func_RegCvars() {
bind_pcvar_num( create_cvar( "ta_trial_mode", "0",
.description = "Trial mode: 0 - days, 1 - minutes" ),
g_eCvar[CVAR__TRIAL_MODE] );
bind_pcvar_num( create_cvar( "ta_trial_time", "1",
.description = "Trial time in days/minutes (see 'ta_trial_mode')" ),
g_eCvar[CVAR__TRIAL_TIME] );
bind_pcvar_string( create_cvar( "ta_trial_flags", "bitmp",
.description = "Determines which flags will be granted as trial access" ),
g_szTrialFlags, chx(g_szTrialFlags) );
bind_pcvar_num( create_cvar( "ta_remove_all_flags", "1",
.description = "Remove all flags from player before giving him a trial access?" ),
bind_pcvar_string( create_cvar( "ta_remove_flags", "z",
.description = "Remove specified flags from player before giving him a trial access" ),
g_szRemoveFlags, chx(g_szRemoveFlags) );
bind_pcvar_num( create_cvar( "ta_restrict_time_mode", "2",
.has_min = true, .min_val = 0.0,
.has_max = true, .max_val = 3.0,
.description = "Restrict by time mode (see 'ta_restrict_time'):^n\
0 - Off^n\
1 - Use 'Simple Online Logger'^n\
2 - Use 'CSstatsX SQL' by serfreeman1337^n\
3 - Use 'CSstats MySQL' by SKAJIbnEJIb" ),
bind_pcvar_num( create_cvar( "ta_restrict_time", "120",
.description = "How many minutes new players need to play to get access to trial function" ),
bind_pcvar_num( create_cvar( "ta_restrict_by_aes_lvl", "1",
.description = "Minimal AES level to get access to trial function" ),
bind_pcvar_num( create_cvar( "ta_bypass_restrict_steam", "1",
.description = "Steam players will ignore time and AES level restrictions?" ),
bind_pcvar_string( create_cvar( "ta_bypass_restrict_flags", "",
.description = "Players with any of the specified flags will ignore time and AES level restrictions" ),
g_szBypassFlags, chx(g_szBypassFlags) );
bind_pcvar_num( create_cvar( "ta_check_mode", "0",
.has_min = true, .min_val = 0.0,
.has_max = true, .max_val = 2.0,
.description = "Flags check mode:^n\
0 - Off^n\
1 - Block getting trial for those who DO NOT HAVE any of the specified flags^n\
2 - Block getting trial for those who HAVE any of the specified flags" ),
g_eCvar[CVAR__CHECK_MODE] );
bind_pcvar_string( create_cvar( "ta_check_flags", "z",
.description = "Flags to check for 'ta_check_mode'" ),
g_szCheckFlags, chx(g_szCheckFlags) );
bind_pcvar_num( create_cvar( "ta_extended_cmd", "0",
.description = "Extended cmd registration ('say' & 'say_team', both '/' & '.')" ),
bind_pcvar_float( create_cvar( "ta_reload_delay", "5",
.has_min = true, .min_val = 0.1,
.description = "Delay (in seconds) between 'amx_reloadadmins' and reloading trial access" ),
bind_pcvar_float( create_cvar( "ta_save_interval", "0",
.has_min = true, .min_val = 0.0,
.description = "nVault saving interval in minutes (useful if server regularly crashing)" ),
bind_pcvar_float( create_cvar( "ta_check_delay", "0.2",
.has_min = true, .min_val = 0.2,
.description = "Player check delay (compatibility feature)" ),
bind_pcvar_num( create_cvar( "ta_prune_days", "30",
.has_min = true, .min_val = 0.0,
.description = "Clear nvault from records older that # days" ),
g_eCvar[CVAR__PRUNE_DAYS] );
bind_pcvar_num( create_cvar( "ta_offer_mode", "2",
.has_min = true, .min_val = 0.0,
.has_max = true, .max_val = 2.0,
.description = "Offer free privileges for those players who can get them:^n\
0 - Off^n\
1 - Offer by chat^n\
2 - Offer by menu" ),
g_eCvar[CVAR__OFFER_MODE] );
bind_pcvar_num( create_cvar( "ta_annoying_offer", "1",
.description = "Annoying offer mode:^n\
0 - Don't offer for those who can't get privilegies by played time or by AES level restriction^n\
1 - Offer anyway" ),
bind_pcvar_float( create_cvar( "ta_offer_delay", "10.0",
.has_min = true, .min_val = 3.0,
.description = "Offer delay (in seconds)" ),
bind_pcvar_num( create_cvar( "ta_show_prune_date", "1",
.description = "If not 0, The player will be notified how much time is left^n\
until the moment when he can get the privileges again" ),