* Return the loaded mods count.
* @return (int) Number of loaded mods.
native mm_get_mods_count();
* Return if the mod is enabled or not.
* @param iModId Mod index.
* @return (bool) true if the mod is enabled, false otherwise.
native bool:mm_is_mod_enabled(const iModId);
* Retrieves mod name.
* @note If the destination buffer is too small to hold the source string, the
* destination will be truncated.
* @param iModId Mod index.
* @param szOutput Buffer to copy mod name to.
* @param iLen Buffer size.
* @return (int) -1 on error.
* >= 0 Number of cells written.
native mm_get_mod_name(const iModId, szOutput[], const iLen);
* Retrieves mod tag.
* @note If the destination buffer is too small to hold the source string, the
* destination will be truncated.
* @param iModId Mod index.
* @param szOutput Buffer to copy mod tag to.
* @param iLen Buffer size.
* @return (int) -1 on error.
* >= 0 Number of cells written.
native mm_get_mod_tag(const iModId, szOutput[], const iLen);
* Return the mod changemap type.
* @note See 'ChangeMap_e' enum for more information.
* @param iModId Mod index.
* @return (int) 0 on change map timeleft.
* 1 on change map end of round.
* 2 on change map one more round.
native ChangeMap_e:mm_get_mod_changemap_type(const iModId);
* Return the maps list of the mod.
* @param iModId Mod index.
* @return (Array) Maps list array handle, which must be freed via ArrayDestroy()
native Array:mm_get_mod_maps(const iModId);
* Return the cvars list of the mod.
* @param iModId Mod index.
* @return (Array) Cvars list array handle, which must be freed via ArrayDestroy()
native Array:mm_get_mod_cvars(const iModId);
* Return the plugin list of the mod.
* @param iModId Mod index.
* @return (Array) Plugins list array handle, which must be freed via ArrayDestroy()
native Array:mm_get_mod_plugins(const iModId);
* Return the current mod index based on JSON position.
* @return (int) Index of the current mod.
native mm_get_currentmod_id();
* Return the next mod index based on JSON position if nextmod is already chosen.
* @return (int) -1 if nextmod is not chosen yet.
* >= 0 Index of the next mod.
native mm_get_nextmod_id();
* Force a votemod.
* @return (bool) true on success, false otherwise
native bool:mm_force_votemod();
* Force a map change.
* @param iModId Mod index.
* @param szMap Map to change to.
* @param flChangeTime Time to wait before changing map.
* 0.0 to change map immediately.
* @return (bool) true on success, false otherwise.
native bool:mm_force_change_map(const iModId, const sMap[], const Float:flChangeTime = 0.0);