Падает сервер

Обратите внимание, если вы хотите заключить сделку с этим пользователем, он заблокирован
Падает сервер
Amx Mod X
ReHLDS version:
ReGameDLL version:
Версия Metamod
Metamod-r v1.3.0.128, API (5:13)
Metamod-r build: 17:47:54 Aug 24 2018
Список метамодулей
[ 1] Reunion          RUN   -    reunion_mm_i386.so          v0.1.0.92       ini  Start Never
[ 2] WHBlocker RUN - whblocker_mm_i386.so v1.5.695 ini Chlvl ANY
[ 3] SoftBlocker RUN - softblocker_mm_i386.so v1.1g ini ANY Never
[ 4] ReSRDetector RUN - resrdetector_mm_i386.so v0.1.0 ini Chlvl ANY
[ 5] ReAuthCheck RUN - reauthcheck_mm_i386.so v0.1.6 ini Start Never
[ 6] ReSemiclip RUN - resemiclip_mm_i386.so v2.3.9 ini Chlvl ANY
[ 7] VoiceTranscoder RUN - VoiceTranscoder.so v2017RC3 ini ANY ANY
[ 8] AMX Mod X RUN - amxmodx_mm_i386.so v1.9.0.5221 ini Start ANY
[ 9] ReAimDetector RUN - reaimdetector_amxx_i386.so v0.2.2 pl8 ANY Never
[10] ReAPI RUN - reapi_amxx_i386.so v5.6.0.160-dev pl8 ANY Never
[11] CStrike RUN - cstrike_amxx_i386.so v1.9.0.5221 pl8 ANY ANY
[12] CSX RUN - csx_amxx_i386.so v1.9.0.5221 pl8 ANY ANY
[13] Fun RUN - fun_amxx_i386.so v1.9.0.5221 pl8 ANY ANY
[14] Engine RUN - engine_amxx_i386.so v1.9.0.5221 pl8 ANY ANY
[15] FakeMeta RUN - fakemeta_amxx_i386.so v1.9.0.5221 pl8 ANY ANY
[16] Ham Sandwich RUN - hamsandwich_amxx_i386.so v1.9.0.5221 pl8 ANY ANY
[17] MySQL RUN - mysql_amxx_i386.so v1.9.0.5221 pl8 ANY ANY
17 plugins, 17 running
Список плагинов
[ 17] CSStatsX SQL            0.7.4       serfreeman1337    csstatsx_sql.am  running
[ 18] AES: StatsX 0.5 Vega serfreeman1337 aes_statsx_cstr running
[ 19] StatsX AMXX Dev Team statsx.amxx running
[ 20] Announcer Killstreak 2.0 Jumper & mx?! killsound.amxx running
[ 21] [ReAPI] Admin Models 0.0.2 Vaqtincha reapi_adminvipm debug
[ 22] Smoke: HealthNade 0.0.3 wopox1337 smkhlndvip.amxx debug
[ 23] [ReAPI]No Team Flash 1.0 ReHLDS Team notmflashvip.am debug
[ 24] molodejj_damager 1.1 sector damagervipz.amx debug
[ 25] PrizeAwp 0.1 Demonx prizeawp.amxx debug
[ 26] [ReAPI] AimEspFix VIP 1.0 ? fix_vip_tab.amx debug
[ 27] Prize Knife 0.1 Safety1st knifeflags.amxx debug
[ 28] [ReAPI] AdminFreeLook 1.0 ReHLDS Team adminfreelook.a debug
[ 29] Show Motd 0.1 unnamed motdpriv.amxx debug
[ 30] Show IP 1.0 $uicid3 amx_ip.amxx debug
[ 31] antikill 1.0 Portugal antikill.amxx debug
[ 32] Masofke.eu Signed Scre 1.0 ThE_ChOSeN_OnE msfk_snapshot.a debug
[ 33] Advanced Gag 1.9.0 neygomon amx_gag.amxx debug
[ 34] AFK Control 1.4.1 [Rnd neygomon afk_control.amx debug
[ 35] Random Skies 1.1 tuty randomskies.amx debug
[ 36] ReAimDetector API 0.2.2 ReHLDS Team reaimdetector.a debug
[ 37] Knife warmup 0.1 Subb98 knife_warmup.am debug
[ 38] Auto Demo Recorder 2.2.1 F@nt0M demo_recorder.a debug
[ 39] Radio Hudmsg Block 1.0 AcE radiohudmsgbloc debug
[ 40] Adverts 1.0 pUzzlik adverts_message debug
[ 41] Dead Messages 2.0 maFFyoZZyk dead.amxx debug
[ 42] Aim Hud Info 1.0 Yakess aimhudinfo_smas debug
[ 43] Music Connect 1.1 Leo_[BH] music_connect.a debug
[ 44] Real Damage [ReApi] 2.0 Leo_[BH] real_damage.amx debug
[ 45] unknown unknown unknown ShowChangerName debug
[ 46] Bestplayer 0.2 Huntai bestplayer.amxx debug
[ 47] [ReAPI] AWPoff 1.4.3 PAffAEJIkA :3 awp_off.amxx debug
[ 48] Rat Bomb 1.0 Seroff mfsc4mdl.amxx debug
[ 49] C4 Timer 0.1 Lightman bombtimer.amxx debug
[ 50] resetscore(ReAPI) 1.0 Phantom resetscore.amxx debug
[ 51] Killer ScreenFade 0.0.5 Vaqtincha reapi_killer_sc debug
[ 52] unknown unknown unknown mg_sound.amxx debug
[ 53] AFK Bomb Transfer 0.4 VEN afkbombtransfer debug
[ 54] Team menu 1.1 NobodyInTeam teammenu.amxx debug
[ 55] Icon Color 1.0 AcE icon_color.amxx debug
[ 56] Pop Grenades 1.2 EFFx/HamletEagle GrenadePop.amxx debug
[ 57] GameName Changer 1.0 neugomon gamename_change debug
[ 58] MSFK VTB 1.4 neygomon lite_voteban.am debug
[ 59] FirstPlayersRespawn 1.0 beta L]Ep6Ep. FirstPlayersRes debug
[ 60] Map Manager: Core 3.0.0 Mistrick map_manager_cor running
[ 61] Map Manager: Scheduler 0.1.0 Mistrick map_manager_sch running
[ 62] Map Manager: Rtv 0.0.4 Mistrick map_manager_rtv running
[ 63] Map Manager: Nominatio 0.0.8 Mistrick map_manager_nom running
[ 64] Map Manager: BlockList 0.0.3 Mistrick map_manager_blo running
[ 65] Map Manager: Online so 0.0.2 Mistrick map_manager_onl running
[ 66] Map Manager: Effects 0.0.8 Mistrick map_manager_eff running
[ 67] Map Manager: Informer 0.0.5 Mistrick map_manager_inf running
[ 68] Map Manager: Advanced 0.0.4 Mistrick map_manager_adv running
[ 69] [ReVIP] System Core 2.5 free pUzzlik re_vip_core.amx running
[ 70] [ReVIP] Menu 2.5 free pUzzlik re_vip_menu.amx running
[ 71] [ReVIP] Connected Info 2.5 free pUzzlik re_vip_connect_ running
[ 72] [ReVIP] Tab Info 2.5 free pUzzlik re_vip_tab_info running
[ 73] [ReVIP] Add HP 2.5 free pUzzlik re_vip_hp_add.a running
[ 74] Advanced Experience Sy 0.5 Vega serfreeman1337 aes_main.amxx running
[ 75] AES: CStrike Addon 0.5 Vega serfreeman1337 aes_exp_cstrike running
Остальные плагины каторые идут от 1 до 16 это стандартные каторые я отключил и не пользуюсь ими.
Прикладываю дебаг логи. P.S сервер автоматически вырубается в 9 утра и в 9.10 включается по крон табу на протежени работы сервера а он у меня работает 24/7 я ставлю на сервер 20 ботов и каждый раз при падении появляются всё новые core.цыфры типа такого xD

00 9 * * * /etc/init.d/hlds stop
10 9 * * * /etc/init.d/hlds start
"hlds" это скрипт запуска он находится у меня тут /etc/init.d/hlds

CRASH: Sun Nov 4 10:53:01 EET 2018
Start Line: ./hlds_linux -game cstrike -port 27015 +ip -maxplayers 32 -debug -bots +sys_ticrate 800 +map de_dust2 -pingboost 2 -pidfile hlds.9447.pid
[New LWP 9454]
[New LWP 9457]
[New LWP 9458]
[New LWP 9460]
[New LWP 9464]
[New LWP 9465]
[New LWP 9466]
[New LWP 9467]
[New LWP 9472]
[New LWP 9484]
[New LWP 10287]
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libthread_db.so.1".
Core was generated by `./hlds_linux -game cstrike -port 27015 +ip -maxplayers 32 -debug'.
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
#0 0x00000000 in ?? ()
#0 0x00000000 in ?? ()
#1 0xf2be94c3 in ?? ()
Backtrace stopped: previous frame inner to this frame (corrupt stack?)
No symbol table info available.
From To Syms Read Shared Object Library
0xf772ea60 0xf772f9d8 Yes (*) /lib32/libdl.so.2
0xf76a1914 0xf76e7c78 Yes ./libstdc++.so.6
0xf76384b0 0xf7653518 Yes (*) /lib32/libm.so.6
0xf74e3c90 0xf75f90bc Yes (*) /lib32/libc.so.6
0xf773a830 0xf775214f Yes (*) /lib/ld-linux.so.2
0xf74b9e04 0xf74c9490 Yes ./libgcc_s.so.1
0xf6ded510 0xf6ed1a60 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/engine_i486.so
0xf6db28c0 0xf6db6638 Yes (*) /lib32/librt.so.1
0xf6da05c0 0xf6daad74 Yes (*) ./libsteam_api.so
0xf6d88610 0xf6d94bb8 Yes /lib32/libpthread.so.0
0xf6d6bf40 0xf6d7d3f8 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/filesystem_stdio.so
0xf5935200 0xf67ce3c4 Yes (*) /root/.steam/sdk32/steamclient.so
0xf30116a0 0xf3053f70 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/./cstrike/addons/metamod/metamod_i386.so
0xf2de4760 0xf2f5e6d0 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/cstrike/dlls/cs.so
0xf2cb73a0 0xf2ccd370 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/cstrike/addons/reunion/reunion_mm_i386.so
0xf2bfbdb0 0xf2c17ec0 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/cstrike/addons/whblocker/whblocker_mm_i386.so
Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/cstrike/addons/softblocker/softblocker_mm_i386.so
0xf2bd0980 0xf2bdcd30 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/cstrike/addons/resrdetector/resrdetector_mm_i386.so
0xf2ba7b40 0xf2bb10b0 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/cstrike/addons/reauthcheck/reauthcheck_mm_i386.so
0xf2b95b90 0xf2b9f2f0 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/cstrike/addons/resemiclip/resemiclip_mm_i386.so
0xf297d8c0 0xf2b2b571 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/cstrike/addons/VoiceTranscoder/VoiceTranscoder.so
0xf27498f0 0xf27ac937 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/cstrike/addons/amxmodx/dlls/amxmodx_mm_i386.so
0xf2723130 0xf2729810 Yes (*) cstrike/addons/amxmodx/modules/reaimdetector_amxx_i386.so
0xf26bb740 0xf26ea7e0 Yes (*) cstrike/addons/amxmodx/modules/reapi_amxx_i386.so
0xf2682d50 0xf2692460 Yes (*) cstrike/addons/amxmodx/modules/cstrike_amxx_i386.so
0xf2604120 0xf260a404 Yes (*) cstrike/addons/amxmodx/modules/csx_amxx_i386.so
0xf25f1660 0xf25f5f94 Yes (*) cstrike/addons/amxmodx/modules/fun_amxx_i386.so
0xf25d7290 0xf25e380c Yes (*) cstrike/addons/amxmodx/modules/engine_amxx_i386.so
0xf25969e0 0xf25c2dbc Yes (*) cstrike/addons/amxmodx/modules/fakemeta_amxx_i386.so
0xf256f9b0 0xf2573a08 Yes (*) cstrike/addons/amxmodx/modules/nvault_amxx_i386.so
0xf251bb60 0xf2563624 Yes (*) cstrike/addons/amxmodx/modules/hamsandwich_amxx_i386.so
0xf2053790 0xf20ebfc5 Yes (*) cstrike/addons/amxmodx/modules/mysql_amxx_i386.so
0xef6fb200 0xf05943c4 Yes (*) ./steamclient.so
0xf1e91a50 0xf1e98908 Yes (*) /lib32/libnss_files.so.2
0xf1e89c00 0xf1e8cd08 Yes (*) /lib32/libnss_dns.so.2
0xf1e5c650 0xf1e68928 Yes (*) /lib32/libresolv.so.2
0xf1dba670 0xf1e30020 Yes (*) ./crashhandler.so
(*): Shared library is missing debugging information.
Stack level 0, frame at 0xffe6cc80:
eip = 0x0; saved eip 0xf2be94c3
called by frame at 0xf2bf2a88
Arglist at 0xffe6cc78, args:
Locals at 0xffe6cc78, Previous frame's sp is 0xffe6cc80
Saved registers:
eip at 0xffe6cc7c
End of crash report
CRASH: Sun Nov 4 11:20:58 EET 2018
Start Line: ./hlds_linux -game cstrike -port 27015 +ip -maxplayers 32 -debug -bots +sys_ticrate 800 +map de_dust2 -pingboost 2 -pidfile hlds.9447.pid
[New LWP 10313]
[New LWP 10316]
[New LWP 10317]
[New LWP 10319]
[New LWP 10323]
[New LWP 10324]
[New LWP 10325]
[New LWP 10326]
[New LWP 10327]
[New LWP 10419]
[New LWP 10527]
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libthread_db.so.1".
Core was generated by `./hlds_linux -game cstrike -port 27015 +ip -maxplayers 32 -debug'.
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
#0 0x00000000 in ?? ()
#0 0x00000000 in ?? ()
#1 0xf2ba24c3 in ?? ()
Backtrace stopped: previous frame inner to this frame (corrupt stack?)
No symbol table info available.
From To Syms Read Shared Object Library
0xf76e7a60 0xf76e89d8 Yes (*) /lib32/libdl.so.2
0xf765a914 0xf76a0c78 Yes ./libstdc++.so.6
0xf75f14b0 0xf760c518 Yes (*) /lib32/libm.so.6
0xf749cc90 0xf75b20bc Yes (*) /lib32/libc.so.6
0xf76f3830 0xf770b14f Yes (*) /lib/ld-linux.so.2
0xf7472e04 0xf7482490 Yes ./libgcc_s.so.1
0xf6da6510 0xf6e8aa60 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/engine_i486.so
0xf6d6b8c0 0xf6d6f638 Yes (*) /lib32/librt.so.1
0xf6d595c0 0xf6d63d74 Yes (*) ./libsteam_api.so
0xf6d41610 0xf6d4dbb8 Yes /lib32/libpthread.so.0
0xf6d24f40 0xf6d363f8 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/filesystem_stdio.so
0xf58ee200 0xf67873c4 Yes (*) /root/.steam/sdk32/steamclient.so
0xf2fca6a0 0xf300cf70 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/./cstrike/addons/metamod/metamod_i386.so
0xf2d9d760 0xf2f176d0 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/cstrike/dlls/cs.so
0xf2c703a0 0xf2c86370 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/cstrike/addons/reunion/reunion_mm_i386.so
0xf2bb4db0 0xf2bd0ec0 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/cstrike/addons/whblocker/whblocker_mm_i386.so
Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/cstrike/addons/softblocker/softblocker_mm_i386.so
0xf2b89980 0xf2b95d30 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/cstrike/addons/resrdetector/resrdetector_mm_i386.so
0xf2b60b40 0xf2b6a0b0 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/cstrike/addons/reauthcheck/reauthcheck_mm_i386.so
0xf2b4eb90 0xf2b582f0 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/cstrike/addons/resemiclip/resemiclip_mm_i386.so
0xf29368c0 0xf2ae4571 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/cstrike/addons/VoiceTranscoder/VoiceTranscoder.so
0xf27028f0 0xf2765937 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/cstrike/addons/amxmodx/dlls/amxmodx_mm_i386.so
0xf26dc130 0xf26e2810 Yes (*) cstrike/addons/amxmodx/modules/reaimdetector_amxx_i386.so
0xf2674740 0xf26a37e0 Yes (*) cstrike/addons/amxmodx/modules/reapi_amxx_i386.so
0xf263bd50 0xf264b460 Yes (*) cstrike/addons/amxmodx/modules/cstrike_amxx_i386.so
0xf25bd120 0xf25c3404 Yes (*) cstrike/addons/amxmodx/modules/csx_amxx_i386.so
0xf25aa660 0xf25aef94 Yes (*) cstrike/addons/amxmodx/modules/fun_amxx_i386.so
0xf2590290 0xf259c80c Yes (*) cstrike/addons/amxmodx/modules/engine_amxx_i386.so
0xf254f9e0 0xf257bdbc Yes (*) cstrike/addons/amxmodx/modules/fakemeta_amxx_i386.so
0xf25289b0 0xf252ca08 Yes (*) cstrike/addons/amxmodx/modules/nvault_amxx_i386.so
0xf24d4b60 0xf251c624 Yes (*) cstrike/addons/amxmodx/modules/hamsandwich_amxx_i386.so
0xf200c790 0xf20a4fc5 Yes (*) cstrike/addons/amxmodx/modules/mysql_amxx_i386.so
0xef6b4200 0xf054d3c4 Yes (*) ./steamclient.so
0xf1e4aa50 0xf1e51908 Yes (*) /lib32/libnss_files.so.2
0xf1e42c00 0xf1e45d08 Yes (*) /lib32/libnss_dns.so.2
0xf1e15650 0xf1e21928 Yes (*) /lib32/libresolv.so.2
0xf1d73670 0xf1de9020 Yes (*) ./crashhandler.so
(*): Shared library is missing debugging information.
Stack level 0, frame at 0xff828d00:
eip = 0x0; saved eip 0xf2ba24c3
called by frame at 0xf2baba88
Arglist at 0xff828cf8, args:
Locals at 0xff828cf8, Previous frame's sp is 0xff828d00
Saved registers:
eip at 0xff828cfc
End of crash report
CRASH: Sun Nov 4 11:48:54 EET 2018
Start Line: ./hlds_linux -game cstrike -port 27015 +ip -maxplayers 32 -debug -bots +sys_ticrate 800 +map de_dust2 -pingboost 2 -pidfile hlds.9447.pid
[New LWP 10581]
[New LWP 10584]
[New LWP 10585]
[New LWP 10587]
[New LWP 10591]
[New LWP 10592]
[New LWP 10593]
[New LWP 10594]
[New LWP 10595]
[New LWP 10645]
[New LWP 10793]
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libthread_db.so.1".
Core was generated by `./hlds_linux -game cstrike -port 27015 +ip -maxplayers 32 -debug'.
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
#0 0x00000000 in ?? ()
#0 0x00000000 in ?? ()
#1 0xf2c234c3 in ?? ()
Backtrace stopped: previous frame inner to this frame (corrupt stack?)
No symbol table info available.
From To Syms Read Shared Object Library
0xf7768a60 0xf77699d8 Yes (*) /lib32/libdl.so.2
0xf76db914 0xf7721c78 Yes ./libstdc++.so.6
0xf76724b0 0xf768d518 Yes (*) /lib32/libm.so.6
0xf751dc90 0xf76330bc Yes (*) /lib32/libc.so.6
0xf7774830 0xf778c14f Yes (*) /lib/ld-linux.so.2
0xf74f3e04 0xf7503490 Yes ./libgcc_s.so.1
0xf6e27510 0xf6f0ba60 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/engine_i486.so
0xf6dec8c0 0xf6df0638 Yes (*) /lib32/librt.so.1
0xf6dda5c0 0xf6de4d74 Yes (*) ./libsteam_api.so
0xf6dc2610 0xf6dcebb8 Yes /lib32/libpthread.so.0
0xf6da5f40 0xf6db73f8 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/filesystem_stdio.so
0xf596f200 0xf68083c4 Yes (*) /root/.steam/sdk32/steamclient.so
0xf304b6a0 0xf308df70 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/./cstrike/addons/metamod/metamod_i386.so
0xf2e1e760 0xf2f986d0 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/cstrike/dlls/cs.so
0xf2cf13a0 0xf2d07370 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/cstrike/addons/reunion/reunion_mm_i386.so
0xf2c35db0 0xf2c51ec0 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/cstrike/addons/whblocker/whblocker_mm_i386.so
Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/cstrike/addons/softblocker/softblocker_mm_i386.so
0xf2c0a980 0xf2c16d30 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/cstrike/addons/resrdetector/resrdetector_mm_i386.so
0xf2be1b40 0xf2beb0b0 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/cstrike/addons/reauthcheck/reauthcheck_mm_i386.so
0xf2bcfb90 0xf2bd92f0 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/cstrike/addons/resemiclip/resemiclip_mm_i386.so
0xf29b78c0 0xf2b65571 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/cstrike/addons/VoiceTranscoder/VoiceTranscoder.so
0xf27838f0 0xf27e6937 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/cstrike/addons/amxmodx/dlls/amxmodx_mm_i386.so
0xf275d130 0xf2763810 Yes (*) cstrike/addons/amxmodx/modules/reaimdetector_amxx_i386.so
0xf26f5740 0xf27247e0 Yes (*) cstrike/addons/amxmodx/modules/reapi_amxx_i386.so
0xf26bcd50 0xf26cc460 Yes (*) cstrike/addons/amxmodx/modules/cstrike_amxx_i386.so
0xf263e120 0xf2644404 Yes (*) cstrike/addons/amxmodx/modules/csx_amxx_i386.so
0xf262b660 0xf262ff94 Yes (*) cstrike/addons/amxmodx/modules/fun_amxx_i386.so
0xf2611290 0xf261d80c Yes (*) cstrike/addons/amxmodx/modules/engine_amxx_i386.so
0xf25d09e0 0xf25fcdbc Yes (*) cstrike/addons/amxmodx/modules/fakemeta_amxx_i386.so
0xf25a99b0 0xf25ada08 Yes (*) cstrike/addons/amxmodx/modules/nvault_amxx_i386.so
0xf2555b60 0xf259d624 Yes (*) cstrike/addons/amxmodx/modules/hamsandwich_amxx_i386.so
0xf208d790 0xf2125fc5 Yes (*) cstrike/addons/amxmodx/modules/mysql_amxx_i386.so
0xef735200 0xf05ce3c4 Yes (*) ./steamclient.so
0xf1ecba50 0xf1ed2908 Yes (*) /lib32/libnss_files.so.2
0xf1ec3c00 0xf1ec6d08 Yes (*) /lib32/libnss_dns.so.2
0xf1e96650 0xf1ea2928 Yes (*) /lib32/libresolv.so.2
0xf1df4670 0xf1e6a020 Yes (*) ./crashhandler.so
(*): Shared library is missing debugging information.
Stack level 0, frame at 0xffc28e80:
eip = 0x0; saved eip 0xf2c234c3
called by frame at 0xf2c2ca88
Arglist at 0xffc28e78, args:
Locals at 0xffc28e78, Previous frame's sp is 0xffc28e80
Saved registers:
eip at 0xffc28e7c
End of crash report
CRASH: Sun Nov 4 12:16:50 EET 2018
Start Line: ./hlds_linux -game cstrike -port 27015 +ip -maxplayers 32 -debug -bots +sys_ticrate 800 +map de_dust2 -pingboost 2 -pidfile hlds.9447.pid
[New LWP 10818]
[New LWP 10821]
[New LWP 10822]
[New LWP 10824]
[New LWP 10828]
[New LWP 10829]
[New LWP 10830]
[New LWP 10831]
[New LWP 10832]
[New LWP 10861]
[New LWP 11011]
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libthread_db.so.1".
Core was generated by `./hlds_linux -game cstrike -port 27015 +ip -maxplayers 32 -debug'.
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
#0 0x00000000 in ?? ()
#0 0x00000000 in ?? ()
#1 0xf2c2c4c3 in ?? ()
Backtrace stopped: previous frame inner to this frame (corrupt stack?)
No symbol table info available.
From To Syms Read Shared Object Library
0xf7771a60 0xf77729d8 Yes (*) /lib32/libdl.so.2
0xf76e4914 0xf772ac78 Yes ./libstdc++.so.6
0xf767b4b0 0xf7696518 Yes (*) /lib32/libm.so.6
0xf7526c90 0xf763c0bc Yes (*) /lib32/libc.so.6
0xf777d830 0xf779514f Yes (*) /lib/ld-linux.so.2
0xf74fce04 0xf750c490 Yes ./libgcc_s.so.1
0xf6e30510 0xf6f14a60 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/engine_i486.so
0xf6df58c0 0xf6df9638 Yes (*) /lib32/librt.so.1
0xf6de35c0 0xf6dedd74 Yes (*) ./libsteam_api.so
0xf6dcb610 0xf6dd7bb8 Yes /lib32/libpthread.so.0
0xf6daef40 0xf6dc03f8 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/filesystem_stdio.so
0xf5978200 0xf68113c4 Yes (*) /root/.steam/sdk32/steamclient.so
0xf30546a0 0xf3096f70 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/./cstrike/addons/metamod/metamod_i386.so
0xf2e27760 0xf2fa16d0 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/cstrike/dlls/cs.so
0xf2cfa3a0 0xf2d10370 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/cstrike/addons/reunion/reunion_mm_i386.so
0xf2c3edb0 0xf2c5aec0 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/cstrike/addons/whblocker/whblocker_mm_i386.so
Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/cstrike/addons/softblocker/softblocker_mm_i386.so
0xf2c13980 0xf2c1fd30 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/cstrike/addons/resrdetector/resrdetector_mm_i386.so
0xf2beab40 0xf2bf40b0 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/cstrike/addons/reauthcheck/reauthcheck_mm_i386.so
0xf2bd8b90 0xf2be22f0 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/cstrike/addons/resemiclip/resemiclip_mm_i386.so
0xf29c08c0 0xf2b6e571 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/cstrike/addons/VoiceTranscoder/VoiceTranscoder.so
0xf278c8f0 0xf27ef937 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/cstrike/addons/amxmodx/dlls/amxmodx_mm_i386.so
0xf2766130 0xf276c810 Yes (*) cstrike/addons/amxmodx/modules/reaimdetector_amxx_i386.so
0xf26fe740 0xf272d7e0 Yes (*) cstrike/addons/amxmodx/modules/reapi_amxx_i386.so
0xf26c5d50 0xf26d5460 Yes (*) cstrike/addons/amxmodx/modules/cstrike_amxx_i386.so
0xf2647120 0xf264d404 Yes (*) cstrike/addons/amxmodx/modules/csx_amxx_i386.so
0xf2634660 0xf2638f94 Yes (*) cstrike/addons/amxmodx/modules/fun_amxx_i386.so
0xf261a290 0xf262680c Yes (*) cstrike/addons/amxmodx/modules/engine_amxx_i386.so
0xf25d99e0 0xf2605dbc Yes (*) cstrike/addons/amxmodx/modules/fakemeta_amxx_i386.so
0xf25b29b0 0xf25b6a08 Yes (*) cstrike/addons/amxmodx/modules/nvault_amxx_i386.so
0xf255eb60 0xf25a6624 Yes (*) cstrike/addons/amxmodx/modules/hamsandwich_amxx_i386.so
0xf2096790 0xf212efc5 Yes (*) cstrike/addons/amxmodx/modules/mysql_amxx_i386.so
0xef73e200 0xf05d73c4 Yes (*) ./steamclient.so
0xf1ed4a50 0xf1edb908 Yes (*) /lib32/libnss_files.so.2
0xf1eccc00 0xf1ecfd08 Yes (*) /lib32/libnss_dns.so.2
0xf1e9f650 0xf1eab928 Yes (*) /lib32/libresolv.so.2
0xf1dfd670 0xf1e73020 Yes (*) ./crashhandler.so
(*): Shared library is missing debugging information.
Stack level 0, frame at 0xfffb8980:
eip = 0x0; saved eip 0xf2c2c4c3
called by frame at 0xf2c35a88
Arglist at 0xfffb8978, args:
Locals at 0xfffb8978, Previous frame's sp is 0xfffb8980
Saved registers:
eip at 0xfffb897c
End of crash report
CRASH: Sun Nov 4 12:44:47 EET 2018
Start Line: ./hlds_linux -game cstrike -port 27015 +ip -maxplayers 32 -debug -bots +sys_ticrate 800 +map de_dust2 -pingboost 2 -pidfile hlds.9447.pid
[New LWP 11043]
[New LWP 11046]
[New LWP 11047]
[New LWP 11049]
[New LWP 11053]
[New LWP 11054]
[New LWP 11055]
[New LWP 11056]
[New LWP 11057]
[New LWP 11137]
[New LWP 11260]
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libthread_db.so.1".
Core was generated by `./hlds_linux -game cstrike -port 27015 +ip -maxplayers 32 -debug'.
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
#0 0x00000000 in ?? ()
#0 0x00000000 in ?? ()
#1 0xf2be24c3 in ?? ()
Backtrace stopped: previous frame inner to this frame (corrupt stack?)
No symbol table info available.
From To Syms Read Shared Object Library
0xf7727a60 0xf77289d8 Yes (*) /lib32/libdl.so.2
0xf769a914 0xf76e0c78 Yes ./libstdc++.so.6
0xf76314b0 0xf764c518 Yes (*) /lib32/libm.so.6
0xf74dcc90 0xf75f20bc Yes (*) /lib32/libc.so.6
0xf7733830 0xf774b14f Yes (*) /lib/ld-linux.so.2
0xf74b2e04 0xf74c2490 Yes ./libgcc_s.so.1
0xf6de6510 0xf6ecaa60 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/engine_i486.so
0xf6dab8c0 0xf6daf638 Yes (*) /lib32/librt.so.1
0xf6d995c0 0xf6da3d74 Yes (*) ./libsteam_api.so
0xf6d81610 0xf6d8dbb8 Yes /lib32/libpthread.so.0
0xf6d64f40 0xf6d763f8 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/filesystem_stdio.so
0xf592e200 0xf67c73c4 Yes (*) /root/.steam/sdk32/steamclient.so
0xf300a6a0 0xf304cf70 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/./cstrike/addons/metamod/metamod_i386.so
0xf2ddd760 0xf2f576d0 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/cstrike/dlls/cs.so
0xf2cb03a0 0xf2cc6370 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/cstrike/addons/reunion/reunion_mm_i386.so
0xf2bf4db0 0xf2c10ec0 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/cstrike/addons/whblocker/whblocker_mm_i386.so
Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/cstrike/addons/softblocker/softblocker_mm_i386.so
0xf2bc9980 0xf2bd5d30 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/cstrike/addons/resrdetector/resrdetector_mm_i386.so
0xf2ba0b40 0xf2baa0b0 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/cstrike/addons/reauthcheck/reauthcheck_mm_i386.so
0xf2b8eb90 0xf2b982f0 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/cstrike/addons/resemiclip/resemiclip_mm_i386.so
0xf29768c0 0xf2b24571 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/cstrike/addons/VoiceTranscoder/VoiceTranscoder.so
0xf27428f0 0xf27a5937 Yes (*) /root/hlds/server/masofkepb/cstrike/addons/amxmodx/dlls/amxmodx_mm_i386.so
0xf271c130 0xf2722810 Yes (*) cstrike/addons/amxmodx/modules/reaimdetector_amxx_i386.so
0xf26b4740 0xf26e37e0 Yes (*) cstrike/addons/amxmodx/modules/reapi_amxx_i386.so
0xf267bd50 0xf268b460 Yes (*) cstrike/addons/amxmodx/modules/cstrike_amxx_i386.so
0xf25fd120 0xf2603404 Yes (*) cstrike/addons/amxmodx/modules/csx_amxx_i386.so
0xf25ea660 0xf25eef94 Yes (*) cstrike/addons/amxmodx/modules/fun_amxx_i386.so
0xf25d0290 0xf25dc80c Yes (*) cstrike/addons/amxmodx/modules/engine_amxx_i386.so
0xf258f9e0 0xf25bbdbc Yes (*) cstrike/addons/amxmodx/modules/fakemeta_amxx_i386.so
0xf25689b0 0xf256ca08 Yes (*) cstrike/addons/amxmodx/modules/nvault_amxx_i386.so
0xf2514b60 0xf255c624 Yes (*) cstrike/addons/amxmodx/modules/hamsandwich_amxx_i386.so
0xf204c790 0xf20e4fc5 Yes (*) cstrike/addons/amxmodx/modules/mysql_amxx_i386.so
0xef6f4200 0xf058d3c4 Yes (*) ./steamclient.so
0xf1e8aa50 0xf1e91908 Yes (*) /lib32/libnss_files.so.2
0xf1e82c00 0xf1e85d08 Yes (*) /lib32/libnss_dns.so.2
0xf1e55650 0xf1e61928 Yes (*) /lib32/libresolv.so.2
0xf1db3670 0xf1e29020 Yes (*) ./crashhandler.so
(*): Shared library is missing debugging information.
Stack level 0, frame at 0xffb67880:
eip = 0x0; saved eip 0xf2be24c3
called by frame at 0xf2beba88
Arglist at 0xffb67878, args:
Locals at 0xffb67878, Previous frame's sp is 0xffb67880
Saved registers:
eip at 0xffb6787c
End of crash report
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