Иконка ресурса

addons Buttons Manager 0.0.1

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  1. Скопируйте so или dll (в зависимости от ОС) файл в директорию: amxmodx/modules/
  2. Скопируйте include файл в директорию: amxmodx/scripting/include
* Hook Key pressed/released events.
* Look at IN_* constants for available lists.
* @note The function will be called in the following manner:
* public KeyHandler(const player, const forward, const bool:pressed)
*   player     - Client index
*   forward    - Forward value which was returned from RegisterKeyPressed
*   pressed    - True if button was pressed, otherwise false
* @param key        The key(-s) bitsum
* @param callback    The forward to call
* @return            Returns a hook handle. Use EnableKeyPressed/DisableKeyPressed to toggle the forward on or off
native RegisterKeyPressed(const key, const handler[]);

* Unregisters and remove a hook handle.
* Use the return value from RegisterKeyPressed as the parameter here!
* @param fwdId        The hook to stop
* @return            Returns true if the function is successfully executed, otherwise false
native bool:UnRegisterKeyPressed(const fwdId);

* To set new key(-s) bitsum on existing forward.
* Use the return value from RegisterKeyPressed as the parameter here!
* @param hook        The hook to change key(-s) bitsum
* @return            Returns true if the function is successfully executed, otherwise false

native bool:SetKeyPressed(const fwdId, const key);

* Stops a hook from triggering.
* Use the return value from RegisterKeyPressed as the parameter here!
* @param fwdId        The hook to disable
* @return            Returns true if the function is successfully executed, otherwise false
native bool:DisableKeyPressed(const fwdId);

* Starts a hook back up.
* Use the return value from RegisterHookChain as the parameter here!
* @param fwdId        The hook to enable
* @return            Returns true if the function is successfully executed, otherwise false
native bool:EnableKeyPressed(const fwdId);
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