
SZ_GetSpace: overflow on high
SZ_GetSpace: overflow on high
SZ_GetSpace: overflow on high
SZ_GetSpace: overflow on high
SZ_GetSpace: overflow on high
SZ_GetSpace: overflow on high
SZ_GetSpace: overflow on Con D. Riano
SZ_GetSpace: overflow on high
SZ_GetSpace: overflow on V BY S
SZ_GetSpace: overflow on high
SZ_GetSpace: overflow on high
SZ_GetSpace: overflow on Con D. Riano
SZ_GetSpace: overflow on high
SZ_GetSpace: overflow on PiNaTZzz
SZ_GetSpace: overflow on high
SZ_GetSpace: overflow on Louai
SZ_GetSpace: overflow on high
SZ_GetSpace: overflow on Con D. Riano
SZ_GetSpace: overflow on high
SZ_GetSpace: overflow on PiNaTZzz
SZ_GetSpace: overflow on high
SZ_GetSpace: overflow on V BY S
SZ_GetSpace: overflow on high
SZ_GetSpace: overflow on Con D. Riano
SZ_GetSpace: overflow on high
SZ_GetSpace: overflow on high
SZ_GetSpace: overflow on high
SZ_GetSpace: overflow on Con D. Riano
SZ_GetSpace: overflow on Con D. Riano
SZ_GetSpace: overflow on Louai
SZ_GetSpace: overflow on Con D. Riano
SZ_GetSpace: overflow on Con D. Riano
SZ_GetSpace: overflow on V BY S
WARNING: datagram overflowed for Louai
WARNING: datagram overflowed for Con D. Riano
WARNING: datagram overflowed for high
WARNING: datagram overflowed for PiNaTZzz
WARNING: datagram overflowed for V BY S
SZ_GetSpace: overflow on high
SZ_GetSpace: overflow on Tim
WARNING: datagram overflowed for high
WARNING: datagram overflowed for Tim
Dropped The guy who knows a guy from server
Amx Mod X
AMX Mod X (http://www.amxmodx.org)
David "BAILOPAN" Anderson, Pavol "PM OnoTo" Marko
Felix "SniperBeamer" Geyer, Jonny "Got His Gun" Bergstrom
Lukasz "SidLuke" Wlasinski, Christian "Basic-Master" Hammacher
Borja "faluco" Ferrer, Scott "DS" Ehlert
Compiled: Dec 3 2021 15:54:56
Built from: https://github.com/alliedmodders/amxmodx/commit/363871a
Build ID: 5294:363871a
Core mode: JIT+ASM32
Protocol version 48
Exe version (cstrike)
ReHLDS version:
Build date: 16:20:56 Sep 19 2022 (3082)
Build from: https://github.com/dreamstalker/rehlds/commit/d6ebe82
ReGameDLL version:
Build date: 08:43:58 Jul 22 2022
Build from: https://github.com/s1lentq/ReGameDLL_CS/commit/1081301
Версия Metamod
Metamod-r v1.3.0.131, API (5:13)
Metamod-r build: 18:51:02 Jul 11 2022
Metamod-r from: https://github.com/theAsmodai/metamod-r/commit/adc9414
Список метамодулей
Currently loaded plugins:
description stat pend file vers src load unload
[ 1] Reunion RUN - reunion_mm_i386.so v0.1.92d ini Start Never
[ 2] AMX Mod X RUN - amxmodx_mm_i386.so v1.9.0.5294 ini Start ANY
[ 3] WHBlocker RUN - whblocker_mm_i386.so v1.5.697 ini Chlvl ANY
[ 4] Print Center Fix RUN - printcenterfix_mm_i386.so v2.0.1 ini ANY ANY
[ 5] ReSemiclip RUN - resemiclip_mm_i386.so v2.3.9 ini Chlvl ANY
[ 6] SafeNameAndChat RUN - SafeNameAndChat.so v1.2 Beta 3 ini ANY ANY
[ 7] MySQL RUN - mysql_amxx_i386.so v1.9.0.5294 pl2 ANY ANY
[ 8] Fun RUN - fun_amxx_i386.so v1.9.0.5294 pl2 ANY ANY
[ 9] Engine RUN - engine_amxx_i386.so v1.9.0.5294 pl2 ANY ANY
[10] FakeMeta RUN - fakemeta_amxx_i386.so v1.9.0.5294 pl2 ANY ANY
[11] GeoIP RUN - geoip_amxx_i386.so v1.9.0.5294 pl2 ANY ANY
[12] CStrike RUN - cstrike_amxx_i386.so v1.9.0.5294 pl2 ANY ANY
[13] CSX RUN - csx_amxx_i386.so v1.9.0.5294 pl2 ANY ANY
[14] Ham Sandwich RUN - hamsandwich_amxx_i386.so v1.9.0.5294 pl2 ANY ANY
[15] CURL AMXX RUN - curl_amxx_i386.so v1.1.1 pl2 ANY ANY
[16] ReAPI RUN - reapi_amxx_i386.so v5.22.0.254-dev pl2 ANY Never
16 plugins, 16 running
Список плагинов
name                    version     author            file             status   
[ 1] Advanced Bans 0.8 Exolent advanced_bans_s debug
[ 2] Block admin commands 1.0 lexzor control_map.amx running
[ 3] Command Targeting Plus 1.3 OciXCrom crx_cmdtarget_p running
[ 4] Activitate Admini 2.0c Askhanar Activitate-Admi running
[ 5] [ReAPI] Anti overflow 1.0 Author anti_overflow.a paused
[ 6] Admin Base AMXX Dev Team admin.amxx running
[ 7] Admin Commands AMXX Dev Team admincmd.amxx running
[ 8] Admin Help AMXX Dev Team adminhelp.amxx running
[ 9] Multi-Lingual System AMXX Dev Team multilingual.am running
[ 10] Menus Front-End AMXX Dev Team menufront.amxx running
[ 11] Players Menu AMXX Dev Team plmenu.amxx running
[ 12] Maps Menu AMXX Dev Team mapsmenu.amxx running
[ 13] Anti Flood AMXX Dev Team antiflood.amxx running
[ 14] Admin Votes AMXX Dev Team adminvote.amxx running
[ 15] NextMap AMXX Dev Team nextmap.amxx running
[ 16] Nextmap Chooser AMXX Dev Team mapchooser.amxx running
[ 17] TimeLeft AMXX Dev Team timeleft.amxx running
[ 18] Pause Plugins AMXX Dev Team pausecfg.amxx running
[ 19] CS STATS 1.0 HATTRICK statsx.amxx running
[ 20] Furien Clasic - Mahmoud basse_furien.am debug
[ 21] FirstRoundKnife 0.1 iG_os csr_auto_restar debug
[ 22] NadeModes 11.2 Nomexous & OT nademodes.amxx running
[ 23] Server Options 1.0 Mahmoud main_menu.amxx running
[ 24] BunnyHop 1.3 PurposeLess bhop.amxx running
[ 25] Betting 1.0 Hattrick bet.amxx running
[ 26] [AMXX] Advanced Steamd v3.1 Alejandro-. API-Advanced-st running
[ 27] [AMXX] Connect Logs 1.0 z0h1r-LK connect_logs.am running
[ 28] AMXX Gag 1.4.9 xPaw & Exolent amx_gag.amxx running
[ 29] OciXCrom's Admin Chat 4.2 OciXCrom crx_adminchat.a debug
[ 30] Autoresponder/Advertis 0.5 MaximusBrood ad-manager.amxx running
[ 31] [AMX] FPS Checker/Limi 0.2 z0h1r-LK & Dev-C amx_fps_checker running
[ 32] SERVER TASKS 2.0 HATTRICK (HTTRCK server_tasks.am running
[ 33] Advanced Bullet Damage 1.0 Sn!ff3r abd.amxx running
[ 34] Ultimate Who 2.0 Askhanar ultimateWho.amx running
[ 35] Camera View Menu 0.0.3 ConnorMcLeod & N gg_camera.amxx running
[ 36] unknown unknown unknown spectators.amxx running
[ 37] FPS plugin ZM_1 ThuGLifeZM dev.t fps_thuglifezm. running
[ 38] Last Maps Time 0.0.1 Exolent furien_lastmaps running
[ 39] RADIO 1.0 TwOser Gamer Radio.amxx running
[ 40] CFG SLASH CRED NU STIU aNNakin cfg_slash.amxx running
[ 41] Timelimit in Hostname 1.0 X TimeleftHostnam running
[ 42] Chat Manager 4.8 OciXCrom crx_chatmanager running
[ 43] Time played 1.0.0 Supremache gametracker.amx running
[ 44] No Name Change 2.1 OciXCrom crx_nonamechang running
[ 45] New Showip 0.0.1 TwOser Gamer amx_ip.amxx running
[ 46] Transfer 1.0 eXtreamCS tfts_transfer.a running
[ 47] Ping Faker 1.5a TwOser Gamer pingfaker.amxx running
[ 48] Amx Ss 1.0 X amx_ss.amxx running
[ 49] WarGods Cerere 1.0 Supremache scan.amxx debug
[ 50] Snow menu 0.1 AMXX.Shop snow_menu.amxx running
50 plugins, 49 running
I don't really know where the problem is. i have disabled a lot of plugins and still have the same problem
the server stops for a few seconds because of overflow and then returns to work. i don't have a lot of hudmesage in my server

These are the server settings
./hlds_run -console -game cstrike -port 27015 -sport 26900 +map de_dust2 +ip xx.xx.xx. -pingboost 3 -secure -debug +maxplayers 32 +sys_ticrate 1200 +fps_max 1200 -heapsize 524288 -num_edicts 2047 -condebug -master -zone 8192
I have a VPS server spec RYZEN 7 3800X, 2RAM DDR4, 20GB
Ubuntu 22 is the Operating System: Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS, Kernel: Linux 3.16.0, Architecture: x86-64


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