CS:GO Remake

amxx reapi CS:GO Remake 3.0.0

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Совместимость с
Amx Mod X 1.9.0, Amx Mod X 1.10.0 dev
ReHLDS  v3.13.0.788+
ReGameDLL v5.26.0.668+
ReAPI v5.24.0.300+
AmxModX 1.9.0+
Nubo for the original code.

CS:GO Ports and @TheDoctor0 for pack of weapon textures, original models, submodels and more.

Hanna, 1xAero for ability to change viewmodel bodygroup that is required for submodels; and to HamletEagle for this post.

OciXCrom for his CromChat library

GHW_Chronic for Weapon Model + Sound Replacement script.

The Kalu for CS:GO Remake's banner.
It's an advanced CS:GO Remake mod for CS 1.6 which contains a lot of features:

MySQL data saving.

There is no skin amount limit starting with version 3.0.

StatTrack System for every Weapon Skin.

CS:GO Like sounds ( Weapons shooting, footsteps, swim, headshot, player die, etc )

Dynamic Main Menu.

RangUP only ( announces in chat those who rank up ).

Automatically weapon reload + refill at spawn.

Kills from each round will be counted on the screen using a sprite model.

MVP at end of the round ( based on best killer or the bomb planter or bomb defuser ).

Music Kits for MVPs ( Players can buy the desired Music Kit in the Menu ).

CS:GO Like end round sounds.

Warmup time ( customizable by cvar )

Kill assist system.

Grenades short throw + lower the time of exploding a grenade with half when it's in short throw.

Trade offer system.

Destroy skins ( you can choose between getting dusts or points ).

Craft skins system ( allows you to craft a rare item using dusts obtained from destroing skins ).

Case opening.

Raffle system ( players join raffle and one of them is chosen randomly and win all points at raffle ).

Jackpot system ( players join jackpot and one of them is chosen randomly and win all skins placed at jackpot ).

Roulette system ( players can play roulette like on gambling sites ).

Coinflip system ( players can bet their skins with other players and the winner gets the opponent's skin ).

Promocode system ( promocodes can be setted up in config file ).

Bonus can be taken only once in defined time, it also checks for duplicate account while using bonus.

Skin locking method. You can lock certain skins from being traded, gifted, dusted or sold.
NOTE: Attached Archive contains only files inside amxmodx folder, for full download, visit the project on GitHub, or click HERE for the latest version.
Administration Cmds:
amx_givepoints ( Give points to a certain target )

amx_givecases ( Give cases to a certain target )

amx_givekeys ( Give keys to a certain target )

amx_givedusts ( Give dusts to a certain target )

amx_setskins ( Set an amount of a SkinID to a certain target )

amx_give_all_skins ( Sets all skins to a certain target )

amx_setrank ( Sets a rang to a certain target )

amx_finddata ( Search a player data in the binary data base )

amx_resetdata ( Resets a player data. 1 - Deleting the account from the binary data base ; 0 - Reseting the account from the binary data base. )

amx_change_pass ( Reseting a player password )

csgor_getinfo ( Gets infos about a Rank or a Skin given by RankID / SKinID )

amx_nick_csgo ( Changing a player name cuz it is blocked for other plugins )

amx_skin_index ( Returning skin id in the array )
Public Cmds

say /reg ( Opens the registration menu )

say /menu ( Opens the main menu of the mod )

say /skin ( Prints a colored message in the target chat with infos about a skin from certain target viewmodel )

say /accept ( Accept a trade offer request )

say /deny ( Decline a trade offer request )

say /acceptcoin ( Accept a coinflip request )

say /denycoin ( Decline a coinflip request )

inspect ( Inspect a weapon from the player viewmodel ( not as spectator. This function is registered and as "impulse 100" )
Shadows Adi
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Последние обновления

  1. Major improvements and code refactoring

    Refactored and enhanced csgo_remake core plugin: Moved Submodel System to a separate plugin...
  2. Multiple major updates and added Music Kits.

    Dropped Nvault support due to memory leaks, because of very hard maintenance and lack of tools...
  3. Multiple updates and code improvements

    Added a new plugin: csgor_save_skin_names ( save player's active skins in database - only for...
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