Hook Trail

amxx reapi core Hook Trail 3.0.0

Нет прав для скачивания
  1. Отредактируйте словарь hook_trail.txt по своему вкусу.
  2. Скопируйте словарь в директорию "/amxmodx/data/lang/".
  3. Скопируйте файл hook_trail.inc в в директорию "/amxmodx/scripting/include".
  4. Откройте hook_trail.sma и скомпилируйте плагин (инструкция).
  5. Скопируйте скомпилированный hook_trail.amxx в директорию "/amxmodx/plugins/".
  6. Пропишите hook_trail.amxx в файле "/amxmodx/configs/plugins.ini".
При первом запуске плагина создаётся конфигурационный файл по пути "amxmodx/configs/plugins/hook_trail.cfg":
  • hook_trail_life_time: сколько секунд будет виден хвост за игроком. Максимально 25 секунд.
  • hook_trail_default_speed: стандартная скорость хука игроков.
В исходнике можно изменить путь к спрайту:
new const g_szSprite[] = "sprites/hook/yellow_circle.spr";
#if defined _hook_trail_included
#define _hook_trail_included

#pragma reqlib hook_trail

* Called when player enables hook.
* @param id        Client index
* @return          PLUGIN_CONTINUE to let the client use hook
*                  PLUGIN_HANDLED or higher to block using hook
forward hook_trail_on_start(const id);

* Called when player disables hook.
* @param id        Client index
* @noreturn
forward hook_trail_on_finish(const id);

* Called when player uses hook.
* @param id        Client index
* @return          PLUGIN_CONTINUE to let the client use hook
*                  PLUGIN_HANDLED or higher to block using hook
forward hook_trail_on_use(const id);

* Returns if player has access to use hook.
* @param id        Client index
* @return          true if player has it, false otherwise
* @error           If the index is not within the range of 1 to MaxClients,
*                  an error will be thrown.
native bool:hook_trail_has_user_access(const id);

* Sets the ability for player to use hook.
* @param id        Client index
* @param access    true to give access, false otherwise
* @noreturn
* @error           If the index is not within the range of 1 to MaxClients,
*                  an error will be thrown.
native hook_trail_set_user_access(const id, bool:access);

* Gets the speed of player's hook.
* @param id        Client index
* @return          Speed of player's hook
* @error           If the index is not within the range of 1 to MaxClients,
*                  an error will be thrown.
native Float:hook_trail_get_user_speed(const id);

* Sets the speed of player's hook.
* @param id        Client index
* @param speed     Speed value
* @noreturn
* @error           If the index is not within the range of 1 to MaxClients,
*                  an error will be thrown.
native Float:hook_trail_set_user_speed(const id, Float:speed = -1.0);
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