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- 2 раз(а)
- Ошибка
What's this error? & What it represents & how to solve it?
Kicked :"You have been dropped because admin has left only specified group of clients"
- ОС
- Linux
- Amx Mod X
AMX Mod X (http://www.amxmodx.org)
David "BAILOPAN" Anderson, Pavol "PM OnoTo" Marko
Felix "SniperBeamer" Geyer, Jonny "Got His Gun" Bergstrom
Lukasz "SidLuke" Wlasinski, Christian "Basic-Master" Hammacher
Borja "faluco" Ferrer, Scott "DS" Ehlert
Compiled: Jun 24 2020 13:53:30
Built from: https://github.com/alliedmodders/amxmodx/commit/5eea3e5
Build ID: 5271:5eea3e5
Core mode: JIT+ASM32
- Билд
Protocol version 48
Exe version (cstrike)
ReHLDS version:
Build date: 18:22:55 Nov 8 2020 (2402)
Build from: https://github.com/dreamstalker/rehlds/commit/543728d
- ReGamedll
ReGameDLL version:
Build date: 19:19:50 Nov 21 2020
Build from: https://github.com/s1lentq/ReGameDLL_CS/commit/519b7db
- Версия Metamod
Metamod-r v1.3.0.128, API (5:13)
Metamod-r build: 17:47:54 Aug 24 2018
Metamod-r from: https://github.com/theAsmodai/metamod-r/commit/0cf2f70
- Список метамодулей
Currently loaded plugins:
description stat pend file vers src load unload
[ 1] SafeNameAndChat RUN - SafeNameAndChat.so v1.1 ini ANY ANY
[ 2] Reunion RUN - reunion_mm_i386.so v0.1.0.135 ini Start Never
[ 3] AMX Mod X RUN - amxmodx_mm_i386.so v1.9.0.5271 ini Start ANY
[ 4] Print Center Fix RUN - printcenterfix_mm_i386.so v1.0.1 ini ANY Never
[ 5] Revoice RUN - revoice_mm_i386.so v0.1.0.34 ini Start Never
[ 6] ReSemiclip RUN - resemiclip_mm_i386.so v2.3.9 ini Chlvl ANY
[ 7] WHBlocker RUN - whblocker_mm_i386.so v1.5.697 ini Chlvl ANY
[ 8] Fun RUN - fun_amxx_i386.so v1.9.0.5271 pl3 ANY ANY
[ 9] Engine RUN - engine_amxx_i386.so v1.9.0.5271 pl3 ANY ANY
[10] FakeMeta RUN - fakemeta_amxx_i386.so v1.9.0.5271 pl3 ANY ANY
[11] GeoIP RUN - geoip_amxx_i386.so v1.9.0.5271 pl3 ANY ANY
[12] CStrike RUN - cstrike_amxx_i386.so v1.9.0.5271 pl3 ANY ANY
[13] CSX RUN - csx_amxx_i386.so v1.9.0.5271 pl3 ANY ANY
[14] Ham Sandwich RUN - hamsandwich_amxx_i386.so v1.9.0.5271 pl3 ANY ANY
[15] ReAPI RUN - reapi_amxx_i386.so v5.16.0.198-dev pl3 ANY Never
[16] hackdetector RUN - hackdetector_amxx_i386.so v0.15.328.lite pl3 ANY ANY
[17] ReAimDetector RUN - reaimdetector_amxx_i386.so v0.2.2 pl3 ANY Never
[18] MySQL RUN - mysql_amxx_i386.so v1.9.0.5271 pl3 ANY ANY
18 plugins, 18 running
- Список плагинов
Currently loaded plugins:
name version author file status
[ 1] My Ban System 1.1.2 K@[L]@uz kalauz_ban_syst running
[ 2] Task Scheduler 0.2 JustinHoMi task_scheduler. running
[ 3] ServerNamePlay 1.8.2 Rock Rocky PSL_hostname.am running
[ 4] Scan_Say 12/May/202 General Memer scan_say.amxx running
[ 5] Mode 2x2 2.5re-19-0 s1lent PSL_mode_edit.a running
[ 6] Online Logger 1.0.3 mx?! online_logger.a running
[ 7] Real Game Time 1.0 mx?! real_game_time. running
[ 8] Free Look Crosshair Fi 1.3 Numb free_look_cross running
[ 9] Admin Base AMXX Dev Team admin.amxx running
[ 10] Admin Commands AMXX Dev Team admincmd.amxx running
[ 11] Admin Help AMXX Dev Team adminhelp.amxx running
[ 12] Multi-Lingual System AMXX Dev Team multilingual.am running
[ 13] Menus Front-End AMXX Dev Team menufront.amxx running
[ 14] Commands Menu AMXX Dev Team cmdmenu.amxx running
[ 15] New KickMenu 2.0 Flash kickmenu.amxx running
[ 16] Players Menu AMXX Dev Team plmenu.amxx running
[ 17] Maps Menu AMXX Dev Team mapsmenu.amxx running
[ 18] Plugin Menu AMXX Dev Team pluginmenu.amxx running
[ 19] Chat Manager 1.1.1-11 Mistrick PSL_GREEN_chatm running
[ 20] Chat Manager: Addon 0.0.4-70 Mistrick PSL_chatmanager running
[ 21] Anti Flood AMXX Dev Team antiflood.amxx running
[ 22] Admin Votes AMXX Dev Team adminvote.amxx running
[ 23] NextMap AMXX Dev Team nextmap.amxx running
[ 24] Roundsleft 0.2 JGHG roundsleft_nosp running
[ 25] Stats Configuration AMXX Dev Team statscfg.amxx running
[ 26] Restrict Weapons AMXX Dev Team restmenu.amxx running
[ 27] StatsX AMXX Dev Team statsx.amxx running
[ 28] CS Misc. Stats AMXX Dev Team miscstats.amxx running
[ 29] CS Stats Logging AMXX Dev Team stats_logging.a running
[ 30] Accuracy Fix 3.0 Numb accuracy_fix.am running
[ 31] [PSL] Admin Color Chat 1.0 Edit By Alber PSL_admin_color running
[ 32] Admin Chat AMXX Dev Team adminchat.amxx running
[ 33] Team Balancer 1.8b3 Ptahhotep ptb.amxx running
[ 34] Block IP Messages 1.0 Alpha Alik Inline Asla PSL_BlockIpInNi running
[ 35] Admin Spectator ESP 1.5 KoST admin_spectator running
[ 36] FragCounter 1.01 Scarzzurs fragcounter.amx running
[ 37] KGB Bots 2.3 OvidiuS & Desika kgbbots.amxx running
[ 38] Steamers Info 1.0 K@[L]@uz steamers_info.a running
[ 39] Map Spawns Editor 1.0.16 iG_os Map_Spawns_Edit running
[ 40] Reset Score 0.0.2f wopox1337 PSL_ResetScore. running
[ 41] Fast Sniper Switch 1.3 Numb fast_sniper_swi running
[ 42] Spec Money Save 0.2 F@nt0M spec_money_save running
[ 43] AMX Slay Losers 1.1 [email protected] slaylosers.amxx running
[ 44] Autoresponder/Advertis 0.5 MaximusBrood ad_manager5.amx running
[ 45] Auto Join on Connect 0.1 VEN auto_join_on_co running
[ 46] Ping Faker 1.5a MeRcyLeZZ pingfaker.amxx running
[ 47] c4 timer 1.1 cheap_suit c4timer.amxx running
[ 48] [PSL] Info Rounds By A 1.0 K@[L]@uz PSL_inforounds. running
[ 49] Descriptive 'Fire in t 0.1 VEN colored_radio.a running
[ 50] WalkGuard 1.3.2 mogel walkguard.amxx running
[ 51] VIP Eng Version 3.0 Dunno PSL_VIP_FREE_WO running
[ 52] AMX Client Exec 0.03 v3x amx_exec.amxx running
[ 53] CS AFK Manager 1.0.6 (amx Freeman afk_manager.amx running
[ 54] AMXX Gag 1.5.0 xPaw & Exolent amx_gag.amxx running
[ 55] Boost Server 1.0 K@[L]@UZ boost_server.am running
[ 56] Invisible Spectator 0.2 ConnorMcLeod PSL_Invis_Spec. running
[ 57] unknown unknown unknown pslgamename.amx running
[ 58] [ReAPI] No Team Flash 0.0.3 Vaqtincha no_team_flash.a running
[ 59] ReAimDetector API 0.2.1 ReHLDS Team reaimdetector.a running
[ 60] Permanent message 1.1 He3aBuCuM permanent_messa running
[ 61] Played Time 1.4 Alka > Edit By A PSL_played_time running
[ 62] Anti sv_password Chang 1.0 BesT autopassremover running
[ 63] Block Advertising 1.3 Alka block_advertisi running
[ 64] Block IP 1.0 bad_boy Anti_IP_With_Sp running
[ 65] xREDIRECT x0R xredirect.amxx running
[ 66] Admin Commands Log 1.2.1 twisterniq admin_commands_ debug
66 plugins, 66 running
- Автор плагина
- AMXX Dev Team
- Версия плагина
- Исходный код
admincmd.sma: (Please refer to link)
What's this error? & What it represents & how to solve it?
Kicked :"You have been dropped because admin has left only specified group of clients"
Look at YOU_Dropped in Lang File below (Line 65)
Kicked :"You have been dropped because admin has left only specified group of clients"
Look at YOU_Dropped in Lang File below (Line 65)
ADMIN_KICK_1 = ADMIN: kick %s
ADMIN_KICK_2 = ADMIN %s: kick %s
IP_REMOVED = IP "%s" removed from ban list
AUTHID_REMOVED = Authid "%s" removed from ban list
ADMIN_UNBAN_1 = ADMIN: unban %s
ADMIN_UNBAN_2 = ADMIN %s: unban %s
ADMIN_ADDBAN_2 = ADMIN %s: ban %s
BANNED = banned
REASON = reason
FOR_MIN = for %s min
PERM = permanently
CLIENT_BANNED = Client "%s" banned
ADMIN_SLAY_1 = ADMIN: slay %s
ADMIN_SLAY_2 = ADMIN %s: slay %s
CLIENT_SLAYED = Client "%s" slayed
ADMIN_SLAP_1 = ADMIN: slap %s with %d damage
ADMIN_SLAP_2 = ADMIN %s: slap %s with %d damage
CLIENT_SLAPED = Client "%s" slaped with %d damage
MAP_NOT_FOUND = Map with that name not found or map is invalid
ADMIN_MAP_1 = ADMIN: changelevel %s
ADMIN_MAP_2 = ADMIN %s: changelevel %s
NO_MORE_CVARS = Can't add more cvars for rcon access!
UNKNOWN_CVAR = Unknown cvar: %s
UNKNOWN_XVAR = Unknown xvar: %s
CVAR_NO_ACC = You have no access to that cvar
XVAR_NO_ACC = You have no access to that xvar
CVAR_IS = Cvar "%s" is "%s"
XVAR_IS = Xvar "%s" is "%s"
SET_CVAR_TO = %s set cvar %s to "%s"
SET_XVAR_TO = %s set xvar %s to "%s"
CVAR_CHANGED = Cvar "%s" changed to "%s"
XVAR_CHANGED = Xvar "%s" changed to "%s"
LOADED_PLUGINS = Currently loaded plugins
NAME = name
VERSION = version
AUTHOR = author
FILE = file
STATUS = status
PLUGINS_RUN = %d plugins, %d running
LOADED_MODULES = Currently loaded modules
NUM_MODULES = %d modules
FILE_NOT_FOUND = File "%s" not found
ADMIN_CONF_1 = ADMIN: execute config %s
ADMIN_CONF_2 = ADMIN %s: execute config %s
PAUSED = paused
UNPAUSED = unpaused
UNABLE_PAUSE = Server was unable to pause the game. Real players on server are needed.
SERVER_PROC = Server proceed %s
PAUSING = pausing
UNPAUSING = unpausing
PAUSE = pause
UNPAUSE = unpause
COM_SENT_SERVER = Command line "%s" sent to server console
CLIENTS_ON_SERVER = Clients on server
IMMU = imm
RESERV = res
ACCESS = access
TOTAL_NUM = Total %d
SKIP_MATCH = Skipping "%s" (matching "%s")
SKIP_IMM = Skipping "%s" (immunity)
KICK_PL = Kicking "%s"
YOU_DROPPED = You have been dropped because admin has left only specified group of clients
KICKED_CLIENTS = Kicked %d clients
ADMIN_LEAVE_1 = ADMIN: leave %s %s %s %s
ADMIN_LEAVE_2 = ADMIN %s: leave %s %s %s %s
ADMIN_NICK_1 = ADMIN: change nick of %s to "%s"
ADMIN_NICK_2 = ADMIN %s: change nick of %s to "%s"
CHANGED_NICK = Changed nick of %s to "%s"
ADMIN_EXTEND_1 = ADMIN: extend map for %d minutes
ADMIN_EXTEND_2 = ADMIN %s: extend map for %d minutes
MAP_EXTENDED = Map "%s" has been extended for %d minutes
ADMIN_MUST_TEMPBAN = You can only temporarily ban players, for up to %d minutes
ADMIN_MUST_TEMPUNBAN = You can only unban players that you have recently banned
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