AMX X Documentation


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dbi_close Closes a database handle. Internally, it will also mark the handle as free, so this particular handle may be re-used in the future to save time.
dbi_connect This will return a number equal to or below 0 on failure. If it does fail, the error will be mirrored in dbi_error() The return value will otherwise be a resource handle, not an OK code or cell pointer.
dbi_error Returns an error message set. For PGSQL and MySQL, this is a direct error return from the database handle/API. For MSSQL, it returns the last error message found from a thrown exception.
dbi_field Gets a field by number. Returns 0 on failure. Although internally fields always start from 0, This function takes fieldnum starting from 1. No extra params: returns int One extra param: returns Float: byref Two extra param: Stores string with length
dbi_field_name Retrieves the name of a field/column in a result set. Requires a valid result handle, and columns are numbered 1 to n.
dbi_free_result Frees memory used by a result handle. Do this or get memory leaks.
dbi_nextrow Returns 0 on failure or End of Results. Advances result pointer by one row.
dbi_num_fields Returns the number of fields/colums in a result set. Unlike dbi_nextrow, you must pass a valid result handle.
dbi_num_rows Returns the number of rows returned from a query
dbi_query This will do a simple query execution on the SQL server. If it fails, it will return a number BELOW ZERO (0) If zero, it succeeded with NO RETURN RESULT. If greater than zero, make sure to call dbi_free_result() on it! The return is a handle to the result set
dbi_query2 Has the same usage as dbi_query, but this native returns by reference the number of rows affected in the query. If the query fails rows will be equal to -1.
dbi_result Gets a field by name. Returns 0 on failure. One extra param: returns Float: byref Two extra param: Stores string with length
dbi_type Returns the type of database being used. So far: "mysql", "pgsql", "mssql", "sqlite"
sqlite_table_exists This function can be used to find out if a table in a Sqlite database exists.
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