echo "Executing Map Manager Configuration File"
// Core
// EN: Prefix for addon messages in chat.
// RU: Префикс перед сообщениями плагина.
// !d - default, !t - team, !g - green
// ^1 - default, ^3 - team, ^4 - green
mapm_prefix "^4[MapManager]"
// EN: The number of maps in the vote.
// RU: Число карт в голосовании.
mapm_votelist_size "5"
// EN: How to display voting results.
If you need to switch weapons, set to 2. Using the menu will disable weapon switching.
// RU: Как отображать состояния голосования.
// Если вам требуется смена оружия, ставить 2. Использование меню блокирует смену оружия.
// 0 - disable, 1 - menu, 2 - hud
mapm_show_result_type "1"
// EN: Show chat message about selected map.
// RU: Вывод сообщений о выбранной карте.
// 0 - disable, 1 - all
mapm_show_selects "1"
// EN: Show percent in vote menu.
// RU: Вывод процентов в меню голосования.
// 0 - disable, 1 - always, 2 - after vote
mapm_show_percent "1"
// EN: Changes the numbering order in the menu.
// Example: first row of menu but you need to click on 4.
// RU: Меняет порядок нумерации в меню.
// Пример: первая строка меню, но нужно нажать на 4.
// 0 - disable, 1 - enable
mapm_random_nums "0"
// EN: Time before voting starts.
// RU: Время перед голосованием.
// seconds
mapm_prepare_time "5"
// EN: Time to vote.
// RU: Время на голосование.
// seconds
mapm_vote_time "10"
// EN: Offset for voting menu keys.
// By default keys start at 1, set cvar to 4 and it will start at 5.
// RU: Смещение пунктов голосования.
// По умолчанию пункты начинаются с 1, ставите квар равным 4 и начало будет с 5.
mapm_vote_item_offset "0"
// EN: Blocks the built-in core adding maps to voting.
// With "1" you can achieve a hard limit on maps for the current online when voting, if addon "Online Sorter" is enabled
// RU: Блокирует встроенное в ядро добавление карт в голосование.
// При "1" можно добиться жесткого ограничения карт по текущему онлайну при голосовании, если включен аддон "Online Sorter"
mapm_only_external_vote_items "0"
// EN: Allows voting to end early if all players have voted.
// RU: Позволяет завершить голосование досрочно, если проголосовали все игроки.
// 0 - disable, 1 - enable
mapm_early_finish_vote "0"
// Scheduler
// EN: Type of map change after voting.
// Type 2 can be blocked by "mapm_last_round"
// RU: Тип смены карты после голосования.
// Тип 2 может быть заблокирован кваром "mapm_last_round"
// 0 - after end vote, 1 - in round end, 2 - after end map
mapm_change_type "1"
// EN: Start voting N minutes before the end of the map.
// RU: Запуск голосования за N минут до конца карты.
// minutes
mapm_timeleft_to_vote "2"
// EN: Start voting N rounds before mp_winlimit or mp_maxrounds.
// Should be above zero.
// RU: Запуск голосования за N раундов до mp_winlimit или mp_maxrounds.
// Должно быть больше нуля.
// rounds
mapm_rounds_to_vote "2"
// EN: Start voting for N frags up to mp_fraglimit.
// RU: Запуск голосования за N фрагов до mp_fraglimit.
// frags
mapm_frags_to_vote "5"
// EN: Voting only at the beginning of a new round.
// RU: Голосование только в начале нового раунда.
// 0 - disable, 1 - enable
mapm_vote_in_new_round "0"
// EN: Allows you to finish the round after voting.
// RU: Позволяет доиграть раунд после голосования.
// 0 - disable, 1 - enable
mapm_last_round "0"
// EN: Allows you to play one more round if the last round finished in a draw.
// Works with "mapm_last_round 1" or "mapm_change_type 1"
// RU: Позволяет сыграть еще один раунд, если последний раунд завершился ничьей.
// Работает с "mapm_last_round 1" или "mapm_change_type 1"
// 0 - disable, 1 - enable
mapm_final_round "0"
// EN: Second vote with the two maps that received the most votes.
// RU: Второе голосование с двумя картами, которые набрали больше всех голосов.
// 0 - disable, 1 - enable
mapm_second_vote "0"
// EN: If the card gains less percent than in the cvar, then a second vote takes place.
// RU: Если карта набирает меньше процентов, чем в кваре, то происходит второе голосование.
mapm_second_vote_percent "50"
// EN: If the last player left, after how many minutes to change to the default card.
// RU: Если вышел последний игрок, через сколько минут сменить на карту по умолчанию.
// 0 - disable
// minutes
mapm_change_to_default_map "0"
// EN: Default map for previous cvar.
// RU: Карта по умолчанию для предыдущего квара.
mapm_default_map "de_dust2"
// EN: Type of map extension
// RU: Тип продления карты.
// 0 - minutes, 1 - rounds
mapm_extended_type "0"
// EN: The maximum number of map extensions.
// RU: Максимальное число продлений карты.
// -1 - бесконечное число продлений
mapm_extended_map_max "3"
// EN: Extension in minutes for mapm_extended_type "0".
// RU: Продление в минутах для mapm_extended_type "0".
// minutes
mapm_extended_time "15"
// EN: Extension in rounds for mapm_extended_type "1".
// RU: Продление в раундах для mapm_extended_type "1".
// rounds
mapm_extended_rounds "3"
// EN: Extends the current map if no one voted. Depends on mapm_extended_map_max.
// RU: Продляет текущую карту, если никто не голосовал. Зависит от mapm_extended_map_max.
// 0 - disable, 1 - enable
mapm_extend_map_if_no_votes "0"
// GUI
// EN: Cursor speed
// The value is cached, updates after changing the map.
// RU: Скорость курсора
// Значение кешировано, обновляет после смены карты.
mapm_cursor_sens "2.5"
// Advanced lists
// EN: When voting, show the name of the list the map is in.
// RU: При голосовании показывать имя списка, в котором состоит карта.
// 0 - disable, 1 - enable
mapm_show_list_name_in_vote "0"
// Blocklist
// EN: The number of last maps that will block from being voted.
// RU: Количество последних карт, которые заблокирует от попадания в голосование.
mapm_blocklist_ban_last_maps "10"
// Rtv
// EN: Type of RTV
// RU: Тип ртв.
// 0 - percents, 1 - players
mapm_rtv_mode "0"
// EN: Change map after vote from rtv if "mapm_change_type" is non-zero.
// RU: Сменить карту после голосования от rtv, если "mapm_change_type" не ноль.
// 0 - disable, 1 - enable
mapm_rtv_change_after_vote "0"
// EN: Required percentage of votes for early voting.
// RU: Необходимый процент голосов для досрочного голосования.
mapm_rtv_percent "60"
// EN: The required number of votes for early voting.
// RU: Необходимое число голосов для досрочного голосования.
mapm_rtv_players "5"
// EN: Disables RTV for N minutes after the start of the map.
// RU: Запрещает ртв на N минут после начала карты.
// minutes
mapm_rtv_delay "0"
// EN: Allows you to extend the map at rtv.
// RU: Позволяет продлевать карту при ртв.
// 0 - disable, 1 - enable
mapm_rtv_allow_extend "0"
// EN: Ignores spectators when counting required votes for RTV.
// RU: Игнорирует спектаторов в подсчете необходимых голосов для ртв.
// 0 - disable, 1 - enable
mapm_rtv_ignore_spectators "0"
// Nomination
// EN: Nomination type.
// 0 - standard, allows players to nominate multiple maps, of which a few random ones will be voted.
// 1 - fixed, the first players fill the nomination slots and no one else can nominate.
// RU: Тип номинации.
// 0 - стандартный, позволяет игрокам номинировать несколько карт, из которых несколько случайных попадут в голосование.
// 1 - фиксированный, первые игроки забивают слоты номинации и больше никто номинировать не может.
mapm_nom_type "0"
// EN: The maximum number of nominated maps in a vote.
// RU: Максимальное число номинированных карт в голосовании.
mapm_nom_maps_in_vote "3"
// EN: How many maps each player can nominate.
// RU: Сколько карт может номинировать каждый игрок.
mapm_nom_maps_per_player "3"
// EN: Do not close the nomination menu if the player has nominated the maximum number of maps.
// RU: Не закрывать меню номинации, если игрок номинировал максимум карт.
// 0 - disable, 1 - enable
mapm_nom_dont_close_menu "1"
// EN: Nomination spam protection. Forbids to remove the nomination more often than indicated in the cvar.
// RU: Защита от спама номинацией. Запрещает снимать номинацию чаще чем указано в кваре.
// seconds
mapm_nom_denominate_time "5"
// EN: Display maps in random order in the nomination menu.
// RU: Вывод карт в случайном порядке в меню номинации.
// 0 - disable, 1 - enable
mapm_nom_random_sort "0"
// EN: Delete maps from the nomination that are not in the new list of maps. Occurs when "Advanced lists" changes the current map list.
// RU: Удалять карты из номинации, которых нет в новом списке карт. Происходит, когда "Advanced lists" меняет текущий список карт.
// 0 - disable, 1 - enable
mapm_nom_remove_maps "1"
// EN: In the nomination menu, display active map lists (from "Advanced lists")
// RU: В меню номинации выводить активные списки карт (из "Advanced lists")
// 0 - disable, 1 - enable
mapm_nom_show_lists "0"
// EN: Enables a nomination for writing part of the map name in chat.
// RU: Включает номинацию по написанию части названия карты в чате.
// 0 - disable, 1 - enable
mapm_nom_fast_nomination "1"
// Online sorter
// EN: Will check the nominated maps against the current online when voting.
// RU: Проверит номинированные карты на соответствие текущему онлайну при голосовании.
// 0 - disable, 1 - enable
mapm_sort_check_nominated_maps "0"
// Effects
// EN: Black screen when voting.
// RU: Черный экран при голосовании.
// 0 - disable, 1 - enable
mapm_black_screen "1"
// EN: Chat blocking when voting.
// If you have a chat manager, then it should be listed below in the list of plugins
// By default, all MM plugins are placed in a separate plugins.ini, which reads later main plugins.ini,
// because of which the chat manager is higher and the addon cannot block the chat during voting.
// RU: Блокировка чата при голосовании.
// Если у вас стоит чат менеджер, то он должен быть прописан ниже в списке плагинов
// По умолчанию все плагины ММ вынесены в отдельный plugins.ini, который читает позже
// основного, из-за чего ЧМ стоит выше и аддон не может блокировать чат во время голосования.
// 0 - disable, 1 - enable
mapm_block_chat "1"
// EN: Blocking the voice while voting.
// RU: Блокировка голоса при голосовании.
// 0 - disable, 1 - enable
mapm_block_voice "1"
// EN: Freeze players when voting.
// mapm_vote_in_new_round "1" uses mp_freezetime.
// If you set the cvar value to "2", then freezing with flags will always be used.
// Important: freezing with flags disables the addons "GUI" cursor.
// RU: Заморозка игроков при голосовании.
// При mapm_vote_in_new_round "1" используется mp_freezetime.
// Если поставить значение квара "2", то всегда будет использоваться заморозка с помощью флагов.
// Важно: заморозка флагами блокирует курсор "GUI" аддона.
// 0 - disable, 1 - enable, 2 - force use flags
mapm_freeze_in_vote "1"
// Priority
// EN: Ignore priorities for nominated maps.
// RU: Игнорировать приоритеты для номинированных карт.
// 0 - disable, 1 - enable
mapm_priority_ignore_nomination "1"
// Online checker
// EN: Number of online checks.
// RU: Кол-во проверок онлайна.
// 0 - disable
mapm_online_check_count "3"
// EN: Online check interval
// Important: the settings are applied only after restarting the map.
// RU: Интервал проверок онлайна
// Важно: настройки применяются только после перезапуска карты.
// seconds
mapm_online_check_interval "30"
// EN: The time before the start of the online check.
// RU: Время до начала проверок онлайна.
// seconds
mapm_online_check_timeout "120"
; Doc for Map Manager maplist ini file
; Format:
; <map name> [min players, def 0] [max players, def 32] [priority, def 100]
; map name - map name as is
; min players - lower range for "Online sorter" addon, valid values from 0 to 32
; max player - higher range for "Online sorter" addon, valid values from 0 to 32, should be bigger than min players
; priority - value for "Priority" addon, valid values from 1 to 100;
; with 1 map has 1% chance to be in vote list,
; with 100 map has no limits in "Priority" addon but can be blocked with another addon
; Examples:
; de_nuke
; de_dust 0 10
; de_dust2 5 32 70
; Configuration file for "GUI" addon
; Sprite doc:
; All pics should be same size(512x512, 256x256, etc)
; Zero frame - reserved for "unknown map" frame, you should add "unknown map" frame in each pack.
; First frame - reserved for "extend map" frame, you should add "extend map" frame in each pack.
; From second frame begin frames for maps.
; Example
; <path to sprite> [sprite scale, def 0.1]
; <2-nd frame map in sprite> [count of pics with this map, def 1, for animation]
; <3-d frame map in sprite> [count]
; <4-th frame map in sprite> [count]
; <etc>
; Sprite scale info
; 0.09 - for 512x512 sprites
; 0.18 - for 256x256 sprites
; Examples:
; sprites/map_manager/pack.spr
; de_dust2
; de_dust
; de_inferno
; sprites/map_manager/pack2.spr
; cs_assault
; cs_italy
sprites/map_manager/maps.spr 0.18
as_oilrig 4
cs_747 3
cs_assault 4
cs_backalley 3
cs_italy 3
cs_militia 3
cs_office 3
cs_siege 3
de_airstrip 4
de_aztec 4
de_cbble 5
de_chateau 4
de_dust 4
de_dust2 6
de_inferno 4
de_nuke 6
de_piranesi 5
de_prodigy 4
de_storm 4
de_survivor 6
de_torn 4
de_train 5
de_vertigo 6
; Say command for opening maplist menu.
; Say command for nominated maps.
; Sound played when vote started
; Can be empty
; Sound played when vote finished
; Can be empty
; Sounds for countdown
; key should be number for countdown
; value should be sound for this countdown
"1" = "sound/fvox/one.wav"
"2" = "sound/fvox/two.wav"
"3" = "sound/fvox/three.wav"
"4" = "sound/fvox/four.wav"
"5" = "sound/fvox/five.wav"
"6" = "sound/fvox/six.wav"
"7" = "sound/fvox/seven.wav"
"8" = "sound/fvox/eight.wav"
"9" = "sound/fvox/nine.wav"
"10" = "sound/fvox/ten.wav"
; Configuration file for "Advanced lists" addon
; Format:
; <name> <filename> <clear old list> <start> <stop>
; filename - file must be in amxx configs dir
; anytime - this list will be always loaded
; Examples:
; "Day Maps" "maps.ini" "1" "6:00" "22:59"
; "Night Maps" "nightmaps.ini" "1" "23:00" "5:59"
; "Another maps" "another.ini" "0" "anytime"
; Main plugins
; Core functions for setting up voting.
; Module for automatic launch of voting.
; Functions:
; - Start vote by timeleft, rounds left(works with cvars "mp_winlimit", "mp_maxrounds"),
; fragsleft(only regamedll function, cvar "mp_fraglimit").
; - Vote in new round - allows you to end the current round
; - Last round - allows you to end the round after voting
; - Second vote - additional vote with two maps with the most votes.
; - Change to default map - changes a map by default only when the last player left,
; after that the usual rotation of cards in the list continues.
; - Map extension.
; Addons
; Rock the vote
; Module for map nomination.
; Function:
; - Fast nomination with message in chat.
; Example: You have "de_dust" and "de_dust2" in your map list. When writing "dust" in the chat,
; you will be shown a menu with all maps containing "dust" to clarify the nomination.
; - Menu with a list of all maps(by default "/maps" in chat)
; Module for blocking the last played maps from getting into the voting.
; Module for displaying maps in voting for the current online.
; Read "maps.ini" for setup information.
; Read about cvar "mapm_only_external_vote_items". By default, maps not for the current online are added
; if there are not enough maps for the current online to fill all the slots.
; Module for visual effects.
; Function:
; - Black screen when voting is in progress.
; - Block chat and voice.
; - Freeze players.
; Chat commands for info.
; Timeleft, thetime, nextmap, currentmap.
; Module for sounds in vote.
; Check settings in "map_manager_settings.ini"
; Scheduler for lists of maps.
; Allows you to set specific maps lists at specific times of the day.
; Check settings in "maplists.ini"
; map_manager_adv_lists.amxx
; Module for setting simple map priorities
; Priority meaning:
; With a priority of 100, there are no restrictions for the map, if the priority is 1 then
; the map has 1% to get into the vote.
; You can set -1 to disable auto-adding the map to the vote but you can nominate this map.
; Read "maps.ini" for setup information.
; map_manager_priority.amxx
; Starts the vote if the current online does not match the map online settings.
; map_manager_online_checker.amxx
; Experimental GUI version of vote based on sprites. Try if you can handle sprites and module config.
; map_manager_gui.amxx
#if defined _map_manager_core_included
#define _map_manager_core_included
#pragma reqlib map_manager_core
#pragma loadlib map_manager_core
#pragma library map_manager_core
#include <map_manager_consts>
#include <map_manager_stocks>
* Load maps from file.
* File loads from configs dir.
* @param filename File name
* @param clearlist Clear old maplist before new load.
* @param silent If false then will be call forward mapm_maplist_loaded.
* @noreturn
native mapm_load_maplist(filename[], bool:clearlist = true, bool:silent = false);
* Load maps from file.
* File loads from configs dir.
* @param array Array with item size MapStruct.
* @param filename File name
* @return 1 if success load, 0 otherwise
native mapm_load_maplist_to_array(Array:array, filename[]);
* Block default load maplist.
* Use before call plugin_cfg().
* @noreturn
native mapm_block_load_maplist();
* Add map to maplist
* @param name Map name
* @param minplayers Min players for sort
* @param maxplayers Max players for sort
* @param priority Map priority
* @return 0 if invalid map or already in array
native mapm_add_map_to_list(name[], minplayers = 0, maxplayers = 32, priority = 0);
* Get map index in mapslist array.
* @param map Map name
* @return Map index or INVALID_MAP_INDEX if map not exist in mapslist
native mapm_get_map_index(map[]);
* Get prefix from core.
* @param prefix Prefix string
* @param len String lenght
* @noreturn
native mapm_get_prefix(prefix[], len);
* Set value for vote finished variable.
* @param value Bool value
* @noreturn
native mapm_set_vote_finished(bool:value);
* Start vote.
* @param type Vote type, use const VOTE_BY_*
* @noreturn
native mapm_start_vote(type);
* Stop vote.
* @noreturn
native mapm_stop_vote();
* Blocks show vote menu from core.
* @noreturn
native mapm_block_show_vote();
* Get votelist size const from core.
* @return Votelist size
native mapm_get_votelist_size();
* Set max items in vote.
* @param value Amount items in vote
* @noreturn
native mapm_set_votelist_max_items(value);
* Push map in votelist.
* @note Use native in forward mapm_prepare_votelist().
* @param map Map name
* @param type Type for addons
* @param ignore_check Allow ignore some checks, bit sum, use const CHECK_*
* @return Result of pushing, const PUSH_*
native mapm_push_map_to_votelist(map[], type = PUSH_BY_NATIVE, ignore_check = CHECK_NOT_IGNORED);
* Get amount maps in votelist.
* @note Use in mapm_analysis_of_results()
* @noreturn
native mapm_get_count_maps_in_vote();
* Get info about votelist item.
* @note Use in mapm_analysis_of_results()
* @param item Index in votelist
* @param map Map name
* @param len Map name string lenght
* @return Votes
native mapm_get_voteitem_info(item, map[], len);
* Returns vote type.
* @return Type of vote, used const VOTE_BY_*
native mapm_get_vote_type();
* Adds votes to vote item.
* @note Use while vote continues.
* @param item Index in votelist
* @param value Map name
* @return 1 if success
native mapm_add_vote_to_item(item, value);
* Set displayed name for item.
* @note Use in forward mapm_displayed_item_name
* @param item Index in votelist
* @param name Displayed name
* @noreturn
native mapm_set_displayed_name(item, name[]);
* Returns if vote started.
* @return true/false
native bool:is_vote_started();
* Returns if vote finished.
* @return true/false
native bool:is_vote_finished();
* Called after load map list.
* @param maplist Array with loaded maps
* @param nextmap Nextmap after current map in loaded list
* @noreturn
forward mapm_maplist_loaded(Array:maplist, const nextmap[]);
* Called after clear maplist.
* @noreturn
forward mapm_maplist_unloaded();
* Called every second before vote or in vote.
* @param type Type of countdown, used const COUNTDOWN_*
* @param time Current second of countdown
* @noreturn
forward mapm_countdown(type, time);
* Called before vote.
* @param type Type of vote, used const VOTE_BY_*
* @noreturn
forward mapm_prepare_votelist(type);
* Called when core or addons are trying add map in votelist.
* @param map Map name
* @param type Type of vote, used const VOTE_BY_*
* @param index Index in mapslist array
* @return MAP_ALLOWED
forward mapm_can_be_in_votelist(const map[], type, index);
* Called for permission to extend current map.
* @param type Type of vote, used const VOTE_BY_*
* @return EXTEND_ALLOWED to allow extend current map
* EXTEND_BLOCKED to block extend current map
forward mapm_can_be_extended(type);
* Called when can change displayed name.
* @param type Type of vote, used const VOTE_BY_*
* @param item Vote item index, from 0 to MAX_VOTELIST_SIZE
* @param name Original vote item name
* @noreturn
forward mapm_displayed_item_name(type, item, name[]);
* Called when core start show menu with vote.
* @param type Type of vote, used const VOTE_BY_*
* @noreturn
forward mapm_vote_started(type);
* Called when core canceled vote.
* @param type Type of vote, used const VOTE_BY_*
* @noreturn
forward mapm_vote_canceled(type);
* Called before vote finish.
* @param type Type of vote, used const VOTE_BY_*
* @param total_votes Count of players votes
* @return ALLOW_VOTE to allow finish vote
* ABORT_VOTE to block finish vote, forward mapm_vote_finished() will not be called
forward mapm_analysis_of_results(type, total_votes);
* Called when vote finished.
* @note Can be blocked in forward mapm_analysis_of_results()
* @param map Nextmap
* @param type Type of vote, used const VOTE_BY_*
* @param total_votes Count of players votes
* @noreturn
forward mapm_vote_finished(const map[], type, total_votes);
#if defined _map_manager_adv_lists_included
#define _map_manager_adv_lists_included
#pragma reqlib map_manager_adv_lists
#pragma loadlib map_manager_adv_lists
#pragma library map_manager_adv_lists
* Array size of advanced list.
* @return Number of active lists
native mapm_advl_get_active_lists();
* Get list name.
* @param item Number of active list
* @param list_name String for list name
* @param size String size
* @noreturn
native mapm_advl_get_list_name(item, list_name[], size);
* Get Array pointer by index
* @param item Number of active list
* @return Array pointer
native Array:mapm_advl_get_list_array(item);
#if defined _map_manager_blocklist_included
#define _map_manager_blocklist_included
#pragma reqlib map_manager_blocklist
#pragma loadlib map_manager_blocklist
#pragma library map_manager_blocklist
* Check map if it in blocklist.
* @param map Map name
* @return Blocked count
native mapm_get_blocked_count(map[]);
#if defined _map_manager_consts_included
#define _map_manager_consts_included
#define VERSION_HASH ""
const MAPNAME_LENGTH = 32;
enum _:MapStruct {
enum _:NomStruct {
// used as return value in forward "mapm_can_be_in_votelist"
enum {
enum (<<=1) {
// used as return value in native "mapm_push_map_to_votelist"
enum {
// used for type param in native "mapm_push_map_to_votelist"
enum {
enum {
// used as return value in forward "mapm_analysis_of_results"
enum {
// used for cvar "mapm_extended_type"
enum {
// used as return value in forward "mapm_can_be_extended"
enum {
// used for type param in forward "mapm_countdown"
enum {
// used for cvar "mapm_show_result_type"
enum {
// used for cvar "mapm_show_percent"
enum {
// used for forward "mapm_can_be_nominated"
enum {
#if defined _map_manager_nom_included
#define _map_manager_nom_included
#pragma reqlib map_manager_nomination
#pragma loadlib map_manager_nomination
#pragma library map_manager_nomination
* Returns true if nomination ignore vote.
* @return true/false
native bool:is_nomination_ignore_vote();
* Set ignore or not adding nominated maps to vote.
* @param ignore Yes or not
* @noreturn
native map_nomination_set_ignore(bool:ignore);
* Called when player want to nominate map.
* @param id Player index
* @param map Map which player want to nominate
* @return NOMINATION_ALLOWED to allow nomination
* NOMINATION_BLOCKED to block nomination
forward mapm_can_be_nominated(id, map[]);
#if defined _map_manager_scheduler_included
#define _map_manager_scheduler_included
#pragma reqlib map_manager_scheduler
#pragma loadlib map_manager_scheduler
#pragma library map_manager_scheduler
enum IgnoreFlags (<<=1) {
enum LastRoundState {
LRS_Not, // Not last round
LRS_Last, // Last round, round that can be played after voting
LRS_Final // Final round, one more round after the last one if the last one ended in a draw
* Get ignore flags for starting vote.
* @return Ignore flags
native IgnoreFlags:map_scheduler_get_ignore_check();
* Set ignore flags for starting vote.
* @param flags Flags from IgnoreFlags enum
* @noreturn
native map_scheduler_set_ignore_check(IgnoreFlags:flags);
* Start vote by scheduler, work with own cvars.
* @param type Type of vote, used const VOTE_BY_*
* @noreturn
native map_scheduler_start_vote(type);
* Extend current map time.
* @param count Extend time param, bonus time = count * cvarnum(extend_time)
* @noreturn
native map_scheduler_extend_map(count = 1);
* Returns true if vote will in next round.
* @return true/false
native bool:is_vote_will_in_next_round();
* Returns state of last round.
* @return LastRoundState value
native LastRoundState:get_last_round_state();
* Returns true if one map mode active.
* @return true/false
native bool:is_one_map_mode();
#if defined _map_manager_stocks_included
#define _map_manager_stocks_included
stock valid_map(map[])
if(is_map_valid(map)) return true;
new len = strlen(map) - 4;
if(len < 0) return false;
if(equali(map[len], ".bsp")) {
map[len] = '^0';
if(is_map_valid(map)) return true;
return false;
stock get_map_prefix(map[], prefix[], size)
copy(prefix, size, map);
for(new i; prefix[i]; i++) {
if(prefix[i] == '_') {
prefix[i + 1] = 0;
return 1;
return 0;
stock bool:is_string_with_space(string[])
for(new i; string[i]; i++) {
if(string[i] == ' ') return true;
return false;
stock trim_bracket(text[])
for(new i; text[i]; i++) {
if(text[i] == '[') {
text[i] = 0;
stock intermission()
emessage_begin(MSG_ALL, SVC_INTERMISSION);
stock get_players_num(ignore = 0)
static maxplayers;
if(!maxplayers) {
maxplayers = get_maxplayers();
new pnum;
for(new i = 1; i <= maxplayers; i++) {
if(ignore > 0 && i == ignore
|| !is_user_connected(i)
|| is_user_bot(i)
|| is_user_hltv(i)) {
if(ignore == -1) {
new team = get_user_team(i);
if(team == 0 || team == 3) {
return pnum;
stock send_audio(id, audio[], pitch)
static msg_send_audio;
if(!msg_send_audio) {
msg_send_audio = get_user_msgid("SendAudio");
message_begin( id ? MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE : MSG_BROADCAST, msg_send_audio, _, id);
stock replace_color_tag(string[], len)
while(replace(string, len, "^^1", "^1")) {}
while(replace(string, len, "^^3", "^3")) {}
while(replace(string, len, "^^4", "^4")) {}
while(replace(string, len, "!d", "^1")) {}
while(replace(string, len, "!t", "^3")) {}
while(replace(string, len, "!g", "^4")) {}