# Description
# debug 0|3 - debug level (the higher level the more messages you get)
# esp 0|1 - block sound-based cheats (aka ESP)
# smooth 1|10 - stop blocking players behind edges in advance of actual appearance
# smoothout 0|10 - delay blocking players behind edges after actual disappearance
# smoothent 1|~ - delay blocking entities of the list "[Block Entities]" after actual appearance
# decalfix 0|2 - display shoot decals fix (when enabled some aimbots don't work properly too)
# antinoflash 0|1 - block players and entities during full flash
# alphaflash 200|255 - minimum alpha amount to be treated as full flash
# team 0|1 - teammates block
# fov 0|1 - check player view angles (it increases performance)
# solid 0|20 - how many transparent objects could be passed during visibility check
# bot 0|1 - proper bot processing, must be enabled only for servers with in-game bots
# barrel 0|1 - additional check for gun barrel visibility
# blockent 0|1 - block entities of the list "[Block Entities]"
# blocktype 0|1 - type blocking wallhack (0 - for everybody | 1 - for alive)
# sndbuf 0|1 - send sounds to unreliable channel
# hlfix 0|1 - fix some problems with gauss & egon Half-Life weapons
# metacall 0|1 - Call the metacall function pfnAddToFullPack, even if the player is not visible.
# skytrace 0|1 - ignore trace with texture sky
# revis 0|1 - allow reverse visibility if one of the player saw another
# interp 0.1|0.01 - max interp which can be used
[General Options]
debug = 0
esp = 1
smooth = 0
#smooth = 3
smoothout = 1
smoothent = 45
# decalfix = 1
decalfix = 0
# antinoflash = 1
antinoflash = 0
alphaflash = 255
team = 0
fov = 1
#fov = 0 - neu
solid = 2
#solid = 4 - Neu
#barrel = 1
# aus wegen verschwinden
barrel = 0
blockent = 0
# höfix = 1
hlfix = 0
metacall = 0
#metacall = 1
blocktype = 1
skytrace = 0
revis = 0
#revis = 1
#interp = 0.075
interp = 0.01
# Профессиональная настройка.
# Смещения для координат, проверка 8-ми точек от позиции игрока.
# Professional setup.
# Offsets for coordinates, 8-point check from player position.
;offset_y = { -17.0, -8.5, -8.5, -17.0 }, { 17.0, 8.5, 8.5, 17.0 }
# Also in offset_y you can now use 12 points instead of 8 points, to use only 8 points, comment out this line and comment above.
# Note: 12 points gives more accuracy in player visibility, but also reduces performance.
offset_y = { -17.0, -8.5, -8.5, -19.0 }, { 17.0, 8.5, 8.5, 19.0 }, { 0.0, 7.5, -6.5, 11.5 }
offset_z = { -28.0, -17.0, 17.0, 28.0 }, { -17.0, -8.5, 17.0, 28.0 }
offset_m = { -60.0, -60.0, -60.0 }, { 60.0, 60.0, 60.0 }
# -------------------
# Private Options
# -------------------
# sndinvis 0|1 If sndchan = 2 is turned on, it will only play static (CHAN_STATIC) sound when the player is not visible.
# sndchan 0|2 Play the sound on CHAN_STATIC, the cheat at least does not hook this type, but the sound quality is degraded.
# 1 - Only steps with CHAN_STATIC (It is desirable to use, the degradation of sound quality is negligible).
# 2 - Play all sounds including steps and pfnEmitSound by CHAN_STATIC (With this option it is advisable to turn on sndinvis).
# sndfake 0|1 Play a fake sound with zero volume on player proximity at random distance.
# sndrange 256|8192 This is the PAS distance of the sound, the distance at which the player cannot physically hear the sound,
# if he is far away from where the sound is being played, the sound will not be sent and the cheat will not see the sound at the far distance.
# sndpickup 64|1600 If sndchan = 2 and distance of sndpickup is specified, it will play sound on the normal non CHAN_STATIC channel. (Off - 0)
# The sound will play on the normal channel if the sndpickup distance is less than the specified channel.
# This is done so that at the beginning of the round when players are procuring and the distance to each for example is no more than 256 or 512 units,
# will play a clear sound. (To prevent loud purchasing when there are a large number of players)
# sndshuff 1.0|~ This is a multiplier number, for offset from the real location of the sound, the bigger the multiplier, the stronger the false location of the sound will be.
# (Played sound stays at real location, false location only affects cheats)
# sndmove 0|1 Send false sound coordinates, also coordinates strongly depend on multiplier of sndshuff.
sndinvis = 1
sndchan = 2
#sndfake = 0 - neu
sndfake = 1
sndrange = 1000
sndpickup = 512
sndshuff = 1.0
sndmove = 1
# -------------------
# Указать classname entity
# Флаги для block entity
# "s" - Блокировать звук
# "m" - Блокировать модель
# Пример:
# grenade "sm" - Блокировать все гранаты (модели и звуки) в том числе и C4.
# -------------------
[Block Entities]
grenade "sm"
weaponbox "m"
;hostage_entity "m"
;monster_scientist "m"
;weapon_shield "m"
;armoury_entity "m"
;weapon_flashbang "s"
;ammo_9mm "s"
;ammo_buckshot "s"
;ammo_556nato "s"
;ammo_556natobox "s"
;ammo_762nato "s"
;ammo_45acp "s"
;ammo_50ae "s"
;ammo_338magnum "s"
;ammo_57mm "s"
;ammo_357sig "s"
[Weapons Barrel]
# -----------
# CS:CZ Weapons
# -----------
CSW_P228 = 32.8;
CSW_SCOUT = 38.9;
CSW_XM1014 = 31.2;
CSW_C4 = 0.0;
CSW_MAC10 = 26.0;
CSW_AUG = 32.9;
CSW_ELITE = 23.5;
CSW_UMP45 = 27.0;
CSW_SG550 = 40.0;
CSW_GALIL = 26.5;
CSW_FAMAS = 32.6;
CSW_USP = 38.9;
CSW_GLOCK18 = 32.6;
CSW_AWP = 39.5;
CSW_MP5NAVY = 30.4;
CSW_M249 = 30.5;
CSW_M3 = 30.1;
CSW_M4A1 = 42.0;
CSW_TMP = 39.2;
CSW_G3SG1 = 42.2;
CSW_DEAGLE = 34.1;
CSW_SG552 = 34.0;
CSW_AK47 = 24.8;
CSW_KNIFE = 0.0;
CSW_P90 = 25.4;
# -----------
# HL Weapons
# -----------
HLW_GLOCK = 15.0;
HLW_PYTHON = 25.0;
HLW_MP5 = 25.0;
HLW_RPG = 35.0;
HLW_GAUSS = 26.0;
HLW_EGON = 33.0;
HLW_SNARK = 1.0;
[Private Offset]
m_iId = auto;
m_pActiveItem = auto;
m_blindAlpha = auto;
m_blindStartTime = auto;
m_blindHoldTime = auto;
#pev = auto; Default: Windows - 4 | Linux - 0
#vtbl = auto; Default: Windows - 0x0 | Linux - 0x0 (for build: 5787 0x8)
#playership = auto; Default: Windows - 0x33 | Linux - 0x35
#client_t_size = auto; Default: Windows - 20504 | Linux - 20212