- Сообщения
- 11
- Реакции
- 2
Fields are not filled correctly
- Ошибка
bug 5 retry WalkGuard - no camping/climbing/bug using - V1.3.2
when player of several reconnect (retry) plugins the camper zone stops working
- ОС
- Linux
- Amx Mod X
- Билд
- ReGamedll
- Версия Metamod
- Список метамодулей
1] AMX Mod X RUN - amxmodx_mm.dll v1.9.0.5 ini Start ANY
[ 2] POD-Bot mm RUN - podbot_mm.dll vV3B22 ini Chlvl ANY
[ 3] Fun RUN - fun_amxx.dll v1.9.0.5 pl1 ANY ANY
[ 4] Engine RUN - engine_amxx.dll v1.9.0.5 pl1 ANY ANY
[ 5] FakeMeta RUN - fakemeta_amxx.dl v1.9.0.5 pl1 ANY ANY
[ 6] CStrike RUN - cstrike_amxx.dll v1.9.0.5 pl1 ANY ANY
[ 7] CSX RUN - csx_amxx.dll v1.9.0.5 pl1 ANY ANY
[ 8] ReAPI RUN - reapi_amxx.dll v5.10.0. pl1 ANY Never
[ 9] MySQL RUN - mysql_amxx.dll v1.9.0.5 pl1 ANY ANY
[10] Ham Sandwich RUN - hamsandwich_amxx v1.9.0.5 pl1 ANY
- Список плагинов
não fuciona
- Автор плагина
- walkguard.amxx
- Версия плагина
- 1.3.2
- Исходный код
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <fakemeta>
#include <xs>
#define PLUGIN "WalkGuard"
#define VERSION "1.3.2"
#define AUTHOR "mogel"
* fakemeta-version by djmd378
ZM_CAMPING_T1, // Team 1 -> e.g. Terrorist
ZM_CAMPING_T2, // Team 2 -> e.g. Counter-Terroris
ZM_KILL_T1, // DoD-Unterstützung
new zonename[ZONEMODE][] = { "wgz_none", "wgz_camper", "wgz_camper_t1", "wgz_camper_t2", "wgz_block_all", "wgz_kill", "wgz_kill_t1", "wgz_kill_t2" }
new zonecolor[ZONEMODE][3] = {
{ 255, 0, 255 }, // nichts
{ 0, 255, 0 }, // Camperzone
{ 0, 255, 128 }, // Camperzone T1
{ 128, 255, 0 }, // Camperzone T2
{ 255, 255, 255 }, // alle Blockieren
{ 255, 0, 0 }, // Kill
{ 255, 0, 128 }, // Kill - T1
{ 255, 128, 0 } // Kill - T2
#define ZONEID pev_iuser1
#define CAMPERTIME pev_iuser2
new zone_color_aktiv[3] = { 0, 0, 255 }
new zone_color_red[3] = { 255, 0, 0 }
new zone_color_green[3] = { 255, 255, 0 }
// alle Zonen
#define MAXZONES 100
new zone[MAXZONES]
new maxzones // soviele existieren
new index // die aktuelle Zone
// Editier-Funktionen
new setupunits = 10 // Änderungen an der Größe um diese Einheiten
new direction = 0 // 0 -> X-Koorinaten / 1 -> Y-Koords / 2 -> Z-Koords
new spr_dot // benötigt für die Lininen
new editor = 0 // dieser Spieler ist gerade am erstellen .. Menü verkraftet nur einen Editor
new camperzone[33] // letzte Meldung der CamperZone
new Float:campertime[33] // der erste Zeitpunkt des eintreffens in die Zone
new Float:camping[33] // der letzte Zeitpunkt des campens
#define TASK_BASIS_CAMPER 2000
new pcv_damage
new pcv_botdamage
new pcv_immunity
new pcv_direction
new pcv_botdirection
new pcv_damageicon
// less CPU
new slap_direction
new slap_botdirection
new slap_damage
new slap_botdamage
new admin_immunity
new icon_damage // Damage-Icon
public plugin_init() {
register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR)
server_cmd("WalkGuard %s", VERSION)
pcv_damage = register_cvar("wg_damage", "10")
pcv_botdamage = register_cvar("wg_botdamage", "0") // Bot's sind einfach nur dumm ... und können nicht lesen
pcv_immunity = register_cvar("wg_immunity", "0") // Admins mit Immunität brauchen nicht
pcv_direction = register_cvar("wg_direction", "1") // zufällige Richtung beim Slap
pcv_botdirection = register_cvar("wg_botdirection", "1") // dito für Bots
pcv_damageicon = register_cvar("wg_damageicon", "262144") // eigentlich ein Pfeil
register_menu("MainMenu", -1, "MainMenuAction", 0)
register_menu("EditMenu", -1, "EditMenuAction", 0)
register_menu("KillMenu", -1, "KillMenuAction", 0)
// Menu
register_clcmd("walkguardmenu", "InitWalkGuard", ADMIN_RCON, " - open the WalkGuard-Menu")
// Sprache
// Einstelleungen der Variablen laden
register_event("HLTV", "Event_FreezeTime", "a", "1=0", "2=0")
register_logevent("Event_RoundStart", 2, "1=Round_Start")
register_logevent("Event_RoundEnd", 2, "1=Round_End")
register_forward(FM_Touch, "fw_touch")
// Zonen nachladen
set_task(1.0, "LoadWGZ")
public plugin_precache() {
spr_dot = precache_model("sprites/dot.spr")
public client_disconnected(player) {
// aus irgend welchen Gründen ist der Spieler einfach wech........
if (player == editor) HideAllZones()
public Event_FreezeTime() {
roundstatus = RS_FREEZETIME
public Event_RoundStart() {
roundstatus = RS_RUNNING
// CPU schonen und die Variablen am Anfang gleich merken
slap_damage = get_pcvar_num(pcv_damage)
slap_direction = get_pcvar_num(pcv_direction)
slap_botdamage = get_pcvar_num(pcv_botdamage)
slap_botdirection = get_pcvar_num(pcv_botdirection)
admin_immunity = get_pcvar_num(pcv_immunity)
icon_damage = get_pcvar_num(pcv_damageicon)
public Event_RoundEnd() {
roundstatus = RS_END
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// WalkGuard-Action
// -> hier ist alles was passiert
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public fw_touch(zone, player) {
if (editor) return FMRES_IGNORED
if (!pev_valid(zone) || !is_user_connected(player))
static classname[33]
pev(player, pev_classname, classname, 32)
if (!equal(classname, "player"))
pev(zone, pev_classname, classname, 32)
if (!equal(classname, "walkguardzone"))
if (roundstatus == RS_RUNNING)
ZoneTouch(player, zone)
public ZoneTouch(player, zone) {
new zm = pev(zone, ZONEID)
new userteam = get_user_team(player)
// Admin mit Immunity brauchen nicht
if (admin_immunity && (get_user_flags(player) & ADMIN_IMMUNITY)) return
// Kill Bill
if ( (ZONEMODE:zm == ZM_KILL) || ((ZONEMODE:zm == ZM_KILL_T1) && (userteam == 1)) || ((ZONEMODE:zm == ZM_KILL_T2) && (userteam == 2)) )
set_task(0.1, "ZoneModeKill", player)
// Camping
if ( (ZONEMODE:zm == ZM_CAMPING) || ((ZONEMODE:zm == ZM_CAMPING_T1) && (userteam == 1)) || ((ZONEMODE:zm == ZM_CAMPING_T2) && (userteam == 2)) ) {
if (!camping[player]) {
client_print(player, print_center, "%L", player, "WALKGUARD_CAMPING_INIT")
// Gratulation ... Du wirst beobachtet
camperzone[player] = zone
campertime[player] = get_gametime()
camping[player] = get_gametime()
set_task(0.5, "ZoneModeCamper", TASK_BASIS_CAMPER + player, _, _, "b")
} else {
// immer fleissig mitzählen
camping[player] = get_gametime()
public ZoneModeKill(player) {
if (!is_user_connected(player) || !is_user_alive(player)) return
for(new i = 0; i < 5; i++) client_print(player, print_chat, "[WalkGuard] %L", player, "WALKGUARD_KILL_MESSAGE")
client_cmd(player,"speak ambience/thunder_clap.wav")
public ZoneModeCamper(player) {
if (!is_user_connected(player))
// so ein Feigling ... hat sich einfach verdrückt ^^
remove_task(TASK_BASIS_CAMPER + player)
new Float:gametime = get_gametime();
if ((gametime - camping[player]) > 0.5)
// *juhu* ... wieder frei
campertime[player] = 0.0
camping[player] = 0.0
remove_task(TASK_BASIS_CAMPER + player)
new ct = pev(camperzone[player], CAMPERTIME)
new left = ct - floatround( gametime - campertime[player])
if (left < 1)
client_print(player, print_center, "%L", player, "WALKGUARD_CAMPING_DAMG")
if (is_user_bot(player))
if (slap_botdirection) RandomDirection(player)
fm_fakedamage(player, "camping", float(slap_botdamage), 0)
} else
if (slap_direction) RandomDirection(player)
fm_fakedamage(player, "camping", float(slap_damage), icon_damage)
} else
client_print(player, print_center, "%L", player, "WALKGUARD_CAMPING_TIME", left)
public RandomDirection(player) {
new Float:velocity[3]
velocity[0] = random_float(-256.0, 256.0)
velocity[1] = random_float(-256.0, 256.0)
velocity[2] = random_float(-256.0, 256.0)
set_pev(player, pev_velocity, velocity)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Zonenerstellung
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public CreateZone(Float:position[3], Float:mins[3], Float:maxs[3], zm, campertime) {
new entity = fm_create_entity("info_target")
set_pev(entity, pev_classname, "walkguardzone")
fm_entity_set_model(entity, "models/gib_skull.mdl")
fm_entity_set_origin(entity, position)
set_pev(entity, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_FLY)
new id = pev(entity, ZONEID)
if (editor)
set_pev(entity, pev_solid, SOLID_NOT)
} else
set_pev(entity, pev_solid, solidtyp[ZONEMODE:id])
fm_entity_set_size(entity, mins, maxs)
fm_set_entity_visibility(entity, 0)
set_pev(entity, ZONEID, zm)
set_pev(entity, CAMPERTIME, campertime)
//log_amx("create zone '%s' with campertime %i seconds", zonename[ZONEMODE:zm], campertime)
return entity
public CreateNewZone(Float:position[3]) {
new Float:mins[3] = { -32.0, -32.0, -32.0 }
new Float:maxs[3] = { 32.0, 32.0, 32.0 }
return CreateZone(position, mins, maxs, 0, 10); // ZM_NONE
public CreateZoneOnPlayer(player) {
// Position und erzeugen
new Float:position[3]
pev(player, pev_origin, position)
new entity = CreateNewZone(position)
for(new i = 0; i < maxzones; i++) if (zone[i] == entity) index = i;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Load & Save der WGZ
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public SaveWGZ(player) {
new zonefile[200]
new mapname[50]
// Verzeichnis holen
get_configsdir(zonefile, 199)
format(zonefile, 199, "%s/walkguard", zonefile)
if (!dir_exists(zonefile)) mkdir(zonefile)
// Namen über Map erstellen
get_mapname(mapname, 49)
format(zonefile, 199, "%s/%s.wgz", zonefile, mapname)
delete_file(zonefile) // pauschal
FindAllZones() // zur Sicherheit
// Header
write_file(zonefile, "; V1 - WalkGuard Zone-File")
write_file(zonefile, "; <zonename> <position (x/y/z)> <mins (x/y/z)> <maxs (x/y/z)> [<parameter>] ")
write_file(zonefile, ";")
write_file(zonefile, ";")
write_file(zonefile, "; parameter")
write_file(zonefile, ";")
write_file(zonefile, "; - wgz_camper <time>")
write_file(zonefile, "; - wgz_camper_t1 <time>")
write_file(zonefile, "; - wgz_camper_t2 <time>")
write_file(zonefile, "; - wgz_camper_t3 <time>")
write_file(zonefile, "; - wgz_camper_t4 <time>")
write_file(zonefile, ";")
write_file(zonefile, "")
// alle Zonen speichern
for(new i = 0; i < maxzones; i++)
new z = zone[i] // das Entity
// diverse Daten der Zone
new zm = pev(z, ZONEID)
// Koordinaten holen
new Float:pos[3]
pev(z, pev_origin, pos)
// Dimensionen holen
new Float:mins[3], Float:maxs[3]
pev(z, pev_mins, mins)
pev(z, pev_maxs, maxs)
// Ausgabe formatieren
// -> Type und CamperTime
new output[1000]
format(output, 999, "%s", zonename[ZONEMODE:zm])
// -> Position
format(output, 999, "%s %.1f %.1f %.1f", output, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2])
// -> Dimensionen
format(output, 999, "%s %.0f %.0f %.0f", output, mins[0], mins[1], mins[2])
format(output, 999, "%s %.0f %.0f %.0f", output, maxs[0], maxs[1], maxs[2])
// diverse Parameter
new ct = pev(z, CAMPERTIME)
format(output, 999, "%s %i", output, ct)
// und schreiben
write_file(zonefile, output)
client_print(player, print_chat, "%L", player, "ZONE_FILE_SAVED", zonefile)
public LoadWGZ() {
new zonefile[200]
new mapname[50]
// Verzeichnis holen
get_configsdir(zonefile, 199)
format(zonefile, 199, "%s/walkguard", zonefile)
// Namen über Map erstellen
get_mapname(mapname, 49)
format(zonefile, 199, "%s/%s.wgz", zonefile, mapname)
if (!file_exists(zonefile))
log_amx("no zone-file found")
// einlesen der Daten
new input[1000], line = 0, len
while( (line = read_file(zonefile , line , input , 127 , len) ) != 0 )
if (!strlen(input) || (input[0] == ';')) continue; // Kommentar oder Leerzeile
new data[20], zm = 0, ct // "abgebrochenen" Daten - ZoneMode - CamperTime
new Float:mins[3], Float:maxs[3], Float:pos[3] // Größe & Position
// Zone abrufen
argbreak(input, data, 20, input, 999)
zm = -1
for(new i = 0; ZONEMODE:i < ZONEMODE; ZONEMODE:i++)
// Änderungen von CS:CZ zu allen Mods
if (equal(data, "wgz_camper_te")) format(data, 19, "wgz_camper_t1")
if (equal(data, "wgz_camper_ct")) format(data, 19, "wgz_camper_t2")
if (equal(data, zonename[ZONEMODE:i])) zm = i;
if (zm == -1)
log_amx("undefined zone -> '%s' ... dropped", data)
// Position holen
argbreak(input, data, 20, input, 999); pos[0] = str_to_float(data);
argbreak(input, data, 20, input, 999); pos[1] = str_to_float(data);
argbreak(input, data, 20, input, 999); pos[2] = str_to_float(data);
// Dimensionen
argbreak(input, data, 20, input, 999); mins[0] = str_to_float(data);
argbreak(input, data, 20, input, 999); mins[1] = str_to_float(data);
argbreak(input, data, 20, input, 999); mins[2] = str_to_float(data);
argbreak(input, data, 20, input, 999); maxs[0] = str_to_float(data);
argbreak(input, data, 20, input, 999); maxs[1] = str_to_float(data);
argbreak(input, data, 20, input, 999); maxs[2] = str_to_float(data);
// Campertime wird immer mitgeliefert
argbreak(input, data, 20, input, 999)
ct = str_to_num(data)
// und nun noch erstellen
CreateZone(pos, mins, maxs, zm, ct);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// WalkGuard-Menu
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public FX_Box(Float:sizemin[3], Float:sizemax[3], color[3], life) {
// FX
message_begin(MSG_ALL, SVC_TEMPENTITY);
write_coord( floatround( sizemin[0] ) ); // x
write_coord( floatround( sizemin[1] ) ); // y
write_coord( floatround( sizemin[2] ) ); // z
write_coord( floatround( sizemax[0] ) ); // x
write_coord( floatround( sizemax[1] ) ); // y
write_coord( floatround( sizemax[2] ) ); // z
write_short(life) // Life
write_byte(color[0]) // Color R / G / B
public FX_Line(start[3], stop[3], color[3], brightness) {
message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, SVC_TEMPENTITY, _, editor)
write_byte( TE_BEAMPOINTS )
write_short( spr_dot )
write_byte( 1 ) // framestart
write_byte( 1 ) // framerate
write_byte( 4 ) // life in 0.1's
write_byte( 5 ) // width
write_byte( 0 ) // noise
write_byte( color[0] ) // r, g, b
write_byte( color[1] ) // r, g, b
write_byte( color[2] ) // r, g, b
write_byte( brightness ) // brightness
write_byte( 0 ) // speed
public DrawLine(Float:x1, Float:y1, Float:z1, Float:x2, Float:y2, Float:z2, color[3]) {
new start[3]
new stop[3]
start[0] = floatround( x1 )
start[1] = floatround( y1 )
start[2] = floatround( z1 )
stop[0] = floatround( x2 )
stop[1] = floatround( y2 )
stop[2] = floatround( z2 )
FX_Line(start, stop, color, 200)
public ShowAllZones() {
FindAllZones() // zur Sicherheit alle suchen
for(new i = 0; i < maxzones; i++)
new z = zone[i]
remove_task(TASK_BASIS_SHOWZONES + z)
set_pev(z, pev_solid, SOLID_NOT)
set_task(0.2, "ShowZoneBox", TASK_BASIS_SHOWZONES + z, _, _, "b")
public ShowZoneBox(entity) {
if ((!fm_is_valid_ent(entity)) || !editor) return
// Koordinaten holen
new Float:pos[3]
pev(entity, pev_origin, pos)
if (!fm_is_in_viewcone(editor, pos) && (entity != zone[index])) return // sieht der Editor eh nicht
// jetzt vom Editor zur Zone testen... Zonen hinter der Wand aber im ViewCone
// müssen nicht gezeichnet werden
new Float:editorpos[3]
pev(editor, pev_origin, editorpos)
new Float:hitpoint[3] // da ist der Treffer
fm_trace_line(-1, editorpos, pos, hitpoint)
// Linie zur Zone zeichnen ... dann wird sie schneller gefunden
if (entity == zone[index]) DrawLine(editorpos[0], editorpos[1], editorpos[2] - 16.0, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], { 255, 0, 0} )
// Distanz zum Treffer ... ist Wert größer dann war da etwas
new Float:dh = vector_distance(editorpos, pos) - vector_distance(editorpos, hitpoint)
if ( (floatabs(dh) > 128.0) && (entity != zone[index])) return // hinter einer Wand
// -+*+- die Zone muss gezeichnet werden -+*+-
// Dimensionen holen
new Float:mins[3], Float:maxs[3]
pev(entity, pev_mins, mins)
pev(entity, pev_maxs, maxs)
// Größe in Absolut umrechnen
mins[0] += pos[0]
mins[1] += pos[1]
mins[2] += pos[2]
maxs[0] += pos[0]
maxs[1] += pos[1]
maxs[2] += pos[2]
new id = pev(entity, ZONEID)
new color[3]
color[0] = (zone[index] == entity) ? zone_color_aktiv[0] : zonecolor[ZONEMODE:id][0]
color[1] = (zone[index] == entity) ? zone_color_aktiv[1] : zonecolor[ZONEMODE:id][1]
color[2] = (zone[index] == entity) ? zone_color_aktiv[2] : zonecolor[ZONEMODE:id][2]
// einzelnen Linien der Box zeichnen
// -> alle Linien beginnen bei maxs
DrawLine(maxs[0], maxs[1], maxs[2], mins[0], maxs[1], maxs[2], color)
DrawLine(maxs[0], maxs[1], maxs[2], maxs[0], mins[1], maxs[2], color)
DrawLine(maxs[0], maxs[1], maxs[2], maxs[0], maxs[1], mins[2], color)
// -> alle Linien beginnen bei mins
DrawLine(mins[0], mins[1], mins[2], maxs[0], mins[1], mins[2], color)
DrawLine(mins[0], mins[1], mins[2], mins[0], maxs[1], mins[2], color)
DrawLine(mins[0], mins[1], mins[2], mins[0], mins[1], maxs[2], color)
// -> die restlichen 6 Lininen
DrawLine(mins[0], maxs[1], maxs[2], mins[0], maxs[1], mins[2], color)
DrawLine(mins[0], maxs[1], mins[2], maxs[0], maxs[1], mins[2], color)
DrawLine(maxs[0], maxs[1], mins[2], maxs[0], mins[1], mins[2], color)
DrawLine(maxs[0], mins[1], mins[2], maxs[0], mins[1], maxs[2], color)
DrawLine(maxs[0], mins[1], maxs[2], mins[0], mins[1], maxs[2], color)
DrawLine(mins[0], mins[1], maxs[2], mins[0], maxs[1], maxs[2], color)
// der Rest wird nur gezeichnet wenn es sich um ide aktuelle Box handelt
if (entity != zone[index]) return
// jetzt noch die Koordinaten-Linien
if (direction == 0) // X-Koordinaten
DrawLine(maxs[0], maxs[1], maxs[2], maxs[0], mins[1], mins[2], zone_color_green)
DrawLine(maxs[0], maxs[1], mins[2], maxs[0], mins[1], maxs[2], zone_color_green)
DrawLine(mins[0], maxs[1], maxs[2], mins[0], mins[1], mins[2], zone_color_red)
DrawLine(mins[0], maxs[1], mins[2], mins[0], mins[1], maxs[2], zone_color_red)
if (direction == 1) // Y-Koordinaten
DrawLine(mins[0], mins[1], mins[2], maxs[0], mins[1], maxs[2], zone_color_red)
DrawLine(maxs[0], mins[1], mins[2], mins[0], mins[1], maxs[2], zone_color_red)
DrawLine(mins[0], maxs[1], mins[2], maxs[0], maxs[1], maxs[2], zone_color_green)
DrawLine(maxs[0], maxs[1], mins[2], mins[0], maxs[1], maxs[2], zone_color_green)
if (direction == 2) // Z-Koordinaten
DrawLine(maxs[0], maxs[1], maxs[2], mins[0], mins[1], maxs[2], zone_color_green)
DrawLine(maxs[0], mins[1], maxs[2], mins[0], maxs[1], maxs[2], zone_color_green)
DrawLine(maxs[0], maxs[1], mins[2], mins[0], mins[1], mins[2], zone_color_red)
DrawLine(maxs[0], mins[1], mins[2], mins[0], maxs[1], mins[2], zone_color_red)
public HideAllZones() {
editor = 0 // Menü für den nächsten wieder frei geben ... ufnktionalität aktivieren
for(new i = 0; i < maxzones; i++)
new id = pev(zone[i], ZONEID)
set_pev(zone[i], pev_solid, solidtyp[ZONEMODE:id])
remove_task(TASK_BASIS_SHOWZONES + zone[i])
public FindAllZones() {
new entity = -1
maxzones = 0
while( (entity = fm_find_ent_by_class(entity, "walkguardzone")) )
zone[maxzones] = entity
public InitWalkGuard(player) {
new name[33], steam[33]
get_user_name(player, name, 32)
get_user_authid(player, steam, 32)
if (!(get_user_flags(player) & ADMIN_RCON))
log_amx("no access-rights for '%s' <%s>", name, steam)
editor = player
set_task(0.1, "OpenWalkGuardMenu", player)
public OpenWalkGuardMenu(player) {
new trans[70]
new menu[1024]
new zm = -1
new ct
new menukeys = MENU_KEY_0 + MENU_KEY_4 + MENU_KEY_9
if (fm_is_valid_ent(zone[index]))
zm = pev(zone[index], ZONEID)
ct = pev(zone[index], CAMPERTIME)
format(menu, 1023, "\dWalkGuard-Menu - Version %s\w", VERSION)
format(menu, 1023, "%s^n", menu) // Leerzeile
format(menu, 1023, "%s^n", menu) // Leerzeile
format(menu, 1023, "%L", player, "WGM_ZONE_FOUND", menu, maxzones)
if (zm != -1)
format(trans, 69, "%L", player, zonemode[ZONEMODE:zm])
format(menu, 1023, "%L", player, "WGM_ZONE_CURRENT_CAMP", menu, index + 1, trans, ct)
} else
format(menu, 1023, "%L", player, "WGM_ZONE_CURRENT_NONE", menu, index + 1, trans)
menukeys += MENU_KEY_2 + MENU_KEY_3 + MENU_KEY_1
format(menu, 1023, "%s^n", menu) // Leerzeile
format(menu, 1023, "%s^n", menu) // Leerzeile
format(menu, 1023, "%L", player, "WGM_ZONE_EDIT", menu)
format(menu, 1023, "%L", player, "WGM_ZONE_CHANGE", menu)
format(menu, 1023, "%s^n", menu) // Leerzeile
format(menu, 1023, "%L" ,player, "WGM_ZONE_CREATE", menu)
if (zm != -1)
menukeys += MENU_KEY_6
format(menu, 1023, "%L", player, "WGM_ZONE_DELETE", menu)
format(menu, 1023, "%L", player, "WGM_ZONE_SAVE", menu)
format(menu, 1023, "%s^n", menu) // Leerzeile
format(menu, 1023, "%L" ,player, "WGM_ZONE_EXIT", menu)
show_menu(player, menukeys, menu, -1, "MainMenu")
client_cmd(player, "spk sound/buttons/blip1.wav")
public MainMenuAction(player, key) {
key = (key == 10) ? 0 : key + 1
case 1: {
// Zone editieren
if (fm_is_valid_ent(zone[index])) OpenEditMenu(player); else OpenWalkGuardMenu(player);
case 2: {
// vorherige Zone
index = (index > 0) ? index - 1 : index;
case 3: {
// nächste Zone
index = (index < maxzones - 1) ? index + 1 : index;
case 4: {
// neue Zone über dem Spieler
if (maxzones < MAXZONES - 1)
MainMenuAction(player, 0); // selber aufrufen
} else
client_print(player, print_chat, "%L", player, "ZONE_FULL")
client_cmd(player, "spk sound/buttons/button10.wav")
set_task(0.5, "OpenWalkGuardMenu", player)
case 6: {
// aktuelle Zone löschen
case 9: {
// Zonen speichern
case 10:{
editor = 0
public OpenEditMenu(player) {
new trans[70]
new menu[1024]
new menukeys = MENU_KEY_0 + MENU_KEY_1 + MENU_KEY_4 + MENU_KEY_5 + MENU_KEY_6 + MENU_KEY_7 + MENU_KEY_8 + MENU_KEY_9
format(menu, 1023, "\dEdit WalkGuard-Zone\w")
format(menu, 1023, "%s^n", menu) // Leerzeile
format(menu, 1023, "%s^n", menu) // Leerzeile
new zm = -1
new ct
if (fm_is_valid_ent(zone[index]))
zm = pev(zone[index], ZONEID)
ct = pev(zone[index], CAMPERTIME)
if (zm != -1)
format(trans, 69, "%L", player, zonemode[ZONEMODE:zm])
format(menu, 1023, "%L", player, "WGE_ZONE_CURRENT_CAMP", menu, trans, ct)
format(menu, 1023, "%L", player, "WGE_ZONE_CURRENT_CHANGE", menu)
menukeys += MENU_KEY_2 + MENU_KEY_3
} else
format(menu, 1023, "%L", player, "WGE_ZONE_CURRENT_NONE", menu, trans)
format(menu, 1023, "%s^n", menu) // Leerzeile
format(menu, 1023, "%s^n", menu) // Leerzeile
format(trans, 49, "%L", player, koordinaten[direction])
format(menu, 1023, "%L", player, "WGE_ZONE_SIZE_INIT", menu, trans)
format(menu, 1023, "%L", player, "WGE_ZONE_SIZE_MINS", menu)
format(menu, 1023, "%L", player, "WGE_ZONE_SIZE_MAXS", menu)
format(menu, 1023, "%L", player, "WGE_ZONE_SIZE_STEP", menu, setupunits)
format(menu, 1023, "%s^n", menu) // Leerzeile
format(menu, 1023, "%s^n", menu) // Leerzeile
format(menu, 1023, "%L", player, "WGE_ZONE_SIZE_QUIT", menu)
show_menu(player, menukeys, menu, -1, "EditMenu")
client_cmd(player, "spk sound/buttons/blip1.wav")
public EditMenuAction(player, key) {
key = (key == 10) ? 0 : key + 1
case 1: {
// nächster ZoneMode
new zm = -1
zm = pev(zone[index], ZONEID)
if (ZONEMODE:zm == ZM_KILL_T2) zm = 0; else zm++;
set_pev(zone[index], ZONEID, zm)
case 2: {
// Campertime runter
new ct = pev(zone[index], CAMPERTIME)
ct = (ct > 5) ? ct - 1 : 5
set_pev(zone[index], CAMPERTIME, ct)
case 3: {
// Campertime hoch
new ct = pev(zone[index], CAMPERTIME)
ct = (ct < 30) ? ct + 1 : 30
set_pev(zone[index], CAMPERTIME, ct)
case 4: {
// Editier-Richtung ändern
direction = (direction < 2) ? direction + 1 : 0
case 5: {
// von "mins" / rot etwas abziehen -> schmaler
case 6: {
// zu "mins" / rot etwas addieren -> breiter
case 7: {
// von "maxs" / gelb etwas abziehen -> schmaler
case 8: {
// zu "maxs" / gelb etwas addierne -> breiter
case 9: {
// Schreitweite ändern
setupunits = (setupunits < 100) ? setupunits * 10 : 1
case 10:{
public VonRotAbziehen() {
new entity = zone[index]
// Koordinaten holen
new Float:pos[3]
pev(entity, pev_origin, pos)
// Dimensionen holen
new Float:mins[3], Float:maxs[3]
pev(entity, pev_mins, mins)
pev(entity, pev_maxs, maxs)
// könnte Probleme geben -> zu klein
//if ((floatabs(mins[direction]) + maxs[direction]) < setupunits + 1) return
mins[direction] -= float(setupunits) / 2.0
maxs[direction] += float(setupunits) / 2.0
pos[direction] -= float(setupunits) / 2.0
set_pev(entity, pev_origin, pos)
fm_entity_set_size(entity, mins, maxs)
public ZuRotAddieren() {
new entity = zone[index]
// Koordinaten holen
new Float:pos[3]
pev(entity, pev_origin, pos)
// Dimensionen holen
new Float:mins[3], Float:maxs[3]
pev(entity, pev_mins, mins)
pev(entity, pev_maxs, maxs)
// könnte Probleme geben -> zu klein
if ((floatabs(mins[direction]) + maxs[direction]) < setupunits + 1) return
mins[direction] += float(setupunits) / 2.0
maxs[direction] -= float(setupunits) / 2.0
pos[direction] += float(setupunits) / 2.0
set_pev(entity, pev_origin, pos)
fm_entity_set_size(entity, mins, maxs)
public VonGelbAbziehen() {
new entity = zone[index]
// Koordinaten holen
new Float:pos[3]
pev(entity, pev_origin, pos)
// Dimensionen holen
new Float:mins[3], Float:maxs[3]
pev(entity, pev_mins, mins)
pev(entity, pev_maxs, maxs)
// könnte Probleme geben -> zu klein
if ((floatabs(mins[direction]) + maxs[direction]) < setupunits + 1) return
mins[direction] += float(setupunits) / 2.0
maxs[direction] -= float(setupunits) / 2.0
pos[direction] -= float(setupunits) / 2.0
set_pev(entity, pev_origin, pos)
fm_entity_set_size(entity, mins, maxs)
public ZuGelbAddieren() {
new entity = zone[index]
// Koordinaten holen
new Float:pos[3]
pev(entity, pev_origin, pos)
// Dimensionen holen
new Float:mins[3], Float:maxs[3]
pev(entity, pev_mins, mins)
pev(entity, pev_maxs, maxs)
// könnte Probleme geben -> zu klein
//if ((floatabs(mins[direction]) + maxs[direction]) < setupunits + 1) return
mins[direction] -= float(setupunits) / 2.0
maxs[direction] += float(setupunits) / 2.0
pos[direction] += float(setupunits) / 2.0
set_pev(entity, pev_origin, pos)
fm_entity_set_size(entity, mins, maxs)
public OpenKillMenu(player) {
new menu[1024]
format(menu, 1023, "%L", player, "ZONE_KILL_INIT")
format(menu, 1023, "%L", player, "ZONE_KILL_ASK", menu) // ja - nein - vieleicht
show_menu(player, MENU_KEY_1 + MENU_KEY_0, menu, -1, "KillMenu")
client_cmd(player, "spk sound/buttons/button10.wav")
public KillMenuAction(player, key) {
key = (key == 10) ? 0 : key + 1
case 1: {
client_print(player, print_chat, "[WalkGuard] %L", player, "ZONE_KILL_NO")
case 10:{
if (index < 0) index = 0;
client_print(player, print_chat, "[WalkGuard] %L", player, "ZONE_KILL_YES")
stock fm_set_kvd(entity, const key[], const value[], const classname[] = "") {
if (classname[0])
set_kvd(0, KV_ClassName, classname)
else {
new class[32]
pev(entity, pev_classname, class, sizeof class - 1)
set_kvd(0, KV_ClassName, class)
set_kvd(0, KV_KeyName, key)
set_kvd(0, KV_Value, value)
set_kvd(0, KV_fHandled, 0)
return dllfunc(DLLFunc_KeyValue, entity, 0)
stock fm_fake_touch(toucher, touched)
return dllfunc(DLLFunc_Touch, toucher, touched)
stock fm_DispatchSpawn(entity)
return dllfunc(DLLFunc_Spawn, entity)
stock fm_remove_entity(index)
return engfunc(EngFunc_RemoveEntity, index)
stock fm_find_ent_by_class(index, const classname[])
return engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityByString, index, "classname", classname)
stock fm_is_valid_ent(index)
return pev_valid(index)
stock fm_entity_set_size(index, const Float:mins[3], const Float:maxs[3])
return engfunc(EngFunc_SetSize, index, mins, maxs)
stock fm_entity_set_model(index, const model[])
return engfunc(EngFunc_SetModel, index, model)
stock fm_create_entity(const classname[])
return engfunc(EngFunc_CreateNamedEntity, engfunc(EngFunc_AllocString, classname))
stock fm_fakedamage(victim, const classname[], Float:takedmgdamage, damagetype) {
new class[] = "trigger_hurt"
new entity = fm_create_entity(class)
if (!entity)
return 0
new value[16]
float_to_str(takedmgdamage * 2, value, sizeof value - 1)
fm_set_kvd(entity, "dmg", value, class)
num_to_str(damagetype, value, sizeof value - 1)
fm_set_kvd(entity, "damagetype", value, class)
fm_set_kvd(entity, "origin", "8192 8192 8192", class)
set_pev(entity, pev_classname, classname)
fm_fake_touch(entity, victim)
return 1
stock fm_entity_set_origin(index, const Float:origin[3]) {
new Float:mins[3], Float:maxs[3]
pev(index, pev_mins, mins)
pev(index, pev_maxs, maxs)
engfunc(EngFunc_SetSize, index, mins, maxs)
return engfunc(EngFunc_SetOrigin, index, origin)
stock fm_set_entity_visibility(index, visible = 1) {
set_pev(index, pev_effects, visible == 1 ? pev(index, pev_effects) & ~EF_NODRAW : pev(index, pev_effects) | EF_NODRAW)
return 1
stock bool:fm_is_in_viewcone(index, const Float:point[3]) {
new Float:angles[3]
pev(index, pev_angles, angles)
engfunc(EngFunc_MakeVectors, angles)
global_get(glb_v_forward, angles)
angles[2] = 0.0
new Float:origin[3], Float:diff[3], Float:norm[3]
pev(index, pev_origin, origin)
xs_vec_sub(point, origin, diff)
diff[2] = 0.0
xs_vec_normalize(diff, norm)
new Float:dot, Float:fov
dot = xs_vec_dot(norm, angles)
pev(index, pev_fov, fov)
if (dot >= floatcos(fov * M_PI / 360))
return true
return false
stock fm_trace_line(ignoreent, const Float:start[3], const Float:end[3], Float:ret[3]) {
engfunc(EngFunc_TraceLine, start, end, ignoreent == -1 ? 1 : 0, ignoreent, 0)
new ent = get_tr2(0, TR_pHit)
get_tr2(0, TR_vecEndPos, ret)
return pev_valid(ent) ? ent : 0
- jogador fixo repetir -bug (zona campista)
o Plug-ins com um erro quando o jogador de 5 tenta novamente o erro na zona de campista
o Plug-ins com um erro quando o jogador de 5 tenta novamente o erro na zona de campista
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <fakemeta>
#include <hamsandwich>
#include <xs>
#define PLUGIN "WalkGuard"
#define VERSÃO "1.3.2"
#define AUTHOR "mogel" [/ PHP]
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