Поиск Smoke plugin problem.

Hi. I currently use a extra smoke puff plugin, and recently discovered a BUG. When the player is at the edge of it (smoke), I get the name of the player. Is there any possibility to fix this ? From what I've heard from someone, it might be possible to fix this with a plugin that detects when it's smoke and when it's not .
I'll attach a picture of this bug.


when asking to solve a bug you need to post which plugin you are using, look for custom smoke on thi site and it will work fine

for your problem just use mp_playerid 1 on your server.cfg
My bad... Here is the code.
#include <amxmodx>
#include <fakemeta>
#include <reapi>

const SmokeCount = 3;

public plugin_init() 
    register_plugin("SmokeEX", "0.1", "d3m37r4");
    RegisterHookChain(RG_CGrenade_ExplodeSmokeGrenade, "CGrenade_ExplodeSmokeGrenade_Post", true);

public CGrenade_ExplodeSmokeGrenade_Post(const ent) 
    new Float:origin[3];
    get_entvar(ent, var_origin, origin);

    new m_usEvent = get_member(ent, m_Grenade_usEvent);

    for (new i; i < SmokeCount; i++) 
        engfunc(EngFunc_PlaybackEvent, FEV_GLOBAL, 0, m_usEvent, 0.0, origin, Float:{0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 1, 1, 0);

    return HC_CONTINUE;
3 Май 2022
when asking to solve a bug you need to post which plugin you are using, look for custom smoke on thi site and it will work fine

for your problem just use mp_playerid 1 on your server.cfg
mp_playerid 1 is showing only teammates, but i want to see enemy's name too
claudiuandrei10, the only solution is to just explode another normal smoke grenade, I think you are trying to replicate the smoke from fastcup, but they are doing it from the clientside anticheat, modifying the actual game memory, which in turn fixes this issue you are having, they probably went thru the same issue!

What you could do is explode another smoke slightly to the right and left which SHOULD fix it but then again you probably are considering what fastcup admins were considering and it didn't work out, because 1)thje smoke grenade CAN explode in the air 2) what will happen if you say... throw a smoke grenade on a edge? what if its on a edge that would generally not be an issue because you can still check if the new position is gonna be in the air, but then its gonna be a normal smoke or 2x smoke with the same issue you are trying to fix :D so the only real fix is clientside or finding a way to hook the playerid function and traceray into the aiming direction and detect if theres a smoke and block it altogether but it would cost a lot in terms of performance (i think)

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