- Ошибка
see title
- ОС
- Windows
- Amx Mod X
- Билд
Protocol version 48
Exe version (valve)
ReHLDS version:
Build date: 07:37:36 Jul 12 2023 (3378)
Build from: https://github.com/dreamstalker/rehlds/commit/f955b07
- ReGamedll
- Версия Metamod
- Список метамодулей
- Список плагинов
410. 410 : models/jinx/xen_plant8.mdl 310.68K 00000000 FATALIFMISSING
411. 411 : *248 0.00K 00000000 FATALIFMISSING
412. 412 : *249 0.00K 00000000 FATALIFMISSING
413. 413 : *250 0.00K 00000000 FATALIFMISSING
414. 414 : *251 0.00K 00000000 FATALIFMISSING
415. 415 : *252 0.00K 00000000 FATALIFMISSING
416. 416 : *253 0.00K 00000000 FATALIFMISSING
417. 417 : *254 0.00K 00000000 FATALIFMISSING
some maps (e.g. ts_kissmeyerbasic) in The Specialists 3.0 mod includes hundreds of these asterisk empty resources (this also happens in CS 1.6 but with far fewer empty resources, or at least I haven't come across a map that has this many).
I'm using a few resources myself but to have hundreds of empty resources doesn't let me run most maps (server crash due to rescount limit).
How would I be able to unprecache these or at least identify them to see what can be done?
How are these valid resources if their size is 0?
I suspect this comes from entities in the BSP.