Иконка ресурса

amxx reapi Advanced Slot Reservation 2.2.0

Нет прав для скачивания
  • Download the archive.
  • Compile advanced_slot_reservation.sma using a local compiler or a web compiler.
  • Put advanced_slot_reservation.amxx in amxmodx/plugins folder
  • Go to amxmodx/configs/plugins.ini, open the file and write on the last line advanced_slot_reservation.amxx.
  • Step ONLY for HLDS:
  • Restart your server or change the map and you're ready to go.
In configs/SlotReservation.ini, you need to add player's IP addresses, Name or Passowrd which you want to have a slot reserved.
You can use your admin list too due to it's compatibility.
Plugin's API can be found on GitHub too.

/* Sublime AMXX Editor v4.2 */

#if defined _adv_slot_reservation_included
#define _adv_slot_reservation_included

#if !defined MAX_NAME_LENGTH
#define MAX_NAME_LENGTH 32

#if !defined MAX_IP_LENGTH
#define MAX_IP_LENGTH 16

#if !defined MAX_PLAYERS
#define MAX_PLAYERS 32

/* Engine const https://github.com/dreamstalker/rehlds/blob/master/rehlds/engine/info.h#L37 */
#define MAX_INFO_STRING 256

#define MAX_STRING 256


/* Custom return values */
enum (+=250)
    SLOT_KICK_NO = 0,

enum _:PlayerData
    #if defined USE_REAPI

* @description                Multiforward called before a player will be kicked to free a player slot.
* @param id                Choosen player to be kicked index.
* @param szPlayerData        Array which contains data of the reserved client.
* @return                    Return SLOT_KICK_YES if you want to not let the plugin kick the player or SLOT_KICK_NO to continue executing.
forward player_kick_pre(id, szPlayerData[PlayerData]);

* @description                Multiforward called right before a player will be kicked to free a player slot.
* @param id                Choosen player to be kicked index.
* @param szPlayerData        Array which contains data of the reserved client.
* @return                    Forward ignores return values.
forward player_kick_post(id, szPlayerData[PlayerData]);

* @description                Multiforward called after the player array was sorted.
* @param szPlayers            Array which contains player's indexes.
* @param iTotalPlayers        Total of players included in the sorting algorithm.
* @note                    Array will be passed in kicking function with the changes made inside this forward.
* @return                    Forward ignores return values.
forward player_check_playtime(szPlayers[MAX_PLAYERS], iTotalPlayers);

/* Support for AmxModX versions lower that 1.8.3 */
enum GetPlayersFlags (<<= 1)
    GetPlayers_None = 0,           // No filter (Default)
    GetPlayers_ExcludeDead = 1,    // Do not include dead clients
    GetPlayers_ExcludeAlive,       // Do not include alive clients
    GetPlayers_ExcludeBots,        // Do not include bots
    GetPlayers_ExcludeHuman,       // Do not include human clients
    GetPlayers_MatchTeam,          // Match with team
    GetPlayers_MatchNameSubstring, // Match with part of name
    GetPlayers_CaseInsensitive,    // Match case insensitive
    GetPlayers_ExcludeHLTV,        // Do not include HLTV proxies
    GetPlayers_IncludeConnecting   // Include connecting clients

stock get_players_ex(players[MAX_PLAYERS] = {}, &num, GetPlayersFlags:flags = GetPlayers_None, const team[] = "")
    new strFlags[10];
    get_flags(_:flags, strFlags, charsmax(strFlags));
    get_players(players, num, strFlags, team);

stock get_playersnum_ex(GetPlayersFlags:flags = GetPlayers_None, const team[] = "")
    new PlayersNum;
    get_players_ex(_, PlayersNum, flags, team);
    return PlayersNum;
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