1. Download ReHLDS sources from here:
2. Unzip master.zip and then go to: rehlds-master/rehlds/engine (Now you are in engine folder)
3. We will edit the sources, Open host_cmd.cpp and find:
Cmd_AddCommand("status", Host_Status_f);
Comment this line so it should be:
// Cmd_AddCommand("status", Host_Status_f);
4. You can also comment the whole void Host_Status_f(void) function, search for it and comment it so it should be like:
/*void Host_Status_f(void)
client_t *client;
int seconds;
int minutes;
int hltv_slots = 0;
int hltv_specs = 0;
int hltv_delay = 0;
char *val;
int hours;
int j;
int nClients;
qboolean log = FALSE;
qboolean conprint = FALSE;
qboolean bIsSecure;
qboolean bWantsToBeSecure;
qboolean bConnectedToSteam3;
const char *pchConnectionString = "";
const char *pchSteamUniverse = "";
if (cmd_source == src_command)
conprint = TRUE;
if (!g_psv.active)
#ifndef REHLDS_FIXES // Remove Useless Stuff
char szfile[260];
if (Cmd_Argc() == 2 && !Q_stricmp(Cmd_Argv(1), "log"))
log = TRUE;
Q_snprintf(szfile, sizeof(szfile), "%s", "status.log");
#endif // REHLDS_FIXES
Host_Status_Printf(conprint, log, "hostname: %s\n", Cvar_VariableString("hostname"));
bIsSecure = Steam_GSBSecure();
bWantsToBeSecure = Steam_GSBSecurePreference();
bConnectedToSteam3 = Steam_GSBLoggedOn();
if (!bIsSecure && bWantsToBeSecure)
pchConnectionString = "(secure mode enabled, connected to Steam3)";
if (!bConnectedToSteam3)
pchConnectionString = "(secure mode enabled, disconnected from Steam3)";
if (g_psv.active)
pchSteamUniverse = Steam_GetGSUniverse();
val = "insecure";
if (bIsSecure)
val = "secure";
Host_Status_Printf(conprint, log, "version : %i/%s %d %s %s%s (%d)\n", PROTOCOL_VERSION, gpszVersionString, build_number(), val, pchConnectionString, pchSteamUniverse, GetGameAppID());
if (!noip)
Host_Status_Printf(conprint, log, "tcp/ip : %s\n", NET_AdrToString(net_local_adr));
#ifdef _WIN32
if (!noipx)
Host_Status_Printf(conprint, log, "ipx : %s\n", NET_AdrToString(net_local_ipx_adr));
#endif // _WIN32
Host_Status_Printf(conprint, log, "map : %s at: %d x, %d y, %d z\n", g_psv.name, r_origin[0], r_origin[1], r_origin[2]);
Host_Status_Printf(conprint, log, "players : %i active (%i max)\n\n", nClients, g_psvs.maxclients);
Host_Status_Printf(conprint, log, "# name userid uniqueid frag time ping loss adr\n");
int count = 1;
client = g_psvs.clients;
for (j = 0; j < g_psvs.maxclients; j++, client++)
if (!client->active)
hours = 0;
seconds = realtime - client->netchan.connect_time;
minutes = seconds / 60;
if (minutes)
seconds %= 60;
hours = minutes / 60;
if (hours)
minutes %= 60;
if (!client->fakeclient)
val = SV_GetClientIDString(client);
else val = "BOT";
Host_Status_Printf(conprint, log, "#%2i %8s %i %s", count++, va("\"%s\"", client->name), client->userid, val);
if (client->proxy)
const char *userInfo = Info_ValueForKey(client->userinfo, "hspecs");
if (Q_strlen(userInfo))
hltv_specs = Q_atoi(userInfo);
userInfo = Info_ValueForKey(client->userinfo, "hslots");
if (Q_strlen(userInfo))
hltv_slots = Q_atoi(userInfo);
userInfo = Info_ValueForKey(client->userinfo, "hdelay");
if (Q_strlen(userInfo))
hltv_delay = Q_atoi(userInfo);
Host_Status_Printf(conprint, log, " hltv:%u/%u delay:%u", hltv_specs, hltv_slots, hltv_delay);
Host_Status_Printf(conprint, log, " %3i", (int)client->edict->v.frags);
if (hours)
Host_Status_Printf(conprint, log, " %2i:%02i:%02i", hours, minutes, seconds);
else Host_Status_Printf(conprint, log, " %02i:%02i", minutes, seconds);
Host_Status_Printf(conprint, log, " %4i %3i", SV_CalcPing(client), (int)client->packet_loss);
if ((conprint || client->proxy) && client->netchan.remote_address.type == NA_IP)
Host_Status_Printf(conprint, log, " %s\n", NET_AdrToString(client->netchan.remote_address));
else Host_Status_Printf(conprint, log, "\n");
Host_Status_Printf(conprint, log, "%i users\n", nClients);
5. Open host_cmd.h and comment:
void Host_Status_f(void)
To be:
// void Host_Status_f(void);
6. Now compile ReHLDS and it's done.
Some notes:
1. Steps 4, 5 are optional
2. How to compile ReHLDS for linux:
3. You can compile for windows using visual studio, simple.
4. You can change Host_Status_f() function to display whatever you need. For example you may not remove or comment the command but change this function to only display: Sorry there is no status or whatever you need.
Here is a compiled ReHLDS with this status command blocked for linux:
engine_i486.so I advice you to compile it yourself it's easy.