Randomise players

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Can some one modify this plugin so that before starting of match the players are randomized in both teams and then we can select captains.
#include <amxmodx>

#include <amxmisc>

#include <cstrike>

#include <fun>

#include <fakemeta>

#include <hamsandwich>

#include <reapi>

#include <csx>

#include <engine>


    #include <dhudmessage>


#define MAX_PLAYERS 32

#define PLUGIN "WAR"

#define VERSION "1.0"

#define AUTHOR "anonymous"

#pragma compress 1

new iXYPos;

new const Float: HUD_XY_POS [] [] =


    {-1.0, 0.90},

    {-1.0, 0.80},

    {-1.0, 0.70},

    {-1.0, 0.60},

    {-1.0, 0.50},

    {-1.0, 0.40},

    {-1.0, 0.30},

    {-1.0, 0.20},

    {-1.0, 0.10}


new Match_Sound [4] [] =


"sound / match / getreadytofight.mp3",

"sound / match / firsthalf.mp3",

"sound / match / secondhalf.mp3",

"sound / match / winner.mp3"


new get_ready [1] [] =


"sound / match / getreadytofight.mp3"


new first_half [1] [] =


"sound / match / firsthalf.mp3"


new second_half [1] [] =


"sound / match / secondhalf.mp3"


new winner [1] [] =


"sound / match / winner.mp3"


// Set frags.

new Frags [33], Deaths [33], RestartGame

// ===================== Players Selection. ======================================

new g_PlayerSelected [MAX_PLAYERS + 1]

// Game Description

new amx_warname

// Bomb AFK Manager declarations. ======================

// comment to avoid autodisabling the plugin on maps which not contain bomb targets

// # define BOMB_MAP_CHECK

// float value, hud messages display time (in seconds)

#define MSG_TIME 7.0

// CVAR name, affects on spawned AFK bomb carrier which never moved after spawn

// new CVAR_SPAWN [] = "afk_bombtransfer_spawn"

// CVAR value, max. allowed bomb carrier AFK time (in seconds)

// new DEFAULT_SPAWN [] = "7"

// CVAR name, affects on any AFK bomb carrier except one which obey previous CVAR

// new CVAR_TIME [] = "afk_bombtransfer_time"

// CVAR value, max. allowed bomb carrier AFK time (in seconds)

// new DEFAULT_TIME [] = "7"

// initial AMXX version number supported CVAR pointers in get / set_pcvar_ * natives


// determine if get / set_pcvar_ * natives can be used


    #define CVAR_POINTERS

    new g_pcvar_spawn

    new g_pcvar_time



new WEAPON [] = "weapon_c4"

#define FL_ONGROUND (1 << 9)

new bool: g_freezetime = true

new bool: g_spawn

new bool: g_planting

new g_carrier

new g_pos [MAX_PLAYERS + 1] [3]

new g_time [MAX_PLAYERS + 1]

new g_maxplayers

// Ranking system.

new g_TotalKills [33]

new g_TotalDeaths [33]

new g_BombPlants [33]

new g_BombDefusions [33]

new gMaxPlayers

new msgToDisplay [456]

new msgToDisplaykill [456]

new msgToDisplaydeath [456]

new msgToDisplayplant [456]

new msgToDisplaydefuse [456]

// get the current status of the HALF. By default false because no half started.

new bool: isFirstHalfStarted = false

new bool: isSecondHalfStarted = false

new gCptT

new gCptCT

new CaptainCount = 0

// new bool: g_KnifeRound = false

// Is Match Initialized?

new bool: g_MatchInit = false

// Owner of: who started the match

new MatchStarterOwner = 0

// Check if captain is choosen

new bool: CaptainSChosen

// Is Match started!

new bool: g_MatchStarted = false

// Set main match started to true: useful for leaving players + Count for leaving players.

new bool: g_MainMatchStarted = false

// By default first half if the second half is false.

new bool: is_secondHalf = false

// Handle the score. By default to: 0 score.

new ScoreFtrstTeam = 0

new ScoreScondteam = 0

// Show menu to the first captain == winner

new ShowMenuFirst

new ShowMenuSecond

// Captains Chosen Teams. - 2 == CT & 1 == T

new FirstCaptainTeamName

new SecondCaptainTeamName

// Store the name of the Captains.

new FirstCaptainName [52]

new SecondCaptainName [52]

// Store the Auth ID of the captains.

new FirstCaptainAuthID [128]

new SecondCaptainAuthID [128]

// Temp captain Names!

new TempFirstCaptain [32]

new TempSecondCaptain [32]

// Store current map.

new szMapname [32]

new RoundCounter = 0

// Extra declarations

new g_iMaxPlayers

// 1 = first captain 2 = second captain.

new CaptainChoosenID

new WhoChoseThePlayer

public plugin_init ()


    register_plugin (PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR);

    register_clcmd ("say / start", "ShowMenu", ADMIN_KICK, "Get All The players");

    gMaxPlayers = get_maxplayers ()

    // Change Game Description.

    amx_warname = register_cvar ("amx_warname", "|| Match Not Started ||");

    register_forward (FM_GetGameDescription, "GameDesc");

#if defined BOMB_MAP_CHECK

    // is current map not contain bomb targets?

    if (! engfunc (EngFunc_FindEntityByString, -1, "classname", "func_bomb_target"))



    register_event ("HLTV", "event_new_round", "a", "1 = 0", "2 = 0")

    register_logevent ("logevent_round_start_bomb", 2, "1 = Round_Start")

    set_task (1.0, "task_afk_check", _, _, _, "b") // plugin's core loop

    g_maxplayers = get_maxplayers ()

    // block advertise by cs

    // set_msg_block (get_user_msgid ("HudTextArgs"), BLOCK_SET);


    g_iMaxPlayers = get_maxplayers ()

    // Register Death.

    register_event ("DeathMsg", "Event_DeathMsg_Knife", "a", "1> 0")


    // For Knife round.

    // register_event ("CurWeapon", "Event_CurWeapon_NotKnife", "be", "1 = 1", "2! 29")


    // Round end event.

    register_logevent ("round_end", 2, "1 = Round_End")

    // Round start event.

    register_logevent ("logevent_round_start", 2, "1 = Round_Start")

    // Do not allow clients to join the team when they manually tries to join the team.

    register_clcmd ("chooseteam", "cmdChooseTeam")

    register_clcmd ("jointeam", "cmdChooseTeam");

    // Stop or Restart the Match!

    register_clcmd ("say / stop", "StopMatch", ADMIN_KICK, "Stop the Match!");

    register_clcmd ("say / restart", "RestartMatch", ADMIN_KICK, "Restart the Match!");

    // T OR CT WIN.

    register_event ("SendAudio", "on_TerroristWin", "a", "2 =%! MRAD_terwin");

    register_event ("SendAudio", "on_CTWin", "a", "2 =%! MRAD_ctwin");

    // show score.

    register_clcmd ("say! score", "ShowScoreToUser")

    register_clcmd ("say .score", "ShowScoreToUser")

    // Get Team Players menu.

    register_clcmd ("say / getmenu", "GetMatchMenu")

    get_mapname (szMapname, charsmax (szMapname))


// Bomb afk transfer declarations.

public event_new_round () {

    g_freezetime = true

    g_spawn = true

    g_planting = false

    g_carrier = 0

    if (g_MatchStarted)


        new Players [MAX_PLAYERS], iNum, id;

        get_players (Players, iNum, "h");


        for (new i = 0; i <iNum; i ++)


            id = Players




public logevent_round_start_bomb ()


    new id [32], num

    get_players (id, num, "ae", TEAM)

    if (! num) // is server empty?


    g_freezetime = false

    // update afk timers and current positions

    new x

    for (new i = 0; i <num; ++ i) {

        x = id

        get_user_origin (x, g_pos [x])

        g_time [x] = 0



public task_afk_check () {

    if (g_freezetime) // is freezetime right now?


    // afk check

    new id [32], num, x, origin [3]

    get_players (id, num, "ae", TEAM)

    for (new i = 0; i <num; ++ i) {

        x = id

        get_user_origin (x, origin)

        if (origin [0]! = g_pos [x] [0] || origin [1]! = g_pos [x] [1] || (x == g_carrier && g_planting)) {

            g_time [x] = 0

            g_pos [x] [0] = origin [0]

            g_pos [x] [1] = origin [1]

            if (g_spawn && x == g_carrier)

                g_spawn = false



            g_time [x] ++


    // is bomb not currently carried or Ts number less than 2?

    if (! g_carrier || num <2)


#if defined CVAR_POINTERS

    new max_time = get_pcvar_num (g_spawn? g_pcvar_spawn: g_pcvar_time)


    new max_time = get_cvar_num (g_spawn? CVAR_SPAWN: CVAR_TIME)


    // is plugin disabled (cvar <= 0) or carrier isn't afk?

    if (max_time <= 0 || g_time [g_carrier] <max_time)


    // find who from non-afk Ts is the closest to the afk carrier

    get_user_origin (g_carrier, origin)

    new min_dist = 999999, dist, recipient, origin2 [3]

    for (new i = 0; i <num; ++ i) {

        x = id

        if (g_time [x] <max_time) {

            get_user_origin (x, origin2)

            dist = get_distance (origin, origin2)

            if (dist <min_dist) {

                min_dist = dist

                recipient = x




    if (! recipient) // is all Ts afk?


    new carrier = g_carrier

    engclient_cmd (carrier, "drop", WEAPON) // drop the backpack

    new c4 = engfunc (EngFunc_FindEntityByString, -1, "classname", WEAPON) // find weapon_c4 entity

    if (! c4)


    new backpack = pev (c4, pev_owner) // get backpack entity

    if (backpack <= g_maxplayers)


    // my backpack transfer trick (improved)

    set_pev (backpack, pev_flags, pev (backpack, pev_flags) | FL_ONGROUND)

    dllfunc (DLLFunc_Touch, backpack, recipient)

    // hud messages stuff below

    set_hudmessage (0, 255, 0, 0.35, 0.8, _, _, MSG_TIME)

    new message [128], c_name [32], r_name [32]

    get_user_name (carrier, c_name, 31)

    get_user_name (recipient, r_name, 31)

    format (message, 127, "Bomb Transferred To ^"% s ^ "^ nsince ^"% s ^ "is AFK", r_name, c_name)

    for (new i = 0; i <num; ++ i)

        show_hudmessage (id , "% s", message)

    set_hudmessage (255, 255, 0, 0.42, 0.3, _, _, MSG_TIME, _, _, 3)

    show_hudmessage (recipient, "[[You Got The Bomb]]")


// Game description forward.

public GameDesc ()


    static gamename [32];

    get_pcvar_string (amx_warname, gamename, 31);

    forward_return (FMV_STRING, gamename);



public plugin_precache () {     

    for (new i = 0; i <sizeof Match_Sound; i ++) {

        precache_generic (Match_Sound );



// Event death.

public Event_DeathMsg_Knife ()


    if (! g_MatchStarted)


    new attacker = read_data (1)

    new victim = read_data (2)

    if (victim! = attacker && cs_get_user_team (attacker)! = cs_get_user_team (victim))


        g_TotalKills [attacker] ++

        g_TotalDeaths [victim] ++



public bomb_planted (id)


    if (g_MatchStarted)


        g_BombPlants [id] ++



public bomb_defused (id)


    if (g_MatchStarted)


        g_BombDefusions [id] ++



public GetMatchMenu (id)


    if (CaptainSChosen)


        if (id! = CaptainChoosenID)



            if (WhoChoseThePlayer == 1)


                LetsSecondChoosePlayers (ShowMenuSecond)


            if (WhoChoseThePlayer == 2)


                LetsFirstChoosePlayers (ShowMenuFirst)







public RestartMatch (id, lvl, cid)


    if (! cmd_access (id, lvl, cid, 0))

        return PLUGIN_HANDLED


    if (g_MatchInit || g_MatchStarted / * || g_KnifeRound * /)


        // Log AMX, Who stopped the match !.

        new MatchRestarterName [32]

        get_user_name (id, MatchRestarterName, charsmax (MatchRestarterName))

        new MatchRestarterAuthID [128]

        get_user_authid (id, MatchRestarterAuthID, 127)

        log_amx ("Admin% s with ID =% i and AuthID% s has restarted the Match!", MatchRestarterName, id, MatchRestarterAuthID)

        chatcolor (0, "! g [MATCH]! t% s! ghas Restarted The! tWAR! y !!! gCaptains! ywill be! gchosen by! tHim! y !!", MatchRestarterName)

        server_cmd ("mp_freezetime 999");

        set_dhudmessage (0, 255, 0, -1.0, -1.0, 0, 2.0, 6.0, 0.8, 0.8)

        show_dhudmessage (0, "% s has Restarted the Match !! ^ n Captains will be chosen shortly .... !!", MatchRestarterName)

        set_task (8.0, "RestartMatchTask", id)

        return PLUGIN_HANDLED




public RestartMatchTask (id)


    LoadPubSettings ()

    ShowMenuSpecial (id)   


public HUD_firstLive (index)


    if (iXYPos> = sizeof (HUD_XY_POS)) iXYPos = 0;

    set_dhudmessage (random_num (0, 255), random_num (0, 255), random_num (0, 255), HUD_XY_POS [iXYPos] [0], HUD_XY_POS [iXYPos] [1], 0, 50.0, 0.4, 0.2, 0.3);

    show_dhudmessage (index, "[F I R S T] [H A L F] [S T A R T E D]");

    iXYPos ++;


public HUD_secondLive (index)


    if (iXYPos> = sizeof (HUD_XY_POS)) iXYPos = 0;

    set_dhudmessage (random_num (0, 255), random_num (0, 255), random_num (0, 255), HUD_XY_POS [iXYPos] [0], HUD_XY_POS [iXYPos] [1], 0, 50.0, 0.4, 0.2, 0.3);

    show_dhudmessage (index, "[S E C O N D] [H A L F] [S T A R T E D]");

    iXYPos ++;


// Stop the Match.

public StopMatch (id, lvl, cid)


     set_cvar_string ("amx_warname", "|| Match Not Started ||")


    if (! cmd_access (id, lvl, cid, 0))

        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

    if (g_MatchInit || g_MatchStarted / * || g_KnifeRound * /)


        // Log AMX, Who stopped the match !.

        new MatchStopperName [32]

        get_user_name (id, MatchStopperName, charsmax (MatchStopperName))

        new MatchStopperAuthID [128]

        get_user_authid (id, MatchStopperAuthID, 128)

        log_amx ("Admin% s with AuthID% s has stopped the Match!", MatchStopperName, MatchStopperAuthID)

        server_cmd ("mp_freezetime 999");

        LoadPubSettings ()

        set_dhudmessage (0, 255, 0, -1.0, -1.0, 0, 2.0, 6.0, 0.8, 0.8)

        show_dhudmessage (0, "% s has Stopped The Match !! ^ n Server will Restart now !!", MatchStopperName)

        chatcolor (0, "! g [MATCH]! t% s! ghas Stopped The! tWAR! y !!! gServer will Restart Now! y !!", MatchStopperName)

        set_task (8.0, "RestartServerForStoppingMatch")

        return PLUGIN_HANDLED




// Stop match special when owner is not there.

public StopMatchSpecial()


    if (g_MatchInit || g_MatchStarted / * || g_KnifeRound * /)



        server_cmd ("mp_freezetime 4");

        set_dhudmessage (0, 255, 0, -1.0, -1.0, 0, 2.0, 6.0, 0.8, 0.8)

        show_dhudmessage (0, "Match Owner has Left the Game !! ^ n Server will Restart Now !!")

        set_task (4.0, "RestartServerForStoppingMatch")




public RestartServerForStoppingMatch ()


    new CurrentMap [33]

    get_mapname (CurrentMap, 32)

    server_cmd ("changelevel% s", CurrentMap)



// public GoToTheSpec (id)

// {

// if (g_MatchInit || g_KnifeRound)

// {   

// if (is_user_connected (id))

// {

// set_task (3.0, "TransferToSpec", id)




// Terrorist Win event.

public on_TerroristWin ()


    // Terrorrist Knife round winner.

    / * if (g_KnifeRound == true)



        // T WOWN.

        ShowMenuFirst = gCptT

        ShowMenuSecond = gCptCT

        // Set Names of the Captain. because captain may leave the game.

        get_user_name (ShowMenuFirst, FirstCaptainName, charsmax (FirstCaptainName))

        get_user_name (ShowMenuSecond, SecondCaptainName, charsmax (SecondCaptainName))


        set_task (3.0, "GiveRestartRound", _, _, _, "a", 1);

        set_task (2.0, "FirstCaptainWonKnifeRoundMsg", gCptT)

        g_KnifeRound = false

        LoadMatchSettings ()

    } * /

    if (g_MatchStarted)


        if (isFirstHalfStarted)


            if (FirstCaptainTeamName == 1)


                ScoreFtrstTeam ++




                ScoreScondteam ++


            // Change description of the game.

            if (ScoreFtrstTeam> ScoreScondteam)


                new GameDescBuffer [32]


                    formatex (GameDescBuffer, charsmax (GameDescBuffer), "1st Half: [% d] || [% d]", ScoreFtrstTeam, ScoreScondteam)



                set_cvar_string ("amx_warname", GameDescBuffer)


            if (ScoreScondteam> ScoreFtrstTeam)


                new GameDescBuffer [32]


                    formatex (GameDescBuffer, charsmax (GameDescBuffer), "1st Half: [% d] || [% d]", ScoreScondteam, ScoreFtrstTeam)


                set_cvar_string ("amx_warname", GameDescBuffer)


            if (ScoreFtrstTeam == ScoreScondteam)


                new GameDescBuffer [32]


                    formatex (GameDescBuffer, charsmax (GameDescBuffer), "1st Half: [% d] || [% d]", ScoreScondteam, ScoreFtrstTeam)


                set_cvar_string ("amx_warname", GameDescBuffer)



        if (isSecondHalfStarted)


            if (FirstCaptainTeamName == 1)


                ScoreScondteam ++




                ScoreFtrstTeam ++


            // Change description of the game.

            if (ScoreFtrstTeam> ScoreScondteam)


                new GameDescBuffer [32]


                    formatex (GameDescBuffer, charsmax (GameDescBuffer), "2nd Half: [% d] || [% d]", ScoreFtrstTeam, ScoreScondteam)


                set_cvar_string ("amx_warname", GameDescBuffer)


            if (ScoreScondteam> ScoreFtrstTeam)


                new GameDescBuffer [32]


                    formatex (GameDescBuffer, charsmax (GameDescBuffer), "2nd Half: [% d] || [% d]", ScoreScondteam, ScoreFtrstTeam)


                set_cvar_string ("amx_warname", GameDescBuffer)


            if (ScoreFtrstTeam == ScoreScondteam)


                new GameDescBuffer [32]

                    formatex (GameDescBuffer, charsmax (GameDescBuffer), "2nd Half: [% d] || [% d]", ScoreScondteam, ScoreFtrstTeam)


                set_cvar_string ("amx_warname", GameDescBuffer)





// CT WIN Event.

public on_CTWin ()


    / * if (g_KnifeRound)



            // CT WON.

            ShowMenuFirst = gCptCT

            ShowMenuSecond = gCptT

             // Set Names of the Captain. because captain may leave the game.

            get_user_name (ShowMenuFirst, FirstCaptainName, charsmax (FirstCaptainName))

            get_user_name (ShowMenuSecond, SecondCaptainName, charsmax (SecondCaptainName))

            get_user_authid (ShowMenuFirst, FirstCaptainAuthID, 127)

            get_user_authid (ShowMenuSecond, SecondCaptainAuthID, 127)

             g_KnifeRound = false


            set_task (3.0, "GiveRestartRound", _, _, _, "a", 1);

            set_task (2.0, "SecondCaptWonKnifeRoundWonMsg", gCptCT)


            LoadMatchSettings ()

    } * /


    if (g_MatchStarted)


        if (isFirstHalfStarted)


            if (FirstCaptainTeamName == 2)


                ScoreFtrstTeam ++




                ScoreScondteam ++


            // Change description of the game.

            if (ScoreFtrstTeam> ScoreScondteam)


                new GameDescBuffer [32]


                    formatex (GameDescBuffer, charsmax (GameDescBuffer), "1st Half: [% d] || [% d]", ScoreFtrstTeam, ScoreScondteam)



                set_cvar_string ("amx_warname", GameDescBuffer)


            if (ScoreScondteam> ScoreFtrstTeam)


                new GameDescBuffer [32]


                    formatex (GameDescBuffer, charsmax (GameDescBuffer), "1st Half: [% d] || [% d]", ScoreScondteam, ScoreFtrstTeam)


                set_cvar_string ("amx_warname", GameDescBuffer)


            if (ScoreFtrstTeam == ScoreScondteam)


                new GameDescBuffer [32]


                    formatex (GameDescBuffer, charsmax (GameDescBuffer), "1st Half: [% d] || [% d]", ScoreScondteam, ScoreFtrstTeam)



                set_cvar_string ("amx_warname", GameDescBuffer)



        if (isSecondHalfStarted)


            if (FirstCaptainTeamName == 2)


                ScoreScondteam ++




                ScoreFtrstTeam ++


            // Change description of the game.

            if (ScoreFtrstTeam> ScoreScondteam)


                new GameDescBuffer [32]


                    formatex (GameDescBuffer, charsmax (GameDescBuffer), "2nd Half: [% d] || [% d]", ScoreFtrstTeam, ScoreScondteam)


                set_cvar_string ("amx_warname", GameDescBuffer)


            if (ScoreScondteam> ScoreFtrstTeam)


                new GameDescBuffer [32]

                formatex (GameDescBuffer, charsmax (GameDescBuffer), "2nd Half: [% d] || [% d]", ScoreScondteam, ScoreFtrstTeam)

                set_cvar_string ("amx_warname", GameDescBuffer)


            if (ScoreFtrstTeam == ScoreScondteam)


                new GameDescBuffer [32]


                    formatex (GameDescBuffer, charsmax (GameDescBuffer), "2nd Half: [% d] || [% d]", ScoreScondteam, ScoreFtrstTeam)


                set_cvar_string ("amx_warname", GameDescBuffer)






public logevent_round_start ()


/ *

    if (g_KnifeRound)



     set_dhudmessage (0, 255, 0, -1.0, 0.30, 0, 2.0, 6.0, 0.8, 0.8);

    show_dhudmessage (0, "|| Knife Round Begins ||");

    // set_dhudmessage (0, 212, 255, 0.30, -1.0, 0, 2.0, 6.0, 0.8, 0.8)

        // show_dhudmessage (0, "Captain - [% s]", TempFirstCaptain);

    // set_dhudmessage (255, 0, 0, 0.60, -1.0, 0, 2.0, 6.0, 0.8, 0.8)

        // show_dhudmessage (0, "Captain - [% s]", TempSecondCaptain);

    set_dhudmessage (255, 255, 255, -1.0, -1.0, 0, 2.0, 6.0, 0.8, 0.8)

        show_dhudmessage (0, "[Captain:% s] ^ n ^ n <------- | v / s | -------> ^ n ^ n [Captain:% s]", TempFirstCaptain, TempSecondCaptain)

        // show_dhudmessage (0, "|| Knife Round Begins || ^ n ^ n [Captain:% s] ^ n ^ n <------- | v / s | -------> ^ n ^ n [Captain:% s] ", TempFirstCaptain, TempSecondCaptain)

        chatcolor (0, "! t [MATCH]! tKnife Round! yhas! gbeen Started !!")

        chatcolor (0, "! t [MATCH]! gKnife War ::! yCaptain! g--! t% s! g || v / s ||! yCaptain! g--! t% s", TempFirstCaptain, TempSecondCaptain)



* /   

    if (g_MatchStarted)


        // Show Score info in Hud on every round start.

        ShowScoreHud ()

        set_task (3.0, "ShowScoreOnRoundStart")



// When Client join the server and if match is initialized or Knife round is running transfer player to spec.

public client_putinserver (id)


    if (g_MainMatchStarted)


        Frags [id] = 0

        Deaths [id] = 0


    g_TotalKills [id] = 0

    g_TotalDeaths [id] = 0

    g_BombPlants [id] = 0

    g_BombDefusions [id] = 0

    // if (g_MatchInit || g_KnifeRound)

    // {

    // set_task (7.0, "TransferToSpec", id)



// Menu for restart!

public ShowMenuSpecial (id)



    // Store who started the match !.

    MatchStarterOwner = id

    // Log AMX, Who stopped the match !.

    new MatchStarterName [32]

    get_user_name (id, MatchStarterName, charsmax (MatchStarterName))

    new MatchStarterAuthID [128]

    get_user_authid (id, MatchStarterAuthID, 127)

    // Match has been initialized!

    g_MatchInit = true

    // TASK 1 - To Move All the players in Spec.

    // cmdTransferAllInSpec ();

    // Send message to players about message.

    MatchInitHudMessage ()

    // Task 2 - Show Players Menu to who started the match.

    set_task (5.0, "ShowMenuPlayers", id)


    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;


// Choose Captains and Initialize Match.

public ShowMenu (id, lvl, cid)


    if (! cmd_access (id, lvl, cid, 0))

        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

    if (g_MatchInit || g_MatchStarted)


    MatchStarterOwner = id

    // Match initialized.

    set_cvar_string ("amx_warname", "[[MATCH]]")

    // Log AMX, Who stopped the match !.

    new MatchStarterName [32]

    get_user_name (id, MatchStarterName, charsmax (MatchStarterName))

    new MatchStarterAuthID [128]

    get_user_authid (id, MatchStarterAuthID, 127)


    log_amx ("Admin% s with ID =% i and AuthID% s has started the Match !!", MatchStarterName, id, MatchStarterAuthID)

    chatcolor (0, "! g [MATCH]! t% s! ghas Initialized The! tWAR! y !!! gCaptains! ywill be! gchosen by! tHim! y !!", MatchStarterName)

    // Match has been initialized!

    g_MatchInit = true

    // TASK 1 - To Move All the players in Spec.

    // cmdTransferAllInSpec ();

    // Send message to players about message.

    MatchInitHudMessage ()

    // Task 2 - Show Players Menu to who started the match.

    set_task (3.0, "ShowMenuPlayers", id)


    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;


// Show HUD Message and Print message to inform player about match started!

public MatchInitHudMessage ()


    set_dhudmessage (random (256), random (256), random (256), -1.0, 0.30, 1, 2.0, 6.0, 0.8, 0.8)

    show_dhudmessage (0, "|| - >> Who wants To be the Captain ?? << - ||")


public ShowMenuPlayers (id)


    set_cvar_string ("amx_warname", "| = Captain Selection = |")

    new iMenu = MakePlayerMenu (id, "- = [Choose a Captain] = -", "PlayersMenuHandler");

    menu_setprop (iMenu, MPROP_NUMBER_COLOR, "\ y");

    menu_display (id, iMenu);



MakePlayerMenu (id, const szMenuTitle [], const szMenuHandler [])


    new iMenu = menu_create (szMenuTitle, szMenuHandler);

    new iPlayers [32], iNum, iPlayer, szPlayerName [32], szUserId [33];

    get_players (iPlayers, iNum, "h");

    new PlayerWithPoints [128]

    for (new i = 0; i <iNum; i ++)


        iPlayer = iPlayers ;


            // Add user in the menu if - CONNECTED and TEAM IS T.

        if (gCptCT! = iPlayer)


            get_user_name (iPlayer, szPlayerName, charsmax (szPlayerName));

            formatex (PlayerWithPoints, 127, "% s", szPlayerName)

            formatex (szUserId, charsmax (szUserId), "% d", get_user_userid (iPlayer));

            menu_additem (iMenu, PlayerWithPoints, szUserId, 0);



    return iMenu;


public PlayersMenuHandler (id, iMenu, iItem)


    if (iItem == MENU_EXIT)


        // Recreate menu because user's team has been changed.

        new iMenu = MakePlayerMenu (id, "- = [Choose a Captain] = -", "PlayersMenuHandler");

        menu_setprop (iMenu, MPROP_NUMBER_COLOR, "\ y");

        menu_display (id, iMenu);

        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;


    new szUserId [32], szPlayerName [32], iPlayer, iCallback;

    menu_item_getinfo (iMenu, iItem, iCallback, szUserId, charsmax (szUserId), szPlayerName, charsmax (szPlayerName), iCallback);

    if ((iPlayer = find_player ("k", str_to_num (szUserId))))



        if (CaptainCount == 0)



            // cs_set_user_team (iPlayer, CS_TEAM_CT)

            rg_set_user_team (iPlayer, TEAM_CT, MODEL_AUTO, true)

            new ChosenCaptain [32]

            get_user_name (iPlayer, ChosenCaptain, charsmax (ChosenCaptain))

            chatcolor (0, "! g [MATCH]! t% s! gchosen! yas! t [! g >>! tCT! g <<! t]! gCaptain! y !!", ChosenCaptain)

            CaptainCount ++

            // Temp captain name.

            get_user_name (iPlayer, TempFirstCaptain, charsmax (TempFirstCaptain))


            // Assign CT Captain

            gCptCT = iPlayer

            // Recreate menu.

            menu_destroy (iMenu)

            new iMenu = MakePlayerMenu (id, "- = [Choose a Captain] = -", "PlayersMenuHandler");

            menu_setprop (iMenu, MPROP_NUMBER_COLOR, "\ y");

            menu_display (id, iMenu);

            return PLUGIN_HANDLED;


        if (CaptainCount == 1)



            // cs_set_user_team (iPlayer, CS_TEAM_T)

            rg_set_user_team (iPlayer, TEAM_TERRORIST, MODEL_AUTO, true)

            new ChosenCaptain [32]

            get_user_name (iPlayer, ChosenCaptain, charsmax (ChosenCaptain))

            chatcolor (0, "! g [MATCH]! t% s! gchosen! yas! t [! g >>! tT! g <<! t]! gCaptain! y !!", ChosenCaptain)

            CaptainCount ++

             // Temp captain name.

            get_user_name (iPlayer, TempSecondCaptain, charsmax (TempSecondCaptain))

            // Assign T Captain

            gCptT = iPlayer

            // Set it to true because captains have been chosen.

            CaptainSChosen = true

            // Announcement.

            // set_dhudmessage (0, 255, 255, -1.0, -1.0, 0, 2.0, 6.0, 0.8, 0.8)

            // show_dhudmessage (0, "|| - Get Ready Captains - || ^ n ** The Knife Round Will Begin in 5 seconds **")

            chatcolor (0, "! t [MATCH]! gAttention !!! yThe! tMatch! gWill Start in! t5! gseconds !!")


            ShowMenuFirst = gCptCT

            ShowMenuSecond = gCptT

            // Set Names of the Captain. because captain may leave the game.

            get_user_name (ShowMenuFirst, FirstCaptainName, charsmax (FirstCaptainName))

            get_user_name (ShowMenuSecond, SecondCaptainName, charsmax (SecondCaptainName))

            get_user_authid (ShowMenuFirst, FirstCaptainAuthID, 127)

            get_user_authid (ShowMenuSecond, SecondCaptainAuthID, 127)


            // Side

            FirstCaptainTeamName = 2

            SecondCaptainTeamName = 1


            // Start knife round.

            //set_task(5.0,"Knife_Round ")

            LoadMatchSettings ()

            set_task (5.0, "StartMatch");

            // Captain choosing is over so destroy menu.

            menu_destroy (iMenu)

            return PLUGIN_HANDLED;



    // Recreate menu because user's team has been changed.

    new iMenu = MakePlayerMenu (id, "- = [Choose a Captain] = -", "PlayersMenuHandler");

    menu_setprop (iMenu, MPROP_NUMBER_COLOR, "\ y");

    menu_display (id, iMenu);

    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;


/ *

public Knife_Round ()


    set_cvar_string ("amx_warname", "|| Captain's Knife War ||")

    server_cmd ("mp_autokick 0")

    server_cmd ("mp_autoteambalance 0")

    server_cmd ("afk_transfer_time 100")

    set_task (3.0, "GiveRestartRound", _, _, _, "a", 3);

    set_task (10.0, "SetKnifeRoundTrue")


public SetKnifeRoundTrue ()


    g_KnifeRound = true

} * /

// Round end Checker

public round_end ()


    new Players [MAX_PLAYERS], iNum, id;

    get_players (Players, iNum, "h");

    if (g_MatchStarted)


       // Increment rounds.

        RoundCounter ++

        ShowScoreHud ()

        CheckForWinningTeam ()

            if (RoundCounter == 15)



                // Loop through users and set user score + death.

                new players [32], num

                get_players (players, num, "h")


                new player

                for (new i = 0; i <num; i ++)


                    player = players

                    if (is_user_connected (player))


                        Frags [player] = get_user_frags (player)

                        Deaths [player] = cs_get_user_deaths (player)



                server_cmd ("mp_freezetime 999")

                set_task (7.0, "SwapTeamsMessage")





// Choose the team.

public ChooseTeam (id)


   set_cvar_string ("amx_warname", "|| = Side Selection = ||")

    set_dhudmessage (255, 255, 0, -1.0, -1.0, 0, 2.0, 2.0, 0.8, 0.8)

    show_dhudmessage (0, "- || Captain <<<<% s >>>> will Choose Side and his Team Mates First || -", FirstCaptainName)


    new TeamChooser = MakeTeamSelectorMenu (id, "[Choose Your Side]", "TeamHandler");

    menu_setprop (TeamChooser, MPROP_NUMBER_COLOR, "\ y");

    menu_display (id, TeamChooser);


MakeTeamSelectorMenu (id, const szMenuTitle [], const szMenuHandler [])


     new TeamChooser = menu_create (szMenuTitle, szMenuHandler);

     menu_additem (TeamChooser, "Counter-Terrorist");

     menu_additem (TeamChooser, "Terrorist");

     return TeamChooser;


public TeamHandler (id, TeamChooser, iItem)


    if (iItem == MENU_EXIT)


        // Recreate menu because user's team has been changed.

        new TeamChooser = MakeTeamSelectorMenu (id, "[Choose Your Side]", "TeamHandler");

        menu_setprop (TeamChooser, MPROP_NUMBER_COLOR, "\ y");

        menu_display (id, TeamChooser);

        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;


    switch (iItem)


        // Chosen CT.

        case 0:


            chatcolor (0, "! t [MATCH]! gCaptain! t% s! ychosen side! g - >>! tCounter-Terrorist", FirstCaptainName)


        set_dhudmessage (0, 0, 255, -1.0, -1.0, 0, 2.0, 4.0, 0.8, 0.8)

            show_dhudmessage (0, "|||| Captain% s chose To be a Savior ||||", FirstCaptainName)

            FirstCaptainTeamName = 2

            SecondCaptainTeamName = 1

            if (get_user_team (id)! = 2)


                SwapPlayer ()



            set_cvar_string ("amx_warname", "|| Players Selection ||")

            set_task (5.0, "LetsFirstChoosePlayers", id)


        // Chosen T.

        case 1:


            FirstCaptainTeamName = 1

            SecondCaptainTeamName = 2

            chatcolor (0, "! t [MATCH]! gCaptain! t% s! ychosen side! g - >>! tTerrorist", FirstCaptainName)


        set_dhudmessage (255, 0, 0, -1.0, -1.0, 0, 2.0, 4.0, 0.8, 0.8)

            show_dhudmessage (0, "|||| Captain% s chose To Spread Terrorism ||||", FirstCaptainName)

            if (get_user_team (id)! = 1)


                SwapPlayer ()


            set_cvar_string ("amx_warname", "|| Players Selection ||")

            set_task (5.0, "LetsFirstChoosePlayers", id)



    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;



public LetsFirstChoosePlayers (id)



    new players [32], count;     

    get_players (players, count, "eh", "SPECTATOR");

    if (count> 0)


        new iChoosePlayers = LetsFirstChoosePlayersMenu (id, "|| = Choose A Team Mate = ||", "LetsFirstChoosePlayersHandler");

        menu_setprop (iChoosePlayers, MPROP_NUMBER_COLOR, "\ y");

        menu_display (id, iChoosePlayers);


        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;





        set_cvar_string ("amx_warname", "[Teams Ready]")

        client_cmd (0, "mp3 play% s", get_ready);

        set_dhudmessage (0.255, 0, -1.0, -1.0, 0, 2.0, 6.0, 0.8, 0.8)

        show_dhudmessage (0, "* || - All Teams are SET - || * ^ n ^ n ---- >> First HALF will Start Now << ----")

             set_task (5.0, "StartMatch")

        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;



LetsFirstChoosePlayersMenu (id, const szMenuTitle [], const szMenuHandler [])


    new iChoosePlayers = menu_create (szMenuTitle, szMenuHandler);

    new iPlayers [32], iNum, iPlayer, szPlayerName [32], szUserId [32];

    get_players (iPlayers, iNum, "h");

    for (new i = 0; i <iNum; i ++)


        iPlayer = iPlayers ;


        // Add user in the menu if - CONNECTED and TEAM IS T.

        if (get_user_team (iPlayer) == 3)


            get_user_name (iPlayer, szPlayerName, charsmax (szPlayerName));


            formatex (szUserId, charsmax (szUserId), "% d", get_user_userid (iPlayer));

            menu_additem (iChoosePlayers, szPlayerName, szUserId, 0);





    return iChoosePlayers;


public LetsFirstChoosePlayersHandler (id, iChoosePlayers, iItem)


    if (iItem == MENU_EXIT)


        new iChoosePlayers = LetsFirstChoosePlayersMenu (id, "|| = Choose A Team Mate = ||", "LetsFirstChoosePlayersHandler");

        menu_setprop (iChoosePlayers, MPROP_NUMBER_COLOR, "\ y");

        menu_display (id, iChoosePlayers);


        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;


    new szUserId [32], szPlayerName [32], iPlayer, iCallback;

    menu_item_getinfo (iChoosePlayers, iItem, iCallback, szUserId, charsmax (szUserId), szPlayerName, charsmax (szPlayerName), iCallback);

    if ((iPlayer = find_player ("k", str_to_num (szUserId))))


        new ChoosenPlayer [32]

        get_user_name (iPlayer, ChoosenPlayer, charsmax (ChoosenPlayer))


         chatcolor (0, "! t [MATCH]! gCaptain! t% s! gselected! t% s! gas his Team Mate! y !!", FirstCaptainName, ChoosenPlayer);


        if (! is_user_connected (iPlayer))


            new iChoosePlayers = LetsFirstChoosePlayersMenu (id, "|| = Choose A Team Mate = ||", "LetsFirstChoosePlayersHandler");

            menu_setprop (iChoosePlayers, MPROP_NUMBER_COLOR, "\ y");

            menu_display (id, iChoosePlayers);


            return PLUGIN_HANDLED;




            CaptainChoosenID = id

            WhoChoseThePlayer = 1

            // cs_set_user_team (iPlayer, cs_get_user_team (id))


            new CsTeams: team = cs_get_user_team (id)

            if (team == CS_TEAM_CT)


                // transfer player to ct.

                rg_set_user_team (iPlayer, TEAM_CT, MODEL_AUTO, true)


            if (team == CS_TEAM_T)


                // transfer player to Terrorist.

                rg_set_user_team (iPlayer, TEAM_TERRORIST, MODEL_AUTO, true)



            LetsSecondChoosePlayers (ShowMenuSecond)

            return PLUGIN_HANDLED;






public LetsSecondChoosePlayers (id)


    new players [32], count;     

    get_players (players, count, "eh", "SPECTATOR");

    if (count> 0)


        new iChoosePlayers = LetsSecondChoosePlayersMenu (id, "|| = Choose A Team Mate = ||", "LetsSecondChoosePlayersHandler");

        menu_setprop (iChoosePlayers, MPROP_NUMBER_COLOR, "\ y");

        menu_display (id, iChoosePlayers);

        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;





         client_cmd (0, "mp3 play% s", get_ready);

        set_dhudmessage (0.255, 0, -1.0, -1.0, 0, 2.0, 6.0, 0.8, 0.8)

        show_dhudmessage (0, "* || - All Teams are SET - || * ^ n ^ n ---- >> First HALF will Start Now << ----")


         set_task (5.0, "StartMatch")


        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;




LetsSecondChoosePlayersMenu (id, const szMenuTitle [], const szMenuHandler [])


    new iChoosePlayers = menu_create (szMenuTitle, szMenuHandler);

    new iPlayers [32], iNum, iPlayer, szPlayerName [32], szUserId [32];

    get_players (iPlayers, iNum, "h");

    for (new i = 0; i <iNum; i ++)


        iPlayer = iPlayers ;   

        // Add user in the menu if - CONNECTED and TEAM IS T.

        if (get_user_team (iPlayer) == 3)



            get_user_name (iPlayer, szPlayerName, charsmax (szPlayerName));

            formatex (szUserId, charsmax (szUserId), "% d", get_user_userid (iPlayer));

            menu_additem (iChoosePlayers, szPlayerName, szUserId, 0);





    return iChoosePlayers;


public LetsSecondChoosePlayersHandler (id, iChoosePlayers, iItem)


    if (iItem == MENU_EXIT)


        new iChoosePlayers = LetsSecondChoosePlayersMenu (id, "|| = Choose A Team Mate = ||", "LetsSecondChoosePlayersHandler");

        menu_setprop (iChoosePlayers, MPROP_NUMBER_COLOR, "\ y");

        menu_display (id, iChoosePlayers);

        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;


    new szUserId [32], szPlayerName [32], iPlayer, iCallback;

    menu_item_getinfo (iChoosePlayers, iItem, iCallback, szUserId, charsmax (szUserId), szPlayerName, charsmax (szPlayerName), iCallback);

    if ((iPlayer = find_player ("k", str_to_num (szUserId))))



        new ChoosenPlayer [32]

        get_user_name (iPlayer, ChoosenPlayer, charsmax (ChoosenPlayer))


        chatcolor (0, "! t [MATCH]! gCaptain! t% s! gselected! t% s! gas his Team Mate! y !!", SecondCaptainName, ChoosenPlayer);

        if (! is_user_connected (iPlayer))


            new iChoosePlayers = LetsSecondChoosePlayersMenu (id, "|| = Choose A Team Mate = ||", "LetsSecondChoosePlayersHandler");

            menu_setprop (iChoosePlayers, MPROP_NUMBER_COLOR, "\ y");

            menu_display (id, iChoosePlayers);

            return PLUGIN_HANDLED;




            WhoChoseThePlayer = 2

            CaptainChoosenID = id

            // cs_set_user_team (iPlayer, cs_get_user_team (id))


            new CsTeams: team = cs_get_user_team (id)

            if (team == CS_TEAM_CT)


                // transfer player to ct.

                rg_set_user_team (iPlayer, TEAM_CT, MODEL_AUTO, true)


            if (team == CS_TEAM_T)


                // transfer player to Terrorist.

                rg_set_user_team (iPlayer, TEAM_TERRORIST, MODEL_AUTO, true)



            LetsFirstChoosePlayers (ShowMenuFirst);

            return PLUGIN_HANDLED;




    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;


public client_disconnected (id)


    if (CaptainSChosen / * || g_KnifeRound * /)


        if (id == gCptCT || id == gCptT)


            if (is_user_connected (MatchStarterOwner))


                set_hudmessage (0, 255, 0, -1.0, -1.0, 0, 2.0, 6.0, 0.8, 0.8, -1)

                show_hudmessage (0, "[Match Restarting] ^ n ^ n As One of the Captain Left The Match")

                RestartMatchTask (MatchStarterOwner)








    if (g_MainMatchStarted)


        // Set score and death to zero.

        Frags [id] = 0

        Deaths [id] = 0






public DoRanking ()


    new KillerName [256], DeathsName [256], BombPName [256], BombDName [256]

    new players [32], pnum, tempid

    new topKillerID, topDeathsID, topBombPID, topBombDID

    new topKills, topDeaths, topBombP, topBombD

    get_players (players, pnum)

    for (new i; i <pnum; i ++)


        tempid = players


        if (g_TotalKills [tempid]> = topKills && g_TotalKills [tempid])


            topKills = g_TotalKills [tempid]

            topKillerID = temps



        if (g_TotalDeaths [tempid]> = topDeaths && g_TotalDeaths [tempid])


            topDeaths = g_TotalDeaths [tempid]

            topDeathsID = tempid



        if (g_BombPlants [tempid]> = topBombP && g_BombPlants [tempid])


            topBombP = g_BombPlants [tempid]

            topBombPID = tempid



        if (g_BombDefusions [tempid]> = topBombD && g_BombDefusions [tempid])


            topBombD = g_BombDefusions [tempid]

            topBombDID = temps




    if (1 <= topKillerID <= gMaxPlayers)

        get_user_name (topKillerID, KillerName, charsmax (KillerName))

    if (1 <= topDeathsID <= gMaxPlayers)

        get_user_name (topDeathsID, DeathsName, charsmax (DeathsName))

    if (1 <= topBombPID <= gMaxPlayers)

        get_user_name (topBombPID, BombPName, charsmax (BombPName))

    if (1 <= topBombDID <= gMaxPlayers)

        get_user_name (topBombDID, BombDName, charsmax (BombDName))


    for (new i; i <pnum; i ++)


        tempid = players


        if (g_TotalKills [tempid] == topKills && tempid! = topKillerID && g_TotalKills [tempid])


            new lineToAdd [65] = ","

            new pName [64]

            get_user_name (tempid, pName, charsmax (pName))

            add (lineToAdd, charsmax (lineToAdd), pName)

            add (KillerName, charsmax (KillerName) - strlen (BombDName), lineToAdd)



        if (g_TotalDeaths [tempid] == topDeaths && tempid! = topDeathsID && g_TotalDeaths [tempid])


            new lineToAdd [65] = ","

            new pName [64]

            get_user_name (tempid, pName, charsmax (pName))

            add (lineToAdd, charsmax (lineToAdd), pName)

            add (DeathsName, charsmax (DeathsName) - strlen (DeathsName), lineToAdd)



        if (g_BombPlants [tempid] == topBombP && tempid! = topBombPID && g_BombPlants [tempid])


            new lineToAdd [65] = ","

            new pName [64]

            get_user_name (tempid, pName, charsmax (pName))

            add (lineToAdd, charsmax (lineToAdd), pName)

            add (BombPName, charsmax (BombPName) - strlen (BombPName), lineToAdd)



        if (g_BombDefusions [tempid] == topBombD && tempid! = topBombDID && g_BombDefusions [tempid])


            new lineToAdd [65] = ","

            new pName [64]

            get_user_name (tempid, pName, charsmax (pName))

            add (lineToAdd, charsmax (lineToAdd), pName)

            add (BombDName, charsmax (BombDName) - strlen (BombDName), lineToAdd)




    msgToDisplay = "|| Match Player Stats || ^ n ---------------------- ^ n ^ nTop Kills -% s [% d Kills] ^ nTop Deaths -% s [% d Deaths] ^ nTop Bomb Plants -% s [% d Bomb Plants] ^ nTop Bomb Defusions -% s [% d Bomb Defusions] "

    format (msgToDisplay, charsmax (msgToDisplay), msgToDisplay, strlen (KillerName)? KillerName: "NONE", topKills, strlen (DeathsName)? DeathsName: "NONE", topDeaths,

            strlen (BombPName)? BombPName: "NONE", topBombP, strlen (BombDName)? BombDName: "NONE", topBombD)


    new taskId = 6969       

    set_task (1.0, "displayRankingTable", taskId, msgToDisplay, strlen (msgToDisplay), "b")


public displayRankingTable (msgToDisplay [], taskId)


    set_hudmessage (135, 135, 135, -1.0, -1.0, 1, 6.0, 6.0, 0.5, 0.15, -1)

    show_hudmessage (0, msgToDisplay)


// ====================== FUNCTIONS !! ================================================== ==========================================

// Prevent from choosing team while match is going on.

public cmdChooseTeam (id)


    if (g_MatchInit || / * g_KnifeRound || * / g_MatchStarted)



        // if (cs_get_user_team (id) == CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR)

        // return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

        chatcolor (id, "! g ||! y - =! gMATCH! y = -! g ||! tYou Cannot! gchoose! ta Team! ywhile! gMatch! yis! tin Progress !!");

        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;





// Checking for knife

/ * public Event_CurWeapon_NotKnife (id)


    if (! g_KnifeRound)


    if (! user_has_weapon (id, CSW_KNIFE))

        give_item (id, "weapon_knife")

        engclient_cmd (id, "weapon_knife")

} * /

// Swap teams.

public cmdTeamSwap ()



    new players [32], num

    get_players (players, num)


    new player

    for (new i = 0; i <num; i ++)


        player = players


        // rg_set_user_team (iPlayer, TEAM_CT, MODEL_AUTO, true)

        rg_set_user_team (player, cs_get_user_team (player) == CS_TEAM_T? TEAM_CT: TEAM_TERRORIST, MODEL_AUTO, true)





public SwapPlayer ()


    new players [32], num

    get_players (players, num)


    new player

    for (new i = 0; i <num; i ++)


        player = players

        if (get_user_team (player)! = 3)


            rg_set_user_team (player, cs_get_user_team (player) == CS_TEAM_T? TEAM_CT: TEAM_TERRORIST, MODEL_AUTO, true)

             // cs_set_user_team (player, cs_get_user_team (player) == CS_TEAM_T? CS_TEAM_CT: CS_TEAM_T)






// public cmdTransferAllInSpec ()

// {

// new Players [32]

// new playerCount, player

// get_players (Players, playerCount, "h")

// for (new i = 0; i <playerCount; i ++)

// {

// player = Players

// if (is_user_connected (player))

// {

// new CsTeams: team = cs_get_user_team (player)

// if (! (team == CS_TEAM_UNASSIGNED) ||! (team == CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR))

// {

// user_kill (player)

// // cs_set_user_team (player, CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR)

// set_task (3.0, "DoTransferSpec", player)



// else

// {

// user_kill (player)






// public DoTransferSpec (id)

// {

// if (is_user_connected (id))

// {

// user_kill (id)

// rg_set_user_team (id, TEAM_SPECTATOR, MODEL_AUTO, true)




public StartMatch ()


    server_cmd ("mp_forcechasecam 2")

    server_cmd ("mp_forcecamera 2")

    server_cmd ("mp_freezetime 4")

    server_cmd ("afk_transfer_time 20")

    set_cvar_string ("amx_warname", "|| --WAR STARTED-- ||")


    set_task (2.0, "LiveOnThreeRestart");

    set_task (3.0, "GiveRestartRound", _, _, _, "a", 3);

    g_MatchInit = false


    CaptainSChosen = false


    chatcolor (0, "! t [MATCH]! yPlease! gTry! yNot to! tLeave! gThe Match! y !!")

    chatcolor (0, "! t [MATCH]! gFirst Half! tHas been! gStarted! y !!")

    chatcolor (0, "! t [MATCH]! gAttention !!! yThe! tMatch! yHas Been! g STARTED !!")

    new ServerName [512]

    // change server name

    formatex (ServerName, charsmax (ServerName), "[MATCH] -% s || v / s ||% s Live", FirstCaptainName, SecondCaptainName)

    server_cmd ("hostname ^"% s ^ "", ServerName)

    ServerName [0] = 0

    set_task (11.0, "MatchStartedTrue")

    // Set the status of half to first half.

    isFirstHalfStarted = true

    set_task (12.0, "FirstHalfHUDMessage")


// Swap Team Message!.

public SwapTeamsMessage ()


    GiveRestartRound ()

    set_task (3.0, "TeamSwapMessage")

    set_task (7.0, "FirstHalfCompletedHUDMessage")

    set_task (12.0, "SwapTeamsAndRestartMatch")


// Swap teams and restart the match.

public SwapTeamsAndRestartMatch ()


    // Swap Teams.

    cmdTeamSwap ()

    GiveRestartRound ();

    set_task (2.0, "LiveOnThreeRestart");

    // Give Restart

    set_task (4.0, "GiveRestartRound", _, _, _, "a", 3);

    chatcolor (0, "! t [MATCH]! gTeams! yHave Been! gSwapped !!");

    chatcolor (0, "! t [MATCH]! gSecond Half! yhas been! gStarted !!");


    is_secondHalf = true

    // Set first half status to zero.

    isFirstHalfStarted = false

    isSecondHalfStarted = true

    set_task (14.0, "SecondHalfHUDMessage")

    LoadMatchSettings ()


// For color chat

stock chatcolor (const id, const input [], any: ...)


        new count = 1, players [32]

        static msg [191]

        vformat (msg, 190, input, 3)


        replace_all (msg, 190, "! g", "^ 4") // Green Color

        replace_all (msg, 190, "! y", "^ 1") // Default Color

        replace_all (msg, 190, "! t", "^ 3") // Team Color   

        if (id) players [0] = id; else get_players (players, count, "ch")


                for (new i = 0; i <count; i ++)


                        if (is_user_connected (players ))


                                message_begin (MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid ("SayText"), _, players )

                                write_byte (players );

                                write_string (msg);

                                message_end ();





public ShowScoreHud ()


    new score_message [1024]

    if (ScoreFtrstTeam> ScoreScondteam)


            format (score_message, 1023, "Team% s ^ n [% i] - |||| - [% i]", FirstCaptainName, ScoreFtrstTeam, ScoreScondteam)

            set_dhudmessage (random (256), random (256), random (256), -1.0, 0.05, 0, 2.0, 5.0, 0.8, 0.8)

            show_dhudmessage (0, score_message)

       set_dhudmessage (random (256), random (256), random (256), -1.0, 0.0, 0, 2.0, 5.0, 0.8, 0.8)

            show_dhudmessage (0, "----- || MATCH LEADER || ------")


        if (ScoreScondteam> ScoreFtrstTeam)


            format (score_message, 1023, "Team% s ^ n [% i] - |||| - [% i]", SecondCaptainName, ScoreScondteam, ScoreFtrstTeam)

            set_dhudmessage (random (256), random (256), random (256), -1.0, 0.05, 0, 2.0, 5.0, 0.8, 0.8)

            show_dhudmessage (0, score_message)

       set_dhudmessage (random (256), random (256), random (256), -1.0, 0.0, 0, 2.0, 5.0, 0.8, 0.8)

            show_dhudmessage (0, "----- || MATCH LEADER || ------")


        if (ScoreFtrstTeam == ScoreScondteam)


            format (score_message, 1023, "Both Teams ^ n [% i] - |||| - [% i]", ScoreScondteam, ScoreFtrstTeam)

            set_dhudmessage (random (256), random (256), random (256), -1.0, 0.05, 0, 2.0, 5.0, 0.8, 0.8)

            show_dhudmessage (0, score_message)

        set_dhudmessage (random (256), random (256), random (256), -1.0, 0.0, 0, 2.0, 5.0, 0.8, 0.8)

            show_dhudmessage (0, "----- || SCORES TIE || ------")



public CheckForWinningTeam ()


        if (ScoreFtrstTeam> = 16)


            // Change description of the game.


            new GameDescBuffer [32]

            formatex (GameDescBuffer, charsmax (GameDescBuffer), "|| - GG% d To% d - ||", ScoreFtrstTeam, ScoreScondteam)

            // set_task (8.0, "StartSongForAll")

            client_cmd (0, "mp3 play% s", winner);

            set_cvar_string ("amx_warname", GameDescBuffer)


            server_cmd ("mp_freezetime 99999");

            set_task (7.0, "FirstTeamWinnerMessage")



        if (ScoreScondteam> = 16)


            new GameDescBuffer [32]

            formatex (GameDescBuffer, charsmax (GameDescBuffer), "|| - GG% d To% d - ||", ScoreScondteam, ScoreFtrstTeam)

            set_cvar_string ("amx_warname", GameDescBuffer)

        client_cmd (0, "mp3 play% s", winner);


            server_cmd ("mp_freezetime 99999");

            set_task (7.0, "SecondTeamWinnerMessage")





// Transfer a player to spec.

// public TransferToSpec (id)

// {

// if (is_user_connected (id))

// {

// new CsTeams: team = cs_get_user_team (id)


// if (is_user_connected (id) && (team! = CS_TEAM_UNASSIGNED) && (team! = CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR))

// {

// new TransferedName [32]

// get_user_name (id, TransferedName, charsmax (TransferedName))

// user_silentkill (id)

// // cs_set_user_team (id, CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR)

// // rg_set_user_team (id, TEAM_SPECTATOR, MODEL_AUTO, true)

// set_task (3.0, "DoTransferSpec", id)

// chatcolor (0, "! y [MATCH]! t% s! ghas been transferred to! tSPEC! gas he Cannot join During the! tSelection! y !!", TransferedName)







// Winner message. - First team won!

public FirstTeamWonTheMatch ()


    set_dhudmessage (255, 255, 255, -1.0, 0.40, 0, 2.0, 6.0, 0.8, 0.8)

    show_dhudmessage (0, "O == [] ====== - || Match Winner || - ===== [] == O")

    set_dhudmessage (0, 255, 0, -1.0, -1.0, 0, 2.0, 6.0, 0.8, 0.8)

    show_dhudmessage (0, "[Team -% s]", FirstCaptainName)

    set_cvar_string ("amx_warname", "|| Match Not Started ||")


// Winner message. - Second team won!

public SecondTeamWonTheMatch ()


    set_dhudmessage (255, 255, 255, -1.0, 0.40, 0, 2.0, 6.0, 0.8, 0.8)

    show_dhudmessage (0, "O == [] ====== - || Match Winner || - ===== [] == O")

    set_dhudmessage (0, 255, 0, -1.0, -1.0, 0, 2.0, 6.0, 0.8, 0.8)

    show_dhudmessage (0, "[Team -% s]", SecondCaptainName)

    set_cvar_string ("amx_warname", "|| Match Not Started ||")


// Load Match settings because match has been started!

public LoadMatchSettings ()


    server_cmd ("sv_alltalk 0")

    server_cmd ("mp_autoteambalance 2")

    server_cmd ("mp_freezetime 4")

    server_cmd ("exec match.cfg")

    server_cmd ("mp_roundmoney 16000")


// Load PuB settings because Match is over!

public LoadPubSettings ()


    set_cvar_string ("amx_warname", "|| Match Not Started ||")

    // Set some zero.

    CaptainChoosenID = 0

    WhoChoseThePlayer = 0

    g_TotalKills [0] = 0

    g_TotalDeaths [0] = 0

    g_BombPlants [0] = 0

    g_BombDefusions [0] = 0

    msgToDisplay [0] = 0

    msgToDisplaykill [0] = 0

    msgToDisplaydeath [0] = 0

    msgToDisplayplant [0] = 0

    msgToDisplaydefuse [0] = 0

    remove_task (6969)


    isFirstHalfStarted = false

    isSecondHalfStarted = false

    FirstCaptainTeamName = 0

    SecondCaptainTeamName = 0

    MatchStarterOwner = 0

    CaptainSChosen = false

    // g_KnifeRound = false

    is_secondHalf = false

    g_MatchInit = false

    g_MatchStarted = false

    g_MainMatchStarted = false

    RoundCounter = 0

    gCptT = 0

    gCptCT = 0

    CaptainCount = 0

    ScoreFtrstTeam = 0

    ScoreScondteam = 0

    ShowMenuFirst = 0

    ShowMenuSecond = 0


    FirstCaptainName [0] = 0

    SecondCaptainName [0] = 0

    TempFirstCaptain [0] = 0

    TempSecondCaptain [0] = 0


    server_cmd ("exec server.cfg")

    server_cmd ("mp_roundmoney 16000")

    set_task (3.0, "GiveRestartRound", _, _, _, "a", 1);



public FirstTeamWinnerMessage ()


    GiveRestartRound ()

    set_task (3.0, "MatchIsOverHUDMessage")

    set_task (7.0, "SecondHalfCompletedHUDMessage")

    set_task (13.0, "FirstTeamWonTheMatch")

    set_task (20.0, "DoRanking")

    set_task (32.0, "LoadPubSettings")


public SecondTeamWinnerMessage ()


    GiveRestartRound ()

    set_task (3.0, "MatchIsOverHUDMessage")

    set_task (7.0, "SecondHalfCompletedHUDMessage")

    set_task (13.0, "SecondTeamWonTheMatch")

    set_task (20.0, "DoRanking")

    set_task (32.0, "LoadPubSettings")


/ * public SecondCaptWonKnifeRoundWonMsg (id)


    set_dhudmessage (0, 255, 0, -1.0, 0.40, 0, 2.0, 4.0, 0.8, 0.8)

    show_dhudmessage (0, "|| Knife Round Winner || ^ n =================")

    set_dhudmessage (255, 255, 255, -1.0, -1.0, 0, 2.0, 3.0, 0.8, 0.8)

    show_dhudmessage (0, "Captain -% s", FirstCaptainName)

    chatcolor (0, "! t [MATCH]! gCaptain! t% s! gWon the! tKnife Round! y !!", FirstCaptainName)

    set_task (5.0, "ChooseTeam", gCptCT)


} * /

/ * public FirstCaptainWonKnifeRoundMsg (id)


    set_dhudmessage (0, 255, 0, -1.0, 0.40, 0, 2.0, 4.0, 0.8, 0.8)

    show_dhudmessage (0, "|| Knife Round Winner || ^ n =================")

    set_dhudmessage (255, 255, 255, -1.0, -1.0, 0, 2.0, 3.0, 0.8, 0.8)

    show_dhudmessage (0, "Captain -% s", FirstCaptainName)

    chatcolor (0, "! t [MATCH]! gCaptain! t% s! gWon the! tKnife Round! y !!", FirstCaptainName)

    set_task (5.0, "ChooseTeam", gCptT)


} * /

public ShowScoreToUser (id)


    if (g_MatchStarted)


        if (isFirstHalfStarted)


            if ((FirstCaptainTeamName == 1) && (get_user_team (id) == 2))


                chatcolor (id, "! y [! tScoreboard! y]! gYour Team's Score! y - >>! t [! g% i! t]! y- || -! gOpponent Team's Score! y - >>! t [! g% i! t] ", ScoreScondteam, ScoreFtrstTeam)



            if ((FirstCaptainTeamName == 1) && (get_user_team (id) == 1))


                chatcolor (id, "! y [! tScoreboard! y]! gYour Team's Score! y - >>! t [! g% i! t]! y- || -! gOpponent Team's Score! y - >>! t [! g% i! t] ", ScoreFtrstTeam, ScoreScondteam)


            if ((FirstCaptainTeamName == 2) && (get_user_team (id)) == 2)


                chatcolor (id, "! y [! tScoreboard! y]! gYour Team's Score! y - >>! t [! g% i! t]! y- || -! gOpponent Team's Score! y - >>! t [! g% i! t] ", ScoreFtrstTeam, ScoreScondteam)


            if ((FirstCaptainTeamName == 2) && (get_user_team (id) == 1))


                chatcolor (id, "! y [! tScoreboard! y]! gYour Team's Score! y - >>! t [! g% i! t]! y- || -! gOpponent Team's Score! y - >>! t [! g% i! t] ", ScoreScondteam, ScoreFtrstTeam)



        if (isSecondHalfStarted)


            if ((FirstCaptainTeamName == 1) && (get_user_team (id) == 2))


                chatcolor (id, "! y [! tScoreboard! y]! gYour Team's Score! y - >>! t [! g% i! t]! y- || -! gOpponent Team's Score! y - >>! t [! g% i! t] ", ScoreFtrstTeam, ScoreScondteam)



            if ((FirstCaptainTeamName == 1) && (get_user_team (id) == 1))


                chatcolor (id, "! y [! tScoreboard! y]! gYour Team's Score! y - >>! t [! g% i! t]! y- || -! gOpponent Team's Score! y - >>! t [! g% i! t] ", ScoreScondteam, ScoreFtrstTeam)


            if ((FirstCaptainTeamName == 2) && (get_user_team (id)) == 2)


                chatcolor (id, "! y [! tScoreboard! y]! gYour Team's Score! y - >>! t [! g% i! t]! y- || -! gOpponent Team's Score! y - >>! t [! g% i! t] ", ScoreScondteam, ScoreFtrstTeam)


            if ((FirstCaptainTeamName == 2) && (get_user_team (id) == 1))


                chatcolor (id, "! y [! tScoreboard! y]! gYour Team's Score! y - >>! t [! g% i! t]! y- || -! gOpponent Team's Score! y - >>! t [! g% i! t] ", ScoreFtrstTeam, ScoreScondteam)





public ShowScoreOnRoundStart ()


    new players [32], num, iPlayer

    get_players (players, num, "h");


    for (new i = 0; i <num; i ++)


        iPlayer = players ;

        if (isFirstHalfStarted)


            if ((FirstCaptainTeamName == 1) && (get_user_team (iPlayer) == 2))


                chatcolor (iPlayer, "! y [! tScoreboard! y]! gYour Team's Score! y - >>! t [! g% i! t]! y- || -! gOpponent Team's Score! y - >>! t [! g% i! t] ", ScoreScondteam, ScoreFtrstTeam)



            if ((FirstCaptainTeamName == 1) && (get_user_team (iPlayer) == 1))


                chatcolor (iPlayer, "! y [! tScoreboard! y]! gYour Team's Score! y - >>! t [! g% i! t]! y- || -! gOpponent Team's Score! y - >>! t [! g% i! t] ", ScoreFtrstTeam, ScoreScondteam)


            if ((FirstCaptainTeamName == 2) && (get_user_team (iPlayer)) == 2)


                chatcolor (iPlayer, "! y [! tScoreboard! y]! gYour Team's Score! y - >>! t [! g% i! t]! y- || -! gOpponent Team's Score! y - >>! t [! g% i! t] ", ScoreFtrstTeam, ScoreScondteam)


            if ((FirstCaptainTeamName == 2) && (get_user_team (iPlayer) == 1))


                chatcolor (iPlayer, "! y [! tScoreboard! y]! gYour Team's Score! y - >>! t [! g% i! t]! y- || -! gOpponent Team's Score! y - >>! t [! g% i! t] ", ScoreScondteam, ScoreFtrstTeam)



        if (isSecondHalfStarted)


            if ((FirstCaptainTeamName == 1) && (get_user_team (iPlayer) == 2))


                chatcolor (iPlayer, "! y [! tScoreboard! y]! gYour Team's Score! y - >>! t [! g% i! t]! y- || -! gOpponent Team's Score! y - >>! t [! g% i! t] ", ScoreFtrstTeam, ScoreScondteam)



            if ((FirstCaptainTeamName == 1) && (get_user_team (iPlayer) == 1))


                chatcolor (iPlayer, "! y [! tScoreboard! y]! gYour Team's Score! y - >>! t [! g% i! t]! y- || -! gOpponent Team's Score! y - >>! t [! g% i! t] ", ScoreScondteam, ScoreFtrstTeam)


            if ((FirstCaptainTeamName == 2) && (get_user_team (iPlayer)) == 2)


                chatcolor (iPlayer, "! y [! tScoreboard! y]! gYour Team's Score! y - >>! t [! g% i! t]! y- || -! gOpponent Team's Score! y - >>! t [! g% i! t] ", ScoreScondteam, ScoreFtrstTeam)


            if ((FirstCaptainTeamName == 2) && (get_user_team (iPlayer) == 1))


                chatcolor (iPlayer, "! y [! tScoreboard! y]! gYour Team's Score! y - >>! t [! g% i! t]! y- || -! gOpponent Team's Score! y - >>! t [! g% i! t] ", ScoreFtrstTeam, ScoreScondteam)






// To restart the round.

public GiveRestartRound ()


    server_cmd ("sv_restartround ^" 1 ^ "");



public FirstHalfHUDMessage ()

{client_cmd (0, "mp3 play% s", first_half);

       set_dhudmessage (255, 255, 255, -1.0, 0.34, 0, 2.0, 4.0, 0.8, 0.8)

       show_dhudmessage (0, "|| SERVER ||")

       set_dhudmessage (0, 255, 0, -1.0, 0.42, 0, 2.0, 4.0, 0.8, 0.8)

       show_dhudmessage (0, "// START //")

       set_dhudmessage (random (256), random (256), random (256), -1.0, 0.50, 0, 2.0, 4.0, 0.8, 0.8)

       show_dhudmessage (0, "FIRST HALF STARTE D")



public SecondHalfHUDMessage ()


    new players [32], num

    get_players (players, num, "h")


    new player

    for (new i = 0; i <num; i ++)


        player = players

        if (is_user_connected (player))


            set_user_frags (player, Frags [player])

            cs_set_user_deaths (player, Deaths [player])



     client_cmd (0, "mp3 play% s", second_half);

     set_dhudmessage (255, 255, 255, -1.0, 0.34, 0, 2.0, 4.0, 0.8, 0.8)

       show_dhudmessage (0, "|| SERVER ||")

       set_dhudmessage (0, 255, 0, -1.0, 0.42, 0, 2.0, 4.0, 0.8, 0.8)

       show_dhudmessage (0, "// START //")

       set_dhudmessage (random (256), random (256), random (256), -1.0, 0.50, 0, 2.0, 4.0, 0.8, 0.8)

       show_dhudmessage (0, "SECOND HALF STARTE D")



public FirstHalfCompletedHUDMessage ()


    new score_message [1024]

    if (ScoreFtrstTeam> ScoreScondteam)


        format (score_message, 1023, "- = || First Half Score || = - ^ n ^ n ^ n% s - - [% i] ^ n ^ n LEADING TO ^ n ^ n% s - [% i] ", FirstCaptainName, ScoreFtrstTeam, SecondCaptainName, ScoreScondteam)

        set_dhudmessage (0.255, 0, -1.0, -1.0, 0, 2.0, 4.0, 0.8, 0.8)

        show_dhudmessage (0, score_message)


    if (ScoreScondteam> ScoreFtrstTeam)


        format (score_message, 1023, "- = || First Half Score || = - ^ n ^ n ^ n% s - - [% i] ^ n ^ n LEADING TO ^ n ^ n% s - [% i] ", SecondCaptainName, ScoreScondteam, FirstCaptainName, ScoreFtrstTeam)

        set_dhudmessage (0.255, 0, -1.0, -1.0, 0, 2.0, 4.0, 0.8, 0.8)

        show_dhudmessage (0, score_message)


    if (ScoreFtrstTeam == ScoreScondteam)


        format (score_message, 1023, "[[Both teams have Won [% i] rounds till now]]", ScoreScondteam)

        set_dhudmessage (0.255, 0, -1.0, -1.0, 0, 2.0, 4.0, 0.8, 0.8)

        show_dhudmessage (0, score_message)



public SecondHalfCompletedHUDMessage ()


    new score_message [1024]

    if (ScoreFtrstTeam> ScoreScondteam)


        format (score_message, 1023, "- = || Second Half Score || = - ^ n ^ n ^ n% s - - [% i] ^ n ^ n LEADING TO ^ n ^ n% s - [% i] ", FirstCaptainName, ScoreFtrstTeam, SecondCaptainName, ScoreScondteam)


        set_dhudmessage (0.255, 0, -1.0, -1.0, 0, 2.0, 4.0, 0.8, 0.8)

        show_dhudmessage (0, score_message)


    if (ScoreScondteam> ScoreFtrstTeam)


        format (score_message, 1023, "- = || Second Half Score || = - ^ n ^ n ^ n% s - - [% i] ^ n ^ n LEADING TO ^ n ^ n% s - [% i] ", SecondCaptainName, ScoreScondteam, FirstCaptainName, ScoreFtrstTeam)


        set_dhudmessage (0.255, 0, -1.0, -1.0, 0, 2.0, 4.0, 0.8, 0.8)

        show_dhudmessage (0, score_message)


    if (ScoreFtrstTeam == ScoreScondteam)


        format (score_message, 1023, "[[Both teams have Won [% i] rounds till now]]", ScoreScondteam)


        set_dhudmessage (0.255, 0, -1.0, -1.0, 0, 2.0, 6.0, 0.8, 0.8)

        show_dhudmessage (0, score_message)



public MatchIsOverHUDMessage ()


    set_dhudmessage (213,255, 0, -1.0, -1.0, 0, 2.0, 3.0, 0.8, 0.8)

    show_dhudmessage (0, "|||| ----------------------------- |||| ^ nM ATCH - OVER ^ n |||| ----------------------------- |||| ")


public TeamSwapMessage ()


    set_dhudmessage (255, 255, 0, -1.0, -1.0, 0, 2.0, 3.0, 0.8, 0.8)

    show_dhudmessage (0, "[- First Half Is Over -]] ^ n || Teams will be Swapped Automatically || ^ n || Second Half will Begin Now ||")


public MatchStartedTrue ()


    server_cmd ("mp_autokick 0")

    g_MatchStarted = true

    set_task (30.0, "SetMainMatchStartedTrue")


public SetMainMatchStartedTrue ()


    g_MainMatchStarted = true


public LiveOnThreeRestart ()


    set_dhudmessage (random (256), random (256), random (256), -1.0, -1.0, 0, 2.0, 3.0, 0.8, 0.8)

    show_dhudmessage (0, ">> -------------------------------- << ^ n Live On Three Restarts ^ n> > -------------------------------- << ")



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