round count in menu

5 раз(а)
Hello, can somebody help make make in this code round count in menu [1/4] [2/4] [3/4]

#include <amxmodx>
#include <reapi>
#include <vip_system>

#define ADMIN_LOADER    //    Compatible with Admin Loader from neugomon (

#pragma semicolon 1
new const MenuKey = (1<<0)|(1<<1)|(1<<2)|(1<<3)|(1<<4)|(1<<5)|(1<<6)|(1<<9);

enum _:cvars {

new iPistol[MAX_CLIENTS+1], bool:g_bUsePistol, bool:g_bUseWeapon[MAX_CLIENTS+1];

static sItems[10];
new pCvar[cvars], pCvarCfg[cvars];
new g_iRound;

public plugin_init() {
    register_plugin("[ReVIP] Menu", VIP_SYSTEM_VERSION, "pUzzlik");

    //    auto open vip menu 1 - on, 0 - off
    pCvar[AUTO_MENU] = register_cvar("open_menu_spawn", "0");
        flags items
        a - armor
        d - defuse
        f - flashbang
        h - hegranade
        p - pistol
        s - smoke
    pCvar[GIVE_ITEMS] = register_cvar("give_items", "adfhps");
    //    which is available with a round primary weapons
    pCvar[WEAPONSRND] = register_cvar("primary_weapons_rnd", "2");
    //    which is available with a round primary weapons
    pCvar[AWPM249RND] = register_cvar("heavy_weapons_rnd", "4");
    //    if you want to use a custom shop, (1 - enable)
    pCvar[SHOP] = register_cvar("use_custom_shop", "1");
    //    with round displayed shop menu
    pCvar[SHOP_RND] = register_cvar("custom_shop_block_rnd", "2");

    register_clcmd("vipmenu", "ShowMenu");
    register_clcmd("say /vipmenu", "ShowMenu");
    register_clcmd("say_team /vipmenu", "ShowMenu");

    register_clcmd("say", "hook_say");
    register_clcmd("say_team", "hook_say");

    register_menucmd(register_menuid("Vip Menu"), MenuKey, "MenuHandler");

public plugin_cfg() {
    get_pcvar_string(pCvar[GIVE_ITEMS],sItems,charsmax(sItems)); trim(sItems);
    pCvarCfg[WEAPONSRND] = get_pcvar_num(pCvar[WEAPONSRND]);
    pCvarCfg[AWPM249RND] = get_pcvar_num(pCvar[AWPM249RND]);
    pCvarCfg[AUTO_MENU] = get_pcvar_num(pCvar[AUTO_MENU]);
    pCvarCfg[SHOP] = get_pcvar_num(pCvar[SHOP]);
    pCvarCfg[SHOP_RND] = get_pcvar_num(pCvar[SHOP_RND]);

public vip_core_restart_round(round) {
    arrayset(g_bUseWeapon, false, sizeof(g_bUseWeapon));
    g_iRound = round;

public vip_core_player_spawn(const id) {
    if(core_is_bonus_spawn(id)) {
        for(new i, str_len = strlen(sItems); i < str_len ; i++) {
                case 'a': rg_set_user_armor(id, 100, ARMOR_VESTHELM);
                case 'd': {
                    new TeamName:team = get_member(id, m_iTeam);
                    if(team == TEAM_CT) rg_give_defusekit (id, true);
                case 'f': {
                    rg_give_item(id, "weapon_flashbang", GT_APPEND);
                    rg_give_item(id, "weapon_flashbang", GT_APPEND);
                case 'h': rg_give_item(id, "weapon_hegrenade", GT_APPEND);
                case 'p': {
                    switch(iPistol[id]) {
                        case 0: { rg_give_item(id, "weapon_deagle", GT_REPLACE); rg_set_user_bpammo(id, WEAPON_DEAGLE, 35); }
                        case 1: { rg_give_item(id, "weapon_usp", GT_REPLACE); rg_set_user_bpammo(id, WEAPON_USP, 100); }
                        case 2: { rg_give_item(id, "weapon_glock18", GT_REPLACE); rg_set_user_bpammo(id, WEAPON_GLOCK18, 120); }
                    g_bUsePistol = true;
                case 's': rg_give_item(id, "weapon_smokegrenade", GT_APPEND);

        if(pCvarCfg[AUTO_MENU] && g_iRound >= pCvarCfg[WEAPONSRND]) ShowMenu(id);

public hook_say(id) {
    static szMsg[32]; read_args(szMsg, charsmax(szMsg)); remove_quotes(szMsg);
    static const szChoosedWP[][] = { "/ak47", "/m4a1", "/famas", "/awp", "/b51" };

    for(new a; a < sizeof szChoosedWP; a++) {
        if(!strcmp(szMsg, szChoosedWP[a])) {
            if(!core_is_allow_use(id)) break;
            return MenuHandler(id, a);

public ShowMenu(id) {
    if(!core_is_allow_use(id)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

    new szMenu[512], key; key = MENU_KEY_0;
    new iLen, szName[16]; get_entvar(id, var_netname, szName, charsmax(szName));
    iLen = formatex(szMenu, charsmax(szMenu), "\r%L \w[\d%L\w]^n\w%L^n", LANG_SERVER, "MENU_NAME", LANG_SERVER, "NAME_SERVER", LANG_SERVER, "WELCOME", szName);

    #if defined ADMIN_LOADER
        new exp = admin_expired(id);
        if(exp > 0) {
            new sys = get_systime();
            if((exp - sys) / 86400 > 0)    iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\ywill expired: \w%d d.!^n^n", (exp - sys) / 86400);
        } else if(exp == 0) iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "%L^n^n", LANG_SERVER, "VIP_EXPIRED_PRMANENT");
        iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n");

    new szUseWpn[2]; formatex(szUseWpn, charsmax(szUseWpn), "%s", g_bUseWeapon[id] ? "d" : "w");

    if(g_iRound < pCvarCfg[WEAPONSRND])
        iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\r1. \d%L \r%L^n\r2. \d%L \r%L^n\r3. \d%L \r%L^n", LANG_SERVER, "AK47", LANG_SERVER, "ROUND", pCvarCfg[WEAPONSRND], LANG_SERVER, "M4A1", LANG_SERVER, "ROUND", pCvarCfg[WEAPONSRND], LANG_SERVER, "FAMAS", LANG_SERVER, "ROUND", pCvarCfg[WEAPONSRND]);
    else {
        key |= MENU_KEY_1|MENU_KEY_2|MENU_KEY_3;
        iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\r1. \%s%L^n\r2. \%s%L^n\r3. \%s%L^n", szUseWpn, LANG_SERVER, "AK47", szUseWpn, LANG_SERVER, "M4A1", szUseWpn, LANG_SERVER, "FAMAS");

    if(g_iRound < pCvarCfg[AWPM249RND])
        iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\r4. \d%L \r%L^n\r5. \d%L \r%L^n^n", LANG_SERVER, "AWP", LANG_SERVER, "ROUND", pCvarCfg[AWPM249RND], LANG_SERVER, "GALIL", LANG_SERVER, "ROUND", pCvarCfg[AWPM249RND]);
    else {
        key |= MENU_KEY_4|MENU_KEY_5;
        iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\r4. \%s%L^n\r5. \%s%L^n^n", szUseWpn, LANG_SERVER, "AWP", szUseWpn, LANG_SERVER, "GALIL");

    if(g_bUsePistol) {
        key |= MENU_KEY_6;
        iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\r6. %L \r[\w%s\r]^n", LANG_SERVER, "PISTOL", iPistol[id] == 0 ? "Deagle" : iPistol[id] == 1 ? "USP" : "Glock");
    formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "^n\r0. %L", LANG_SERVER, "EXIT");

    set_member(id, m_iMenu, Menu_OFF);
    return show_menu(id, key, szMenu, -1, "Vip Menu");

public MenuHandler(id, key) {
    if(key <= 4) {
        /***    Защита от дурака    ***/
        if(g_iRound < pCvarCfg[WEAPONSRND]) return client_print_color(id, 0, "%L %L", LANG_SERVER, "CHAT_TAG", LANG_SERVER, "PISTOLS_ROUND");
        /***    End        ***/
        if(g_bUseWeapon[id]) return client_print_color(id, 0, "%L %L", LANG_SERVER, "CHAT_TAG", LANG_SERVER, "ALREDY_WEAPON_RND");
        g_bUseWeapon[id] = true;
        static const szChoosedBP[] = { 90, 90, 90, 30, 90 };
        static const szChoosedWP[][] = { "weapon_ak47", "weapon_m4a1", "weapon_famas", "weapon_awp", "weapon_galil" };
        return rg_give_items(id, szChoosedWP[key], szChoosedBP[key]);
    else if (key == 5) GivePistol(id);
    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

public GivePistol(id) {
    iPistol[id] >= 2 ? (iPistol[id] = 0) : iPistol[id]++;
    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

stock rg_give_items(id, currWeaponName[], ammoAmount) {
    rg_drop_items_by_slot(id, PRIMARY_WEAPON_SLOT);

    rg_give_item(id, currWeaponName, GT_APPEND);
    rg_set_user_bpammo(id, rg_get_weapon_info(currWeaponName, WI_ID), ammoAmount);

    engclient_cmd(id, currWeaponName);
    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

ROUND = [%d raund]


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57 раз(а)
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This section contains topics that require assistance with the revision or explanation of the material.
The topic should be published attempts (diff code or sequence of actions) self-search solutions.
If you have no experience and attempts to understand the problem yourself, then you should go to the "Purchase" section.
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Реакции: Murz
line 138 change to
iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\r1. \d%L \r%L^n\r2. \d%L \r%L^n\r3. \d%L \r%L^n", LANG_SERVER, "AK47", LANG_SERVER, "ROUND", g_iRound, pCvarCfg[WEAPONSRND], LANG_SERVER, "M4A1", LANG_SERVER, "ROUND", g_iRound, pCvarCfg[WEAPONSRND], LANG_SERVER, "FAMAS", LANG_SERVER, "ROUND", g_iRound, pCvarCfg[WEAPONSRND]);
and 145 change to
iLen += formatex(szMenu[iLen], charsmax(szMenu) - iLen, "\r4. \d%L \r%L^n\r5. \d%L \r%L^n^n", LANG_SERVER, "AWP", LANG_SERVER, "ROUND", g_iRound, pCvarCfg[AWPM249RND], LANG_SERVER, "GALIL", LANG_SERVER, "ROUND", g_iRound, pCvarCfg[AWPM249RND]);

ROUND = [%i/%i raund]

and another tip: replace all LANG_SERVER constant to player index (id)

Next time, give your attempts to solve the problem. Otherwise it looks like an order.
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