Ограничения ботов!

В этой теме нельзя размещать новые ответы.
Limit is bots
Amx Mod X
ReHLDS version:
ReGameDLL version:
Версия Metamod
Metamod-r v1.3.0.138
Список метамодулей
description      stat pend  file                   vers             src  load  unload
[ 1] AMX Mod X RUN - amxmodx_mm.dll v1.9.0.5294 ini Start ANY
[ 2] Reunion RUN - reunion_mm.dll v0.1.92d ini Start Never
[ 3] Revoice RUN - revoice_mm.dll v0.1.0.34 ini Start Never
[ 4] SafeNameAndChat RUN - safenameandchat.dll v1.2 Beta 3 ini ANY ANY
[ 5] HitBox Fix RUN - hitbox_fix_mm.dll v1.1.5 ini Start ANY
[ 6] ReSemiclip RUN - resemiclip_mm.dll v2.4.3 ini Chlvl ANY
[ 7] YaPB RUN - yapb.dll v4.4.957 ini Chlvl ANY
[ 8] bsploaderfixer RUN - bsploaderfixer_mm.dll v0.1.0 ini ANY ANY
[ 9] ReParachute RUN - parachute_amxx.dll v1.1 Beta pl1 ANY ANY
[10] Ham Sandwich RUN - hamsandwich_amxx.dll v1.9.0.5294 pl1 ANY ANY
[11] CSX RUN - csx_amxx.dll v1.9.0.5294 pl1 ANY ANY
[12] ReAPI RUN - reapi_amxx.dll v5.24.0.300-dev pl1 ANY Never
[13] FakeMeta RUN - fakemeta_amxx.dll v1.9.0.5294 pl1 ANY ANY
[14] CStrike RUN - cstrike_amxx.dll v1.9.0.5294 pl1 ANY ANY
[15] Fun RUN - fun_amxx.dll v1.9.0.5294 pl1 ANY ANY
[16] Engine RUN - engine_amxx.dll v1.9.0.5294 pl1 ANY ANY
16 plugins, 16 running
Список плагинов
[  1] Admin Base      AMXX Dev Team     admin.amxx       running
[ 2] Admin Commands AMXX Dev Team admincmd.amxx running
[ 3] Admin Help AMXX Dev Team adminhelp.amxx running
[ 4] Slots Reservation AMXX Dev Team adminslots.amxx running
[ 5] Multi-Lingual System AMXX Dev Team multilingual.am running
[ 6] Menus Front-End AMXX Dev Team menufront.amxx running
[ 7] Commands Menu AMXX Dev Team cmdmenu.amxx running
[ 8] Players Menu AMXX Dev Team plmenu.amxx running
[ 9] Maps Menu AMXX Dev Team mapsmenu.amxx running
[ 10] Plugin Menu AMXX Dev Team pluginmenu.amxx running
[ 11] Admin Chat AMXX Dev Team adminchat.amxx running
[ 12] Anti Flood AMXX Dev Team antiflood.amxx running
[ 13] Scrolling Message AMXX Dev Team scrollmsg.amxx running
[ 14] Info. Messages AMXX Dev Team imessage.amxx running
[ 15] Admin Votes AMXX Dev Team adminvote.amxx running
[ 16] NextMap AMXX Dev Team nextmap.amxx running
[ 17] Nextmap Chooser AMXX Dev Team mapchooser.amxx running
[ 18] TimeLeft AMXX Dev Team timeleft.amxx running
[ 19] Pause Plugins AMXX Dev Team pausecfg.amxx running
[ 20] Stats Configuration AMXX Dev Team statscfg.amxx running
[ 21] StatsX AMXX Dev Team statsx.amxx running
[ 22] Team Select 1.6.0 F@nt0M teamselect.amxx running
[ 23] GunGame AMXX 2.13b Avalanche gungame.amxx running
[ 24] Potti 1.40 p3tsin potti.amxx running
[ 25] Ultimate Gore 1.6 JTP10181 amx_gore_ultima running
[ 26] Vampire Weapons 1.2 Hafner vampire_weapons running
[ 27] HeadShot Blood 1.1 tuty hs_blood.amxx running
[ 28] [ReAPI] Custom Models 1.6.1 neugomon custom_models.a running
[ 29] Perfect Camera 0.2.5 Nordic Warrior PerfectCamera.a running
[ 30] Hook 1.5 LLInH9rA my_hook.amxx running
[ 31] Welcome Music 1.0 Code RaFa welcome_music.a running
[ 32] Simple Damager 2.1.0 fl0wer simple_damager. running
[ 33] Kills Counter 1.0 Safety1st kills_counter_1 running
[ 34] WeaponState Remember 0.0.4 Vaqtincha weaponstate_rem running
[ 35] BunnyHop Menu 1.2 OverGame bhop_menu.amxx running
[ 36] recoil_manager 1.0.0 fl0wer recoil_manager. running
[ 37] Music Menu 1.3 Fxfighter music_menu.amxx running
[ 38] Weapon Kill 1.2 Slove. & AcE weaponkill.amxx running
[ 39] Weapon Kill No Suicide 1.2 Slove. & AcE no_suicide_weap running
[ 40] block ip 0.1 legenda amx_blockip.amx running
[ 41] Advanced Slow Motion 0.1 KRoTaL advanced_slowmo running
41 plugins, 41 running
Автор плагина
YaPB Project
Версия плагина
Исходный код
// @package: YaPB
// @version: 4.4
// @author: YaPB Project
// @filename: yapb.cfg
// YaPB main configuration file. Can be executed via "exec" command.

// Autostart analyzer if all other cases are failed.
// ---
// Default: "1", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_graph_analyze_auto_start "1"

// Auto save results of analysis to graph file. And re-add bots.
// ---
// Default: "1", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_graph_analyze_auto_save "1"

// The minimum distance to keep nodes from each other.
// ---
// Default: "64", Min: "42", Max: "128"
yb_graph_analyze_distance "64"

// Max jump height to test if next node will be unreachable.
// ---
// Default: "44", Min: "44", Max: "64"
yb_graph_analyze_max_jump_height "44"

// The FPS at which analyzer process is running. This keeps game from freezing during analyzing.
// ---
// Default: "30.0", Min: "25.0", Max: "99.0"
yb_graph_analyze_fps "30.0"

// Specifies if analyzer should clean the unnecessary paths upon finishing.
// ---
// Default: "1", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_graph_analyze_clean_paths_on_finish "1"

// Specifies if analyzer should merge some near-placed nodes with much of connections together.
// ---
// Default: "1", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_graph_analyze_optimize_nodes_on_finish "1"

// Specifies if analyzer should mark nodes as map goals automatically upon finish.
// ---
// Default: "1", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_graph_analyze_mark_goals_on_finish "1"

// Enables or disables useful messages about bot states. Not required for end users.
// ---
// Default: "0", Min: "0", Max: "4"
yb_debug "0"

// Forces all alive bots to build path and go to the specified here graph node.
// ---
// Default: "-1", Min: "-1", Max: "4096"
yb_debug_goal "-1"

// Specifies the percent of bots, that can follow leader on each round start.
// ---
// Default: "20", Min: "0", Max: "100"
yb_user_follow_percent "20"

// Specifies how many bots can follow a single user.
// ---
// Default: "1", Min: "0", Max: "8"
yb_user_max_followers "1"

// If enabled, all bots will be forced only the knife, skipping weapon buying routines.
// ---
// Default: "0", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_jasonmode "0"

// Allows bots to use radio or chatter.
// Allowed values: '0', '1', '2'.
// If '0', radio and chatter is disabled.
// If '1', only radio allowed.
// If '2' chatter and radio allowed.
// ---
// Default: "2", Min: "0", Max: "2"
yb_radio_mode "0"

// Specifies whether bots able to use team economics, like do not buy any weapons for whole team to keep money for better guns.
// ---
// Default: "1", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_economics_rounds "1"

// Allows bots to ignore economics and buy weapons with disrespect of economics.
// ---
// Default: "25", Min: "0", Max: "100"
yb_economics_disrespect_percent "25"

// Allows or disallows bot to check environment for darkness, thus allows or not to use flashlights or NVG.
// ---
// Default: "1", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_check_darkness "0"

// Allows bots to partially avoid grenades.
// ---
// Default: "1", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_avoid_grenades "1"

// Allows or disallows bots to take revenge of teamkillers / team attacks.
// ---
// Default: "1", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_tkpunish "1"

// If enabled, the bots think function is disabled, so bots will not move anywhere from their spawn spots.
// ---
// Default: "0", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_freeze_bots "0"

// Allows or disallows the use of spray paints.
// ---
// Default: "1", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_spraypaints "1"

// Allows or disallows bots weapon buying routines.
// ---
// Default: "1", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_botbuy "1"

// Allows bots to destroy breakables around them, even without touching with them.
// ---
// Default: "1", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_destroy_breakables_around "1"

// The radius on which bot searches world for new objects, items, and weapons.
// ---
// Default: "450.0", Min: "64.0", Max: "1024.0"
yb_object_pickup_radius "450.0"

// The radius on which bot destroy breakables around it, when not touching with them.
// ---
// Default: "400.0", Min: "64.0", Max: "1024.0"
yb_object_destroy_radius "400.0"

// Specifies the paths for the bot chatter sound files.
// ---
// Default: "sound/radio/bot"
yb_chatter_path "sound/radio/bot"

// Specifies semicolon separated list of weapons that are not allowed to buy / pickup.
// ---
// Default: ""
yb_restricted_weapons ""

// Allows or disallows bots to attack monsters.
// ---
// Default: "0", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_attack_monsters "0"

// Allows or disallows bots to pickup custom items.
// ---
// Default: "0", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_pickup_custom_items "0"

// Allows bots pickup mod items like ammo, health kits and suits.
// ---
// Default: "0", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_pickup_ammo_and_kits "0"

// Allows or disallows bots to pickup best weapons.
// ---
// Default: "1", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_pickup_best "1"

// Allows or disallows bots to do map objectives, i.e. plant/defuse bombs, and saves hostages.
// ---
// Default: "0", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_ignore_objectives "1"

// Enables or disables bots chat functionality.
// ---
// Default: "1", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_chat "1"

// Bot chances to send random dead chat when killed.
// ---
// Default: "30", Min: "0", Max: "100"
yb_chat_percent "15"

// Specifies whether bots able to fire at enemies behind the wall, if they hearing or suspecting them.
// ---
// Default: "2", Min: "0", Max: "3"
yb_shoots_thru_walls "2"

// Enables or disables searching world for enemies.
// ---
// Default: "0", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_ignore_enemies "0"

// Enables or disables checking enemy rendering flags. Useful for some mods.
// ---
// Default: "0", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_check_enemy_rendering "1"

// Enables or disables checking enemy invincibility. Useful for some mods.
// ---
// Default: "0", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_check_enemy_invincibility "1"

// Enables or disables bot ability to stab the enemy with knife if bot is in good condition.
// ---
// Default: "1", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_stab_close_enemies "1"

// Binds specified key for opening bots menu.
// ---
// Default: "="
yb_bind_menu_key "/"

// Specifies comma separated list of bot cvars, that will not be overwritten by config on changelevel.
// ---
// Default: "yb_quota,yb_autovacate"
yb_ignore_cvars_on_changelevel "yb_quota,yb_autovacate"

// Disables logger to write anything to log file. Just spew content to the console.
// ---
// Default: "0", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_logger_disable_logfile "0"

// The value (password) for the setinfo key, if user sets correct password, he's gains access to bot commands and menus.
// ---
// Default: ""
yb_password "password"

// The name of setinfo key used to store password to bot commands and menus.
// ---
// Default: "_ybpw"
yb_password_key "_ybpw"

// Enables or disables CSDM / FFA mode for bots.
// Allowed values: '0', '1', '2', '3'.
// If '0', CSDM / FFA mode is auto-detected.
// If '1', CSDM mode is enabled, but FFA is disabled.
// If '2', CSDM and FFA mode is enabled.
// If '3', CSDM and FFA mode is disabled.
// ---
// Default: "0", Min: "0", Max: "3"
yb_csdm_mode "0"

// If enabled, bots will not apply game modes based on map name prefix (fy_ and ka_ specifically).
// ---
// Default: "0", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_ignore_map_prefix_game_mode "0"

// Maximum number of threads bot will run to process some tasks. -1 means half of CPU cores used.
// ---
// Default: "-1", Min: "-1", Max: "16"
yb_threadpool_workers "-1"

// If enabled, bots will not apply throwing condition on grenades.
// ---
// Default: "0", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_grenadier_mode "0"

// Specifies whether bot should not 'fix' camp directions of camp waypoints when loading old PWF format.
// ---
// Default: "0", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_graph_fixcamp "0"

// Specifies the URL from which bots will be able to download graph in case of missing local one. Set to empty, if no downloads needed.
// ---
// Default: "yapb.jeefo.net"
yb_graph_url "yapb.jeefo.net"

// Specifies the URL to which bots will try to upload the graph file to database.
// ---
// Default: "yapb.jeefo.net/upload"
yb_graph_url_upload ""

// Every N graph nodes placed on map, the graph will be saved automatically (without checks).
// ---
// Default: "15", Min: "0", Max: "4096"
yb_graph_auto_save_count "15"

// Maximum distance to draw graph nodes from editor viewport.
// ---
// Default: "400", Min: "64", Max: "3072"
yb_graph_draw_distance "400"

// Allows bots to exchange your graph files with graph database automatically.
// ---
// Default: "0", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_graph_auto_collect_db "0"

// Kick bots to automatically make room for human players.
// ---
// Default: "1", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_autovacate "1"

// How many slots autovacate feature should keep for human players.
// ---
// Default: "1", Min: "1", Max: "8"
yb_autovacate_keep_slots "1"

// Kick the bot immediately when a human player joins the server (yb_autovacate must be enabled).
// ---
// Default: "1", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_kick_after_player_connect "1"

// Specifies the number bots to be added to the game.
// ---
// Default: "9", Min: "0", Max: "32"
yb_quota "21"

// Specifies the type of quota.
// Allowed values: 'normal', 'fill', and 'match'.
// If 'fill', the server will adjust bots to keep N players in the game, where N is yb_quota.
// If 'match', the server will maintain a 1:N ratio of humans to bots, where N is yb_quota_match.
// ---
// Default: "normal"
yb_quota_mode "normal"

// Number of players to match if yb_quota_mode set to 'match'
// ---
// Default: "0", Min: "0", Max: "32"
yb_quota_match "0"

// Specifies how many times per second bot code will run.
// ---
// Default: "26.0", Min: "24.0", Max: "90.0"
yb_think_fps "60.0"

// Specifies amount of time in seconds when bots will be killed if no humans left alive.
// ---
// Default: "0.0", Min: "0.0", Max: "90.0"
yb_autokill_delay "0.0"

// Specifies whether bots should join server, only when at least one human player in game.
// ---
// Default: "0", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_join_after_player "0"

// Forces all bots to join team specified here.
// ---
// Default: "any"
yb_join_team "any"

// Specifies after how many seconds bots should start to join the game after the changelevel.
// ---
// Default: "5.0", Min: "0.0", Max: "30.0"
yb_join_delay "5.0"

// All the bot names will be prefixed with string specified with this cvar.
// ---
// Default: ""
yb_name_prefix "**"

// All bots difficulty level. Changing at runtime will affect already created bots.
// ---
// Default: "3", Min: "0", Max: "4"
yb_difficulty "4"

// Lower bound of random difficulty on bot creation. Only affects newly created bots. -1 means yb_difficulty only used.
// ---
// Default: "-1", Min: "-1", Max: "4"
yb_difficulty_min "-1"

// Upper bound of random difficulty on bot creation. Only affects newly created bots. -1 means yb_difficulty only used.
// ---
// Default: "-1", Min: "-1", Max: "4"
yb_difficulty_max "-1"

// Allows each bot to balance their own difficulty based kd-ratio of team.
// ---
// Default: "0", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_difficulty_auto "0"

// Interval in which bots will balance their difficulty.
// ---
// Default: "30", Min: "30", Max: "240"
yb_difficulty_auto_balance_interval "30"

// Enables or disables displaying bot avatars in front of their names in scoreboard. Note, that is currently you can see only avatars of your steam friends.
// ---
// Default: "1", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_show_avatars "1"

// Enables latency display in scoreboard.
// Allowed values: '0', '1', '2'.
// If '0', there is nothing displayed.
// If '1', there is a 'BOT' is displayed.
// If '2' fake ping is displayed.
// ---
// Default: "2", Min: "0", Max: "2"
yb_show_latency "2"

// Allows to save bot names upon changelevel, so bot names will be the same after a map change.
// ---
// Default: "1", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_save_bots_names "1"

// Specifies the bots wanted skin for Terrorist team.
// ---
// Default: "0", Min: "0", Max: "5"
yb_botskin_t "0"

// Specifies the bots wanted skin for CT team.
// ---
// Default: "0", Min: "0", Max: "5"
yb_botskin_ct "0"

// Sets the default personality when creating bots with quota management.
// Allowed values: 'none', 'normal', 'careful', 'rusher'.
// If 'none' is specified personality chosen randomly.
// ---
// Default: "none"
yb_preferred_personality "none"

// Lower bound for base bot ping shown in scoreboard upon creation.
// ---
// Default: "7", Min: "0", Max: "100"
yb_ping_base_min "10"

// Upper bound for base bot ping shown in scoreboard upon creation.
// ---
// Default: "34", Min: "0", Max: "100"
yb_ping_base_max "0"

// Interval in which bots are added to the game.
// ---
// Default: "0.1", Min: "0.1", Max: "1.0"
yb_quota_adding_interval "0.5"

// Interval on which overall bot quota are checked.
// ---
// Default: "0.4", Min: "0.4", Max: "2.0"
yb_quota_maintain_interval "0.4"

// Specifies the language for bot messages and menus.
// ---
// Default: "en"
yb_language "ru"

// Randomly disconnect and connect bots, simulating players join/quit.
// ---
// Default: "0", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_rotate_bots "0"

// Specifies minimum amount of seconds bot keep connected, if rotation active.
// ---
// Default: "360.0", Min: "120.0", Max: "7200.0"
yb_rotate_stay_min "360.0"

// Specifies maximum amount of seconds bot keep connected, if rotation active.
// ---
// Default: "3600.0", Min: "1800.0", Max: "14400.0"
yb_rotate_stay_max "3600.0"

// When enabled, bots will not try to avoid teammates on their way. Assuming some of the semiclip plugins are in use.
// ---
// Default: "0", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_has_team_semiclip "0"

// Selects the heuristic function mode. For debug purposes only.
// ---
// Default: "0", Min: "0", Max: "4"
yb_path_heuristic_mode "0"

// Limit maximum floyd-warshall memory (megabytes). Use Dijkstra if memory exceeds.
// ---
// Default: "6", Min: "0", Max: "32"
yb_path_floyd_memory_limit "6"

// Use simple distance path calculation instead of running full Dijkstra path cycle. Used only when Floyd matrices unavailable due to memory limit.
// ---
// Default: "1", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_path_dijkstra_simple_distance "1"

// Enables post-smoothing for A*. Reduces zig-zags on paths at cost of some CPU cycles.
// ---
// Default: "0", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_path_astar_post_smooth "0"

// Randomize pathfinding on each round start.
// ---
// Default: "1", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_path_randomize_on_round_start "1"

// Enables or disables showing welcome message to host entity on game start.
// ---
// Default: "1", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_display_welcome_text "1"

// Enables or disables fake server queries response, that shows bots as real players in server browser.
// ---
// Default: "0", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_enable_query_hook "1"

// Specifies the maximum health of breakable object, that bot will consider to destroy.
// ---
// Default: "500.0", Min: "1.0", Max: "3000.0"
yb_breakable_health_limit "500.0"

// Allows or disallows bots to return fake steam id.
// ---
// Default: "0", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_enable_fake_steamids "0"

// Count player pings when calculating average ping for bots. If no, some random ping chosen for bots.
// ---
// Default: "1", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_count_players_for_fakeping "1"

// Specifies whether bots able to use 'shift' if they thinks that enemy is near.
// ---
// Default: "1", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_walking_allowed "1"

// Allows or disallows bots to camp. Doesn't affects bomb/hostage defending tasks.
// ---
// Default: "1", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_camping_allowed "1"

// Lower bound of time from which time for camping is calculated
// ---
// Default: "15.0", Min: "5.0", Max: "90.0"
yb_camping_time_min "15.0"

// Upper bound of time until which time for camping is calculated
// ---
// Default: "45.0", Min: "15.0", Max: "120.0"
yb_camping_time_max "45.0"

// Allows or disallows the ability for random knife attacks when bot is rushing and no enemy is nearby.
// ---
// Default: "1", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_random_knife_attacks "1"

// Maximum number for path length, to predict the enemy.
// ---
// Default: "25", Min: "15", Max: "256"
yb_max_nodes_for_predict "45"

// Enables or disables extra hard difficulty for bots.
// ---
// Default: "0", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_whose_your_daddy "0"
Добрый день ребята, мне нужна помощь: касательно ботов.
А именно:
Мне нужна информация по поводу где могут содержаться их ограничения, и так-же (расширения файлов) уточните если не трудно
мне надо.
В файле поменял значения: "не помню уже какие". Yapb.cfg.
P.s. Не знаете случаем какая переменная отвечает за "передвижение ботов?" Напрягает просто что боты очень много на shift'e передвигаются.
В этой теме было размещено решение! Перейти к решению.
9 раз(а)
// Specifies whether bots able to use 'shift' if they thinks that enemy is near.
// ---
// Default: "1", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_walking_allowed "1"
Там прям написано
Vaqtincha, а случаем не знаешь, можно-ли использовать "отдельную модель" для ботов, именно личности скажем-так? Просто чтобы проверить, какой патерн для меня подходит больше всего.
Daceless, отдельной модели на личности нет, есть специальный пример в описании настроек по yapb как создать специального бота (имя/модель/команда/скилл/личность)
13 раз(а)
Daceless, посмотреть текущие персоналити и уровни сложности ботов можно через команду yb list

Персоналити можно задавать кваром :
// Sets the default personality when creating bots with quota management.
//  Allowed values: 'none', 'normal', 'careful', 'rusher'.
//  If 'none' is specified personality chosen randomly.
// ---
// Default: "none"
yb_preferred_personality "none"
А, кол-во ботов выставить где, почему никто не отвечает на это? Я что-то не верно заполнил? Но за эти моменты благодарю, пригодиться.
В этой теме нельзя размещать новые ответы.

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