Its a plugin of captain 1 & 2 which select side first and then it starts for war b/w two teams capt1 & capt2
Issue: can someone give code to check who's team won & reward their team players with 800$ money and -800$ for losing team player.
CaptainTeamName is stored in
FirstCaptainTeamName = 1 // T team
FirstCaptainTeamName = 2// CT team
Score's are stored in ScoreFirst & ScoreSecond.
Issue: can someone give code to check who's team won & reward their team players with 800$ money and -800$ for losing team player.
CaptainTeamName is stored in
FirstCaptainTeamName = 1 // T team
FirstCaptainTeamName = 2// CT team
Score's are stored in ScoreFirst & ScoreSecond.
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