AMX X Documentation


    1. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    2. Форварды
    1. Нативы
    2. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    2. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Форварды
    3. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    2. Форварды
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    2. Форварды
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Форварды
    1. Нативы
    2. Форварды
    1. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Стоки
    1. Стоки
    1. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Форварды
    3. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    1. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Форварды
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Форварды
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Форварды
    1. Нативы
    2. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    2. Стоки
    1. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Форварды
    3. Стоки
    1. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    2. Форварды
    3. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Форварды
    3. Стоки
    1. Нативы
    1. Нативы
    2. Стоки
    1. Стоки
cs_create_entity Creates an entity using Counter-Strike's custom CreateNamedEntity wrapper.
cs_find_ent_by_class Finds an entity in the world using Counter-Strike's custom FindEntityByString wrapper.
cs_find_ent_by_owner Finds an entity in the world using Counter-Strike's custom FindEntityByString wrapper, matching by owner.
cs_get_armoury_type Returns the armoury entity's weapon id.
cs_get_c4_defusing Returns if the bomb is being defused.
cs_get_c4_explode_time Returns the game time at which the bomb will explode.
cs_get_hostage_foll Returns index of the entity that a hostage is following.
cs_get_hostage_id Returns unique id of a hostage.
cs_get_hostage_lastuse Returns the last time a hostage was used.
cs_get_hostage_nextuse Returns the next time a hostage can be used.
cs_get_item_alias Returns the alias name associated with an item index.
cs_get_item_id Returns the item id associated with an item name and its aliases.
cs_get_no_knives Returns if "no knives" mode is enabled.
cs_get_translated_item_alias Returns an item name associated with a command alias.
cs_get_user_armor Returns the client's armor value and retrieves the type of armor.
cs_get_user_bpammo Returns amount of ammo in the client's backpack for a specific weapon.
cs_get_user_buyzone Returns if the client is inside a buyzone.
cs_get_user_deaths Returns client's deaths.
cs_get_user_defuse Returns if the client has a defuse kit.
cs_get_user_driving Returns if the client is currently driving a vehicle and if so, indicates the speed.
cs_get_user_hasprim Returns if the client has a primary weapon or a shield in the inventory.
cs_get_user_hostagekills Returns the amount of hostages that the client has killed.
cs_get_user_lastactivity Returns the client's last activity time.
cs_get_user_mapzones Returns the map zones the client is inside of as a bitflag value.
cs_get_user_model Retrieves the client's player model.
cs_get_user_money Returns the client's amount of money.
cs_get_user_nvg Returns if the client's has night vision goggles.
cs_get_user_plant Returns if the client has the ability to plant the bomb.
cs_get_user_shield Returns if the client has a shield in the inventory.
cs_get_user_stationary Returns if the client is using a stationary gun.
cs_get_user_submodel Returns if a submodel is set on the client.
cs_get_user_team Returns the client's team and optionally the model id.
cs_get_user_tked Returns if the client has committed a team kill in the current round.
cs_get_user_vip Returns if the client is a VIP.
cs_get_user_weapon Returns weapon index of the active weapon.
cs_get_user_weapon_entity Returns active weapon entity.
cs_get_user_zoom Returns if the client is zooming.
cs_get_weaponbox_item Returns the weapon entity index that was packed into a weaponbox.
cs_get_weapon_ammo Returns the amount of ammo in weapon's magazine.
cs_get_weapon_burst Returns if the weapon is in burst mode.
cs_get_weapon_id Returns the weapon id of an entity.
cs_get_weapon_info Returns some information about a weapon.
cs_get_weapon_silen Returns if the weapon is in silenced mode.
cs_reset_user_model Resets the client's model.
cs_set_armoury_type Sets the amoury entity type.
cs_set_c4_defusing Sets if the bomb is being defused.
cs_set_c4_explode_time Sets the game time at which the bomb will explode.
cs_set_ent_class Sets a custom classname of an entity.
cs_set_hostage_foll Sets hostage to follow an entity.
cs_set_hostage_lastuse Sets the last time a hostage was used.
cs_set_hostage_nextuse Sets the next time a hostage can be used.
cs_set_no_knives Enables or disables the "no knives" mode.
cs_set_user_armor Sets the client's armor value the type of armor.
cs_set_user_bpammo Sets amount of ammo in the client's backpack for a specific weapon.
cs_set_user_deaths Sets client's deaths.
cs_set_user_defuse Sets the client's defusekit status and allows to set a custom HUD icon and color.
cs_set_user_hostagekills Sets the amount of hostages that the client has killed.
cs_set_user_lastactivity Sets the client's last activity time.
cs_set_user_model Sets the client's player model.
cs_set_user_money Sets the client's amount of money.
cs_set_user_nvg Sets the client's night vision goggles.
cs_set_user_plant Sets the client's ability to plant the bomb and displays or hides the bomb HUD icon.
cs_set_user_submodel Sets the submodel on a client.
cs_set_user_team Sets the client's team without killing the player, and sets the client model.
cs_set_user_tked Sets the client's team kill status, indicating whether the client has committed a team kill in the current round.
cs_set_user_vip Sets the client's VIP status and displayed model and scoreboard flag.
cs_set_user_zoom Sets a zoom type on the client.
cs_set_weapon_ammo Sets the amount of ammo in weapon's clip.
cs_set_weapon_burst Sets the weapon's burst mode.
cs_set_weapon_silen Sets the weapon's silenced mode.
cs_user_spawn Sets a dead client up for spawning.
CS_InternalCommand Called when CS internally fires a command to a player.
CS_OnBuy Called when a client purchases an item.
CS_OnBuyAttempt Called when a client attempts to purchase an item.
cs_get_weapon_class Returns a weapon class id associated with a weapon id.
cs_is_valid_itemid Checks whether an item id is not out of bounds.
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