Поиск Плагин блока колеса

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1 раз(а)
Есть такой плагин для блока колеса. А то запарили своим колесом
2 раз(а)
eduardglotov, держи )
#include <amxmodx>
#include <fakemeta>
new last_stand[33],Float:duck_start_time[33]
public plugin_init() {
   register_plugin("Anti DD Scroll", "1.0 Fixed", "Empower");
   register_forward(FM_CmdStart, "pfw_CmdStart", 1);
   register_cvar("adds_version", "1.0", FCVAR_SERVER | FCVAR_SPONLY);
public pfw_CmdStart(id, pUC, seed)
   new iButtons = get_uc(pUC, UC_Buttons);
   // just ducked
   if(iButtons & IN_DUCK)
         duck_start_time[id] = get_gametime();
         last_stand[id] = false;
   // just got up
         new Float:fGameTime = get_gametime()
         // So low time, this is scroll for sure, block duck.
            new Float:vVeloc[3];
            pev(id, pev_velocity, vVeloc);
            vVeloc[0] = vVeloc[0]/2;
            vVeloc[1] = vVeloc[1]/2;
            set_pev(id, pev_velocity, vVeloc);
      last_stand[id] = true;
61 раз(а)
Google - даёт МАССУ ответов. Если не можешь воспользоваться гуглом - это печально... :negative:
1) Anti DD Scroll by Empower
/* Plugin specialy made for best server in the world ukr-games.com
If you find any bugs, please sent me icq:60-500-400/skype empower-666.         */

#include <amxmodx>
#include <fakemeta>

new last_stand[33],Float:duck_start_time[33],Float:last_origin[33][3]

public plugin_init() {
    register_plugin("Anti DD Scroll", "1.0", "Empower")
    register_forward(FM_CmdStart, "pfw_CmdStart", 1)

    register_cvar("adds_version", "1.0", FCVAR_SERVER | FCVAR_SPONLY)

public pfw_CmdStart(id, pUC, seed)
    new iButtons = get_uc(pUC, UC_Buttons)

    // just ducked
    if(iButtons & IN_DUCK)
            duck_start_time[id] = get_gametime()
            last_stand[id] = false;
    // just got up
            new Float:fGameTime = get_gametime()
            // So low time, this is scroll for sure, block duck.
                engfunc(EngFunc_SetOrigin, id, last_origin[id])
                set_pev(id, pev_bInDuck, false);
        last_stand[id] = true;


2) by Exolent[jNr]
#include <amxmodx>
#include <fakemeta>

#define PLUGIN "New Plugin"
#define VERSION "1.0"
#define AUTHOR "Author"

public plugin_init()
    register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR)
    register_forward(FM_PlayerPreThink, "fwd_PlayerPreThink");

public fwd_PlayerPreThink(id)
        return FMRES_IGNORED;

    static button;
    button = pev(id, pev_button);
    if(button & IN_DUCK)
        button &= ~IN_DUCK;
        set_pev(id, pev_button, button);
    return FMRES_IGNORED;

3) Anti Silent Run v0.1.2 by VEN
/* AMX Mod X
*   Anti Silent Run
* (c) Copyright 2007 by VEN
* This file is provided as is (no warranties)
*        Plugin resets player speed on double duck to prevent silent run exploit.
*        0.1.2
*            - fixed: speed was reset on fall duck
*        0.1.1
*            - fixed: speed was reset on jump duck
*        0.1
*            - initial version

// plugin's main information
#define PLUGIN_NAME "Anti Silent Run"
#define PLUGIN_VERSION "0.1.2"

#include <amxmodx>
#include <fakemeta>

#define MAX_CLIENTS 32
new Float:g_view_ofs[MAX_CLIENTS + 1][3]

#define VEC_VIEW 17.0
#define VEC_DUCK_VIEW 12.0

new const g_player_hull[] = {

public plugin_init() {
    register_forward(FM_PlayerPreThink, "fwPlayerPreThink")
    register_forward(FM_PlayerPostThink, "fwPlayerPostThink")

public fwPlayerPreThink(id) {
    if (!is_user_alive(id) || !(pev(id, pev_button) & IN_DUCK))
        return FMRES_IGNORED

    pev(id, pev_view_ofs, g_view_ofs[id])

    return FMRES_HANDLED

public fwPlayerPostThink(id) {
    if (g_view_ofs[id][2] != VEC_VIEW || !is_user_alive(id) || !(pev(id, pev_button) & IN_DUCK) || pev(id, pev_fuser2))
        return FMRES_IGNORED

    pev(id, pev_view_ofs, g_view_ofs[id])
    if (g_view_ofs[id][2] != VEC_DUCK_VIEW)
        return FMRES_IGNORED

    static Float:vec1[3], Float:vec2[3], Float:size_z
    pev(id, pev_size, vec1)
    size_z = vec1[2]
    pev(id, pev_origin, vec1)
    vec2[0] = vec1[0]
    vec2[1] = vec1[1]
    vec2[2] = -9999.0

    engfunc(EngFunc_TraceHull, vec1, vec2, IGNORE_MONSTERS, g_player_hull[!!(pev(id, pev_flags) & FL_DUCKING)], id, 0)
    get_tr2(0, TR_vecEndPos, vec2)
    if (vec1[2] - vec2[2] > size_z)
        return FMRES_IGNORED

    pev(id, pev_velocity, vec1)
    vec1[0] = 0.0
    vec1[1] = 0.0
    set_pev(id, pev_velocity, vec1)

    return FMRES_HANDLED

4) Anti DoubleDuck by MPNumB
* Anti DoubleDuck (DoubleDuck Blocker)
*  by Numb
* Description:
*  Permanently blocks player ability to doubleduck.
* Requires:
*  FakeMeta
* Additional Info:
*  + Tested in Counter-Strike 1.6 with amxmodx 1.8.1. But should work with all Half-Life mods and some older amxx versions.
* Notes:
*  + I'm begging Valve to not use any ideas of this plugin for future updates of CS/CZ.
*  + If your game mod is not Counter-Strike / Condition-Zero, you should take a look on plugins config.
* ChangeLog:
*  + 1.7
*  - Changed: Client-side doubleduck block uses almost twice less CPU power.
*  + 1.6
*  - Fixed: There was one frame delay during what player was fully ducked while trying to doubleduck.
*  - Changed: Plugin uses a bit less resources.
*  + 1.5
*  - Added: Config in source code to disable client-side doubleduck block (when disabled uses less resources).
*  - Changed: Plugin uses a bit less resources.
*  + 1.4
*  - Fixed: Client-side bug moving up. (Suggesting to use sv_stepsize 17 instead of standard 18, but there aren't much blocks where you are going up more than 16 units.)
*  + 1.3
*  - Fixed: If user is lagy and in a run - client-side doubleduck block isn't working properly.
*  - Fixed: If user just landed and doubleducked client-side doubleduck block isn't working all the time (depends from ping).
*  - Fixed: Client-side doubleduck block not working properly in random map areas.
*  - Fixed: If user just unducked and made a doubleduck - client-side doubleduck block isn't working all the time (depends from ping).
*  + 1.2
*  - Added: Client-side doubleduck block.
*  + 1.1
*  - Changed: Made 1-based array (lower CPU usage).
*  - Changed: Modified check when user is pre-doubleducking - now uses only 1 variable (lower cpu usage).
*  + 1.0
*  - First release.
* Downloads:
*  Amx Mod X forums: http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=619219

// ========================================================================= CONFIG START =========================================================================

// Comment this line if you need more CPU or you don't want to block client-side doubleduck.
#define BLOCK_CLIENT_SIDE_DD_VIEW // default: enabled (uncommented)

// If you are using client-side doubleduck block (this is just a start of upcoming configs):
#if defined BLOCK_CLIENT_SIDE_DD_VIEW // this is only a notification (but a needed one) - do not change/remove it.

// Please write any world-view gun model what is automatically downloaded by the engine.
#define ENTITY_MDL "models/w_awp.mdl" // default: ("models/w_awp.mdl") (for use in cs/cz)

// Class-Name of anti-doubleduck entity.
#define ENTITY_NAME "anti_doubleducker" // default: ("anti_doubleducker")

#endif // this is only a notification (but a needed one) - do not change/remove it.

// ========================================================================== CONFIG END ==========================================================================

#include <amxmodx>
#include <fakemeta>

#define PLUGIN_NAME    "Anti DoubleDuck"
#define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.7"
#define PLUGIN_AUTHOR  "Numb"

#define ENTITY_NAME "anti_doubleducker"

new g_iFakeEnt;
new bool:g_bIsUserDead[33];

public plugin_init()

    register_event("ResetHUD", "Event_ResetHUD", "be");
    register_event("Health",   "Event_Health",   "bd", "1=0");

    register_forward(FM_PlayerPreThink, "FM_PlayerPreThink_Pre", 0);

    if( (g_iFakeEnt=engfunc(EngFunc_CreateNamedEntity, engfunc(EngFunc_AllocString, "info_target")))>0 ) // if anti-doubleduck entity created successfully:
        set_pev(g_iFakeEnt, pev_classname,  ENTITY_NAME);       // lets register entity as non-standard
        set_pev(g_iFakeEnt, pev_solid,      SOLID_NOT);         // why it should be solid to the server engine?
        set_pev(g_iFakeEnt, pev_movetype,   MOVETYPE_NONE);     // lets make it unmovable
        set_pev(g_iFakeEnt, pev_rendermode, kRenderTransAlpha); // we are starting to render it in invisible mode
        set_pev(g_iFakeEnt, pev_renderamt,  0.0);               // setting visibility level to zero (invinsible)
        engfunc(EngFunc_SetModel, g_iFakeEnt, ENTITY_MDL); // we are setting model so client-side trace scan cold detect the entity
        engfunc(EngFunc_SetSize, g_iFakeEnt, Float:{-16.0, -16.0, 53.0}, Float:{16.0, 16.0, 54.0}); // plugin will use less power if we wont change entity size at each FM_AddToFullPack
        register_forward(FM_AddToFullPack, "FM_AddToFullPack_Pre", 0); // now we enable main and most important part of client-side double-duck block

public client_connect(iPlrId)
    g_bIsUserDead[iPlrId] = true;

public Event_ResetHUD(iPlrId)
    g_bIsUserDead[iPlrId] = false;

public Event_Health(iPlrId)
    g_bIsUserDead[iPlrId] = true;

public FM_PlayerPreThink_Pre(iPlrId)
    if( g_bIsUserDead[iPlrId] )
        return FMRES_IGNORED;
    if( pev(iPlrId, pev_oldbuttons)&IN_DUCK && !(pev(iPlrId, pev_button)&IN_DUCK) ) // if user unpressed duck key
        static s_iFlags;
        s_iFlags = pev(iPlrId, pev_flags);
        if( !(s_iFlags&FL_DUCKING) && pev(iPlrId, pev_bInDuck) ) // if user wasn't fully ducked and is in ducking process
            set_pev(iPlrId, pev_bInDuck, false); // set user not in ducking process
            set_pev(iPlrId, pev_flags, (s_iFlags|FL_DUCKING)); // set user fully fucked
            engfunc(EngFunc_SetSize, iPlrId, Float:{-16.0, -16.0, -25.0}, Float:{16.0, 16.0, 25.0}); // set user size as fully ducked (won't take one frame delay)

    return FMRES_IGNORED;

public FM_AddToFullPack_Pre(iEsHandle, iE, iEnt, iPlrId, iHostFlags, iPlayer, iPSet)
    if( iEnt==g_iFakeEnt )
        if( g_bIsUserDead[iPlrId] )     // we are just blocking the function if user is dead cause why on earth we need it in this case (plus saves a bit of inet speed)
            return FMRES_SUPERCEDE; // also I would block it if user is on ladder or in water, but it's unneeded CPU usage cause this two cases are rare
        static Float:s_fFallSpeed;
        pev(iPlrId, pev_flFallVelocity, s_fFallSpeed);
        if( s_fFallSpeed>=0.0 ) // vertical speed is always 0.0 if user is on ground, so we aren't checking FL_ONGROUND existence. Plus we need a check is user falling down
            static Float:s_fOrigin[3];
            pev(iPlrId, pev_origin, s_fOrigin); // lets get player origin
            if( pev(iPlrId, pev_flags)&FL_DUCKING ) // this part teleports anti-doubleduck entity 17 units above player head
                s_fOrigin[2] += s_fFallSpeed?2.0:18.0; // or right on players head if he is falling down to avoid instant double-duck after landing
            else // and yes - if player is ducked we must teleport it a bit higher comparing to player center
                s_fOrigin[2] -= s_fFallSpeed?16.0:0.0;
            //set_es(iEsHandle, ES_Origin, s_fOrigin); // don't care asking me why this doesn't work in certain areas - I really dunno. if it did - CPU would be much better...
            engfunc(EngFunc_SetOrigin, iEnt, s_fOrigin); // cause ES_Origin doesn't work I use this one (the one what takes all of this power)
            forward_return(FMV_CELL, dllfunc(DLLFunc_AddToFullPack, iEsHandle, iE, iEnt, iPlrId, iHostFlags, iPlayer, iPSet));
            // cause ES_Origin doesn't work I forward my own function and block original one to
            // save CPU by not hooking it twice like I did in 1.6 and older versions of plugin
            set_es(iEsHandle, ES_Solid, SOLID_BBOX); // now we are making anti-doubleduck entity solid to the client engine
            return FMRES_SUPERCEDE;
        return FMRES_SUPERCEDE; // now we block original AddToFullPack cause or we already forwarded our own one or to save and server
                    // and client CPU and internet power cause we don't need this entity to be sent to client this frame

    return FMRES_IGNORED;
Последнее редактирование:
44 раз(а)
REVO, пользуюсь 4-м. По нагрузке слабо. Всего 2-3 процента при 20 игроках. Из всех предоставленных, наиболее корректно работает. И нет никаких рывков модели или анимации. Да, ты можешь сделать DD через клавишу, но это уже не назовешь DD, ибо не будет его специальных возможностей.
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