Player Preferences

amxx Player Preferences 1.2.1

Нет прав для скачивания
  1. Из каталога migrations возьмите файл create_tables.sql и импортируйте его в вашу базу данных
  2. Поместите содержимое папки scripting в каталог вашего сервера (your_server_folder/cstrike/addons/amxmodx/scripting)
  3. Скомпилируйте player_prefs.sma как скомпилировать?
  4. Добавьте player_prefs.amxx в ваш файл plugins.ini
  5. Перезапустите сервер или смените карту
  6. После перезапуска сервера или смены карты в папке /cstrike/addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins будет создан конфиг с именем plugin-player_prefs.cfg. В этом конфиге введите данные для подключения к вашей базе данных
  7. Используйте API для создания собственных плагинов, позволяющих сохранять предпочтения игроков!
Настройки по пути /cstrike/addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins/plugin-player_prefs.cfg (смотрим шаги установки):

pp_host - Хост базы данных (ип адрес)
pp_user - Пользователь базы данных
pp_pass - Пароль базы данных
pp_db - База данных
#if defined _player_prefs_included

#define _player_prefs_included

* Used to initialize player preferences module.
* @param database_connected A boolean value indicating whether the database is connected or not.
forward pp_init(bool: database_connected);

* Called when a player is loaded and has its preferences loaded.
* @param id The player's ID whose preferences are loaded.
forward pp_player_loaded(const id);

* Called when a player is saved and its preferences are saved.
* @param id The player's ID whose preferences are saved.
forward pp_player_saved(const id);

* Checks if a player's preferences have been loaded.
* @param id Player ID to check
* @return True if the player's preferences have been loaded, false otherwise.
native pp_is_loaded(const id);

* Gets the value of a player's preference and copies it into the specified buffer.
* @param id Player ID to get preference for
* @param key Key of the preference to get
* @param dest Buffer to copy the preference value into
* @param len Maximum length of the buffer
* @return True if the preference was found and copied, false otherwise.
native pp_get_preference(const id, const key[], dest[], len);

* Sets the value of a player's preference.
* @param id Player ID to set preference for
* @param key Key of the preference to set
* @param value Value to set the preference to
* @param default_value Default value of the preference key (optional)
native pp_set_preference(const id, const key[], const value[], default_value[] = "");

* Sets the default value for a preference key.
* @param key Key of the preference to set the default value for
* @param default_value Default value to set
* @note if the key has not yet been created
*       the plugin will create and add it to the database via this native,
*       otherwise it will simply update the default value
native pp_set_key_default_value(const key[], const default_value[]);

* Gets the value of a player's preference and converts it to a number.
* @param id Player ID to get preference for
* @param key Key of the preference to get
* @return The preference value as a number, or 0 if the preference was not found or
stock pp_get_num(const id, const key[]) {
  new temp[64];
  pp_get_preference(id, key, temp, charsmax(temp));

  return str_to_num(temp);

* Gets the value of a player's preference and converts it to a floating-point number.
* @param id Player ID to get preference for
* @param key Key of the preference to get
* @return The preference value as a floating-point number, or 0.0 if the preference was
stock Float: pp_get_float(const id, const key[]) {
  new temp[64];
  pp_get_preference(id, key, temp, charsmax(temp));

  return str_to_float(temp);

* Gets the value of a player's preference and converts it to a boolean.
* @param id Player ID to get preference for
* @param key Key of the preference to get
* @return The preference value as a boolean, or false if the preference was not found
stock bool: pp_get_bool(const id, const key[]) {
  new temp[64];
  pp_get_preference(id, key, temp, charsmax(temp));

  return bool: str_to_num(temp);

* Sets the value of a player's preference as a number.
* @param id Player ID to set preference for
* @param key Key of the preference to set
* @param value Value to set the preference to
stock pp_set_num(const id, const key[], value) {
  new temp[64];
  num_to_str(value, temp, charsmax(temp));

  pp_set_preference(id, key, temp);

* Sets the value of a player's preference as a floating-point number.
* @param id Player ID to set preference for
* @param key Key of the preference to set
* @param value Value to set the preference to
stock pp_set_float(const id, const key[], Float: value) {
  new temp[64];
  float_to_str(value, temp, charsmax(temp));

  pp_set_preference(id, key, temp);

* Sets the value of a player's preference as a boolean.
* @param id Player ID to set preference for
* @param key Key of the preference to set
* @param value Value to set the preference to
stock pp_set_bool(const id, const key[], bool: value) {
  new temp[64];
  num_to_str(value, temp, charsmax(temp));

  pp_set_preference(id, key, temp);
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