Иконка ресурса

smx Simple Chat Processor (Redux) 2.0.2

Нет прав для скачивания
  1. Скомпилируйте плагин, перетащив файл исходника (simple-chatprocessor.sp) на файл компилятора.
После компиляции, поместить:
  • "simple-chatprocessor.smx" в "addons/sourcemod/plugins"
  • "simple-chatprocessor.sp" в "addons/sourcemod/scripting" (необязательно)
  • "scp.inc" в "addons/sourcemod/scripting/include" (необязательно)
  • "scp.csgo.phrases.txt" если у вас CS:GO в "addons/sourcemod/translations"
  • "scp.cstrike.phrases.txt" если у вас CS:S в "addons/sourcemod/translations"
  • "scp.l4d.phrases.txt" если у вас Left 4 Dead в "addons/sourcemod/translations"
  • "scp.l4d2.phrases.txt" если у вас Left 4 Dead 2 в "addons/sourcemod/translations"
  • "scp.tf.phrases.txt" если у вас Team Fortress 2 в "addons/sourcemod/translations"
Simple Plugins
    Included file for Simple Chat Processor in the Simple Plugins project
This file is part of Simple Plugins project.

This plugin is free software: you can redistribute
it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
later version.

This plugin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this plugin.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
File Information
$Copyright: (c) Simple Plugins 2008-2009$

#if defined _scp_included
#define _scp_included

#define MAXLENGTH_INPUT            128     // Inclues \0 and is the size of the chat input box.
#define MAXLENGTH_NAME                64        // This is backwords math to get compability.  Sourcemod has it set at 32, but there is room for more.
#define MAXLENGTH_MESSAGE        256        // This is based upon the SDK and the length of the entire message, including tags, name, : etc.

#define CHATFLAGS_INVALID        0
#define CHATFLAGS_ALL                (1<<0)
#define CHATFLAGS_TEAM                (1<<1)
#define CHATFLAGS_SPEC                (1<<2)
#define CHATFLAGS_DEAD                (1<<3)

* When a player types a chat message
* Use MAXLENGTH_  constants above for formating the strings
* Do not rely on the recipients handle to exist beyond the forward
* Do not start another usermessage (PrintToChat) within this forward
* @param         author                            The client index of the player who sent the chat message (Byref)
* @param         recipients                    The handle to the client index adt array of the players who should recieve the chat message
* @param         name                            The client's name of the player who sent the chat message (Byref)
* @param         message                        The contents of the chat message (Byref)
* @noreturn
forward Action:OnChatMessage(&author, Handle:recipients, String:name[], String:message[]);

* Gets the current flags for the chat message
* Should only be called within OnChatMessage()
* @return        The current type of chat message (see constants)
native GetMessageFlags();

Shared plugin information
public SharedPlugin:_pl_scp =
    name = "scp",
    file = "simple-chatprocessor.smx",
#if defined REQUIRE_PLUGIN
    required = 1
    required = 0

#if !defined REQUIRE_PLUGIN
public _pl_scp_SetNTVOptional()
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