
ReDeathmatch 1.0.0-b11

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12 раз(а)
Подскажите в какую сторону копать - обновил на тестовом серваке redm, и заметил что при старте сервака квары из game.cfg перебивают квары redm, а после смены карты все становится нормально redm отвоевывает квары себе.

Дополнение : пробую b.7 до этого использовал b.4 там квары redm из "gamemode_deathmatch.json" сразу при старте подхватывались (mp_round_infinite,mp_auto_join_team) , причем в консоли пишет что "Config gamemode_deathmatch.json loaded"
Последнее редактирование:
murlemur, очевидно же, что дублируются квары в конфигах. Скорее лучше сравнить сервер.сфг и амхх.сфг. Я бы запустил поиск по содержимому файлов на сервере по интересующим кварам. :scratch_one-s_head:
1) Выставил mp_round_infinite "abcdefg" (game.cfg + gamemode_deathmatch.json + в консоле), после смерти не возрождаюсь и c4 появляется.
"redm_modes_switch": "sequentially"
2) Можете добавить поддержку Customize HUD? Как в ReCSDM ReAPI
3) Стоит плагин с пушками-лазерами, выдается в 5 слот, как сделать, чтобы они не исчезали при выборе оружия?

Мои настройки:
echo Executing ReGameDLL Configuration File

// The style of gameplay where there aren't any teams (FFA mode)
// 0 - disabled (default behaviour)
// 1 - enabled
// Default value: "0"
mp_freeforall "0"

// Auto balancing of teams
// 0 - disabled
// 1 - on after next round (default behaviour)
// 2 - on next round
// Default value: "1"
mp_autoteambalance "1"

// Designate the desired amount of buy time for each round. (in minutes)
// -1 - means no time limit
//  0 - disable buy
// Default value: "1.5"
mp_buytime "0"

// The maximum allowable amount of money in the game
// NOTE: Allowable money limit is 999999
// Default value: "16000"
mp_maxmoney "16000"

// Disable round end by game scenario
// 0 - disabled (default behaviour)
// 1 - enabled (never end round)
// Flags for fine grained control (choose as many as needed)
// a - block round time round end check, contains "h", "i", "j", "k" flags
// b - block needed players round end check
// c - block VIP assassination/success round end check
// d - block prison escape round end check
// e - block bomb round end check
// f - block team extermination round end check
// g - block hostage rescue round end check
// h - block VIP assassination/success round time end check
// i - block prison escape round time end check
// j - block bomb round time end check
// k - block hostage rescue round time end check
// Example setting: "ae" - blocks round time and bomb round end checks
// Default value: "0"
mp_round_infinite "abcdefg"

// The round by expired time will be over, if on a map it does not have the scenario of the game.
// 0 - disabled (default behaviour)
// 1 - end of the round with a draw
// 2 - round end with Terrorists win
// 3 - round end with Counter-Terrorists win
// Default value: "0"
mp_roundover "0"

// Number of seconds to delay before restarting a round after a win.
// Default value: "5"
mp_round_restart_delay "3"

// Disable grenade damage through walls
// 0 - disabled
// 1 - enabled
// Default value: "0"
mp_hegrenade_penetration "1"

// Drop a grenade after player death
// 0 - disabled
// 1 - drop first available grenade
// 2 - drop all grenades
// Default value: "0"
mp_nadedrops "0"

// Drop player weapon after death
// 0 - do not drop weapons after death
// 1 - drop best/heaviest weapon after death (default behaviour)
// 2 - drop active weapon after death
// 3 - drop all weapons after death (primary and secondary)
// NOTE: Grenades are dropped separately depending on mp_nadedrops value
// Default value: "1"
mp_weapondrop "0"

// Drop ammo on weapon boxes on death or manual drop
// 0 - always keep ammo on player
// 1 - drop all ammo only after death (default behaviour)
// 2 - drop all ammo whenever player drops a weapon (NOTE: Other weapons may remain without ammo due to same ammo sharing)
// Default value: "1"
mp_ammodrop "0"

// Player cannot respawn until next round
// if more than N seconds has elapsed since the beginning round
// -1 - means no time limit
// Default value: "20"
mp_roundrespawn_time "20"

// Automatically reload each weapon on player spawn
// 0 - disabled (default behaviour)
// 1 - enabled
// Default value: "0"
mp_auto_reload_weapons "0"

// Refill amount of backpack ammo up to the max
// 0 - disabled (default behaviour)
// 1 - refill backpack ammo on player spawn
// 2 - refill backpack ammo on player spawn and on the purchase of the item
// 3 - refill backpack ammo on each weapon reload (NOTE: Useful for mods like DeathMatch, GunGame, ZombieMod etc.)
// Default value: "0"
mp_refill_bpammo_weapons "0"

// Sets the mode infinite ammo for weapons
// 0 - disabled (default behaviour)
// 1 - weapon clip infinite
// 2 - weapon bpammo infinite (This means for reloading)
// Default value: "0"
mp_infinite_ammo "0"

// Enable infinite grenades
// 0 - disabled (default behaviour)
// 1 - grenades infinite
// Default value: "0"
mp_infinite_grenades "0"

// Automatically joins the team
// 0 - disabled
// 1 - enabled (Use in conjunction with the cvar humans_join_team any/SPEC/CT/T)
// Default value: "0"
mp_auto_join_team "0"

// Maximum number of allowed teamkills before autokick.
// Used when enabled mp_autokick.
// 0 - disabled
// Default value: "3"
mp_max_teamkills "3"

// If set to something other than 0,
// when anybody’s scored reaches mp_fraglimit the server changes map.
// 0 - means no limit
// Default value: "0"
mp_fraglimit "0"

// Period between map rotations.
// 0 - means no limit
// Default value: "0"
mp_timelimit "20"

// Players will automatically respawn when killed.
// 0  - disabled
// >0.00001 - time delay to respawn
// Default value: "0"
mp_forcerespawn "0"

// The hostages can take damage.
// 0 - disabled
// 1 - from any team (default behaviour)
// 2 - only from CT
// 3 - only from T
// Default value: "1"
mp_hostage_hurtable "1"

// Show radio icon.
// 0 - disabled
// 1 - enabled (default behavior)
// Default value: "1"
mp_show_radioicon "1"

// Show scenario icon in HUD such as count of alive hostages or ticking bomb.
// 0 - disabled (default behavior)
// 1 - enabled
// Default value: "0"
mp_show_scenarioicon "0"

// Play "Bomb has been defused" sound instead of "Counter-Terrorists win" when bomb was defused
// 0 - disabled (default behavior)
// 1 - enabled
// Default value: "1"
mp_old_bomb_defused_sound "0"

// Sets the mode for the zBot
// 0 - disabled
// 1 - enable mode Deathmatch and not allow to do the scenario
// Default value: "0"
bot_deathmatch "0"

// Determines the type of quota.
// normal - default behaviour
// fill   - the server will adjust bots to keep N players in the game, where N is bot_quota
// match  - the server will maintain a 1:N ratio of humans to bots, where N is bot_quota
// Default value: "normal"
bot_quota_mode "normal"

// Prevents bots from joining the server for this many seconds after a map change.
// Default value: "0"
bot_join_delay "0"

// Prevents bots on your server from moving.
// 0 - disabled (default behavior)
// 1 - enabled
// Default value: "0"
bot_freeze "0"

// Debug cvar shows triggers.
// 0 - disabled (default behaviour)
// 1 - enabled
// Default value: "0"
showtriggers "0"

// When players can hear each other.
// Further explanation:
// 0 - dead don't hear alive
// 1 - no restrictions
// 2 - teammates hear each other
// 3 - same as 2, but spectators hear everybody
// 4 - alive hear alive, dead hear dead and alive.
// 5 - alive hear alive teammates, dead hear dead and alive.
// Default value: "0"
sv_alltalk "1"

// Time to remove item that have been dropped from the players. (in seconds)
// Default value: "300"
mp_item_staytime "300"

// Legacy func_bomb_target touch. New one is more strict.
// 0 - New behavior
// 1 - Legacy behavior
// Default value: "1"
mp_legacy_bombtarget_touch "1"

// Specifies the players defense time after respawn. (in seconds).
// 0 - disabled
// >0.00001 - time delay to remove protection
// Default value: "0"
mp_respawn_immunitytime "0"

// Enable effects on player spawn protection
// 0 - disabled
// 1 - enabled (Use in conjunction with the cvar mp_respawn_immunitytime)
// Default value: "1"
mp_respawn_immunity_effects "1"

// Force unset spawn protection if the player doing any action.
// 0 - disabled
// 1 - when moving and attacking
// 2 - only when attacking
// Default value: "1"
mp_respawn_immunity_force_unset "1"

// Kill the player in filled spawn before spawning some one else (Prevents players stucking in each other).
// Only disable this if you have semiclip or other plugins that prevents stucking
// 0 - disabled
// 1 - enabled
// Default value: "1"
mp_kill_filled_spawn "1"

// Allow use of point_servercommand entities in map.
// NOTE: Potentially dangerous for untrusted maps.
// 0 - disallow
// 1 - allow
// Default value: "0"
mp_allow_point_servercommand "0"

// Show 'HP' field into a scoreboard
// -1 - disabled
// 0  - don't send any update for 'HP' field to any clients
// 1  - show only Terrorist 'HP' field to all clients
// 2  - show only CT 'HP' field to all clients
// 3  - show 'HP' field to teammates
// 4  - show 'HP' field to all clients
// 5  - show 'HP' field to teammates and spectators
// Default value: "3"
mp_scoreboard_showhealth "3"

// Show 'Money' field into a scoreboard
// -1 - disabled
// 0  - don't send any update for 'Money' field to any clients
// 1  - show only Terrorist 'Money' field to all clients
// 2  - show only CT 'Money' field to all clients
// 3  - show 'Money' field to teammates
// 4  - show 'Money' field to all clients
// 5  - show 'Money' field to teammates and spectators
// Default value: "3"
mp_scoreboard_showmoney "3"

// Show 'D. Kit' field into a scoreboard for teammates
// NOTE: If you don't want to show defuse kit field for dead enemies
// then disable this CVar or configure mp_forcecamera
// 0 - disabled
// 1 - enabled
// Default value: "1"
mp_scoreboard_showdefkit "1"

// How much to reduce damage done to teammates when shot.
// Range is from 0 - 1 (with 1 being damage equal to what is done to an enemy)
// Default value: "0.35"
ff_damage_reduction_bullets "0.35"

// How much to reduce damage done to teammates by a thrown grenade.
// Range is from 0 - 1 (with 1 being damage equal to what is done to an enemy)
// Default value: "0.25"
ff_damage_reduction_grenade "0.25"

// How much to damage a player does to himself with his own grenade
// Range is from 0 - 1 (with 1 being damage equal to what is done to an enemy)
// Default value: "1.0"
ff_damage_reduction_grenade_self "1.0"

// How much to reduce damage done to teammates by things other than bullets and grenades.
// Range is from 0 - 1 (with 1 being damage equal to what is done to an enemy)
// Default value: "0.35"
ff_damage_reduction_other "0.35"

// Player that have never moved sience they last move
// will drop the bomb after this amount of time. (in seconds).
// 0 - disabled
// >5.0 - delay to drop
// Default value: "0"
mp_afk_bomb_drop_time "0"

// Delay between player Radio messages. (in seconds).
// 0 - disable delay
// Default value: "1.5"
mp_radio_timeout "1.5"

// Maximum Radio messages count for player per round.
// 0 - disable radio messages
// Default value: "60"
mp_radio_maxinround "60"

// When set, players can buy anywhere, not only in buyzones.
// 0 - disabled
// 1 - both teams
// 2 - only Terrorists team
// 3 - only CT team
// Default value: "0"
mp_buy_anywhere "0"

// Don't unduck if ducking isn't finished yet.
// NOTE: This also prevents double duck.
// 0 - disabled (default behaviour)
// 1 - enabled
// Default value: "0"
mp_unduck_method "0"

// Whether this map should spawn a C4 bomb for a player or not.
// 0 - disabled
// 1 - enabled (default behaviour)
// Default value: "1"
mp_give_player_c4 "1"

// When set, map weapons (located on the floor) will be shown.
// NOTE: Effect will work after round restart.
// 0 - hide all map weapons
// 1 - enabled (default behaviour)
// Default value: "1"
mp_weapons_allow_map_placed "1"

// Observer's screen will fade to black on kill event or permanent.
// 0 - No fade
// 1 - Fade to black and won't be able to watch anybody
// 2 - fade to black only on kill moment.
// Default value: "0"
mp_fadetoblack "0"

// Damage from falling.
// 0 - disabled
// 1 - enabled (default behaviour)
// Default value: "1"
mp_falldamage "1"

// The default grenades that the Ts will spawn with.
// Usage: "hegrenade flash sgren"
// Default value: ""
mp_t_default_grenades ""

// Whether Terrorist player spawn with knife.
// 0 - disabled
// 1 - enabled (default behaviour)
// Default value: "1"
mp_t_give_player_knife "1"

// The default primary (rifle) weapon that the Ts will spawn with.
// Usage: "awp m4a1 mp5navy"
// Default value: ""
mp_t_default_weapons_primary ""

// The default secondary (pistol) weapon that the Ts will spawn with.
// Default value: "glock18"
mp_t_default_weapons_secondary "glock18"

// The default grenades that the CTs will spawn with.
// Usage: "hegrenade flash sgren"
// Default value: ""
mp_ct_default_grenades ""

// Whether Counter-Terrorist player spawn with knife.
// 0 - disabled
// 1 - enabled (default behaviour)
// Default value: "1"
mp_ct_give_player_knife "1"

// The default primary (rifle) weapon that the CTs will spawn with.
// Usage: "awp m4a1 mp5navy"
// Default value: ""
mp_ct_default_weapons_primary ""

// The default secondary (pistol) weapon that the CTs will spawn with.
// Default value: "usp"
mp_ct_default_weapons_secondary "usp"

// Give the player free armor on player spawn
// 0 - No armor (default behavior)
// 1 - Give Kevlar
// 2 - Give Kevlar and Helmet
// Default value: "0"
mp_free_armor "0"

// Sets the behaviour for Flashbangs on teammates.
// -1 - Don't affect teammates neither flash owner
// 0  - Don't affect teammates
// 1  - Affects teammates (default behaviour)
// Default value: "1"
mp_team_flash 1

// Players can receive all other players text chat, team restrictions apply.
// 0 - disabled (default behaviour)
// 1 - enabled
// Default value: "0"
sv_allchat "0"

// Players automatically re-jump while holding jump button.
// 0 - disabled (default behaviour)
// 1 - enabled
// Default value: "0"
sv_autobunnyhopping "0"

// Allow player speed to exceed maximum running speed
// 0 - disabled (default behaviour)
// 1 - enabled
// Default value: "0"
sv_enablebunnyhopping "0"

// When set, players can plant anywhere, not only in bombsites.
// 0 - disabled (default behaviour)
// 1 - enabled
// Default value: "0"
mp_plant_c4_anywhere "0"

// How many bonuses (frags) will get the player who defused or exploded the bomb.
// 3 - (default behaviour)
// Default value: "3"
mp_give_c4_frags "3"

// Ratio of hostages rescued to win the round.
// Default value: "1.0"
mp_hostages_rescued_ratio "1.0"

// Legacy func_vehicle behavior when blocked by another entity.
// New one is more useful for playing multiplayer.
// 0 - New behavior
// 1 - Legacy behavior
// Default value: "1"
mp_legacy_vehicle_block "1"

// Time for switch to free observing after death.
// NOTE: The countdown starts when the player’s death animation is finished.
// 0 - disable spectating around death
// >0.00001 - time delay to start spectate
// Default value: "3.0"
mp_dying_time "3.0"

// Sets a flags for extra information in the player's death message
// a - Position where the victim died
// b - Index of the assistant who helped the attacker kill the victim
// c - Rarity classification bits, e.g., blinkill, noscope, penetrated, etc
// Set to "0" to send no extra information about death
// Default value: "abc"
mp_deathmsg_flags "abc"

// Sets the percentage of damage needed to score an assist
// Default value: "40"
mp_assist_damage_threshold "40"

// Allow players to duck during freezetime
// 0 - disabled
// 1 - enabled (default behaviour)
// Default value: "1"
mp_freezetime_duck "1"

// Allow players to jump during freezetime
// 0 - disabled
// 1 - enabled (default behaviour)
// Default value: "1"
mp_freezetime_jump "1"
    "equip": {
        "primary": [
        "secondary": [
    "cvars": {
    // ReDM: Spawns
        /* Enables the system of selecting spawns.
        0 - disable
        1 - for all
        2 - only for T
        3 - only for CT */
        "redm_randomspawn": "1",

        /* Check the spawn point for visibility by enemies (line of sight).
        0 - disable
        1 - enable */
        "redm_randomspawn_los": "1",

        // Minimum distance to the enemy to enable spawn checks.
        "redm_randomspawn_dist": "1500",

        // Name of the spawn manager
        "redm_spawn_preset": "preset",

    // ReDM: Features
        /* Enable a barrier in the middle of the map (`anti-rush' system).
        It dont work on `de_`, `cs_` `css_` maps. */
        "redm_aim_barrier": "1",

        /* Barrier display mode
        `0` - disable,
        `1` - display permanently (beta),
        `2` - display only when touched. */
        "redm_aim_barrier_always_show": "2",

        // Open equip menu by pressing `G` (drop command).
        "redm_open_equip_menu_by_g": "1",

        // Block the ability to drop the weapon.
        "redm_block_drop_weapon": "1",

        // Restore weapon slot on respawn.
        "redm_keep_weapon_slot": "1",

        // Open weapon equip menu on spawn.
        "redm_open_equip_menu": "0",

        // How much to restore HP when killing an enemy.
        "redm_healer": "10",

        // How much to restore HP when killing with HS an enemy.
        "redm_healer_hs": "15",

        // Mute the sounds of other players at a distance.
        "redm_sounds_distance": "1500",

        // Highlight the display when you kill someone.
        "redm_fade": "1",

        // Kill highlights color [RGBA]
        "redm_fade_colors": "0 200 0 50",

        // Refill ammo on kills.
        "redm_refill_ammo": "1",

        // Play a sound when an enemy is hit.
        "redm_hitsound": "1",

        // Enable hits only in HS.
        "mp_damage_headshot_only": "0",

        // Hide other players' killfeed.
        "redm_hide_other_deathnotice": "1",

        // On spawn protection colors [RGBA]
        "redm_protection_color_t": "200 0 0 15",
        "redm_protection_color_ct": "0 0 200 15",
    // ReDM: Modes
        /* Game mode change mode.
            `0`, `disable` - disable modes
            `random` - random change
            `sequentially` - sequential mode change
        "redm_modes_switch": "sequentially",

        // Enable voting for the next game mode.
        "redm_mode_vote_enable": "1",

        // Time to vote for the next mode (sec).
        "redm_mode_vote_time": "15",

        // How many times can the game mode be extended.
        "redm_mode_vote_extend_times": "1",

    // ReGameDLL Settings
        "mp_freeforall": "1",
        "bot_deathmatch": "1",
        "bot_defer_to_human": "0",
        "bot_join_after_player": "0",
        "bot_quota_mode": "fill",
        "mp_auto_join_team": "1",
        "mp_autoteambalance": "0",
        "mp_buytime": "0",
        "mp_buy_anywhere": "1",
        "mp_ct_default_grenades": "",
        "mp_t_default_grenades": "",
        "mp_t_default_weapons_primary": "ak47",
        "mp_ct_default_weapons_primary": "m4a1",
        "mp_t_default_weapons_secondary": "glock18",
        "mp_ct_default_weapons_secondary": "usp",
        "mp_forcerespawn": "0.5",
        "mp_free_armor": "2",
        "mp_freezetime": "0",
        "mp_give_player_c4": "0",
        "mp_infinite_ammo": "2",
        "mp_item_staytime": "0",
        "mp_limitteams": "0",
        "mp_startmoney": "0",
        "mp_playerid": "0",
        "mp_radio_maxinround": "0",
        "mp_refill_bpammo_weapons": "2",
        "mp_round_infinite": "abcdefg",
        "mp_scoreboard_showhealth": "0",
        "mp_scoreboard_showmoney": "0",
        "mp_show_radioicon": "0",
        "mp_timelimit": "30",
        "mp_weapons_allow_map_placed": "0",
        "mp_roundrespawn_time": "9999999"
    "modes": [
            "name": "PISTOLS_ONLY_HS",
            "equip": {
                "secondary": [
            "cvars": {
                "mp_damage_headshot_only": "1",
                "mp_t_default_weapons_primary": "",
                "mp_ct_default_weapons_primary": "",
                "mp_free_armor": "0"
            "name": "SECOND_ROUND_WEAPONS",
            "equip": {
                "primary": [
                "secondary": [
            "cvars": {
                "mp_t_default_weapons_primary": "scout",
                "mp_ct_default_weapons_primary": "scout",
                "mp_t_default_weapons_secondary": "deagle",
                "mp_ct_default_weapons_secondary": "deagle",
                "mp_free_armor": "1"
            "name": "ALL_WEAPONS_HS_ONLY",
            "cvars": {
                "mp_damage_headshot_only": "1"
            "name": "ALL_WEAPONS"
61 раз(а)
В файле конфигурации ReDeathmatch gamemode_deathmatch.json:

после смерти не возрождаюсь
mp_forcerespawn 1

и c4 появляется
mp_give_player_c4 0

2) Можете добавить поддержку Customize HUD? Как в ReCSDM ReAPI
да, только в следующих версиях и только после релиза стабильной 1.0.0

Стоит плагин с пушками-лазерами, выдается в 5 слот, как сделать, чтобы они не исчезали при выборе оружия?
Возможно, имеется проблема в совместимости. Если имеется исходный код плагина, где "выдаётся в 5 слот", было бы хорошо уточнить момент, в который выдаётся
9 раз(а)
SergeyShorokhov, Сколько лет будешь его делать? В принципе уже все есть в регейме и надо было всего лишь написать меню оружие на спавне :rofl:
И ставить Этот (если надо).
61 раз(а)
Сколько лет будешь его делать?
делаю когда нравится этим заниматься, с удовольствием подхожу к занятию.

В принципе уже все есть в регейме
согласен, потому и решил переделать

надо было всего лишь написать меню оружие на спавне
хочется улучшить концепцию или расширить привычную

И ставить Этот (если надо).
Можно использовать как альтернативу, так даже лучше, спасибо
12 раз(а)
У меня была проблема с тем что не фиксилось к-во спавнов :

+RegisterHookChain(RG_CSGameRules_RestartRound, "RestartRound_Post", true)


+public RestartRound_Post()
+     GameDLLSpawnsCountFix()
Чет не могу понять как добавлять новые спавны? Получается только старые редактировать

Чет не могу понять как добавлять новые спавны? Получается только старые редактировать
L 04/26/2024 - 18:55:46: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "redm_spawns.amxx", version "1.0.0-b9")
L 04/26/2024 - 18:55:46: [AMXX] Run time error 8: heap low
L 04/26/2024 - 18:55:46: [AMXX] [0] redm_spawns.sma::Menu_Editor (line 320)
L 04/26/2024 - 18:55:46: [AMXX] [1] redm_spawns.sma::Editor_SetStatus (line 175)
L 04/26/2024 - 18:55:46: [AMXX] [2] redm_spawns.sma::ConCmd_EditSpawns (line 150)
Обновил с B7 до b9, думал поможет, та же ошибка, немного строчки другие в коде, видимо сместился код после обнов
Если определенное время карта не менялась, при входе на ДМ, у нового игрока при коннекте не открывается меню выбора оружия.

Иногда бывает так, что открывается, но при выборе оружия, оружие так и не появляется в руках.

Отзовитесь, пожалуйста!!!!!
[ReDeathmatch.amxx] Can't add menu item "ReDM: Change game mode" from plugin "ReDeathmatch" to menu set because the Menus Front-End plugin itself is not loaded!

What is this error?
61 раз(а)
1 раз(а)
Как я могу изменить местоположение HUD? Я хотел бы изменить его на X = 0.5 Y = 0.25.


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