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UR_ERROR_USAGE = Usage: %s <player/T/CT/ALL> (<hp> <armor>)
UR_REVIVED_MSG = ^4[UV] ^1You have revived ^3%n
UR_REVIVED_PLAYER_TARGET = ^4[UV] ^1You were revived by ^4%n
UR_REVIVED_MSG_ALL = ^4[UV] ^1Admin ^4%n ^1has revived ^3%n
UR_MSG_T = all terrorists
UR_MSG_CT = all counter-terrorists
UR_MSG_ALL = all players
UR_ERROR_ALIVE = * The player is already alive
UR_ERROR_TEAM = * The player is in the wrong team
UR_REVIVED_ONE_LOG = "%n" (<%s> <%s>) -----> "%n" (<%s> <%s>)
UR_REVIVED_TEAM_LOG = "%n" (<%s> <%s>) -----> %s
UR_MENU_TITLE = Choose who will be respawned
UR_MENU_HEALTH = Health: \y%0.f
UR_MENU_ARMOR = Armor: \y%d
UR_ERROR_HAVE_NO_ACCESS = You have no access to use this command
UR_ERROR_MENU_PLAYERS = ^3[UR] ^1No players found to revive
UR_ERROR_MENU_USAGE_ZERO = ^3[UR] ^1You didn't enter anything, try again
UR_ERROR_MENU_USAGE_DIGIT = ^3[UR] ^1You entered not a number, try again
UR_CVAR_ACCESS = Access to revive players.
UR_CVAR_BOT_SUPPORT = Bot support.^n0 - disabled^n1 - enabled
UR_CVAR_MESSAGES = Show messages.^n0 - disabled^n1 - show only to who used the command and who was revived^n2 - show to everyone
UR_CVAR_LOG = Logging when someone is revived.^n0 - disabled^n1 - enabled
UR_BACK = Back
UR_NEXT = Next
UR_EXIT = Exit
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