
FATAL ERROR (shutting down): SZ_GetSpace: tried to write to an uninitialized sizebuf_t: ???
Amx Mod X
ReHLDS version:
Build date: 07:36:33 Jul 12 2023 (3378)
ReGameDLL version:
Build date: 03:10:30 Jul 11 2023
Версия Metamod
Metamod-r v1.3.0.128, API (5:13)
Metamod-r build: 17:47:54 Aug 24 2018
Список метамодулей
[ 1] YaPB           RUN   -    yapb.so                     v4.3.734         ini  Chlvl ANY
[ 2] Reunion RUN - reunion.so v0.1.92d ini Start Never
[ 3] Revoice RUN - revoice.so v0.1.0.34 ini Start Never
[ 4] Rechecker RUN - rechecker.so v2.5 ini Chlvl ANY
[ 5] WHBlocker RUN - whblocker.so v1.5.697 ini Chlvl ANY
[ 6] ReSemiclip RUN - resemiclip.so v2.3.9 ini Chlvl ANY
[ 7] AMX Mod X RUN - amxmodx.so v1.9.0.5271 ini Start ANY
[ 8] ReSRDetector RUN - resrdetector.so v0.1.0 ini Chlvl ANY
[ 9] MySQL RUN - mysql_amxx_i386.so v1.9.0.5271 pl7 ANY ANY
[10] Fun RUN - fun_amxx_i386.so v1.9.0.5271 pl7 ANY ANY
[11] Engine RUN - engine_amxx_i386.so v1.9.0.5271 pl7 ANY ANY
[12] FakeMeta RUN - fakemeta_amxx_i386.so v1.9.0.5271 pl7 ANY ANY
[13] Ham Sandwich RUN - hamsandwich_amxx_i386.so v1.9.0.5271 pl7 ANY ANY
[14] CStrike RUN - cstrike_amxx_i386.so v1.9.0.5271 pl7 ANY ANY
[15] CSX RUN - csx_amxx_i386.so v1.9.0.5271 pl7 ANY ANY
[16] ReAPI RUN - reapi_amxx_i386.so v5.21.0.252-dev pl7 ANY Never
[17] ReAimDetector RUN - reaimdetector_amxx_i386.so v0.2.2 pl7 ANY Never
[18] gRIP RUN - grip_amxx_i386.so v0.1.5 Beta pl7 ANY ANY
[19] GeoIP RUN - geoip_amxx_i386.so v1.9.0.5271 pl7 ANY ANY
Список плагинов
Currently loaded plugins:
name version author file status
[ 1] [190] AMXBans RBS 20.06.06 SKAJIbnEJIb & La amxbans_rbs.amx running
[ 2] [ReAPI] Healthnade 0.0.2 F@nt0M reapi_healthnad running
[ 3] Accuracy Fix 1.0 Numb accuracy_fix.am running
[ 4] Auto VIP [STEAM] 1.1 ArtHa auto_steam_vip. running
[ 5] Anticheat 3.1.6 ctr52 anticheat.amxx running
[ 6] [190] Cvar On Map 20.06.06 SKAJIbnEJIb cvar_on_map.amx running
[ 7] [190] CsStats MySQL 20.06.06 SKAJIbnEJIb csstats_mysql.a running
[ 8] [190] Skill ELO 20.06.06 SKAJIbnEJIb skill_elo.amxx running
[ 9] [190] MapChooser RBS 20.08.02 SKAJIbnEJIb & UF mapchooser_rbs. running
[ 10] c4 0.1 Artemka c4.amxx running
[ 11] Auto rr 1.0 ill RAZMINKA.amxx running
[ 12] [190] AdminCmd RBS 20.06.06 SKAJIbnEJIb & AM admincmd_rbs.am running
[ 13] Admin Commands AMXX Dev Team admincmd.amxx stopped
[ 14] Custom Smoke 1.07 bionext custom_smoke.am running
[ 15] Menus Front-End 20.06.06 SKAJIbnEJIb & AM amxmodmenu_rbs. running
[ 16] Commands Menu AMXX Dev Team cmdmenu.amxx running
[ 17] [190] MapsMenu RBS 20.06.06 SKAJIbnEJIb & AM mapsmenu_rbs.am running
[ 18] [190] AdminChat RBS 20.06.06 SKAJIbnEJIb adminchat_rbs.a running
[ 19] Anti Flood AMXX Dev Team antiflood.amxx running
[ 20] [190] Ad From Server 20.06.06 SKAJIbnEJIb ad_from_server. running
[ 21] [190] NextMap 18.09.25 SKAJIbnEJIb & AM nextmap.amxx running
[ 22] [190] TimeLeft 18.09.25 SKAJIbnEJIb & AM timeleft.amxx running
[ 23] [190] Stats Configurat 20.06.06 SKAJIbnEJIb & AM statscfg_rbs.am running
[ 24] [190] RestMenu RBS 20.06.06 SKAJIbnEJIb & AM restmenu_rbs.am running
[ 25] [190] StatsX RBS 20.09.26BE SKAJIbnEJIb & AM statsx_rbs.amxx running
[ 26] Bypass Guard 1.0.1 mx?! bypass_guard.am running
[ 27] [BG] Provider: iphub.i 0.5 mx?! bg_provider_iph running
[ 28] [BG] Provider: GeoIP 0.2 mx?! bg_provider_geo running
[ 29] SH_detector 2.5.2e kanagava sh_check.amxx running
[ 30] ReAimDetector API 0.2.2 ReHLDS Team reaimdetector.a running
[ 31] Aliases checker 1.0.6 kanagava alias_detector. running
[ 32] Free BPammo Weapons 0.0.1 Vaqtincha freeammo.amxx running
[ 33] Kills Counter 0.3 serfreeman1337 kills_counter.a running
[ 34] CSO Kill Sounds 1.0.7 Radius (based on cso_kill_sounds running
[ 35] [190] Ultimate Weapons 20.09.26BE SKAJIbnEJIb ultimate_weapon running
[ 36] [190] VIP RBS 20.07.20 SKAJIbnEJIb vip_rbs.amxx running
[ 37] [190] Top Award RBS 20.06.06 SKAJIbnEJIb topaward_rbs.am running
[ 38] [190] Marker RBS 20.06.06 SKAJIbnEJIb & st marker_rbs.amxx running
[ 39] [183] Crux Ansata 17.10.30 Sanlerus crux_ansata.amx running
[ 40] [190] Kill Assist RBS 20.06.06 SKAJIbnEJIb & Di killassist_rbs. running
[ 41] [190] Snipers RBS 20.06.06 SKAJIbnEJIb snipers_rbs.amx running
[ 42] [190] Ultimate Flags 20.06.06 SKAJIbnEJIb ultimate_flags. running
[ 43] [190] Parachute RBS 20.06.06 SKAJIbnEJIb & KR parachute_rbs.a running
[ 44] [190] WeaponMenu RBS 20.06.30 SKAJIbnEJIb weaponmenu_rbs. running
[ 45] Block grande info 1.0 neygomon BlockGrenadeInf running
[ 46] Welcome HudMsg 1.0 DeSeRt^ dhud.amxx running
[ 47] AFK Manager 1.2 Xramer afk_manager.amx running
[ 48] Admin Check 1.51 OneEyed admin_check.amx running
[ 49] [190] CsStats ResetSco 20.06.06 SKAJIbnEJIb csstats_resetsc running
[ 50] [190] Screen Player 20.06.06 SKAJIbnEJIb screen_player.a running
[ 51] [190] DemoRecorder RBS 20.06.06 SKAJIbnEJIb demorecorder_rb running
[ 52] Bomb Timer 3.2 Twe3k bomb_dhud.amxx running
[ 53] Bullet Damage 2.0 Bboy Grun bullet_damage.a running
[ 54] [190] Ultimate Models 20.06.06 SKAJIbnEJIb ultimate_models running
[ 55] [190] No Team Flash 20.06.06 SKAJIbnEJIb NoTeamFlash.amx running
[ 56] Master Servers Check 4.8 Javekson ms_check.amxx running
[ 57] First Blood 1.0 Grusha firstblood3.amx running
[ 58] [183] Ultimate Gag 19.02.05BE SKAJIbnEJIb ultimate_gag.am running
[ 59] VoiceControl by CsStat 1.3[Engine neygomon voice_control.a running
[ 60] [183] Team Balancer 17.10.30 Sanlerus team_balancer.a running
[ 61] [190] ESP RBS 20.06.06 SKAJIbnEJIb & Ko esp_rbs.amxx running
[ 62] [190] Map Spawns Edito 20.06.06 SKAJIbnEJIb & iG MapSpawnsEditor running
[ 63] [190] AR Vampire 20.06.06 SKAJIbnEJIb ar_vampire.amxx running
[ 64] [190] Bets RBS 20.10.24BE SKAJIbnEJIb bets_rbs.amxx running
[ 65] [190] Stimulation RBS 20.06.06 SKAJIbnEJIb stimulation_rbs running
[ 66] [190] CsStats Editor 20.06.06 SKAJIbnEJIb csstats_editor. running
[ 67] [190] Army Ranks Ultim 20.06.06 SKAJIbnEJIb army_ranks_ulti running
[ 68] [190] Chat RBS 20.06.06 SKAJIbnEJIb chat_rbs.amxx running
[ 69] Map Manager: Core 3.0.10 Mistrick map_manager_cor running
[ 70] Map Manager: Scheduler 0.1.7 Mistrick map_manager_sch running
[ 71] Map Manager: Rtv 0.1.1 Mistrick map_manager_rtv running
[ 72] Map Manager: Nominatio 0.1.3 Mistrick map_manager_nom running
[ 73] Map Manager: BlockList 0.0.3 Mistrick map_manager_blo running
[ 74] Map Manager: Online so 0.0.3 Mistrick map_manager_onl running
[ 75] Map Manager: Effects 0.0.10 Mistrick map_manager_eff running
[ 76] Map Manager: Informer 0.0.5 Mistrick map_manager_inf running
2 раза в день стабильно сервер падает с ошибкой.

ботов убираю... сервер перестает падать. какой то конфликт или что не понимаю

боты были старые. обновил их, и все так же падает

наткнулся на эту тему но не понял что обновить) вроде как у меня gamedll обновлен
80 раз(а)
[ 5] Anticheat 3.1.6 ctr52 anticheat.amxx running
мб из-за этого падает.

зачем тебе этот плагин:
[ 29] SH_detector 2.5.2e kanagava sh_check.amxx
если у тебя стоит этот плагин:
[ 8] ReSRDetector RUN - resrdetector.so v0.1.0
обнови этот модуль:
[16] ReAPI RUN - reapi_amxx_i386.so v5.21.0.252-dev
5 раз(а)
Обратите внимание, если вы хотите заключить сделку с этим пользователем, он заблокирован
FATAL ERROR (shutting down): SZ_GetSpace: Tried to write to an uninitialized sizebuf_t:
Причина возникновения:
Чаще всего возникает при загрузке сервером тяжёлых cfg файлов.
Обратите внимание, если вы хотите заключить сделку с этим пользователем, он заблокирован
@Алексеич,античит и сх плагин убрал

модуль реапи пока не обновлял.со вчера еще ни одного падения пока что
Падения есть... обновил reapi... посмотрим
Все так же сервер падает даже после обновления или убирания плагинов

какой еще конфликт может идти от ботов? Ботов убираю падений нет. боты есть падения есть
7 раз(а)
Обратите внимание, если вы хотите заключить сделку с этим пользователем, он заблокирован
dimamelnic, приложи конфиг ботов
// @package: YaPB
// @version: 4.3
// @author: YaPB Project
// @filename: yapb.cfg
// YaPB main configuration file. Can be executed via "exec" command.

// Enables or disables useful messages about bot states. Not required for end users.
// ---
// Default: "0", Min: "0", Max: "4"
yb_debug "0"

// Forces all alive bots to build path and go to the specified here graph node.
// ---
// Default: "-1", Min: "-1", Max: "2048"
yb_debug_goal "-1"

// Specifies the percent of bots, that can follow leader on each round start.
// ---
// Default: "20", Min: "0", Max: "100"
yb_user_follow_percent "20"

// Specifies how many bots can follow a single user.
// ---
// Default: "1", Min: "0", Max: "8"
yb_user_max_followers "1"

// If enabled, all bots will be forced only the knife, skipping weapon buying routines.
// ---
// Default: "0", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_jasonmode "0"

// Allows bots to use radio or chattter.
// Allowed values: '0', '1', '2'.
// If '0', radio and chatter is disabled.
// If '1', only radio allowed.
// If '2' chatter and radio allowed.
// ---
// Default: "2", Min: "0", Max: "2"
yb_radio_mode "0"

// Specifies whether bots able to use team economics, like do not buy any weapons for whole team to keep money for better guns.
// ---
// Default: "1", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_economics_rounds "1"

// Specifies whether bots able to use 'shift' if they thinks that enemy is near.
// ---
// Default: "1", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_walking_allowed "1"

// Allows or disallows bots to camp. Doesn't affects bomb/hostage defending tasks.
// ---
// Default: "1", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_camping_allowed "1"

// Lower bound of time from which time for camping is calculated
// ---
// Default: "15.0", Min: "5.0", Max: "90.0"
yb_camping_time_min "15.0"

// Upper bound of time until which time for camping is calculated
// ---
// Default: "45.0", Min: "15.0", Max: "120.0"
yb_camping_time_max "45.0"

// Allows or disallows bots to take revenge of teamkillers / team attacks.
// ---
// Default: "1", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_tkpunish "1"

// If enabled, the bots think function is disabled, so bots will not move anywhere from their spawn spots.
// ---
// Default: "0", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_freeze_bots "0"

// Allows or disallows the use of spray paints.
// ---
// Default: "1", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_spraypaints "1"

// Allows or disallows bots weapon buying routines.
// ---
// Default: "1", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_botbuy "1"

// Allows bots to destroy breakables around him, even without touching with them.
// ---
// Default: "1", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_destroy_breakables_around "1"

// The radius on which bot searches world for new objects, items, and weapons.
// ---
// Default: "450.0", Min: "64.0", Max: "1024.0"
yb_object_pickup_radius "450.0"

// Specifies the paths for the bot chatter sound files.
// ---
// Default: "sound/radio/bot"
yb_chatter_path "sound/radio/bot"

// Specifies semicolon separated list of weapons that are not allowed to buy / pickup.
// ---
// Default: ""
yb_restricted_weapons ""

// Allows or disallows bots to attack monsters.
// ---
// Default: "0", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_attack_monsters "0"

// Allows or disallows bots to pickup custom items.
// ---
// Default: "0", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_pickup_custom_items "0"

// Allows or disallows bots to do map objectives, i.e. plant/defuse bombs, and saves hostages.
// ---
// Default: "0", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_ignore_objectives "0"

// Allows or disallows the ability for random knife attacks when bot is rushing and no enemy is nearby.
// ---
// Default: "1", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_random_knife_attacks "1"

// Enables or disables bots chat functionality.
// ---
// Default: "1", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_chat "0"

// Bot chances to send random dead chat when killed.
// ---
// Default: "30", Min: "0", Max: "100"
yb_chat_percent "30"

// Specifies whether bots able to fire at enemies behind the wall, if they hearing or suspecting them.
// ---
// Default: "2", Min: "0", Max: "2"
yb_shoots_thru_walls "2"

// Enables or disables searching world for enemies.
// ---
// Default: "0", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_ignore_enemies "0"

// Enables or disables checking enemy rendering flags. Useful for some mods.
// ---
// Default: "0", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_check_enemy_rendering "0"

// Enables or disables checking enemy invincibility. Useful for some mods.
// ---
// Default: "0", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_check_enemy_invincibility "0"

// Enables or disables bot ability to stab the enemy with knife if bot is in good condition.
// ---
// Default: "1", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_stab_close_enemies "1"

// Binds specified key for opening bots menu.
// ---
// Default: "="
yb_bind_menu_key "="

// Specifies comma separated list of bot cvars, that will not be overriten by config on changelevel.
// ---
// Default: "yb_quota,yb_autovacate"
yb_ignore_cvars_on_changelevel "yb_quota,yb_autovacate"

// Enables or disables display menu text, when players asks for menu. Useful only for Android.
// ---
// Default: "1", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_display_menu_text "1"

// The value (password) for the setinfo key, if user sets correct password, he's gains access to bot commands and menus.
// ---
// Default: ""
yb_password ""

// The name of setinfo key used to store password to bot commands and menus.
// ---
// Default: "_ybpw"
yb_password_key "_ybpw"

// Enables or disables CSDM / FFA mode for bots.
// Allowed values: '0', '1', '2', '3'.
// If '0', CSDM / FFA mode is auto-detected.
// If '1', CSDM mode is enabled, but FFA is disabled.
// If '2', CSDM and FFA mode is enabled.
// If '3', CSDM and FFA mode is disabled.
// ---
// Default: "0", Min: "0", Max: "3"
yb_csdm_mode "0"

// Specifies whether bot should not 'fix' camp directions of camp waypoints when loading old PWF format.
// ---
// Default: "1", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_graph_fixcamp "1"

// Specifies the URL from bots will be able to download graph in case of missing local one. Set to empty, if no downloads needed.
// ---
// Default: "yapb.jeefo.net"
yb_graph_url "yapb.jeefo.net"

// Kick bots to automatically make room for human players.
// ---
// Default: "1", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_autovacate "1"

// Specifies the number bots to be added to the game.
// ---
// Default: "9", Min: "0", Max: "32"
yb_quota "8"

// Specifies the type of quota.
// Allowed values: 'normal', 'fill', and 'match'.
// If 'fill', the server will adjust bots to keep N players in the game, where N is yb_quota.
// If 'match', the server will maintain a 1:N ratio of humans to bots, where N is yb_quota_match.
// ---
// Default: "normal"
yb_quota_mode "fill"

// Number of players to match if yb_quota_mode set to 'match'
// ---
// Default: "0", Min: "0", Max: "32"
yb_quota_match "1"

// Specifies how many times per second bot code will run.
// ---
// Default: "26.0", Min: "24.0", Max: "90.0"
yb_think_fps "26.0"

// Specifies amount of time in seconds when bots will be killed if no humans left alive.
// ---
// Default: "0.0", Min: "0.0", Max: "90.0"
yb_autokill_delay "0.0"

// Specifies whether bots should join server, only when at least one human player in game.
// ---
// Default: "0", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_join_after_player "0"

// Forces all bots to join team specified here.
// ---
// Default: "any"
yb_join_team "any"

// Specifies after how many seconds bots should start to join the game after the changelevel.
// ---
// Default: "5.0", Min: "0.0", Max: "30.0"
yb_join_delay "5.0"

// All the bot names will be prefixed with string specified with this cvar.
// ---
// Default: ""
yb_name_prefix ""

// All bots difficulty level. Changing at runtime will affect already created bots.
// ---
// Default: "4", Min: "0", Max: "4"
yb_difficulty "0"

// Lower bound of random difficulty on bot creation. Only affects newly created bots. -1 means yb_difficulty only used.
// ---
// Default: "-1", Min: "-1", Max: "4"
yb_difficulty_min "-1"

// Upper bound of random difficulty on bot creation. Only affects newly created bots. -1 means yb_difficulty only used.
// ---
// Default: "-1", Min: "-1", Max: "4"
yb_difficulty_max "-1"

// Enables each bot balances own difficulty based kd-ratio of team.
// ---
// Default: "0", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_difficulty_auto "0"

// Enables or disables displaying bot avatars in front of their names in scoreboard. Note, that is currently you can see only avatars of your steam friends.
// ---
// Default: "1", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_show_avatars "1"

// Enables latency display in scoreboard.
// Allowed values: '0', '1', '2'.
// If '0', there is nothing displayed.
// If '1', there is a 'BOT' is displayed.
// If '2' fake ping is displayed.
// ---
// Default: "2", Min: "0", Max: "2"
yb_show_latency "2"

// Allows to save bot names upon changelevel, so bot names will be the same after a map change
// ---
// Default: "1", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_save_bots_names "1"

// Specifies the bots wanted skin for Terrorist team.
// ---
// Default: "0", Min: "0", Max: "5"
yb_botskin_t "0"

// Specifies the bots wanted skin for CT team.
// ---
// Default: "0", Min: "0", Max: "5"
yb_botskin_ct "0"

// Lower bound for base bot ping shown in scoreboard upon creation.
// ---
// Default: "7", Min: "0", Max: "100"
yb_ping_base_min "7"

// Upper bound for base bot ping shown in scoreboard upon creation.
// ---
// Default: "34", Min: "0", Max: "100"
yb_ping_base_max "34"

// Specifies the language for bot messages and menus.
// ---
// Default: "en"
yb_language "en"

// Enables or disables extra hard difficulty for bots.
// ---
// Default: "0", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_whose_your_daddy "0"

// Selects the heuristic function mode. For debug purposes only.
// ---
// Default: "4", Min: "0", Max: "4"
yb_path_heuristic_mode "4"

// Lower bound of danger factor that used to add additional danger to path based on practice.
// ---
// Default: "200", Min: "100", Max: "2400"
yb_path_danger_factor_min "200"

// Upper bound of danger factor that used to add additional danger to path based on practice.
// ---
// Default: "400", Min: "200", Max: "4800"
yb_path_danger_factor_max "400"

// Enables or disables showing welcome message to host entity on game start.
// ---
// Default: "1", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_display_welcome_text "1"

// Enables or disables fake server queries response, that shows bots as real players in server browser.
// ---
// Default: "0", Min: "0", Max: "1"
yb_enable_query_hook "1"
7 раз(а)
Обратите внимание, если вы хотите заключить сделку с этим пользователем, он заблокирован
dimamelnic, сделай так, попробуй и отпишись.
yb_display_welcome_text "0"
yb_path_heuristic_mode "0"
yb_language "ru"
yb_join_delay "1.0"
yb_graph_url "" (но если оставить пустым, то нужны все спавны для всех карт, чтоб боты подключились, выкачать их можешь с сайта yapb)
yb_display_menu_text ""
yb_ignore_cvars_on_changelevel ""
yb_chatter_path ""
kto-to, сервер так же падает...

Bot 'Yustass' kicked.
L 11/05/2023 - 11:19:50: Kick: "Yustass<69><UNKNOWN><>" was kicked by "Console"
L 11/05/2023 - 11:19:50: "Yustass<69><BOT><TERRORIST>" disconnected
Dropped Yustass from server
Reason: Kicked
L 11/05/2023 - 11:19:51: FATAL ERROR (shutting down): SZ_GetSpace: tried to write to an uninitialized sizebuf_t: ???
FATAL ERROR (shutting down): SZ_GetSpace: tried to write to an uninitialized sizebuf_t: ???
Segmentation fault
2 раз(а)
попробуй отключить что-то из этого или сразу оба
[ 47] AFK Manager 1.2 Xramer afk_manager.amx running
[ 60] [183] Team Balancer 17.10.30 Sanlerus team_balancer.a running
7 раз(а)
Обратите внимание, если вы хотите заключить сделку с этим пользователем, он заблокирован
dimamelnic, самый банальный и простой вариант, открой файлы кфг от ботов и удали от туда все комменты которые // или ;
То есть просто оставь чисто переменные, ну и в кфг имен и текста для чатов - сделай необходимое кол-во ников и текста, то есть простым языком уменьши размер конфигов, да и смотри чтоб кодировка также была UTF-8 без BOM
После этих манипуляций по сути должно быть всё норм.
7 раз(а)
Обратите внимание, если вы хотите заключить сделку с этим пользователем, он заблокирован
dimamelnic, сделал, что описал выше на счёт конфигов? Каков результат?
kto-to, никакой. я плагины отключал пачками. и вроде сервер работает. щас надо определить из за какого плагина это случается.. кароче на долго
Code_0xABC, это мне не понятно... отключил половину плагинов. видимо не попал. бота кикает и сервер падает

попытаюсь отловить кик.
11 раз(а)
Время краша и сравни со стартом карты, логи же есть

Пользователи, просматривающие эту тему

Сейчас на форуме нет ни одного пользователя.
Сверху Снизу