
amxx MapBalance 1.0

Нет прав для скачивания
  1. Разместите файлы на сервере согласно иерархии в архиве
  2. Настройте MapBalance.cfg и плагины (в исходных файлах) по своему вкусу
  3. Скомпилируйте плагины (инструкция).
  4. Скопируйте скомпилированные плагины в директорию /amxmodx/plugins/
  5. Пропишите оба плагина в файле /amxmodx/configs/plugins.ini. Плагин MapBalance.amxx должен быть размещён ВЫШЕ плагина MapBalanceWizard.amxx
Конфиг MapBalance:
// Режим инициализации / Initialization mode
// 0 = Сразу же / Instant
// 1 = Через 'mb_init_value' сек. / After 'mb_init_value' seconds
// 2 = Через 'mb_init_value' раундов / After 'mb_init_value' rounds
// 3 = Через 'mb_init_value' рестартов / After 'mb_init_value' restarts
mb_init_mode "1"
mb_init_value "20"

// При значении 1 инициализация будет сопровождаться выводом чат-сообщения.
// Полезно при подборе оптимального значения 'mb_init_value'.
// When set to 1, initialization will be accompanied with chat-message.
// Useful when finding optimal 'mb_init_value' value.
mb_init_announce "1"

// Режим запрета: 1 - секунды, 2 - раунды
// Cooldown mode: 1 - seconds, 2 - rounds
mb_cooldown_mode "1"

// Запрет переключения между стандартным и нестандартным режимом чаще раза в # секунд/раундов
// Mode change 'standart <-> custom' cooldown in seconds/rounds
mb_state_cooldown "10"

// Запрет реанонса режима (когда режим не меняется) чаще раза в # секунд/раундов
// Reanonce unchanged mode cooldown in seconds/rounds
mb_reanounce_cooldown "10"

// Запрет переключения между нестандартными режимами чаще раза в # секунд/раундов
// Mode change 'custom <-> custom' cooldown in seconds/rounds
mb_change_cooldown "10"

// Позволяет объединить квары 'mb_state_cooldown' и 'mb_change_cooldown' (будет использоваться 1-ый)
// Combines cvars 'mb_state_cooldown' and 'mb_change_cooldown' (system will use first)
mb_combine_cooldowns "1"

// Использовать чат? / Use chat?
mb_use_chat "1"

// Использовать (Use) HUD?
// 0 - Нет (No), 1 - HUD, 2 - DHUD
mb_hud_mode "1"

// Длительность показа HUD в секундах / HUD display duration in seconds
mb_hud_duration "5"

// Цвет HUD в формате RGB / HUD color in RGB format
// Стандартный режим карты / Default map mode
mb_hud_r_default "0"
mb_hud_g_default "200"
mb_hud_b_default "0"
// Нестандартный режим карты / Custom map mode
mb_hud_r_custom "200"
mb_hud_g_custom "200"
mb_hud_b_custom "0"

// Позиция HUD / Hud position
mb_hud_x "-1.0"
mb_hud_y "0.31"

// Установите 1, чтобы восстанавливать оригинальное значение mp_roundtime перед сменой карты
// Set to 1 to restore default mp_roundtime value before mapchange
mb_restore_roundtime "1"

// Установите 1, если '...models.ini' использует ресурсы из 'valve/models' или 'valve/sprites'
// Set to 1, if '...models.ini' uses resources from 'valve/models' or 'valve/sprites'
mb_hl_models "0"

// Флаги доступа к команде 'mb_players' (требуется любой из)
// 'mb_players' command access flags ('any of' requirement)
mb_manual_set_flags "h"

// Разрешать ли игрокам использовать команду '/modes'
// Defines ability to use '/modes' command
mb_allow_clcmds "1"

/* ---------------------- НАСТРОЙКИ [НАЧАЛО] / TWEAKS [START] ---------------------- */

// Лимит объявляемых режимов / Modes limit
const MAX_MODES = 8

// Лимит бомбспотов, отключаемых в стандартном режиме игры
// Limit for bombspots, that can be disabled in default game mode

// Имя чат/консольной команды (без '/')
// Name of the say/console command (without '/')
new const CL_CMD[] = "modes"

// Имя консольной команды, позволяющей вручную задавать текущее значение игроков
// Name of the console command, with you can manually set current players number
new const PLAYERS_CMD[] = "mb_players"

// Флаг доступа к 'mb_players' по-умолчанию / Default 'mb_players' access flag
new const ACCESS_FLAG[] = "h"

new const MAIN_CONFIG_NAME[] = "MapBalance.cfg"
new const CFG_FOLDER_NAME[] = "MapBalance"
new const ERROR_LOG_NAME[] = "MapBalance_Errors.log"

/* ---------------------- НАСТРОЙКИ [КОНЕЦ] / TWEAKS [END] ---------------------- */

enum _:XYZ { Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z }
enum _:RGB { R, G, B }


    SPAWN_ID, // entity index
    TEAM_ID, // see 'TEAM_ENUM'

    ELEMENT_ID // this is entity index


enum _:TEAM_ENUM {

/* -------------------- */

    RESULT_CODE__NOT_SET, // dummy state, used in conjunction with FORWARD_CALL__PRE
    RESULT_CODE__OK, // config loaded successfully
    RESULT_CODE__FAIL, // config was not found
    RESULT_CODE__ERROR // config was found, but reading fails

    FORWARD_CALL__PRE, // before procedure
    FORWARD_CALL__POST // after procedure

enum _:FORWARD_RETURN_TYPE { // NOTE: return in FORWARD_CALL__POST call doesn't affect anything
    FORWARD_RETURN__CONTINUE, // continue procedure
    FORWARD_RETURN__STOP // cancel procedure (post type will not be called)

/* -------------------- */

* Called when models config is loading.
* @param iCallType                Pre/Post call type, see 'FORWARD_CALL_TYPE_NUM'
* @param iResultCode            Procedure result, see 'RESULT_CODE_ENUM'
* @param iModelCount            Loaded models count
* @param bMainCfgFound            Indicates that the main config was found (true) or not found (false)
* @return                        FORWARD_RETURN__CONTINUE to continue loading config
*                                FORWARD_RETURN__STOP to block loading config
forward MapBalance_OnModelCfgLoad(iCallType, iResultCode, iModelCount, bool:bMainCfgFound)

* Called when main config is loading.
* @param iCallType                Pre/Post call type, see 'FORWARD_CALL_TYPE_NUM'
* @param iResultCode            Procedure result, see 'RESULT_CODE_ENUM'
* @param bMainCfgFound            Indicates that the main config was found (true) or not found (false)
* @return                        FORWARD_RETURN__CONTINUE to continue loading config
*                                FORWARD_RETURN__STOP to block loading config
forward MapBalance_OnMainCfgLoad(iCallType, iResultCode, bool:bMainCfgFound)

* Called when system fully initializes.
* @note    If main сfg was loaded, but there is no modes defined, or if init mode is set to 'instant',
*            this forward will be executed right after MapBalance_OnMainCfgLoad() post type.
* @param iCallType                Pre/Post call type, see 'FORWARD_CALL_TYPE_NUM'
* @return                        FORWARD_RETURN__CONTINUE to continue initialization
*                                FORWARD_RETURN__STOP to prevent initialization
forward MapBalance_OnSystemInit(iCallType)

* Called on new round, just before mode changing attempt.
* @note Will not be called if there is no modes defined, or if system is not initialized yet
* @param iCallType                Pre/Post call type, see 'FORWARD_CALL_TYPE_NUM'
* @param iCurrentMode            Current mode index (0 means that this is default mode)
* @param iRealPlCount            Real player count in game
* @param iForcedPlCount        Current forced player count value (INVALID_HANDLE means
*                                that players count is not forced)
* @return                        FORWARD_RETURN__CONTINUE to continue mode change attempt
*                                FORWARD_RETURN__STOP to prevent mode change attempt
forward MapBalance_OnNewRoundEvent(iCallType, iCurrentMode, iRealPlCount, iForcedPlCount)

* Called after any mode was set.
* @param iNewMode                New mode index (0 means that this is default mode)
* @noreturn
forward MapBalance_OnModeChange(iNewMode)

* Reloads main config and also rolls back all changes (disable current mode and remove all created entities).
* @note    Using this native will lead to MapBalance_OnMainCfgLoad() execution
* @note    After using this native system will be automatically set to 'initialized' state, but without
*            executing MapBalance_OnSystemInit() forward
* @note    All current array handles will be unusable, and must be reobtained
* @note    If used before OnConfigsExecuted(), further autoloading of main config will be skipped
* @noreturn
native MapBalance_ReloadMainCfg()

* Returns system initialization status.
native bool:MapBalance_GetInitState()

* Changes system initialization status.
* @note    Note that your actions can lead to MapBalance_OnSystemInit() forward execution.
* @param bInitState            System init state to set
* @param bReaplyInitJob        When bInitState is false, will reaply automatic init procedure based
*                                on 'mb_init_mode' cvar value, as if this was config autoload
* @noreturn
native MapBalance_SetInitState(bool:bInitState, bool:bReaplyInitJob)

* Returns models array handle (string array with MAX_MODEL_PATH_LENGTH size).
* @return                        Array handle, or Invalid_Array if array not created yet.
native Array:MapBalance_GetModelsArrayHandle()

* Returns model count.
native MapBalance_GetModelCount()

* Returns mode data array handle (enumerated structure, see 'MODE_DATA_STRUCT').
* @note    Default mode will be on the first(0) position
* @return                        Array handle, or Invalid_Array if array not created yet.
native Array:MapBalance_GetMainArrayHandle()

* Returns mode count (default mode is not counted here).
native MapBalance_GetModeCount()

* Returns spawn array handle for specified custom mode (enumerated structure, see 'SPAWN_DATA_STRUCT').
* @note    Mode enumeration starts from 1
* @param iModeID                Mode index, which array handle will be obtained
* @return                        Array handle, or Invalid_Array if array is not created yet, or
*                                if index is out of bounds.
native Array:MapBalance_GetSpawnArrayHandle(iModeID)

* Returns element array handle for specified custom mode (enumerated structure, see 'ELEMENT_DATA_STUCT').
* @note    Mode enumeration starts from 1
* @param iModeID                Mode index, which array handle will be obtained
* @return                        Array handle, or Invalid_Array if array is not created yet, or
*                                if index is out of bounds.
native Array:MapBalance_GetElementArrayHandle(iModeID)

* Changes current main config filepath.
* @param szCfgName                Config filename (without extention, should be .ini)
*                                in CFG_FOLDER_NAME (see main .sma)
* @return                        True if config with new patch exists, false otherwise
native bool:MapBalance_FormatMainCfgPath(szCfgName[MAX_CONFIG_FILENAME])

* Returns current mode index (0 means that this is default mode)
native MapBalance_GetCurrentMode()

* Changes current mode 'on the fly'.
* @note    With successfull result, this will lead to MapBalance_OnModeChange() forward execution.
* @param iModeID                Mode index to set (pass 0 to set default mode)
* @param bAnnouceInfo            If true, new mode information will be displayed to players
* @return                        true if mode was set, false otherwise (if specified mode is alreay active,
*                                of if passed mode index is invalid)
native bool:MapBalance_SetCurrentMode(iModeID, bool:bAnnouceInfo)

* Returns current forced players count (INVALID_HANDLE means that players count is not forced)
native MapBalance_GetForcedPlayersCount()

* Sets forced players count
* @note    Pass -1 to reset forcing
* @param iPlayerCount            Player count to force (-1 <-> 32)
* @noreturn
native MapBalance_SetForcedPlayersCount(iPlayerCount)
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