Иконка ресурса

addons GoldSrc Rest In Pawn (gRIP) 0.1.5-beta

Нет прав для скачивания
  1. Скопируйте модуль grip_amxx_i386.so в директорию: amxmodx/modules/
  2. Скопируйте файл настроек grip.ini в директорию /amxmodx/configs/
  3. Скопируйте инклуд grip.inc в директорию: amxmodx/scripting/include

# Maximum number of executed callbacks per frame
# Default: 1
callbacks-per-frame = 4

# In what periods callbacks should be called.
# This is best estimate, real calling relate depends on the FPS of the
# Microsecond is 1/1000 of millisecond.
# Default: 33000
microseconds-delay-between-attempts = 33000
#if defined _grip_included
#define _grip_included

#pragma reqlib grip
    #pragma loadlib grip

enum GripRequestType {
    GripRequestTypeGet = 0,
    GripRequestTypePost = 1,
    GripRequestTypePut = 2,
    GripRequestTypeDelete = 3

enum GripRequestCancellation {
    Invalid_GripRequestCancellation = 0,

enum GripRequestOptions {
    Empty_GripRequestOptions = -1,
    Invalid_GripRequestOptions = 0,

enum GripBody {
    Empty_GripBody = -1,
    Invalid_GripBody = 0,

enum GripJSONValue {
    Invalid_GripJSONValue = 0,

enum GripResponseState {
    GripResponseStateCancelled = 1,
    GripResponseStateError = 2,
    GripResponseStateSuccessful = 3,
    GripResponseStateTimeout = 4,

enum GripHTTPStatus {
    GripHTTPStatusContinue = 100,
    GripHTTPStatusSwitchingProtocols = 101,
    GripHTTPStatusProcessing = 102,
    GripHTTPStatusOk = 200,
    GripHTTPStatusCreated = 201,
    GripHTTPStatusAccepted = 202,
    GripHTTPStatusNonAuthoritativeInformation = 203,
    GripHTTPStatusNoContent = 204,
    GripHTTPStatusResetContent = 205,
    GripHTTPStatusPartialContent = 206,
    GripHTTPStatusMultiStatus = 207,
    GripHTTPStatusAlreadyReported = 208,
    GripHTTPStatusImUsed = 226,
    GripHTTPStatusMultipleChoices = 300,
    GripHTTPStatusMovedPermanently = 301,
    GripHTTPStatusFound = 302,
    GripHTTPStatusSeeOther = 303,
    GripHTTPStatusNotModified = 304,
    GripHTTPStatusUseProxy = 305,
    GripHTTPStatusTemporaryRedirect = 307,
    GripHTTPStatusPermanentRedirect = 308,
    GripHTTPStatusBadRequest = 400,
    GripHTTPStatusUnauthorized = 401,
    GripHTTPStatusPaymentRequired = 402,
    GripHTTPStatusForbidden = 403,
    GripHTTPStatusNotFound = 404,
    GripHTTPStatusMethodNotAllowed = 405,
    GripHTTPStatusNotAcceptable = 406,
    GripHTTPStatusProxyAuthenticationRequired = 407,
    GripHTTPStatusRequestTimeout = 408,
    GripHTTPStatusConflict = 409,
    GripHTTPStatusGone = 410,
    GripHTTPStatusLengthRequired = 411,
    GripHTTPStatusPreconditionFailed = 412,
    GripHTTPStatusPayloadTooLarge = 413,
    GripHTTPStatusUriTooLong = 414,
    GripHTTPStatusUnsupportedMediaType = 415,
    GripHTTPStatusRangeNotSatisfiable = 416,
    GripHTTPStatusExpectationFailed = 417,
    GripHTTPStatusImATeapot = 418,
    GripHTTPStatusMisdirectedRequest = 421,
    GripHTTPStatusUnprocessableEntity = 422,
    GripHTTPStatusLocked = 423,
    GripHTTPStatusFailedDependency = 424,
    GripHTTPStatusUpgradeRequired = 426,
    GripHTTPStatusPreconditionRequired = 428,
    GripHTTPStatusTooManyRequests = 429,
    GripHTTPStatusRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge = 431,
    GripHTTPStatusUnavailableForLegalReasons = 451,
    GripHTTPStatusInternalServerError = 500,
    GripHTTPStatusNotImplemented = 501,
    GripHTTPStatusBadGateway = 502,
    GripHTTPStatusServiceUnavailable = 503,
    GripHTTPStatusGatewayTimeout = 504,
    GripHTTPStatusHttpVersionNotSupported = 505,
    GripHTTPStatusVariantAlsoNegotiates = 506,
    GripHTTPStatusInsufficientStorage = 507,
    GripHTTPStatusLoopDetected = 508,
    GripHTTPStatusNotExtended = 510,
    GripHTTPStatusNetworkAuthenticationRequired = 511,

* Gets state of the response.
* @note            This has nothing to do with HTTP status codes.
* @return            Returns current response state.
native GripResponseState:grip_get_response_state();

* Gets HTTP status code of the response.
* @return            Returns current response state.
native any:grip_get_response_status_code();

* Returns whether request exists/active.
* @note             This has nothing to do with HTTP status codes.
* @param request    Request handle.
* @return            Returns current response state.
native grip_is_request_active(GripRequestCancellation:request);

* Creates new body handle from string
* @note             Body should be destroyed with the relevant call.
* @param str        Zero terminated string from which body should be created
* @return            Newly crated body handle
native GripBody:grip_body_from_string(str[]);

* Destroys body handle
* @param body        Body to be destroyed
* @noreturn
native grip_destroy_body(GripBody:body);

* Starts sending of the request
* @note    The handle should look like:
*         public RequestHandler(const userData);
* @param uri        Request URI. Supports TLS.
* @param type        Request type which should be sended.
* @param body        Reqeust body, can be either JSON or plaintext
* @param handler    A callback which will be called when request finishes execution
* @param options    Request options containing HTTP headers, timeout and so on..
* @param userData     User data (can be datapack or anything)
* @return        Cancellation handle.
native GripRequestCancellation:grip_request(const uri[], GripBody:body, GripRequestType:type, const handler[], GripRequestOptions:options = Empty_GripRequestOptions, const userData = 0);

* Cancel sending of the request and receiving of response.
* @param cancellation    Cancellation handle of the request.
* @return        Request handle
native grip_cancel_request(GripRequestCancellation:cancellation);

* Get current error description. Implementation defined.
* @note There are certain AMXX limitations to maximum string sizes.
* @param buffer    Output buffer to which description should be written
* @param buffer_size    Maximum length of the buffer.
* @noreturn
native grip_get_error_description(buffer[], buffer_size);

* Get current response body as string.
* @note There are certain AMXX limitations to maximum string sizes.
* @param buffer    Output buffer to which body should be written
* @param buffer_size    Maximum length of the buffer.
* @noreturn
native grip_get_response_body_string(buffer[], buffer_size);

* Parse current response body as JSON.
* @param error_buffer            Output buffer to which possible error should be written
* @param error_buffer_size    Maximum length of the buffer.
* @return                      JSON Value handle. If error occurred, returns invalid handle.
native GripJSONValue:grip_parse_response_body_as_json(error_buffer[], error_buffer_size);

* Destroy this JSON value
* @param json_value    JSON Value to be destroyed.
* @noreturn
native grip_destroy_json_value(GripJSONValue:json_value);

* Create options with empty headers and some timeout.
* @note         Options should be destroyed with the relevant call.
* @param timeout    timeout -1 to disable, >0 to enable timeout.
* @return         Request options handle.
native GripRequestOptions:grip_create_default_options(Float:timeout = -1.0);

* Destroy this options
* @noreturn
native grip_destroy_options(GripRequestOptions:options);

* Add HTTP Header to this options.
* @param options    Options to which header should be added
* @param headerName     Header name
* @param headerValue    Header value
* @return         Request options handle.
native grip_options_add_header(GripRequestOptions:options, const headerName[], const headerValue[]);

* Create options with headers and some timeout.
* @note         Options should be destroyed with the relevant call.
* @param headers    Array of header pairs.
* @param headers_count    Count of the header pairs.
* @param timeout    timeout -1 to disable, >0 to enable timeout.
* @return         Request options handle.
stock grip_create_create_options(const headers[][2][], const headers_count, Float:timeout = -1.0) {
    new GripRequestOptions:options = grip_create_default_options(timeout);

    for(int i = 0; i < headers_count; ++i) {
        grip_options_add_header(options, headers[i][0], headers[i][1]);

    return options;
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