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amxx CS Pug Mod 4.0.8

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Версия Дата выхода Скачиваний Оценка
4.0.8 74 0.00 звёзд 0 оценок
3.1.1 209 0.00 звёзд 0 оценок
Updated versino to 3.1.1 13 0.00 звёзд 0 оценок
New Release 4.0.8

This release fixes some team manager errors, that are:
  • Players go to Spectators if teams are full and spectators are allowed;
  • Leaders Sort (Captains) can pick only players until the TRs and CTs are full of plyers count;
New Release 4.0.7
Hi folks, As discussed here: CVAR to enable/disable options in "Team Vote Menu"
I have added a console variable to enable/disable options in team vote menu:
Console VariableDefault ValueDescription
pug_teams_enforcement_menu123456The assign method options visible on vote menu
The default options of menu (123456) is:
  1. Leaders Sorted
  2. Random
  3. Not Sorted
  4. Skill Sorted
  5. Swap Teams
  6. Knife Round
You can adjust as (124) and menu will display:
  1. Leaders Sorted
  2. Random
  3. Skill Sorted
Thanks for testing and reporting problems folks

New Release 4.0.6
This release is added files for display a web stats and HLTV demos with some PHP scripts.
Also added a Remote HLTV Proxy Controller Plugin to record matches while game is live.
New Pug HLTV Console Variables:
Console VariableDescription
pug_hltv_portHLTV Proxy Remote Port
pug_hltv_hostHLTV Proxy Remote Address
pug_hltv_passHLTV Proxy Rcon Password
pug_hltv_prefixHLTV Proxy Demo Name Prefix
Also some new fixes that are:
  • Fixed Player States save while exit game
  • Fixed Game Commencing message while game is going to live;
  • Fixed help files generation on first map while Pug Mod is starting;
  • Removed Block players from choosing teams (This cause a lot of headcache);
  • Added new teams management (Now server can handle spectators that want to enter in teams while someone quit from game);
  • Added some PHP files to display Ranking and Statistic in a website;
  • Added a PHP page to compact and display saved HLTV demos;
Please, read your WIKI before report any bug.
A detailed documentation how to setup remote stats, hltv and webserver will be provided.

New Release 4.0.5
In this release, we made some fixes on core:
  • Fixed round count in Second Half;
  • Fixed round count in Overtime;
Also added a new plugin to track stats of server using MySQL (PugRank):
  • Server will send players that enter in game to database;
  • Server will send player stats to database at match end;
  • Server will send player weapon stats to database at match end;
  • Server will send match stats to database at match end;
Also is added a folder called stats inside amxmodx.
There is the .SQL script to populate the MySQL database with PUG tables.
Also has a www folder containing some base PHP scripts to display player stats at website.
Finally, also added some new console variables to configure how rank plugin works:
Console VariableDescription
pug_db_hostDatabase Host
pug_db_nameDatabase Name
pug_db_userDatabase Username
pug_db_passDatabase User Password
pug_db_linkStats Page Link (Example: http://statspage.com)
When PugRank is enabled, players can see their stats in game (MOTD) using some commands:
.statsView player stats page
.rankView players ranking of stats
The next step is fix more bugs, and create an HLTV control plugin.

New Release 4.0.4
Added new Knife Round play method:
  • Added the console variable: pug_play_knife_round to execute Knife Round after team assign;
  • New Knife Round will execute after teams assign method if console variable is set.
With pug_play_knife_round 1
  1. Players are ready
  2. Vote Team assign method
  3. Captains Pickup players
  4. Knife Round start
  5. Vote for swap teams or not
  6. Live
With pug_play_knife_round 0
  1. Players are ready
  2. Vote Team assign method
  3. Captains Pickup players
  4. Live
Ps. Now players can run a better game, thanks to:
In really only need a small tweak on PugMenus.sma to get this ready :P
Please test it

New Release 4.0.3
Removed current Knife Round, to implement a new method that run after all votes are done.

New Release 4.0.2
Fixed a bug when Knife Round Vote tie, or players do not compute any vote.
Now PUG will continue match without swap teams.

New Release 4.0.1
Hi folks, there is a new release of Pug Mod Files.
This version has totally moved to ReHLDS and ReAPI.
I also added files for linux servers.
Finally, this package need to be used as is.
Since i removed AMX Mod X native plugins etc.
Thanks for using it.
Updated Version to 4.0.4

I have changed a lot of things in mod, some moderator can update it?

I can't post in all Russian language.

Ps. Also changed github url of project to: https://github.com/SmileYzn/PugMod
  • Fixed captains pick up and retry in some situations
  • Fixed player retry when game is running vote session
  • Improved the vote system (Added a .vote command)
  • Added a vote for timeout pause
  • Added a vote for team surrender in match
  • Fixed some language files
  • Fixed shield buy bug
  • Fixed some checks and constants in general usage
  • Added pug_ready_type to use timer instead of ready up system (1 Ready up system, 0 timer system)
  • Нравится
Реакции: Nordic Warrior
  • Совместимость с Amxmodx 1.8.3 dev 5154+
  • Рефакторинг кода
  • Csstats_maxsize повышен до 10000
  • Добавлены некоторые команды для админа
  • Добавлены новые инклюды, обновлены существующие
  • Удалена старая система сообщений
  • Изменены языковые файлы
Добавлен перевод pugmod.rc, thanks to alabamaster1337
Добавлен перевод, убраны конфиги amxx и metamod, не знаю зачем автор их добавил
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