Easy profiler

addons Easy profiler 0.01

Нет прав для скачивания
  1. Поместить easyprofiler_amxx.dll или easyprofiler_amxx.so (в зависимости от ОС сервера) из папки /bin в папку amxmodx/modules.
  2. Поместить easy_profiler.inc из /scripting/include в папку include вашего компилятора.
  3. Воспользоваться API модуля для тестирования плагинов.
* Pushes current time in the profiler virtual stack
* @noreturn
native ep_start();

* Pops a time from the profiler virtual stack, calculates return value and
* prints log message accroding to fmt if it was set.
* @param count         Divisor for time (iterations count)
* @param fmt           C style format, where "%f" stands for time
* @return              Elapsed time for `count` operations +-correction value
native Float:ep_end(count = 1, fmt[] = "");

* Pauses execution
* @param time         Time in seconds
* @return             Return value of linux select(...)
native ep_sleep(Float:time);

* Sets global correction value
* @param time         Correction value
* @noreturn
native ep_set_correction(Float:time);

* Pops a time from the profiler virtual stack, sets correction, calculates return value,
* prints log message according to fmt if it was set and correction >0.0.
* @param count         Divisor for time (iterations count)
* @param fmt           C style format, where "%f" stands for time
* @return              Correction value
native ep_end_and_set_correction(count = 1, fmt[] = "");

* Dummy call that returns immediately
* @noreturn
native ep_dummy_call();

* Automatically calibrate easyprofiler.
* @param n         Number of iterations
* @noreturn
stock ep_calibrate(n = 50000)
    for(new i = 0; i < n; ++i)
    ep_end_and_set_correction(n, "Correction is set to %.17f");
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