#if defined _sxgeo_included
#define _sxgeo_included
#pragma reqlib sxgeo
#pragma loadlib sxgeo
#pragma library sxgeo
* Look up the two character country code for a given IP address.
* e.g: "RU", "KZ", "US", etc.
* @param ip The IP address to look up.
* @param output The result buffer. If the lookup does not succeed, the buffer is not modified.
* @return true on a successful lookup, false on a failed lookup.
native bool:sxgeo_code(const ip[], output[3]);
* Look up the full country name for the given IP address.
* @param ip The IP address to look up.
* @param output The output of the sxgeo look up.
* @param len The maximum length of the output buffer.
* @param lang Which language to the output of result the sxgeo lookup.
* Supported languages:
* "ru", "en"
* @return true on a successful lookup, false on a failed lookup.
native bool:sxgeo_country(const ip[], output[], const len, const lang[] = "en");
* Look up the full city name for the given IP address.
* @param ip The IP address to look up.
* @param output The output of the sxgeo look up.
* @param len The maximum length of the output buffer.
* @param lang Which language to the output of result the sxgeo lookup.
* Supported languages:
* "ru", "en"
* @return true on a successful lookup, false on a failed lookup.
native bool:sxgeo_city(const ip[], output[], const len, const lang[] = "en");
* Look up the city's latitude for the given IP address.
* @param ip The IP address to look up.
* @return The result of the sxgeo look up, 0 if latitude is not found.
native Float:sxgeo_latitude(const ip[]);
* Look up the city's longitude for the given IP address.
* @param ip The IP address to look up.
* @return The result of the sxgeo look up, 0 if longitude is not found.
native Float:sxgeo_longitude(const ip[]);
* Look up the full region/state name for the given IP address.
* @param ip The IP address to look up.
* @param output The output of the sxgeo look up.
* @param len The maximum length of the output buffer.
* @param lang Which language to the output of result the sxgeo lookup.
* Supported languages:
* "ru", "en"
* @return true on a successful lookup, false on a failed lookup.
native bool:sxgeo_region(const ip[], output[], const len, const lang[] = "en");
* Look up the region/state code for the given IP address.
* e.g. "RU-TOM", "US-OH", "DE-HH", IT-82, "FR-U", etc.
* @param ip The IP address to look up.
* @param output The output of the sxgeo look up.
* @param len The maximum length of the output buffer.
* @return true on a successful lookup, false on a failed lookup.
native bool:sxgeo_region_code(const ip[], output[], const len);
* Calculate the distance between geographical coordinates, latitude and longitude.
* @param ip The IP address to look up.
* @param lat1 The first IP latitude.
* @param lon1 The first IP longitude.
* @param lat2 The second IP latitude.
* @param lon2 The second IP longitude.
* @param system The system of measurement, 0 = Metric(kilometers) or 1 = English(miles).
* @return The distance as result in specified system of measurement.
#define SYSTEM_METRIC 0 // kilometers
#define SYSTEM_IMPERIAL 1 // statute miles
native Float:sxgeo_distance(Float:lat1, Float:lon1, Float:lat2, Float:lon2, system = SYSTEM_METRIC);