Guys, if you can help me with this code,
I'm creating this array in forward to receive in another plugin, everything works normally. however, when compiling I get a warning saying:
.\pzt_account\pzt_account.sma(342) : warning 213: tag mismatch
the plugin works perfectly, however, it only gives this error. even though I have touch warnings, I would like to know if I am doing something wrong.
line 342:
i created this forward in plugin_init()
i don't have much experience with amxx pawn and I'm not fluent in English either, so I'll try and when in doubt I turn to colleagues like you
grateful if you can help me, thanks!
I'm creating this array in forward to receive in another plugin, everything works normally. however, when compiling I get a warning saying:
.\pzt_account\pzt_account.sma(342) : warning 213: tag mismatch
the plugin works perfectly, however, it only gives this error. even though I have touch warnings, I would like to know if I am doing something wrong.
public fwdUserData(id) {
new Array:iArray[2];
iArray[0] = id;
iArray[1] = g_ePlayerInventory[id];
new iArrayPass = PrepareArray(array:iArray, 2, 0);
ExecuteForward(g_iForward, g_iReturn, iArrayPass)
iArray[0] = id;
public plugin_init()
g_iForward = CreateMultiForward("getUserData", ET_IGNORE, FP_ARRAY);
if (g_iForward < 0) {
log_amx("Error creating forward")
grateful if you can help me, thanks!