cs_set_weapon_silen | cstrike | AMX X Documentation


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									native cs_set_weapon_silen(index, silence = 1, draw_animation = 1);
Переменная Описание
Weapon entity index
If nonzero the weapon will be put into silenced
mode, otherwise the silenced mode will be removed
If 1 and the weapon is currently held by a
client, the appropriate weapon animation will be
If 2, same as 1 but follows game behavior by playing
the associated player's model sequence and disallowing
firing while animation is playing.

Sets the weapon's silenced mode.

Only the USP and M4A1 can be set to silenced fire mode as they are the
only guns in the game that provide such a mode.

This native does not verify that the provided entity is a weapon
entity. It will result in undefined behavior if used on non-weapon

1 if silenced mode set successfully, 0 if entity is not an applicable weapon
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