Problems with orpheu module

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AMX Mod X (
        David "BAILOPAN" Anderson, Pavol "PM OnoTo" Marko
        Felix "SniperBeamer" Geyer, Jonny "Got His Gun" Bergstrom
        Lukasz "SidLuke" Wlasinski, Christian "Basic-Master" Hammacher
        Borja "faluco" Ferrer, Scott "DS" Ehlert
Compiled: Dec  3 2021 22:52:28
Built from:
Build ID: 5294:363871a8
Core mode: JIT+ASM32
Metamod-r v1.3.0.128, API (5:13)
Metamod-r build: 15:47:38 Aug 24 2018
Metamod-r from:
Protocol version 48
Exe version (cstrike)
ReHLDS version:
Build date: 19:38:11 Apr 20 2022 (2930)
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Build date: 15:52:15 Mar 11 2022
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Hi. I put this module ( orpheus ) on the server, it works, but when I want to use a pause plugin ( I will attach it below ) I get these errors.
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <fakemeta>
#include <engine>
#include <hamsandwich>
#include <cstrike>
#include <orpheu>
#include <orpheu_memory>
#include <objective_reset>

#if !defined _orpheu_included
    #assert " library required ! Get it from"

#if !defined _orpheu_memory_included
    #assert " library required ! Get it from"

#if !defined _objective_reset_included
    #assert " library required ! Get it from"

#define PluginName    "Reset Objective"
#define PluginVersion "0.1"
#define PluginAuthor  "HamletEagle"

//Alter GameRules offsets
#define get_gamerules_data(%0)       OrpheuMemoryGetAtAddress(g_pGameRules, %0)
#define set_gamerules_data(%0,%1)    OrpheuMemorySetAtAddress(g_pGameRules, %0, 1, %1)

const INT_BYTES = 4
const BYTE_BITS = 8

stock bool:get_pdata_bool(ent, charbased_offset, intbase_linuxdiff = 5)
    return !!(get_pdata_int(ent, charbased_offset / INT_BYTES, intbase_linuxdiff) & (0xFF<<((charbased_offset % INT_BYTES) * BYTE_BITS)))

stock set_pdata_bool(ent, charbased_offset, _:value, intbase_linuxdiff = 5)
    value &= 0xFF
    new int_offset_value = get_pdata_int(ent, charbased_offset / INT_BYTES, intbase_linuxdiff)
    new bit_decal = (charbased_offset % INT_BYTES) * BYTE_BITS
    int_offset_value &= ~(0xFF<<bit_decal) // clear byte
    int_offset_value |= value<<bit_decal
    set_pdata_int(ent, charbased_offset / INT_BYTES, int_offset_value, intbase_linuxdiff)

enum CustomForwards

enum _:OrpheuFunctions
    OrpheuFunction:PickNextVip,         //CHalfLifeMultiplay
    OrpheuFunction:RePosition,          //CHostage
    OrpheuFunction:GiveC4,              //CHalfLifeMultiplay
    OrpheuFunction:CheckWinConditions,  //CHalfLifeMultiplay
    OrpheuFunction:ResetMaxSpeed,       //CBasePlayer

new OrpheuFunction:HandleHooks[OrpheuFunctions]
new HandleCForwards[CustomForwards]

new const ObjectiveNames[][] =
    "Vip Assasination",
    "Hostages Rescue",

new const ClassName       [] = "classname"
new const HostageClassName[] = "hostage_entity"
new const GrenadeClassName[] = "grenade"

//This are full offsets, except the last one     
const m_bEscaped          = 836 //Player offset, used in both as and es maps. It is set to true for the player that escape
const m_bStartDefuse      = 384 //Player offset                                                                         
const m_bIsDefusing       = 929 //Player offset                                                                        
const m_bJustBlew         = 432 //Grenade offset                                                                       
const m_bIsC4             = 385 //Grenade offset                                                                       
const m_pBombDefuser      = 388 //Grenade offset                                                                       
const m_flDefuseCountDown = 99  //Grenade offset

new gmsgRoundTime
new gmsgBombPickup
new gmsgShowTimer
new gmsgScoreAttrib
new gmsgBarTime

new CvarMpRoundTime
new CvarMpFreezeTime
new CvarSendHookableCalls
new CvarSendReliableMessages
new CvarShowChatMessage

new g_pGameRules
new MaxPlayers

new bool:InFreezeTime         = true
new bool:SendReliableMessages = true
new bool:SendHookableCalls    = false

public plugin_precache()
    new OrpheuFunction:InstallGameRules = OrpheuGetFunction("InstallGameRules")

public OnInstallGameRules()
    g_pGameRules = OrpheuGetReturn()

public plugin_init()
        .plugin_name    = PluginName,
        .version        = PluginVersion,
        .author         = PluginAuthor
    register_concmd("SetRoundTime"  , "ClientCommand_SetRoundTime"  , ADMIN_RCON, "Set round time to a specific value")
    register_concmd("GetRoundTime"  , "ClientCommand_GetRoundTime"  , ADMIN_RCON, "Get current round time in seconds")
    register_concmd("ResetObjective", "ClientCommand_ResetObjective", ADMIN_RCON, "Reset current objective as it was at the beginning of the round")
    register_event("HLTV", "OnNewRound_Event", "a", "1=0", "2=0")
    register_logevent("OnRoundStart_Event", 2, "1=Round_Start")
    CvarMpRoundTime          = get_cvar_pointer("mp_roundtime"             )
    CvarMpFreezeTime         = get_cvar_pointer("mp_freezetime"            )
    CvarSendHookableCalls    = register_cvar("OR_SendHookableCalls"   , "0")
    CvarShowChatMessage      = register_cvar("OR_ShowChatMessage"     , "1")
    CvarSendReliableMessages = register_cvar("OR_SendReliableMessages", "1")
    gmsgBombPickup  = get_user_msgid("BombPickup")
    gmsgShowTimer   = get_user_msgid("ShowTimer")
    gmsgRoundTime   = get_user_msgid("RoundTime")
    gmsgScoreAttrib = get_user_msgid("ScoreAttrib")
    gmsgBarTime     = get_user_msgid("BarTime")
        *  Send when an objective was resetted
        *  @param Objective     The objective to restart.
        *  @return              Forward does not care about the return value
    HandleCForwards[ObjectiveResetted] = CreateMultiForward("OnObjectiveReset"  , ET_IGNORE, FP_CELL)
        *  Send when time is changed.
        *  @param TimeType            1 if in freezetime, 0 otherwise
        *  @param OldRoundTime        The round time before change occured.
        *  @param NewRoundTime        The round time after change occured.
        *  @param RemainedTime        The remained time from the round.
        *  @return                    Forward does not care about the return value
    HandleCForwards[RoundTimeChanged ] = CreateMultiForward("OnRoundTimeChanged", ET_IGNORE, FP_CELL, FP_CELL, FP_CELL, FP_CELL)
    if(HandleCForwards[ObjectiveResetted] < 0)
        log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Reset objective forward failed to create")
    if(HandleCForwards[RoundTimeChanged] < 0)
        log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Round time changed forward failed to create")
    MaxPlayers = get_maxplayers()
        * RePosition
            | Called from CHalfLifeMultiplay::RestartRound for resetting hostages to their old position.
            | This handle all cases in which a hostage is not at his spawn place:
                → Rescued
                → Killed
                → Moved by a CT somewhere in the map
            | Hostages are not respawned every round, they are resetted to their old positions.
        * PickNextVip
            | Called from CHalfLifeMultiplay::RestartRound for removing the old vip and choosing a new one, if needed.
            | This functions free vip queue and check if the current vip was vip for more than two times in a row.
            | If above is true, it calls ResetCurrentVIP and MakeVip to reset and make a new vip.
            | If not, it checks if in the server is a valid vip(with m_pVIP offset). If no, one is choosed.
        * GiveC4
            | Called from CHalfLifeMultiplay::RestartRound and CBasePlayer::JoiningThink.
            | If a bomber is not found, this function give C4 to a random player.
        * CheckWinConditions
            | Called from several places, this function decide which team will win.
            | It decides based on the objective(fullfiled or no) or team extermination.
            | This function does not deal with round time, this is done inside CHalfLifeMultiplay::Think
        * ResetMaxSpeed
            | When you stop defusing, this function is called in order to reset your speed to default one.
            | It is called from more places, but here is the case in which we are interested.
    HandleHooks[RePosition]         = OrpheuGetFunction("RePosition"                                , "CHostage"          )
    HandleHooks[PickNextVip]        = OrpheuGetFunction("PickNextVip"                               , "CHalfLifeMultiplay")
    HandleHooks[GiveC4]             = OrpheuGetFunctionFromObject(g_pGameRules, "GiveC4"            , "CGameRules"        )
    HandleHooks[CheckWinConditions] = OrpheuGetFunctionFromObject(g_pGameRules, "CheckWinConditions", "CGameRules"        )
    HandleHooks[ResetMaxSpeed]      = OrpheuGetFunctionFromClass("player"     , "ResetMaxSpeed"     , "CBasePlayer"       )

public plugin_cfg()
    //Default cfg files should be loaded now and any change will be taken into account. Cache right now, this is not something which should be changed too often
    SendHookableCalls     = !!clamp(get_pcvar_num(CvarSendHookableCalls)   , 0, 1)
    SendReliableMessages  = !!clamp(get_pcvar_num(CvarSendReliableMessages), 0, 1)

public plugin_end()
        | AMXX should free all handles by default.
        | But, doing it manually is good practice and also avoid memory leacks
    new Size = sizeof HandleCForwards
    for(new i; i < Size; i++)
        if(HandleCForwards[CustomForwards:i] > 0)

public plugin_natives()
    register_native("ResetObjective", "OnObjectiveReset_Native", false)
    register_native("SetRoundTime"  , "OnSetRoundTime_Native"  , false)
    register_native("GetRoundTime"  , "OnGetRoundTime_Native"  , false)

    *  Reset the current objective.
    *  @param Objective     The objective to restart.
    *  @return              1 if operation was succesfull, 0 otherwise
public OnObjectiveReset_Native(const PluginIndex, const PluginParams)
    if(PluginParams != 1)
        log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Invalid param count. Expected 1, got: %i", PluginParams)
        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
    new ObjectiveToReset = get_param(1)
    if(Obj_ResetTimer <= ObjectiveToReset <= Obj_DetectObjective)
        ResetCurrentObjective(0, ObjectiveToReset)
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
        log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Native called with unknown objective %i. See the enum from include file for valid ones", ObjectiveToReset)
        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

    *  Alter the round time value.
    *  @param Time    The time that will be used.
    *  @param Add     If 1 the time will be added to current time, 0 means set.
    *  @return        1 if operation was succesfull, 0 otherwise
public OnSetRoundTime_Native(const PluginIndex, const PluginParams)
    if(PluginParams != 2)
        log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Invalid param count. Expected 2, got: %i", PluginParams)
        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
    SetNewRoundTime(Param_Id, get_param(Param_Time), clamp(get_param(Param_Add), 0, 1))

    *  Return the value of round time/freeze time in seconds
    *  @param       No params
    *  @return      Round time in seconds or -1 on failure     
public OnGetRoundTime_Native(const PluginIndex, const PluginParams)
        log_error(AMX_ERR_NATIVE, "Invalid param count. Expected 0, got: %i", PluginParams)
        return -1
    new Float:RoundStartTime = Float:get_gamerules_data("m_fRoundCount")
    return floatround(get_gamerules_data("m_iRoundTimeSecs") - get_gametime() + RoundStartTime)

public ClientCommand_SetRoundTime(id, level, cid)
    if(!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 3))
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    enum CommandData {Time, Type}
    new CommandArguments[CommandData][10]
    read_argv(1, CommandArguments[Time], charsmax(CommandArguments[]))
    read_argv(2, CommandArguments[Type], charsmax(CommandArguments[]))
    SetNewRoundTime(id, str_to_num(CommandArguments[Time]), clamp(str_to_num(CommandArguments[Type]), 0, 1))

SetNewRoundTime(id, NewTime, Add)
    new Float:RoundStartTime  = Float:get_gamerules_data("m_fRoundCount")
    new Float:CurrentGameTime = get_gametime()
    new RoundTime = get_gamerules_data("m_iRoundTimeSecs"), RemainedTime
    if(NewTime > 546 * 60)
            //This message should be send only if a player altered the round time
            console_print(id, "You set a value bigger than 546 minutes, the timer will display 00:00")
        | Time is calculated by CHalfLifeMultiplay::Think with the fallowing formula:
        | m_iRoundTimeSecs - gpGlobals->time + m_fRoundCount
        | m_iRoundTimeSecs holds the total seconds in a round ; gpGlobals->time retrieve the time in seconds since map start; m_fRoundCount is the time when the round begun
        | To vizualize better, it can be rewritten to: m_iRoundTimeSecs -(gpGlobals->time - m_fRoundCount)
        | So, from the total ammount of seconds it substracts the played ones.
        //Time should be added, to increase it is enough to modify m_iRoundTimeSecs offset
        new FullTime = RoundTime + NewTime
        set_gamerules_data("m_iRoundTimeSecs", FullTime)
        RemainedTime =  floatround(FullTime - CurrentGameTime + RoundStartTime)
        console_print(id, "You have %s %i seconds to %s", NewTime >= 0 ? "added" : "substracted", NewTime, InFreezeTime ? "freeze time" : "round time")
            | When setting, only positive time is allowed. Also, the timer doesn't like when you directly pass 0, so we force it to 1.
            | I guess this is because it thinks that the new round already started, but didn't check in deep.
            | We need to know what is the theoretical value of m_iRoundTimeSecs for which the round time is equal to the wanted time.
            | m_iRoundTimeSecs - gpGlobals->time + m_fRoundCount = NewTime => m_iRoundTimeSecs = NewTime - m_fRoundCount + gpGlobals->time
        if(NewTime <= 0)
            NewTime = 1
        set_gamerules_data("m_iRoundTimeSecs", floatround(NewTime + CurrentGameTime - RoundStartTime))
        RemainedTime = NewTime
        console_print(id, "You have set %s to %i seconds", InFreezeTime ? "freeze time" : "round time",  NewTime)
    SendRoundTimeMessage .Time = RemainedTime, .Reliable = SendReliableMessages
    if(HandleCForwards[RoundTimeChanged] > 0)
        new ReturnType
        ExecuteForward(HandleCForwards[RoundTimeChanged], ReturnType, InFreezeTime, RoundTime, get_gamerules_data("m_iRoundTimeSecs"), RemainedTime)
public ClientCommand_GetRoundTime(id, level, cid)
    if(!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 1))
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    new Float:RoundStartTime = Float:get_gamerules_data("m_fRoundCount")
    console_print(id, "Remained time(in seconds): %i from %s", floatround(get_gamerules_data("m_iRoundTimeSecs") - get_gametime() + RoundStartTime), InFreezeTime ? "freeze time" : "round time")

public ClientCommand_ResetObjective(id, level, cid)
    if(!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2))
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED
    new ObjectiveToReset[10], ResetType
    read_argv(1, ObjectiveToReset, charsmax(ObjectiveToReset))
        case 't', 'T', '1' : ResetType = Obj_ResetTimer
        case 'b', 'B', '2' : ResetType = Obj_ResetBomb
        case 'v', 'V', '3' : ResetType = Obj_ResetVip
        case 'h', 'H', '4' : ResetType = Obj_ResetHostages
        case 'e', 'E', '5' : ResetType = Obj_ResetEscape
        case 'd', 'D', '6' : ResetType = Obj_DetectObjective
        default            : ResetType = Obj_InvalidObjective
    if(ResetType != Obj_InvalidObjective)
        ResetCurrentObjective(id, ResetType)
        console_print(id, "Invalid objective specified^nValid types are:")
        console_print(id, "^t[timer/Timer/1]^n^t[bomb/Bomb/2]^n^t[vip/Vip/3]^n^t[hostages/Hostages/4]^n^t[escape/Escape/5]^n^t[detect/Detect/6]")

ResetCurrentObjective(id, ResetType)
    new bool:SuccesfullReset
        case Obj_ResetTimer:
                | This also work with freezetime, we just need to know if players are in freezetime or not
                | Setting m_fRoundCount to current time will result in round being resetted
                | m_iRoundTimeSecs - get_gametime + get_gametime = m_iRoundTimeSecs
                | m_iRoundTimeSecs is set to default round time.
            new RoundTime
                RoundTime = get_pcvar_num(CvarMpFreezeTime)
                console_print(id, "You have just reset freeze time to %i seconds", RoundTime)
                RoundTime = get_pcvar_num(CvarMpRoundTime) * 60
                console_print(id, "You have just reset round time to %i seconds", RoundTime)
            set_gamerules_data("m_fRoundCount", get_gametime())
            set_gamerules_data("m_iRoundTimeSecs", RoundTime)
            SendRoundTimeMessage .Time = RoundTime, .Reliable = true
            SuccesfullReset = true
        case Obj_ResetBomb:
            new GrenadeEntity = FM_NULLENT
            while((GrenadeEntity = engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityByString, GrenadeEntity, ClassName, GrenadeClassName)))
                if(pev_valid(GrenadeEntity) && get_pdata_bool(GrenadeEntity, m_bIsC4))
                    if(!get_pdata_bool(GrenadeEntity, m_bJustBlew))
                        new DefuserIndex
                        if(1 <= (DefuserIndex = get_pdata_ent(GrenadeEntity, m_pBombDefuser)) <= MaxPlayers)
                            SendHookableCalls ?
                                OrpheuCallSuper(HandleHooks[ResetMaxSpeed], DefuserIndex) :
                                OrpheuCall(HandleHooks[ResetMaxSpeed], DefuserIndex)
                            set_pdata_bool(DefuserIndex, m_bIsDefusing, false)
                            set_pdata_bool(DefuserIndex, m_bStartDefuse, false)
                            set_pdata_float(GrenadeEntity, m_flDefuseCountDown, 0.0)
                            message_begin(SendReliableMessages ? MSG_ONE : MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, gmsgBarTime, _, DefuserIndex)
                        engfunc(EngFunc_RemoveEntity, GrenadeEntity)
                        SendHookableCalls ?
                            OrpheuCallSuper(HandleHooks[GiveC4], g_pGameRules) :
                            OrpheuCall(HandleHooks[GiveC4], g_pGameRules)
                        message_begin(SendReliableMessages ? MSG_ALL : MSG_BROADCAST, gmsgBombPickup)
                        message_begin(SendReliableMessages ? MSG_ALL : MSG_BROADCAST, gmsgShowTimer)
                        SuccesfullReset = true
        case Obj_ResetHostages:
            new HostageEnt = FM_NULLENT
            while((HostageEnt = engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityByString, HostageEnt, ClassName, HostageClassName)))
                        SuccesfullReset = true
                    SendHookableCalls ?
                        OrpheuCallSuper(HandleHooks[RePosition], HostageEnt) :
                        OrpheuCall(HandleHooks[RePosition], HostageEnt)
                set_gamerules_data("m_iHostagesRescued", 0)
                set_gamerules_data("m_iHostagesTouched", 0)
        case Obj_ResetVip:
            new Players[32], Num
            get_players(Players, Num, "ae", "CT")
            if(Num > 1)
                new OldVip = get_gamerules_data("m_pVIP")
                if(is_user_alive(OldVip) && !get_pdata_bool(OldVip, m_bEscaped))
                    //RemoveCurrentVIP does not fix the score attrib and armor
                    message_begin(SendReliableMessages ? MSG_ALL : MSG_BROADCAST, gmsgScoreAttrib)
                    cs_set_user_armor(OldVip, 100, CS_ARMOR_KEVLAR)
                    cs_set_user_bpammo(OldVip, CSW_USP, 24)
                    cs_set_weapon_ammo(find_ent_by_owner(-1, "weapon_usp", OldVip), 12)
                        |   The function will choose the next vip and reset the current one if this offset is above 2.
                        |   We force that by altering the offset.
                        |   I don't like much that, but there is no other way. Also, I believe it won't fuck up something
                        |   The offset is immediately resetted to 0 and increased. This is default game behaviour.
                    set_gamerules_data("m_iConsecutiveVip", 3)
                    SendHookableCalls ?
                        OrpheuCallSuper(HandleHooks[PickNextVip], g_pGameRules) :
                        OrpheuCall(HandleHooks[PickNextVip], g_pGameRules)
                    set_gamerules_data("m_iConsecutiveVip", get_gamerules_data("m_iConsecutiveVip") + 1)
                    new NewVip = get_gamerules_data("m_pVIP")
                    if(1 <= NewVip <= MaxPlayers)
                        SendHookableCalls ?
                            ExecuteHamB(Ham_CS_RoundRespawn, NewVip) :
                            ExecuteHam(Ham_CS_RoundRespawn, NewVip)
                        SuccesfullReset = true
        case Obj_ResetEscape:
            new Escapers = get_gamerules_data("m_iHaveEscaped")
            if(Escapers > 0)
                new Float:RequieredEscapeRation = Float:get_gamerules_data("m_flRequiredEscapeRatio")
                if(Escapers / float(get_gamerules_data("m_iNumEscapers")) < RequieredEscapeRation)
                    new Players[32], Num, index
                    get_players(Players, Num, "ae", "TERRORIST")
                    for(new i; i < Num; i++)
                        index = Players[i]
                        if(get_pdata_bool(index, m_bEscaped))
                            set_pdata_bool(index, m_bEscaped, false)
                            SendHookableCalls ?
                                ExecuteHamB(Ham_CS_RoundRespawn, index) :
                                ExecuteHam(Ham_CS_RoundRespawn, index)
                    set_gamerules_data("m_iHaveEscaped", 0)
                    SuccesfullReset = true
        case Obj_DetectObjective:
            static Objective
            static bool:AlreadyDetected
                //The first found objective will be returned, for map with more objectives write manually the identifier
                    Objective = Obj_ResetBomb
                else if(get_gamerules_data("m_bMapHasRescueZone"))
                    Objective = Obj_ResetHostages
                else if(get_gamerules_data("m_iMapHasVIPSafetyZone") == 1) //Game sets this offset to 1 if safety zone is found and to 2 if not
                    Objective = Obj_ResetVip
                else if(get_gamerules_data("m_bMapHasEscapeZone"))
                    Objective = Obj_ResetEscape
                    Objective = Obj_ResetTimer
                AlreadyDetected = true
                console_print(id, "Objective %s was auto-detected.", ObjectiveNames[Objective])
            ResetCurrentObjective(id, Objective)
        if(ResetType != Obj_ResetTimer)
            console_print(id, "You have just reset the %s objective", ObjectiveNames[ResetType])
            client_print(0, print_chat, "Objective %s was resetted.", ObjectiveNames[ResetType])
        if(HandleCForwards[ObjectiveResetted] > 0)
            new ReturnType
            ExecuteForward(HandleCForwards[ObjectiveResetted], ReturnType, ResetType)
        //Recheck everything or bugs could appear
        SendHookableCalls ?
            OrpheuCallSuper(HandleHooks[CheckWinConditions], g_pGameRules) :
            OrpheuCall(HandleHooks[CheckWinConditions], g_pGameRules)

public OnNewRound_Event()
    InFreezeTime   = true

public OnRoundStart_Event()
    InFreezeTime = false

SendRoundTimeMessage(Time, bool:Reliable)
    message_begin(Reliable ? MSG_ALL : MSG_BROADCAST, gmsgRoundTime)
Errors :

L 05/19/2022 - 12:40:23: -------- Mapchange to de_dust2 --------
L 05/19/2022 - 12:40:23: [ORPHEU] Function "InstallGameRules" not found
L 05/19/2022 - 12:40:23: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "objective.amxx", version "unknown")
L 05/19/2022 - 12:40:23: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "OrpheuGetFunction")
L 05/19/2022 - 12:40:23: [AMXX]    [0] objective.sma::plugin_precache (line 114)

L 05/19/2022 - 12:40:25: [ORPHEU] Function "CHostage::RePosition" not found
L 05/19/2022 - 12:40:25: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "objective.amxx", version "unknown")
L 05/19/2022 - 12:40:25: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "OrpheuGetFunction")
L 05/19/2022 - 12:40:25: [AMXX]    [0] objective.sma::plugin_init (line 214)
The archive is taken directly from the forum. I have copied everything in the archive as required. Here is the InstallGameRules file

Here's the signature of this file.

    "name" : "InstallGameRules",
    "library" : "mod",
    "return" :
        "type" : "CHalfLifeMultiplay *"
            "os" : "windows",
            "mod" : "cstrike",
            "value" : [0x68,0x8c,0xea,"*",0xa,0xff,0x15,0xdc,0x23,"*",0xa,0x83,0xc4,0x4,0xff,0x15,0xe0,0x23,"*",0xa,0xa1,0xb8,0x25]
            "os" : "linux",
            "mod" : "cstrike",
            "value" : "InstallGameRules__Fv"
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