Fake bots

Hello, I have a kind of big problem
I don't know how to act but i tried every way
When i ban him. he comes back again i installed this plugin this bypass_guard to block all the way he might enter
Now it's getting bots into my server, i don't know how


i use the latest version of rehlds and amxmodx as i know its has protection from bots
and that module of reauthcheck already protection

Protocol version 48
Exe version (cstrike)
ReHLDS version:
Build date: 03:13:55 Oct 25 2021 (2753)
Build from: https://github.com/dreamstalker/rehlds/commit/471158b
[1] AMX Mod X RUN- amxmodx_mm_i386.so v1.10.0.5454 ini Start ANY
[ 2] Reunion RUN- reunion_mm_i386.so v0.1.0.135 ini Start Never
[ 3] Rechecker RUN- rechecker_mm_i386.sov2.5 ini Chlvl ANY
[ 4] Placeholders disabler RUN- plfix_mm_i386.so v0.0.3 ini Start Never
[ 5] MySQRUN- mysql_amxx_i386.so v1.10.0.5454 pl1 ANYANY
[ 6] SQLite RUN- sqlite_amxx_i386.so v1.10.0.5454 pl1 ANYANY
[ 7] Fun RUN- fun_amxx_i386.so v1.10.0.5454 pl1 ANYANY
[ 8] Engine RUN- engine_amxx_i386.so v1.10.0.5454 pl1 ANYANY
[ 9] FakeMetaRUN- fakemeta_amxx_i386.so v1.10.0.5454 pl1 ANYANY
[10] GeoIPRUN- geoip_amxx_i386.so v1.10.0.5454 pl1 ANYANY
[11] CStrike RUN- cstrike_amxx_i386.sov1.10.0.5454 pl1 ANYANY
[12] CSX RUN- csx_amxx_i386.so v1.10.0.5454 pl1 ANYANY
[13] Ham Sandwich RUN- hamsandwich_amxx_i386.so v1.10.0.5454 pl1 ANYANY
[14] gRIP RUN- grip_amxx_i386.sov0.1.5 Betapl1 ANYANY
[15] SxGeoRUN- sxgeo_amxx_i386.so v2.2 pl1 ANYNever
[16] CUR AMXX RUN- curl_amxx_i386.sov1.1.1 pl1 ANYANY
16 plugins, 16 running
57 раз(а)
kooomax, у тебя они все с одного и того же IP лезут. Забань IP/диапазон IP/провайдер целиком.
AntiIdleBot тут не поможет. Эти боты авторизацию проходят, раз БГ их видит.
What should i do. Nothing works for him
Now he can enter bots into my server
91 раз(а)
kooomax, добавь в as_list.ini
blacklist AS36947 "Fullserver" 0
или пропиши в консоль
bg_as_blacklist_add AS36947 "Fullserver" 0
From what I can see, it enters the server from the same IP but changes the STEAM ID. So try use plugin limit 1 IP to 1 steam id and use also anti vpn plugin.
This protection reauthcheck has this feature and it is enabled
# ================================================ =======
# ReAuthCheck Configuration
# ================================================ =======

# Logging Level
# Numeric Value (0 | 3)
# 0 - Disable, 1 - Detect, 2 - Debug, 3 - Debug Full.
LogMode = 2

# Enable Invalid Player Detection Method # 1
# Numeric Value (0 | 1)
CheckMethod1 = 1

# Enable Invalid Player Detection Method # 2
# Numeric Value (0 | 1)
CheckMethod2 = 1

# Enable Invalid Player Detection Method # 3
# Numeric Value (0 | 1)
CheckMethod3 = 1

# Enable Invalid Player Detection Method # 4
# Numeric Value (0 | 1)
CheckMethod4 = 1

# Enable Invalid Player Detection Method # 5
# Numeric Value (0 | 1)
CheckMethod5 = 1

# Enable Invalid Player Detection Method # 6
# Numeric Value (0 | 1)
CheckMethod6 = 1

# Enable Invalid Player Detection Method # 7
# Numeric Value (0 | 1)
CheckMethod7 = 1

# Enable Invalid Player Detection Method # 8
# Numeric Value (0 | 1)
CheckMethod8 = 1

# Enable Invalid Player Detection Method # 9
# Numeric Value (0 | 1)
CheckMethod9 = 1

# Enable Invalid Player Detection Method # 10
# Numeric Value (0 | 1)
CheckMethod10 = 1

# Enable XFake Players Detection
# Numeric Value (0 | 1)
CheckXFake = 1

# Enable HLProxy Discovery
# Numeric Value (0 | 1)
CheckHLProxy = 1

# Enable Limit for Players by IP Address
# Numeric Value (0 | 1)
CheckMaxIp = 1

# How many Players with the Same IP Can Log in to the Server
# Numeric Value (1 | 31)
MaxIpNum = 1

# Enable Limit for Players on the Number of Disconnects
# Numeric Value (0 | 1)
CheckMaxDrop = 1

# Number of Maximum Disconnects For Punishment
# Numeric Value (2 | 50)
MaxDropNum = 7

# For What Period Of Time To Count Alerts For "CheckMaxDrop"
# Fractional Value (2.0 | 300.0)
MaxDropTime = 15.0

# Enable Tracking Player Connection Status
# Numeric Value (0 | 1)
StateTimeoutConnect = 1

# Time To Detect Idle Authorization Stage 1 (Start Player Connection)
# Fractional Value (5.0 | 120.0)
IdleTime1 = 15.0

# Time To Detect Idle Authorization Stage 2 (Waiting for a Command From Player # 1)
# Fractional Value (7.0 | 120.0)
IdleTime2 = 14.0

# Time To Detect Idle Authorization Stage 3 (Waiting for a Command From Player # 2)
# Fractional Value (7.0 | 120.0)
IdleTime3 = 10.0

# Time To Detect Idle Authorization Stage 4 (Waiting for a Reply from Player # 3)
# Fractional Value (7.0 | 120.0)
IdleTime4 = 10.0

# Time To Detect Idle Authorization Stage 5 (Resource Check)
# Fractional Value (10.0 | 180.0)
IdleTime5 = 70.0

# Time To Detect Idle Authorization Stage 6 (Uploading Files)
# Fractional Value (60.0 | 1800.0)
IdleTime6 = 900.0

# Time To Detect Idle Authorization Stage 7 (Player Validation)
# Fractional Value (7.0 | 120.0)
IdleTime7 = 8.0

# Time To Detect Idle Authorization Stage 8 (Player Logged In)
# Fractional Value (7.0 | 120.0)
IdleTime8 = 10.0

# Time To Detect Idle Authorization Stage 9 (Full Authorization)
# Fractional Value (7.0 | 120.0)
IdleTime9 = 20.0

# Extra Detection Punishment Line To Be Executed In Server Console
# For Methods "# 1, # 2, # 5, # 6", "CheckXFake"
# String Value "Maximum length up to 96 characters"
PunishStringXFake = addip 5.0 [ip]

# Extra Detection Punishment Line To Be Executed In Server Console
# For Method "CheckHLProxy"
# String Value "Maximum length up to 96 characters"
PunishStringHLProxy = addip 5.0 [ip]

# Extra Detection Punishment Line To Be Executed In Server Console
# For Method "CheckMaxIp"
# String Value "Maximum length up to 96 characters"
PunishStringMaxIP = addip 5.0 [ip]

# Extra Detection Punishment Line To Be Executed In Server Console
# For Method "CheckMaxDrop"
# String Value "Maximum length up to 96 characters"
PunishStringMaxDrop = addip 5.0 [ip]

# For All Methods Default Punishment Kick
# To turn off an additional line, you need to clear the value
# Formatting Strings For Extra Punishment
# [name] - Player's name
# [ip] - Player's IP Address
# [userid] - Player ID
# [steamid] - SteamID of the Player

# List of IP Addresses to Ignore Settings "CheckMaxIp" and "CheckMaxDrop"
# Disable Line ";"

[List White IP]
Can you give me names with good plugins because I'm really tired of these kids

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