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Do I Have to create Sql Table Myself ? I Dont know how to create xDpheronix
It won't and should not transfer automatically.
You can try using this this plugin I made a while ago. Have in mind that if the nVault file is big it can take a long time to transfer. It's not fully tested either.
The command isC++:#include <amxmodx> #include <crxranks> #include <nvault_util> #include <sqlx> #define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.0" new g_szTable[32], Handle:g_iTuple public plugin_init() { register_plugin("CRXRanks: nVault to MySQL", PLUGIN_VERSION, "OciXCrom") register_cvar("CRXRanksTransfer", PLUGIN_VERSION, FCVAR_SERVER|FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_UNLOGGED) register_srvcmd("crxranks_nvault_to_mysql", "Cmd_Transfer") } public Cmd_Transfer() { static bUsed if(bUsed) { server_print("Data has already been transfered once during this map. There's no point in transfering it again.") return PLUGIN_HANDLED } new szHost[32], szUser[32], szPassword[32], szDatabase[32] crxranks_get_setting("SQL_HOST", szHost, charsmax(szHost)) crxranks_get_setting("SQL_USER", szUser, charsmax(szUser)) crxranks_get_setting("SQL_PASSWORD", szPassword, charsmax(szPassword)) crxranks_get_setting("SQL_DATABASE", szDatabase, charsmax(szDatabase)) crxranks_get_setting("SQL_TABLE", g_szTable, charsmax(g_szTable)) g_iTuple = SQL_MakeDbTuple(szHost, szUser, szPassword, szDatabase) new szVault[32] crxranks_get_setting("VAULT_NAME", szVault, charsmax(szVault)) new iVault = nvault_util_open(szVault) nvault_util_readall (iVault, "OnVaultRead") nvault_util_close(iVault) bUsed = true return PLUGIN_HANDLED } public OnVaultRead (Current, NumEntries, szKey [], szValue [], TimeStamp, Data, Help) { static szQuery[128] formatex(szQuery, charsmax(szQuery), "INSERT INTO %s (`Player`,`XP`,`Level`,`Next XP`,`Rank`,`Next Rank`) VALUES ('%s','%s','1','0','n/a','n/a');", g_szTable, szKey, szValue) SQL_ThreadQuery(g_iTuple, "QueryHandler", szQuery) } public QueryHandler(iFailState, Handle:iQuery, szError[], iErrorCode) { if(iFailState == TQUERY_CONNECT_FAILED || iFailState == TQUERY_QUERY_FAILED) { server_print(szError) } }
. It must be executed through the server's console (or rcon).
That code requires quite some editing + it doesn't even transfer to MySQL automatically.
Error :(pheronix, no. The table is created automatically.
pheronix, https://dev-cs.ru/forums/plugins-errors/ please create new topic for your problem
for a new line instead of \n
(click for a full list of available keywords).HUDINFO_POSITION
setting to move the HUD message below the radar.Are you talking about the bonus from the [XP Rewards] section? Can you show how you set up the rewards and the VIP flag?Бонус к вип работает через раз, как рассказали игроки иногда помогает перезаход. Кто-нибудь сталкивался?