[ReCS-Docker] Script to get, compile and run ReHLDS + Plugins

Hello everyone!

I made a Docker script that fetches all relevant modules for a 2024+ HL/CS 1.6 Dedicated Server from their sources, builds, deploys and runs them.
No compiled programs included, only official sources.

Only open source software used, no compiled modules (except steam & official hlds of course, but from official source)

Current supported modules:
Its made for developers and modders to setup an environment for testing quick and easy.

I would love to hear some feedback and i would be especially grateful for review of security.

Im just starting to learn about this new world of hlds (took a break for many years) so i need to know if anything is unsafe the way i configured it, so users of that script are not in danger. I heard there is a lot of competition and DDoSing in gameserver business...

Also if u have configuration or plugin ideas im happy to hear about them

Project page:
thats definately what is was searching for
but there is a problem. how do you gonna edit the addons and files? create a new image from the container? docker images must be created at the last point, when your server is already setup. would be great if you just get all the files on ur pc locally and can edit them, and only when the server is ready u just create a docker image
would be cool if that docker image would be just an "installer"
1. dl all files from web and build
2. copy to ur local folder all the compiled files
3. you can edit files and run manually
4. optional: you can build a docker image from your folder

thats how you can create multiple servers with different mods and run it easily
scoofcs glad it is helpful for you
the addons and files can be put in the cstrike folder. everything thats in there will overwrite the created files by docker. the .sma files you put in addons/amxmodx/scripting will even get compiled and automatically moved to plugins folder and added to plugins.ini

so its pretty much like you suggested. but if the full build would be copied to your drive for you to edit, all edits would be overwritten every time you rebuild / update

thats why i think its better to always have a clean build and copy your modifications afterwards.

for multiple servers and gamemodes you can copy the deploy docker and the cstrike folder to multiple locations and edit them for your needs
the once build server files will be simultaneously available for all deploy scripts. u will only have to build once to be able to use these built files for every deployment.

but keep in mind: this project is made for development, not for actual deployment of public gameservers.
i have no idea if its secure the way i configured it.

edit: you can still do what you wanted to do by using "docker cp" command after build is finished. but i dont recommend that. its because of that reason that you have a build AND a deploy script seperated
Последнее редактирование:
i dont get it
when u compile rehlds, do you need original hlds to replace files? or compiled rehlds is enough ?
scoofcs please read the build and deploy scripts and try to understand them or use something like ChatGPT and ask it to comment every line.
the build script gets original HLDS from valve/steam, builds rehlds and copies the compiled files over the original hlds. afaik thats the way its supposed to work.

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