string.
param_convert Converts a parameter to work as a by-reference parameter.
parse_loguser Parse log data about client.
parse_time Converts time strings to unix time stamp.
pause Pauses a plugin so it will not be executed until it is unpaused.
plugin_flags Returns the internal flags set on the plugin's state.
precache_event Precaches an event file.
precache_generic Precaches a generic file.
precache_model Precaches a model file.
precache_sound Precaches a sound file.
PrepareArray Prepares an array for use in a forward. Pass the result ExecuteForward() instead of the array itself.
random_float Returns a random floating point value generated by the engine.
random_num Returns a random integer value generated by the engine.
read_argc Returns number of client command arguments.
read_args Retrieves full client command string.
read_argv Retrieves argument of client command as string.
read_argv_float Retrieves argument of client command as float value.
read_argv_int Retrieves argument of client command as integer value.
read_data Retrieves values from a client message.
read_datanum Returns the number of values in the client message.
read_datatype Returns the message id of the client message.
read_flags Converts a flag string to a bitflag value.
read_logargc Returns number of log message arguments.
read_logargv Retrieves argument of log message.
read_logdata Retrieves current log message.
register_clcmd Registers a callback to be called when the client executes a command from the console.
register_concmd Registers a callback to be called when the client or server executes a command from the console.
register_event Registers a function to be called on a given game event.
register_event_ex Registers a function to be called on a given game event.
register_library Registers the plugin as a library.
register_logevent Registers a function to be called on a given log event.
register_menucmd Registers a callback function to a menu id and keys.
register_menuid Returns unique menu id of a menu.
register_native Registers a native.
register_plugin Sets informations about the calling plugin.
register_srvcmd Registers a callback to be called when the server executes a command from the console.
remove_quotes Removes double-quotes from the beginning and end of a string.
remove_task Removes all tasks with the specified id.
remove_user_flags Removes the specified admin flags from a client.
RequestFrame Creates a single use hook for the next frame.
require_module Adds a module dependency.
server_cmd Queues a command to be executed from the server console.
server_exec Forces the server to execute the command queue immediately.
server_print Sends a message to the console of the server.
set_addr_val Sets the value of an address.
set_array Copies an array to the plugin calling the native.
set_array_f Copies a float array to the plugin calling the native.
set_dhudmessage Sets display parameters for director hudmessages.
set_error_filter Allows to trap error messages that occur in a plugin.
set_fail_state Sets the calling plugin to a failed state.
set_float_byref Sets the float value of a by-reference parameter to the plugin calling the native.
set_hudmessage Sets display parameters for hudmessages.
set_localinfo Sets info on the server.
set_module_filter Sets a module/library filter, letting the plugin intercept and handle an automatic module requirement.
set_native_filter Sets a native filter, letting the plugin intercept and handle an automatic native requirement.
set_param_byref Sets the integer value of a by-reference parameter to the plugin calling the native.
set_string Copies a string to the plugin calling the native.
set_task Calls a function after a specified time has elapsed.
set_user_flags Sets the specified admin flags to a client.
set_user_info Sets info on the client.
set_xvar_float Sets the float value of a public variable.
set_xvar_num Sets the integer value of a public variable.
ShowSyncHudMsg Displays a synchronized HUD message.
show_dhudmessage Displays a director message on the client HUD.
show_hudmessage Displays a message on the client HUD.
show_menu Displays a menu to the client.
show_motd Shows text or a file in MOTD window.
task_exists Returns if a task with the specified id exists.
unpause Unpauses a plugin so it will resume execution if it was previously paused.
user_has_weapon Returns if the client has the specified weapon in their inventory.
user_kill Kills a client.
user_slap Slaps the client with specified power. Killing the client if applicable.
xvar_exists Returns if a public variable exists in any loaded plugin.
client_authorized Called when the client gets a valid SteamID.
client_command Called when a client attempts to execute a command.
client_connect Called when a client is connecting.
client_connectex Called when a client is connecting.
client_disconnect This function has no description.
client_disconnected Called when a client is disconnected from the server.
client_infochanged Called when a clients info has changed.
client_putinserver Called when a client is entering the game.
client_remove Called when a client entity has been removed from the server.
inconsistent_file Called when an inconsistent file is encountered by the engine.
OnAutoConfigsBuffered Called when the map has loaded, right after plugin_cfg() but any time before OnConfigsExecuted. It's called after amxx.cfg and all AutoExecConfig() exec commands have been added to the server command buffer.
OnConfigsExecuted Called when the map has loaded, and all configs are done executing. This includes servercfgfile (server.cfg), amxx.cfg, plugin's config, and per-map config.
plugin_cfg Called when all plugins went through plugin_init()
plugin_end Called just before server deactivation and subsequent unloading of the plugin.
plugin_init Called just after server activation.
plugin_log Called when a message is about to be logged.
plugin_modules Allows plugins to declare module dependencies using require_module()
plugin_natives Called before plugin_init(), allows the plugin to register natives.
plugin_pause Called just before the plugin is paused from execution.
plugin_precache This forward allows plugins to add models, sounds and generic files to the precache tables using the precache_* set of functions.
plugin_unpause Called just after the plugin is unpaused.
server_changelevel Called when the mod tries to change the map.
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