В меню /aim в плагине reaimdetector некорректно показывает все пункты.

В этой теме нельзя размещать новые ответы.
1 раз(а)
Amx Mod X
AMX Mod X (http://www.amxmodx.org)
David "BAILOPAN" Anderson, Pavol "PM OnoTo" Marko
Felix "SniperBeamer" Geyer, Jonny "Got His Gun" Bergstrom
Lukasz "SidLuke" Wlasinski, Christian "Basic-Master" Hammacher
Borja "faluco" Ferrer, Scott "DS" Ehlert
Compiled: Aug 2 2019 00:48:30
Built from: https://github.com/alliedmodders/amxmodx/commit/0bd6944
Build ID: 5378:0bd6944
ReHLDS version:
Build date: 14:49:47 Aug 26 2019 (1962)
Build from: https://github.com/dreamstalker/rehlds/commit/5b68568
ReGameDLL version:
Build date: 08:29:22 Aug 26 2019
Build from: https://github.com/s1lentq/ReGameDLL_CS/commit/371ac89
Версия Metamod
Metamod-r v1.3.0.128, API (5:13)
Metamod-r build: 17:47:54 Aug 24 2018
Metamod-r from: https://github.com/theAsmodai/metamod-r/commit/0cf2f70
Список метамодулей
[ 1] SafeNameAndChat  RUN   -    SafeNameAndChat.so          v1.1            ini  ANY   ANY  
[ 2] VoiceTranscoder RUN - VoiceTranscoder.so v2017RC3 ini ANY ANY
[ 3] Reunion RUN - reunion_mm_i386.so v0.1.0.133 ini Start Never
[ 4] Rechecker RUN - rechecker_mm_i386.so v2.5 ini Chlvl ANY
[ 5] ReAuthCheck RUN - reauthcheck_mm_i386.so v0.1.6 ini Start Never
[ 6] ReSRDetector RUN - resrdetector_mm_i386.so v0.1.0 ini Chlvl ANY
[ 7] ReSemiclip RUN - resemiclip_mm_i386.so v2.3.9 ini Chlvl ANY
[ 8] AMX Mod X RUN - amxmodx_mm_i386.so v1.10.0.5378 ini Start ANY
[ 9] WHBlocker RUN - whblocker_mm_i386.so v1.5.696 ini Chlvl ANY
[10] ReAimDetector RUN - reaimdetector_amxx_i386.so v0.2.2 pl8 ANY Never
[11] MySQL RUN - mysql_amxx_i386.so v1.10.0.5378 pl8 ANY ANY
[12] Fun RUN - fun_amxx_i386.so v1.10.0.5378 pl8 ANY ANY
[13] Engine RUN - engine_amxx_i386.so v1.10.0.5378 pl8 ANY ANY
[14] FakeMeta RUN - fakemeta_amxx_i386.so v1.10.0.5378 pl8 ANY ANY
[15] CStrike RUN - cstrike_amxx_i386.so v1.10.0.5378 pl8 ANY ANY
[16] Ham Sandwich RUN - hamsandwich_amxx_i386.so v1.10.0.5378 pl8 ANY ANY
[17] Hide Cvars RUN - hidecvars_amxx_i386.so v1.0 pl8 ANY ANY
[18] ReAPI RUN - reapi_amxx_i386.so v5.9.0.178-dev pl8 ANY Never
Список плагинов
[  1] CSStatsX SQL            0.7.4+2     serfreeman1337    csstatsx_sql.am  running  
[ 2] FreshBans 1.4.2b kanagava fresh_bans.amxx running
[ 3] Aliases checker 1.0.3 kanagava alias_detector. running
[ 4] ReAimDetector API 0.2.2 ReHLDS Team reaimdetector.a running
[ 5] No Bhop and SGS/DDRun 1.1 Denzer no_bhop_sgs.amx running
[ 6] Lite Recoder 1.0.1 neygomon amx_demorec.amx running
[ 7] Admin Loader 3.5 neygomon admin.amxx running
[ 8] Lite Admin ESP 1.0 neygomon admin_esp.amxx running
[ 9] [ReAPI] AdminFreeLook 1.0 ReHLDS Team adminfreelook.a running
[ 10] [183] VIP RBS 18.03.24 SKAJIbnEJIb vip_rbs.amxx running
[ 11] Menus Front-End 1.6 neugomon menufront.amxx running
[ 12] Players Menu 1.7 neugomon plmenu.amxx running
[ 13] Maps Menu AMXX Dev Team mapsmenu.amxx running
[ 14] Advanced Gag 1.9.0 neygomon amx_gag.amxx running
[ 16] Say me and Say hp 1.4 neygomon sayme.amxx running
[ 17] resetscore(ReAPI) 1.0 Phantom resetscore.amxx running
[ 18] Items Restrict 1.1 s1lent restmenu.amxx running
[ 19] Ping Checker 26.0.1 RC1 h1k3 ping_checker.am running
[ 20] AFK Control 1.4.1 [Rnd neygomon afk_control.amx running
[ 21] AD 1.0 neugomon adverts.amxx running
[ 22] Parachute Lite [ReAPI] 10.0 Leo_[BH] parachute.amxx running
[ 23] ReChecker Logging 1.0 custom rc_logging.amxx running
[ 24] Map Manager: Core 3.0.4 Mistrick map_manager_cor running
[ 25] Map Manager: Scheduler 0.1.3 Mistrick map_manager_sch running
[ 26] Map Manager: Rtv 0.1.0 Mistrick map_manager_rtv running
[ 27] Map Manager: Nominatio 0.1.0 Mistrick map_manager_nom running
[ 28] Map Manager: BlockList 0.0.3 Mistrick map_manager_blo running
[ 29] Map Manager: Online so 0.0.2 Mistrick map_manager_onl running
[ 30] Map Manager: Effects 0.0.8 Mistrick map_manager_eff running
[ 31] Map Manager: Informer 0.0.5 Mistrick map_manager_inf running
[ 32] Chat Manager 1.1.1-11 Mistrick chatmanager.amx running
[ 33] Advanced Experience Sy 0.5.9 [REA serfreeman1337/s aes_main.amxx running
[ 34] AES: CStrike Addon 0.5.9 [REA serfreeman1337/s aes_exp_cstrike running
[ 35] AES: Informer 0.5.9 [REA serfreeman1337/s aes_informer.am running
[ 36] AES: Bonus System 0.5.9 Vega serfreeman1337/s aes_bonus_syste running
[ 37] AES: Bonus CSTRIKE [R serfreeman1337/s aes_bonus_cstri running
[ 38] AES Bonus: Flags 0.2 Sonyx aes_bonus_flags running
[ 39] AES: StatsX 0.5+1 serfreeman1337 aes_statsx_cstr running
#include <amxmodx>
#include <reaimdetector>

#pragma semicolon 1

#if !defined MAX_PLAYERS
    #define MAX_PLAYERS    32

#if defined client_disconnected
    #define player_disconnect client_disconnected
    #define player_disconnect client_disconnect

#define ENABLE_LOG_FILE                    // Включить логирование
#define RELOAD_CMD         ADMIN_CFG        // Флаг доступа к команде перезагрузки конфига: reaim_reloadcfg
#define MENU_CMD             ADMIN_BAN        // Флаг доступа к Aim меню: say /aim

enum CfgType
    AIM = 1,

#if (AMXX_VERSION_NUM < 183)

        print_team_default = 0,
        print_team_grey = -1,
        print_team_red = -2,
        print_team_blue = -3

    #define replace_string replace_all


new Trie:g_tAimBotSteamWarns, Trie:g_tAimBotIpWarns;
new Trie:g_tNoSpreadSteamWarns, Trie:g_tNoSpreadIpWarns;

new g_iAimDetection, g_iAimSens, g_iAimMultiWarn, g_iAimNotify, g_iAimMaxWarns, g_iAimShotsReset, g_iAimKillsReset, g_iAimTimeReset;
new g_iSaveType, g_iAimSaveWarns, g_iSpreadSaveWarns;
new g_iSpreadDetection, g_iSpreadNotify, g_iSpreadMaxWarns;
new g_iAlertFlag;
new g_iSendProtectionWeapon;
new g_iCrashCheat;
new g_iBanTime[PunishType];
new g_szBanReason[PunishType][64];
new g_szBanString[PunishType][128];

#if defined ENABLE_LOG_FILE
    new g_FilePath[64], g_LogDir[128];

public plugin_init()
    register_plugin("ReAimDetector API", REAIMDETECTOR_VERSION, "ReHLDS Team");

    register_concmd("reaim_reloadcfg", "ReloadCfg", RELOAD_CMD);

    register_clcmd("say /aim", "AimMenu", MENU_CMD);
    register_clcmd("say_team /aim", "AimMenu", MENU_CMD);

    g_tAimBotSteamWarns = TrieCreate();
    g_tAimBotIpWarns = TrieCreate();
    g_tNoSpreadSteamWarns = TrieCreate();
    g_tNoSpreadIpWarns = TrieCreate();

public plugin_end()

#if defined ENABLE_LOG_FILE
    new Map[32], BufLog[64];
    get_mapname(Map, charsmax(Map));
    formatex(BufLog, charsmax(BufLog), "End Map [%s]", Map);


public client_putinserver(id)
        case 1:
            new szSteam[33], iWarns;
            get_user_authid(id, szSteam, charsmax(szSteam));

#if defined ENABLE_LOG_FILE
            new szBufLog[190], szAddress[17], szName[32];
            get_user_ip(id, szAddress, charsmax(szAddress), 1);
            get_user_name(id, szName, charsmax(szName));

            if(TrieKeyExists(g_tAimBotSteamWarns, szSteam))
                TrieGetCell(g_tAimBotSteamWarns, szSteam, iWarns);
                TrieDeleteKey(g_tAimBotSteamWarns, szSteam);

                ad_set_client(id, AimWarn, iWarns);

#if defined ENABLE_LOG_FILE
                formatex(szBufLog, charsmax(szBufLog), "Aim Warn Recovered (Steam): ID [%d] Name [%s] Steam [%s] IP [%s] Warn [%d]", id, szName, szSteam, szAddress, iWarns);


            if(TrieKeyExists(g_tNoSpreadSteamWarns, szSteam))
                TrieGetCell(g_tNoSpreadSteamWarns, szSteam, iWarns);
                TrieDeleteKey(g_tNoSpreadSteamWarns, szSteam);

                ad_set_client(id, NoSpreadWarn, iWarns);

#if defined ENABLE_LOG_FILE
                formatex(szBufLog, charsmax(szBufLog), "NoSpread Warn Recovered (Steam): ID [%d] Name [%s] Steam [%s] IP [%s] Warn [%d]", id, szName, szSteam, szAddress, iWarns);

        case 2:
            new szAddress[17], iWarns;
            get_user_ip(id, szAddress, charsmax(szAddress), 1);

#if defined ENABLE_LOG_FILE
            new szBufLog[190], szSteam[33], szName[32];
            get_user_authid(id, szSteam, charsmax(szSteam));
            get_user_name(id, szName, charsmax(szName));

            if(TrieKeyExists(g_tAimBotIpWarns, szAddress))
                TrieGetCell(g_tAimBotIpWarns, szAddress, iWarns);
                TrieDeleteKey(g_tAimBotIpWarns, szAddress);

                ad_set_client(id, AimWarn, iWarns);

#if defined ENABLE_LOG_FILE
                formatex(szBufLog, charsmax(szBufLog), "Aim Warn Recovered (IP): ID [%d] Name [%s] Steam [%s] IP [%s] Warn [%d]", id, szName, szSteam, szAddress, iWarns);


            if(TrieKeyExists(g_tNoSpreadIpWarns, szAddress))
                TrieGetCell(g_tNoSpreadIpWarns, szAddress, iWarns);
                TrieDeleteKey(g_tNoSpreadIpWarns, szAddress);

                ad_set_client(id, NoSpreadWarn, iWarns);

#if defined ENABLE_LOG_FILE
                formatex(szBufLog, charsmax(szBufLog), "NoSpread Warn Recovered (IP): ID [%d] Name [%s] Steam [%s] IP [%s] Warn [%d]", id, szName, szSteam, szAddress, iWarns);

        case 3:
            new szSteam[33], szAddress[17], iWarns;
            get_user_authid(id, szSteam, charsmax(szSteam));
            get_user_ip(id, szAddress, charsmax(szAddress), 1);

#if defined ENABLE_LOG_FILE
            new szBufLog[190], szName[32];
            get_user_name(id, szName, charsmax(szName));

            new bool:IsExistsAim = false;
            new bool:IsExistsSpread = false;

            if(TrieKeyExists(g_tAimBotSteamWarns, szSteam))
                IsExistsAim = true;

                TrieGetCell(g_tAimBotSteamWarns, szSteam, iWarns);
                TrieDeleteKey(g_tAimBotSteamWarns, szSteam);

                ad_set_client(id, AimWarn, iWarns);

#if defined ENABLE_LOG_FILE
                formatex(szBufLog, charsmax(szBufLog), "Aim Warn Recovered (Steam): ID [%d] Name [%s] Steam [%s] IP [%s] Warn [%d]", id, szName, szSteam, szAddress, iWarns);


            if(TrieKeyExists(g_tAimBotIpWarns, szAddress))
                    TrieDeleteKey(g_tAimBotIpWarns, szAddress);
                    TrieGetCell(g_tAimBotIpWarns, szAddress, iWarns);
                    TrieDeleteKey(g_tAimBotIpWarns, szAddress);

                    ad_set_client(id, AimWarn, iWarns);

#if defined ENABLE_LOG_FILE
                    formatex(szBufLog, charsmax(szBufLog), "Aim Warn Recovered (IP): ID [%d] Name [%s] Steam [%s] IP [%s] Warn [%d]", id, szName, szSteam, szAddress, iWarns);


            if(TrieKeyExists(g_tNoSpreadSteamWarns, szSteam))
                IsExistsSpread = true;

                TrieGetCell(g_tNoSpreadSteamWarns, szSteam, iWarns);
                TrieDeleteKey(g_tNoSpreadSteamWarns, szSteam);

                ad_set_client(id, NoSpreadWarn, iWarns);

#if defined ENABLE_LOG_FILE
                formatex(szBufLog, charsmax(szBufLog), "NoSpread Warn Recovered (Steam): ID [%d] Name [%s] Steam [%s] IP [%s] Warn [%d]", id, szName, szSteam, szAddress, iWarns);


            if(TrieKeyExists(g_tNoSpreadIpWarns, szAddress))
                    TrieDeleteKey(g_tNoSpreadIpWarns, szAddress);
                    TrieGetCell(g_tNoSpreadIpWarns, szAddress, iWarns);
                    TrieDeleteKey(g_tNoSpreadIpWarns, szAddress);

                    ad_set_client(id, NoSpreadWarn, iWarns);

#if defined ENABLE_LOG_FILE
                    formatex(szBufLog, charsmax(szBufLog), "NoSpread Warn Recovered (IP): ID [%d] Name [%s] Steam [%s] IP [%s] Warn [%d]", id, szName, szSteam, szAddress, iWarns);


public player_disconnect(id)
        case 1:
            new szSteam[33];
            get_user_authid(id, szSteam, charsmax(szSteam));

            new iAimBotWarns = ad_get_client(id, AimWarn);
            new iNoSpreadWarns = ad_get_client(id, NoSpreadWarn);

            if(iAimBotWarns >= g_iAimSaveWarns)
                TrieSetCell(g_tAimBotSteamWarns, szSteam, iAimBotWarns);

            if(iNoSpreadWarns >= g_iSpreadSaveWarns)
                TrieSetCell(g_tNoSpreadSteamWarns, szSteam, iNoSpreadWarns);
        case 2:
            new szAddress[17];
            get_user_ip(id, szAddress, charsmax(szAddress), 1);

            new iAimBotWarns = ad_get_client(id, AimWarn);
            new iNoSpreadWarns = ad_get_client(id, NoSpreadWarn);

            if(iAimBotWarns >= g_iAimSaveWarns)
                TrieSetCell(g_tAimBotIpWarns, szAddress, iAimBotWarns);

            if(iNoSpreadWarns >= g_iSpreadSaveWarns)
                TrieSetCell(g_tNoSpreadIpWarns, szAddress, iNoSpreadWarns);
        case 3:
            new szSteam[33], szAddress[17];
            get_user_authid(id, szSteam, charsmax(szSteam));
            get_user_ip(id, szAddress, charsmax(szAddress), 1);

            new iAimBotWarns = ad_get_client(id, AimWarn);
            new iNoSpreadWarns = ad_get_client(id, NoSpreadWarn);

            if(iAimBotWarns >= g_iAimSaveWarns)
                TrieSetCell(g_tAimBotSteamWarns, szSteam, iAimBotWarns);
                TrieSetCell(g_tAimBotIpWarns, szAddress, iAimBotWarns);

            if(iNoSpreadWarns >= g_iSpreadSaveWarns)
                TrieSetCell(g_tNoSpreadSteamWarns, szSteam, iNoSpreadWarns);
                TrieSetCell(g_tNoSpreadIpWarns, szAddress, iNoSpreadWarns);

public ReloadCfg(id, level, cid)
    if(~get_user_flags(id) & level) {
        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;


    client_print(id, print_console, "[Aim Detector]: Reload Cfg.");

    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

public AimMenu(id, level)
    if(~get_user_flags(id) & level) {
        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;

    static iPlayers[32], iNum, i, iPlayer;
    get_players(iPlayers, iNum, "ch");

    new szName[32], szInfo[3], szTempString[96];
    new iMenu = menu_create("\wAim Detector Меню", "AimMenuHandler");

    new bool:bFindPlayer = false;

    for(i = 0; i < iNum; i++)
        iPlayer = iPlayers[i];

        new iAimBotWarns = ad_get_client(iPlayer, AimWarn);
        new iNoSpreadWarns = ad_get_client(iPlayer, NoSpreadWarn);

        if(iAimBotWarns == 0 && iNoSpreadWarns == 0) {

        bFindPlayer = true;

        get_user_name(iPlayer, szName, charsmax(szName));

        formatex(szTempString, charsmax(szTempString), "\w%s \r[\yAim\r: \w%d\r|\yNoSpread\r: \w%d\r]", szName, iAimBotWarns, iNoSpreadWarns);

        num_to_str(iPlayer, szInfo, charsmax(szInfo));
        menu_additem(iMenu, szTempString, szInfo);

        menu_setprop(iMenu, MPROP_NUMBER_COLOR, "\r");
        menu_setprop(iMenu, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_ALL);
        menu_setprop(iMenu, MPROP_EXITNAME, "Выход");
        menu_setprop(iMenu, MPROP_NEXTNAME, "Далее");
        menu_setprop(iMenu, MPROP_BACKNAME, "Назад");
        menu_display(id, iMenu);
        new szBufNotify[190];
        formatex(szBufNotify, charsmax(szBufNotify), "^1[^4Aim Detector^1] ^3Список ^1в ^4меню ^3пустой^1.");
        client_print_color(id, print_team_default, szBufNotify);

    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

public AimMenuHandler(id, menu, item)
    if (item == MENU_EXIT)
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

    new iAccess, szInfo[3], iCallback;
    menu_item_getinfo(menu, item, iAccess, szInfo, charsmax(szInfo), .callback = iCallback);

    new iPlayer = str_to_num(szInfo);

    new iAimWarn = ad_get_client(iPlayer, AimWarn);
    new iSpreadWarn = ad_get_client(iPlayer, NoSpreadWarn);

    new szBufNotify[190], szName[32];
    get_user_name(iPlayer, szName, charsmax(szName));

    formatex(szBufNotify, charsmax(szBufNotify), "^1[^4Aim Detector^1] ^3Name ^1[^4 %s ^1] ^3AimWarn ^1[^4 %d ^1] ^3NoSpreadWarn ^1[^4 %d ^1]", szName, iAimWarn, iSpreadWarn);
    client_print_color(id, print_team_default, szBufNotify);

    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

public ad_init(const Version[], const Map[])

#if defined ENABLE_LOG_FILE
    get_localinfo("amxx_logs", g_FilePath, charsmax(g_FilePath));
    formatex(g_LogDir, charsmax(g_LogDir), "%s/reaimdetector", g_FilePath);



#if defined ENABLE_LOG_FILE
    new szBufLog[190];
    formatex(szBufLog, charsmax(szBufLog), "Start Map [%s] AimSens [%d] AimMaxWarns [%d] NoSpreadNotifyWarns [%d] NoSpreadMaxWarns [%d]",
        Map, ad_get_cfg(AimSens), g_iAimMaxWarns, ad_get_cfg(NoSpreadNotifyWarns), g_iSpreadMaxWarns);



public ad_notify(const index, const PunishType:pType, const NotifyType:nType, const Kills, const Shots, const Warn)
    new szBufNotify[190], szName[32];

#if defined ENABLE_LOG_FILE
    new szBufLog[190], szAddress[22], szSteam[33];

    get_user_ip(index, szAddress, charsmax(szAddress));
    get_user_authid(index, szSteam, charsmax(szSteam));

    get_user_name(index, szName, charsmax(szName));

    if(pType == AIMBOT)
        if(nType == WARNING && Warn > g_iAimNotify)
            formatex(szBufNotify, charsmax(szBufNotify), "^1[^4Aim Detector^1] ^3Name ^1[^4 %s ^1] ^3Warn ^1[^4 %d ^1] ^3MaxWarn ^1[^4 %d ^1]", szName, Warn, g_iAimMaxWarns);
            Send_Notify_Admins(index, szBufNotify);

#if defined ENABLE_LOG_FILE
            formatex(szBufLog, charsmax(szBufLog), "Aim Warn Add: ID [%d] Name [%s] Steam [%s] IP [%s] Warn [%d]", index, szName, szSteam, szAddress, Warn);

        else if(nType == DETECT)
            formatex(szBufNotify, charsmax(szBufNotify), "^1[^4Aim Detector^1] ^3Name ^1[^4 %s ^1] ^3Detected", szName);
            Send_Notify_Admins(index, szBufNotify);

#if defined ENABLE_LOG_FILE
            formatex(szBufLog, charsmax(szBufLog), "Aim Detected: ID [%d] Name [%s] Steam [%s] IP [%s] Warn [%d]", index, szName, szSteam, szAddress, Warn);

            ad_set_client(index, AimCheck, 0);

            PunishPlayer(index, AIMBOT);
    else if(pType == NOSPREAD)
        if(nType == WARNING && Warn > g_iSpreadNotify)
            formatex(szBufNotify, charsmax(szBufNotify), "^1[^4NoSpread Detector^1] ^3Name ^1[^4 %s ^1] ^3Warn ^1[^4 %d ^1]", szName, Warn, g_iSpreadMaxWarns);
            Send_Notify_Admins(index, szBufNotify);

#if defined ENABLE_LOG_FILE
            formatex(szBufLog, charsmax(szBufLog), "NoSpread Warn Add: ID [%d] Name [%s] Steam [%s] IP [%s] Warn [%d]", index, szName, szSteam, szAddress, Warn);

        else if(nType == DETECT)
            formatex(szBufNotify, charsmax(szBufNotify), "^1[^4NoSpread Detector^1] ^3Name ^1[^4 %s ^1] ^3Detected", szName);
            Send_Notify_Admins(index, szBufNotify);

#if defined ENABLE_LOG_FILE
            formatex(szBufLog, charsmax(szBufLog), "NoSpread Detected: ID [%d] Name [%s] Steam [%s] IP [%s] Warn [%d]", index, szName, szSteam, szAddress, Warn);

            ad_set_client(index, NoSpreadCheck, 0);

            PunishPlayer(index, NOSPREAD);

#if defined ENABLE_LOG_FILE
    public ad_aim_reset_warn(const index, const ResetType:rType, const Kills, const Shots)
        new szBufLog[190], szName[32], szAddress[22], szSteam[33];

        get_user_name(index, szName, charsmax(szName));
        get_user_ip(index, szAddress, charsmax(szAddress));
        get_user_authid(index, szSteam, charsmax(szSteam));

            case KILLED:
                formatex(szBufLog, charsmax(szBufLog), "Killed Reset: ID [%d] Name [%s] Steam [%s] IP [%s] Kills [%d] Shots [%d]", index, szName, szSteam, szAddress, Kills + 1, Shots);
            case SHOTS:
                formatex(szBufLog, charsmax(szBufLog), "Shots Reset: ID [%d] Name [%s] Steam [%s] IP [%s] Kills [%d] Shots [%d]", index, szName, szSteam, szAddress, Kills, Shots + 1);
            case TIME:
                formatex(szBufLog, charsmax(szBufLog), "Time Reset: ID [%d] Name [%s] Steam [%s] IP [%s] Kills [%d] Shots [%d]", index, szName, szSteam, szAddress, Kills, Shots);

stock ReadCfg()
    new szFilePath[64];
    get_localinfo("amxx_configsdir", szFilePath, charsmax(szFilePath));
    formatex(szFilePath, charsmax(szFilePath), "%s/reaimdetector.ini", szFilePath);

    new FileHandle = fopen(szFilePath, "rt");

        set_fail_state("Error load cfg.");

    new szTemp[256], szKey[32], szValue[512], iSection;

        fgets(FileHandle, szTemp, charsmax(szTemp));

        if (szTemp[0] == '[')

        if(!szTemp[0] || szTemp[0] == ';' || szTemp[0] == '/') {

        strtok(szTemp, szKey, charsmax(szKey), szValue, charsmax(szValue), '=');

            case AIM:
                if(equal(szKey, "AIM_DETECTION"))
                    g_iAimDetection = str_to_num(szValue);

                else if(equal(szKey, "SENS"))
                    g_iAimSens = str_to_num(szValue);

                else if(equal(szKey, "MULTI_WARN"))
                    g_iAimMultiWarn = str_to_num(szValue);

                else if(equal(szKey, "NOTIFY_WARNS"))
                    g_iAimNotify = str_to_num(szValue);

                else if(equal(szKey, "MAX_WARNS"))
                    g_iAimMaxWarns = str_to_num(szValue);

                else if(equal(szKey, "SHOTS_RESET"))
                    g_iAimShotsReset = str_to_num(szValue);
                else if(equal(szKey, "KILLS_RESET"))
                    g_iAimKillsReset = str_to_num(szValue);

                else if(equal(szKey, "TIME_RESET"))
                    g_iAimTimeReset = str_to_num(szValue);
            case SPREAD:
                if(equal(szKey, "NOSPREAD_DETECTION"))
                    g_iSpreadDetection = str_to_num(szValue);

                else if(equal(szKey, "NOTIFY_WARNS"))
                    g_iSpreadNotify = str_to_num(szValue);

                else if(equal(szKey, "MAX_WARNS"))
                    g_iSpreadMaxWarns = str_to_num(szValue);
            case PUNISH:
                if(equal(szKey, "REASON_AIMBOT"))
                    copy(g_szBanReason[AIMBOT], charsmax(g_szBanReason[]), szValue);

                else if(equal(szKey, "BAN_TIME_AIMBOT"))
                    g_iBanTime[AIMBOT] = str_to_num(szValue);

                else if(equal(szKey, "REASON_NOSPREAD"))
                    copy(g_szBanReason[NOSPREAD], charsmax(g_szBanReason[]), szValue);

                else if(equal(szKey, "BAN_TIME_NOSPREAD"))
                    g_iBanTime[NOSPREAD]  = str_to_num(szValue);

                else if(equal(szKey, "PUNISH_AIMBOT"))
                    copy(g_szBanString[AIMBOT], charsmax(g_szBanString[]), szValue);

                else if(equal(szKey, "PUNISH_NOSPREAD"))
                    copy(g_szBanString[NOSPREAD], charsmax(g_szBanString[]), szValue);

            case SAVE:
                if(equal(szKey, "TYPE"))
                    g_iSaveType = str_to_num(szValue);

                else if(equal(szKey, "AIM_WARNS"))
                    g_iAimSaveWarns = str_to_num(szValue);

                else if(equal(szKey, "NOSPREAD_WARNS"))
                    g_iSpreadSaveWarns = str_to_num(szValue);
            case OTHER:
                if(equal(szKey, "FLAG_ALERT"))
                    new szFlags[21];
                    copy(szFlags, charsmax(szFlags), szValue);

                    g_iAlertFlag = read_flags(szFlags);

                else if(equal(szKey, "SEND_PROTECTION_WEAPON"))
                    g_iSendProtectionWeapon = str_to_num(szValue);

                else if(equal(szKey, "CRASH_CHEAT"))
                    g_iCrashCheat = str_to_num(szValue);




stock SetCfg()
    ad_set_cfg(AimDetection, g_iAimDetection);
    ad_set_cfg(AimSens, g_iAimSens);
    ad_set_cfg(AimMultiWarns, g_iAimMultiWarn);
    ad_set_cfg(AimNotifyWarns, g_iAimNotify);
    ad_set_cfg(AimMaxWarns, g_iAimMaxWarns);
    ad_set_cfg(AimShotsReset, g_iAimShotsReset);
    ad_set_cfg(AimKillsReset, g_iAimKillsReset);
    ad_set_cfg(AimTimeReset, g_iAimTimeReset);
    ad_set_cfg(NoSpreadDetection, g_iSpreadDetection);
    ad_set_cfg(NoSpreadNotifyWarns, g_iSpreadNotify);
    ad_set_cfg(NoSpreadMaxWarns, g_iSpreadMaxWarns);
    ad_set_cfg(SendProtectionWeapon, g_iSendProtectionWeapon);
    ad_set_cfg(CrashCheat, g_iCrashCheat);

stock PunishPlayer(id, PunishType:iType)
    new szUserId[10], szSteam[33], szIp[17], szTime[10], szBanString[128];

    formatex(szUserId, charsmax(szUserId), "#%d", get_user_userid(id));

    get_user_authid(id, szSteam, charsmax(szSteam));
    get_user_ip(id, szIp, charsmax(szIp), 1);

    num_to_str(g_iBanTime[iType], szTime, charsmax(szTime));

    copy(szBanString, charsmax(szBanString), g_szBanString[iType]);

    replace_string(szBanString, charsmax(szBanString), "[userid]", szUserId);
    replace_string(szBanString, charsmax(szBanString), "[steam]", szSteam);
    replace_string(szBanString, charsmax(szBanString), "[ip]", szIp);
    replace_string(szBanString, charsmax(szBanString), "[reason]", g_szBanReason[iType]);
    replace_string(szBanString, charsmax(szBanString), "[time]", szTime);

    server_cmd("%s", szBanString);

stock Send_Notify_Admins(const NotifyIndex, const Msg[])
    new Players[MAX_PLAYERS], iNum, iReceiver;
    get_players(Players, iNum, "ch");

    for (new i = 0; i < iNum; ++i)
        iReceiver = Players[i];

        if(NotifyIndex == iReceiver || !(get_user_flags(iReceiver) & g_iAlertFlag)) {

        client_print_color(iReceiver, print_team_default, Msg);

#if defined ENABLE_LOG_FILE
    stock SaveLogFile(const LogText[])
        new LogFileTime[32], LogTime[32], LogFile[128], LogMsg[190];

        get_time("20%y.%m.%d", LogFileTime, charsmax(LogFileTime));
        get_time("%H:%M:%S", LogTime, charsmax(LogTime));

        formatex(LogFile, charsmax(LogFile), "%s/%s.log", g_LogDir, LogFileTime);
        formatex(LogMsg, charsmax(LogMsg), "[%s] [%s] %s", LogFileTime, LogTime, LogText);

        write_file(LogFile, LogMsg, -1);

#if (AMXX_VERSION_NUM < 183)
    stock client_print_color(const id, const iSender, const input[], any:...)
        static iSayText = 0;
        if (!iSayText) {
            iSayText = get_user_msgid("SayText");
        new iReceiver, iNum = 1, Players[MAX_PLAYERS], Msg[190];
        vformat(Msg, charsmax(Msg), input, 3);
            if(!is_user_connected(id)) {
            Players[0] = id;
        } else {
            get_players(Players, iNum, "ch");
        for (new i = 0; i < iNum; i++)
            iReceiver = Players[i];
            message_begin(MSG_ONE, iSayText , _, iReceiver);
            write_byte(iSender ? iSender : iReceiver);
На первой картинке видно что в конце нет пункта выхода, так как cписок большой.

На второй картинке все нормально, так как список маленький.

Вопрос заключается в том что где в исходнике расширить текст пунктов?

Если я правильно понимаю тут надо чутка изменить
new szUserId[10], szSteam[33], szIp[17], szTime[10], szBanString[128]; хотябы на 154 ?
В этой теме было размещено решение! Перейти к решению.

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44 раз(а)
Если я правильно понимаю тут надо чутка изменить
new szUserId[10], szSteam[33], szIp[17], szTime[10], szBanString[128]; хотябы на 154 ?
Неа. Менюшку правь на строке 350, а конкретно - szTempString[96]
1 раз(а)
Minni, спасибо огромное!! Теперь нормально все отображается )
В этой теме нельзя размещать новые ответы.

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