Основная информация
Проблема: не выдает звуки
Amx Mod X: 1.8.2
Список модулей:
Список плагинов:
Список метамодулей:
Парни не получается заставить его работать на этом моде zombie_plague40_guf,весь инет облазил одно и тоже с ним,в конце отчета только идет гроза и чувак что та говорит разок а весь звуковой эфект в течение 30 секунд почему то не воспроизводится,как решить это недоразумение
Вот это его описание.
- Есть 3 стадии тряски экрана во время отсчета
- Звуки были взяты из игры Unreal Tournament 2004
- Красиво оформленный отсчет
- В новом раунде сверкает гроза
- При заражении повторно сверкает гроза и свет карты меняется на тот что стоит в zombieplague.cfg: zp_lighting
- Приятный на глаза ScreenFade вначале отсчета и при наступлении заражения
- Настроенный Dhud который не будет конфликтовать с другими
- Встроены звуки заражения зомби из csnz
- Настроенный lang файл с русским и английским языками
- Оповещения во время отсчета - Постепенно темнеет карта, настроить затемнение можно здесь:
Буквы идут справа-налево, начинает темнеть с 12 секунды, это буква m, если вы хотите больше 12 то добавляйте еще.
Дак вот этих звуки он не выдает и в Dhud не хрена не пишет(((
#define MESSAGE_SOUND "TalRasha/countdown/player.wav" Стандарт
#define MESSAGE_SOUND "sound/player/TalRasha/countdown.wav/"Изменял
Ни чего не изменилось
Проблема: не выдает звуки
Дополнительная информацияПлагин компилируется но не выдает звуковой отчет
Amx Mod X: 1.8.2
Не указан
Не указан
Список модулей:
Не указан
Список плагинов:
[ 1] Admin Base AMXX Dev Team admin.amxx running
[ 2] Admin Commands AMXX Dev Team admincmd.amxx running
[ 3] Slots Reservation AMXX Dev Team adminslots.amxx running
[ 4] Multi-Lingual System AMXX Dev Team multilingual.am running
[ 5] Menus Front-End AMXX Dev Team menufront.amxx running
[ 6] Players Menu AMXX Dev Team plmenu.amxx running
[ 7] Maps Menu AMXX Dev Team mapsmenu.amxx running
[ 8] Admin Chat AMXX Dev Team adminchat.amxx running
[ 9] Anti Flood AMXX Dev Team antiflood.amxx running
[ 10] Scrolling Message AMXX Dev Team scrollmsg.amxx running
[ 11] Admin Votes AMXX Dev Team adminvote.amxx running
[ 12] SpecList 1.4 pUzzlik spectlist.amxx running
[ 13] NextMap AMXX Dev Team nextmap.amxx running
[ 14] Nextmap Chooser AMXX Dev Team mapchooser.amxx running
[ 15] TimeLeft AMXX Dev Team timeleft.amxx running
[ 16] Stats Configuration AMXX Dev Team statscfg.amxx running
[ 17] Restrict Weapons AMXX Dev Team restmenu.amxx running
[ 18] StatsX AMXX Dev Team statsx.amxx running
[ 19] AutoJoin Team 0.1 Z@C auto_join.amxx running
[ 20] Camera Changer 1.0 XunTric camera.amxx running
[ 21] [JB] AdminMenu 0.1 Opo4uMapy AmxModMenuNew.a debug
[ 22] Fix fast download to r 0.0.3 PomanoB \ Bos93 FIxFastDL.amxx debug
[ 23] Precache Management 1.0.0 ConnorMcLeod precache_manage stopped
[ 24] Autoresponder/Advertis 0.5 MaximusBrood ad_manager.amxx debug
[ 25] High Ping Kicker 1.0 Shadow/Bo0m! amx_hpk.amxx running
[ 26] Admin Check 1.51 OneEyed admin_check.amx debug
[ 27] Colored Translit 3.0 Sho0ter colored_transli running
[ 28] effect day/night 1.1 Destro day_night.amxx running
[ 29] Zombie Plague 4.3 MeRcyLeZZ zombie_plague40 running
[ 30] UnPrecacher 0.1 Proo.Noob unprecache.amxx debug
[ 31] [ZP]Level System 2.2 heka zp_level_system running
[ 32] [ZP] DHUD Informer Andrei zp_score.amxx running
[ 33] [ZP] Classic 1.0 dias reclassic.amxx running
[ 34] Fast 1.0 Fast refast.amxx running
[ 35] [ZP] Class: Jumper 1.0 Doomsday jumper.amxx running
[ 36] [ZP] Zombie Class: KF 0.2 meTaLiCroSS zp_zcls_siren.a running
[ 37] [CSO:Hunter Zombie] 1.2 HoRRoR/tERoR edi zp_china.amxx running
[ 38] DJB Zombie Class Banch 1.0 Csoldjb zp_banshee.amxx debug
[ 39] [ZP] Class Smoker 1.3ml 4eRT zp_class_smoker running
[ 40] Tesla 1.0 Jim zp_class_tesla. debug
[ 41] [ZP] Zombie Class: Poi 0.1 =), LARS-BLOODLI revenant_poison running
[ 42] Spear Gun 1.0 m4m3ts zp_extra_spearg debug
[ 43] Compound Bow 1.0 Dias Pendragon zp_extra_compou debug
[ 44] [CSO] Weapon: Cyclone 1.0 Dias Pendragon Zp_Extra_Cyclon debug
[ 45] [ CSO | AMXX ] Weapon: Crock / =) / Pla zp_extra_railca debug
[ 46] [CSO] Thunderbolt 3.0 Dias zp_extra_thunde debug
[ 47] New Jetpack 0.0.2 Bad_Bud,ZmOutSta vip_menu_jetpac debug
[ 48] [ZP] Extra: AWP Zombie 1.0 Crock / =) (Popr vip_menu_awpz.a debug
[ 49] CSO CROSSBOW, toectb a 1.0 Crock vip_menu_crossb debug
[ 50] [ZP] Extra: Ethereal 1.0 LARS-BLOODLIKER vip_menu_ehrena debug
[ 51] [ZP] Extra: M4A1 Gold 1.0 LARS-BLOODLIKER vip_menu_m4a1.a debug
[ 52] [ZP] Extra Item: AK47 3.0 4e/l vip_menu_ak47.a debug
[ 53] [Server Addon] Admin M Server Add erver Addon] Adm vip_menu_admin_ debug
[ 54] ZM VIP 1.6 aaarnas zm_vip.amxx running
[ 55] [ZP] Extra Item: Poiso 1.0 BlackCat zp_weapon_antid debug
[ 56] [ZP] Extra: Anti-Infec 1.0 MeRcyLeZZ zp_extra_armor_ running
[ 57] [ZP]ExtraDualInfinity 1.0 Arwel azp_weapon_dual debug
[ 58] [ZP] Extra: Colt King 1.0 LARS-BLOODLIKER azp_weapon_king debug
[ 59] [ZP] Extra: USAS12 1.0 Crock / =) (Popr cso_extra_skull debug
[ 60] [ZP] Extra: SPAS-12 1.0 Crock / =) (Popr azp_weapon_spas debug
[ 61] [ZP] Extra: AKM 1.0 LARS-BLOODLIKER azp_weapon_akm. debug
[ 62] [ZP] Extra: Dual MP7A1 1.0 LARS-DAY[BR]EAKE azp_weapon_dmp7 debug
[ 63] [ZP] Extra: Thompson C 1.0 Crock / =) (Popr azp_weapon_thom debug
[ 64] [ZP] Extra: Scar Basic 1.0 Crock / =) (Popr zp_extra_stenmk debug
[ 65] [ZP] Extra: TAR-21 1.0 Crock / =) (Popr zp_extra_an94.a debug
[ 66] [ZP] Extra: Speed Duke 1.0 LARS-DAY[BR]EAKE azp_weapon_temp debug
[ 67] [ZP] Extra: SKULL5 1.0 Crock / =) (Popr azp_weapon_skul debug
[ 68] [ZP] Extra: VSK94 1.0 LARS-BLOODLIKER 1cso_weapon_vsk debug
[ 69] [ZP] Extra: TRG-42 1.0 Crock / =) (Popr 1cso_weapon_tr4 debug
[ 70] [ZP] Extra: M134 1.0 LARS-DAY[BR]EAKE zp_extra_zhubaj debug
[ 71] [CSO] Extra: M60E4_Mav 1.0 Crock m60e4excraft.am running
[ 72] [ZP] AmmoChange 1.0 ZETA [M|E|N] zp_ammochange.a running
[ 73] [ZP] Addon: Extended G 2.0 Yryry zp_ammo_ex.amxx debug
[ 74] [ZP: Respawn Menu] 0.2 Phantom zp_addon_respaw debug
[ 75] Parachute 1.3 KRoT@L/JTP10181 krilo2.amxx running
[ 76] [ZP] Extra Item: Jump 1.0 Opo4uMapy zp_extra_jumpbo debug
[ 77] [ZN] Infect Human Soun 1.0 BaRSiK zp_addon_infec_ debug
[ 78] Amx Dodge 0.1.0 PomanoB/fl0wer o zp_dodge_w+w+w_ running
[ 79] Present_System_Box 1.0 I Am LeGenD Present_System_ debug
[ 80] System_effect_box 1.0 I Am LeGenD System_effect_b debug
[ 81] Knifes Test Я Бог zp_server_knife running
[ 82] [ZP] Can Auto Save Amm 0.1.0 ZombArena.Ru zp_save.amxx running
[ 83] Ghost 1.0 OsuDesu ghost.amxx running
[ 84] Biohazard Icon 1.0 Zombie Lurker zp_biohazardico running
[ 85] Countdown 1.7.3 T a l R a s h a gameplay_countd running
85 plugins, 84 running
Список метамодулей:
[ 1] AMX Mod X RUN - amxmodx_mm_i386. v1.8.1.3 ini Start ANY
[ 2] VoiceTranscoder RUN - VoiceTranscoder. v2017RC3 ini ANY ANY
[ 3] dproto_EF RUN - dproto_i386.so v0.9.391 ini Start Never
[ 4] Fun RUN - fun_amxx_i386.so v1.8.1.3 pl1 ANY ANY
[ 5] Engine RUN - engine_amxx_i386 v1.8.1.3 pl1 ANY ANY
[ 6] FakeMeta RUN - fakemeta_amxx_i3 v1.8.1.3 pl1 ANY ANY
[ 7] CStrike RUN - cstrike_amxx_i38 v1.8.1.3 pl1 ANY ANY
[ 8] CSX RUN - csx_amxx_i386.so v1.8.1.3 pl1 ANY ANY
[ 9] Ham Sandwich RUN - hamsandwich_amxx v1.8.1.3 pl1 ANY ANY
9 plugins, 9 running
#include <amxmodx>
#include <engine>
#include <fakemeta>
#include <dhudmessage>
#include <zombieplague>
//#define g_bDebug;
const g_iTaskCountdownID = 57;
const g_iTaskLightningID = 75;
new const g_szSoundsRoundStart[][] =
const g_iSizeSoundsRoundStart = sizeof g_szSoundsRoundStart - 1;
new const g_szSoundsThunderRoundStart[][] =
const g_iSizeSoundsThunderRoundStart = sizeof g_szSoundsThunderRoundStart - 1;
new const g_szLightsThunderClap1[][2] =
const g_iSizeLightsThunderClap1 = sizeof g_szLightsThunderClap1 - 1;
new const g_szLightsThunderClap2[][2] =
const g_iSizeLightsThunderClap2 = sizeof g_szLightsThunderClap2 - 1;
#define MESSAGE_SOUND "TalRasha/countdown/player.wav"
new const g_szSoundsCountdown[][] =
"TalRasha/countdown/one", // 1
"TalRasha/countdown/two", // 2
"TalRasha/countdown/three", // 3
"TalRasha/countdown/four", // 4
"TalRasha/countdown/five", // 5
"TalRasha/countdown/six", // 6
"TalRasha/countdown/seven", // 7
"TalRasha/countdown/eight", // 8
"TalRasha/countdown/nine", // 9
"TalRasha/countdown/ten", // 10
"", // 11
"TalRasha/countdown/NewRoundIn", // 12
"", // 13
"", // 14
"TalRasha/countdown/You_are_attacking", // 15
"", // 16
"", // 17
"fvox/biohazard_detected", // 18
"", // 19
"TalRasha/countdown/20_seconds", // 20
"", // 21
"TalRasha/countdown/New_assault_in", // 22
"", // 23
"sound/TalRasha/countdown/start.mp3", // 24
"", // 25
"TalRasha/countdown/care_infection", // 26
"", // 27
"", // 28
"TalRasha/countdown/sirena", // 29
"TalRasha/countdown/30_seconds" // 30
const g_iSizeSoundsCountdown = sizeof g_szSoundsCountdown - 1;
new const g_szLightsCountdownLevels[][2] =
"b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m"
const g_iSizeLightsCountdownLevels = sizeof g_szLightsCountdownLevels - 1;
new const g_szSoundsModeStart[][] =
const g_iSizeSoundsModeStart = sizeof g_szSoundsModeStart - 1;
new const g_szSoundsThunderModeStart[][] =
const g_iSizeSoundsThunderModeStart = sizeof g_szSoundsThunderModeStart - 1;
new g_pCvarEffects, g_pCvarDelay, g_pCvarLighting, g_iDelay, g_szLighting[2], g_iSeconds;
public plugin_init()
register_plugin("Countdown", "1.7.3", "T a l R a s h a")
register_event("HLTV", "event_round_start", "a", "1=0", "2=0")
g_pCvarEffects = register_cvar("zpnm_countdown_effects", "1");
IsMp3(const szSound[])
return equali(szSound[strlen(szSound) - 4], ".mp3");
public plugin_precache()
new i, szSound[64], iPosition, iPositionTemp, szFolder[64];
for (i = 0; i <= g_iSizeSoundsRoundStart; i++)
if (!g_szSoundsRoundStart[0])
if (IsMp3(g_szSoundsRoundStart))
engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheGeneric, g_szSoundsRoundStart)
// Doesn't contain any spaces
if (containi(g_szSoundsRoundStart, " ") == -1)
formatex(szSound, 63, "%s.wav", g_szSoundsRoundStart)
engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheSound, szSound)
// Contains spaces
iPosition = 0;
while ((iPositionTemp = containi(g_szSoundsRoundStart[iPosition], "/")) != -1)
#if defined g_bDebug
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Scanning ^"%s^" for ^"/^" symbols.", g_szSoundsRoundStart[iPosition])
iPosition += iPositionTemp + 1;
#if defined g_bDebug
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "^"/^" symbol found at position %d: ^"%s^"", iPositionTemp, g_szSoundsRoundStart[iPosition - 1])
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Remaining directories and sounds found: ^"%s^"", g_szSoundsRoundStart[iPosition])
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "")
if (iPosition)
formatex(szFolder, 63, g_szSoundsRoundStart)
replace(szFolder, 63, g_szSoundsRoundStart[iPosition], "")
#if defined g_bDebug
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Directory found: ^"%s^"", szFolder)
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Sounds found: ^"%s^"", g_szSoundsRoundStart[iPosition])
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "")
while ((iPositionTemp = containi(g_szSoundsRoundStart[iPosition], " ")) != -1)
#if defined g_bDebug
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Scanning ^"%s^" for ^" ^" symbols.", g_szSoundsRoundStart[iPosition])
formatex(szSound, 63, g_szSoundsRoundStart[iPosition])
iPosition += iPositionTemp;
#if defined g_bDebug
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "^" ^" symbol found at position %d: ^"%s^"", iPositionTemp, g_szSoundsRoundStart[iPosition])
replace(szSound, 63, g_szSoundsRoundStart[iPosition], "")
#if defined g_bDebug
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Found sound: ^"%s^"", szSound)
format(szSound, 63, "%s%s.wav", szFolder, szSound)
engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheSound, szSound)
#if defined g_bDebug
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Precaching sound: ^"%s^"", szSound)
iPosition += 1;
#if defined g_bDebug
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Remaining sounds found: ^"%s^"", g_szSoundsRoundStart[iPosition])
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "")
formatex(szSound, 63, "%s%s.wav", szFolder, g_szSoundsRoundStart[iPosition])
engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheSound, szSound)
#if defined g_bDebug
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Precaching sound: ^"%s^"", szSound)
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "")
for (i = 0; i <= g_iSizeSoundsThunderRoundStart; i++)
if (!g_szSoundsThunderRoundStart[0])
if (IsMp3(g_szSoundsThunderRoundStart))
engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheGeneric, g_szSoundsThunderRoundStart)
// Doesn't contain any spaces
if (containi(g_szSoundsThunderRoundStart, " ") == -1)
formatex(szSound, 63, "%s.wav", g_szSoundsThunderRoundStart)
engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheSound, szSound)
// Contains spaces
iPosition = 0;
while ((iPositionTemp = containi(g_szSoundsThunderRoundStart[iPosition], "/")) != -1)
#if defined g_bDebug
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Scanning ^"%s^" for ^"/^" symbols.", g_szSoundsThunderRoundStart[iPosition])
iPosition += iPositionTemp + 1;
#if defined g_bDebug
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "^"/^" symbol found at position %d: ^"%s^"", iPositionTemp, g_szSoundsThunderRoundStart[iPosition - 1])
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Remaining directories and sounds found: ^"%s^"", g_szSoundsThunderRoundStart[iPosition])
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "")
if (iPosition)
formatex(szFolder, 63, g_szSoundsThunderRoundStart)
replace(szFolder, 63, g_szSoundsThunderRoundStart[iPosition], "")
#if defined g_bDebug
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Directory found: ^"%s^"", szFolder)
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Sounds found: ^"%s^"", g_szSoundsThunderRoundStart[iPosition])
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "")
while ((iPositionTemp = containi(g_szSoundsThunderRoundStart[iPosition], " ")) != -1)
#if defined g_bDebug
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Scanning ^"%s^" for ^" ^" symbols.", g_szSoundsThunderRoundStart[iPosition])
formatex(szSound, 63, g_szSoundsThunderRoundStart[iPosition])
iPosition += iPositionTemp;
#if defined g_bDebug
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "^" ^" symbol found at position %d: ^"%s^"", iPositionTemp, g_szSoundsThunderRoundStart[iPosition])
replace(szSound, 63, g_szSoundsThunderRoundStart[iPosition], "")
#if defined g_bDebug
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Found sound: ^"%s^"", szSound)
format(szSound, 63, "%s%s.wav", szFolder, szSound)
engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheSound, szSound)
#if defined g_bDebug
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Precaching sound: ^"%s^"", szSound)
iPosition += 1;
#if defined g_bDebug
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Remaining sounds found: ^"%s^"", g_szSoundsThunderRoundStart[iPosition])
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "")
formatex(szSound, 63, "%s%s.wav", szFolder, g_szSoundsThunderRoundStart[iPosition])
engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheSound, szSound)
#if defined g_bDebug
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Precaching sound: ^"%s^"", szSound)
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "")
for (i = 0; i <= g_iSizeSoundsCountdown; i++)
if (!g_szSoundsCountdown[0])
if (IsMp3(g_szSoundsCountdown))
engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheGeneric, g_szSoundsCountdown)
// Doesn't contain any spaces
if (containi(g_szSoundsCountdown, " ") == -1)
formatex(szSound, 63, "%s.wav", g_szSoundsCountdown)
engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheSound, szSound)
// Contains spaces
iPosition = 0;
while ((iPositionTemp = containi(g_szSoundsCountdown[iPosition], "/")) != -1)
#if defined g_bDebug
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Scanning ^"%s^" for ^"/^" symbols.", g_szSoundsCountdown[iPosition])
iPosition += iPositionTemp + 1;
#if defined g_bDebug
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "^"/^" symbol found at position %d: ^"%s^"", iPositionTemp, g_szSoundsCountdown[iPosition - 1])
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Remaining directories and sounds found: ^"%s^"", g_szSoundsCountdown[iPosition])
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "")
if (iPosition)
formatex(szFolder, 63, g_szSoundsCountdown)
replace(szFolder, 63, g_szSoundsCountdown[iPosition], "")
#if defined g_bDebug
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Directory found: ^"%s^"", szFolder)
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Sounds found: ^"%s^"", g_szSoundsCountdown[iPosition])
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "")
while ((iPositionTemp = containi(g_szSoundsCountdown[iPosition], " ")) != -1)
#if defined g_bDebug
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Scanning ^"%s^" for ^" ^" symbols.", g_szSoundsCountdown[iPosition])
formatex(szSound, 63, g_szSoundsCountdown[iPosition])
iPosition += iPositionTemp;
#if defined g_bDebug
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "^" ^" symbol found at position %d: ^"%s^"", iPositionTemp, g_szSoundsCountdown[iPosition])
replace(szSound, 63, g_szSoundsCountdown[iPosition], "")
#if defined g_bDebug
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Found sound: ^"%s^"", szSound)
format(szSound, 63, "%s%s.wav", szFolder, szSound)
engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheSound, szSound)
#if defined g_bDebug
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Precaching sound: ^"%s^"", szSound)
iPosition += 1;
#if defined g_bDebug
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Remaining sounds found: ^"%s^"", g_szSoundsCountdown[iPosition])
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "")
formatex(szSound, 63, "%s%s.wav", szFolder, g_szSoundsCountdown[iPosition])
engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheSound, szSound)
#if defined g_bDebug
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Precaching sound: ^"%s^"", szSound)
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "")
for (i = 0; i <= g_iSizeSoundsModeStart; i++)
if (!g_szSoundsModeStart[0])
if (IsMp3(g_szSoundsModeStart))
engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheGeneric, g_szSoundsModeStart)
// Doesn't contain any spaces
if (containi(g_szSoundsModeStart, " ") == -1)
formatex(szSound, 63, "%s.wav", g_szSoundsModeStart)
engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheSound, szSound)
// Contains spaces
iPosition = 0;
while ((iPositionTemp = containi(g_szSoundsModeStart[iPosition], "/")) != -1)
#if defined g_bDebug
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Scanning ^"%s^" for ^"/^" symbols.", g_szSoundsModeStart[iPosition])
iPosition += iPositionTemp + 1;
#if defined g_bDebug
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "^"/^" symbol found at position %d: ^"%s^"", iPositionTemp, g_szSoundsModeStart[iPosition - 1])
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Remaining directories and sounds found: ^"%s^"", g_szSoundsModeStart[iPosition])
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "")
if (iPosition)
formatex(szFolder, 63, g_szSoundsModeStart)
replace(szFolder, 63, g_szSoundsModeStart[iPosition], "")
#if defined g_bDebug
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Directory found: ^"%s^"", szFolder)
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Sounds found: ^"%s^"", g_szSoundsModeStart[iPosition])
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "")
while ((iPositionTemp = containi(g_szSoundsModeStart[iPosition], " ")) != -1)
#if defined g_bDebug
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Scanning ^"%s^" for ^" ^" symbols.", g_szSoundsModeStart[iPosition])
formatex(szSound, 63, g_szSoundsModeStart[iPosition])
iPosition += iPositionTemp;
#if defined g_bDebug
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "^" ^" symbol found at position %d: ^"%s^"", iPositionTemp, g_szSoundsModeStart[iPosition])
replace(szSound, 63, g_szSoundsModeStart[iPosition], "")
#if defined g_bDebug
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Found sound: ^"%s^"", szSound)
format(szSound, 63, "%s%s.wav", szFolder, szSound)
engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheSound, szSound)
#if defined g_bDebug
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Precaching sound: ^"%s^"", szSound)
iPosition += 1;
#if defined g_bDebug
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Remaining sounds found: ^"%s^"", g_szSoundsModeStart[iPosition])
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "")
formatex(szSound, 63, "%s%s.wav", szFolder, g_szSoundsModeStart[iPosition])
engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheSound, szSound)
#if defined g_bDebug
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Precaching sound: ^"%s^"", szSound)
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "")
for (i = 0; i <= g_iSizeSoundsThunderModeStart; i++)
if (!g_szSoundsThunderModeStart[0])
if (IsMp3(g_szSoundsThunderModeStart))
engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheGeneric, g_szSoundsThunderModeStart)
// Doesn't contain any spaces
if (containi(g_szSoundsThunderModeStart, " ") == -1)
formatex(szSound, 63, "%s.wav", g_szSoundsThunderModeStart)
engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheSound, szSound)
// Contains spaces
iPosition = 0;
while ((iPositionTemp = containi(g_szSoundsThunderModeStart[iPosition], "/")) != -1)
#if defined g_bDebug
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Scanning ^"%s^" for ^"/^" symbols.", g_szSoundsThunderModeStart[iPosition])
iPosition += iPositionTemp + 1;
#if defined g_bDebug
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "^"/^" symbol found at position %d: ^"%s^"", iPositionTemp, g_szSoundsThunderModeStart[iPosition - 1])
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Remaining directories and sounds found: ^"%s^"", g_szSoundsThunderModeStart[iPosition])
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "")
if (iPosition)
formatex(szFolder, 63, g_szSoundsThunderModeStart)
replace(szFolder, 63, g_szSoundsThunderModeStart[iPosition], "")
#if defined g_bDebug
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Directory found: ^"%s^"", szFolder)
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Sounds found: ^"%s^"", g_szSoundsThunderModeStart[iPosition])
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "")
while ((iPositionTemp = containi(g_szSoundsThunderModeStart[iPosition], " ")) != -1)
#if defined g_bDebug
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Scanning ^"%s^" for ^" ^" symbols.", g_szSoundsThunderModeStart[iPosition])
formatex(szSound, 63, g_szSoundsThunderModeStart[iPosition])
iPosition += iPositionTemp;
#if defined g_bDebug
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "^" ^" symbol found at position %d: ^"%s^"", iPositionTemp, g_szSoundsThunderModeStart[iPosition])
replace(szSound, 63, g_szSoundsThunderModeStart[iPosition], "")
#if defined g_bDebug
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Found sound: ^"%s^"", szSound)
format(szSound, 63, "%s%s.wav", szFolder, szSound)
engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheSound, szSound)
#if defined g_bDebug
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Precaching sound: ^"%s^"", szSound)
iPosition += 1;
#if defined g_bDebug
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Remaining sounds found: ^"%s^"", g_szSoundsThunderModeStart[iPosition])
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "")
formatex(szSound, 63, "%s%s.wav", szFolder, g_szSoundsThunderModeStart[iPosition])
engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheSound, szSound)
#if defined g_bDebug
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "Precaching sound: ^"%s^"", szSound)
log_to_file("CountDown.log", "")
public plugin_cfg()
g_pCvarDelay = get_cvar_pointer("zp_delay");
g_pCvarLighting = get_cvar_pointer("zp_lighting");
public event_round_start(id)
g_iDelay = get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarDelay) - 1;
if (g_iDelay < 0)
if (g_szLighting[0])
engfunc(EngFunc_LightStyle, 0, g_szLighting)
set_pcvar_string(g_pCvarLighting, g_szLighting);
g_szLighting = "";
new iRandom;
iRandom = random_num(0, g_iSizeSoundsRoundStart);
client_cmd(0, "%s ^"%s^"", !IsMp3(g_szSoundsRoundStart[iRandom]) ? "spk" : "mp3 play", g_szSoundsRoundStart[iRandom])
if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarEffects))
get_pcvar_string(g_pCvarLighting, g_szLighting, 1)
set_pcvar_string(g_pCvarLighting, "0")
g_iSeconds = 10; // 1 second of lightning, 0.1 seconds for each light level
set_task(0.1, "TaskThunderClapRoundStart", g_iTaskLightningID, _, _, "b")
iRandom = random_num(0, g_iSizeSoundsThunderRoundStart);
client_cmd(0, "%s ^"%s^"", !IsMp3(g_szSoundsThunderRoundStart[iRandom]) ? "spk" : "mp3 play", g_szSoundsThunderRoundStart[iRandom])
g_iSeconds = g_iDelay;
set_task(1.0, "CountDown", g_iTaskCountdownID, _, _, "b")
public TaskThunderClapRoundStart(iTaskID)
if (g_iSeconds)
new iRandom;
if (g_iSeconds % 2 == 0)
iRandom = random_num(0, g_iSizeLightsThunderClap1);
engfunc(EngFunc_LightStyle, 0, g_szLightsThunderClap1[iRandom])
iRandom = random_num(0, g_iSizeLightsThunderClap2);
engfunc(EngFunc_LightStyle, 0, g_szLightsThunderClap2[iRandom])
if (get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarEffects))
if (g_iDelay > g_iSizeLightsCountdownLevels)
engfunc(EngFunc_LightStyle, 0, g_szLightsCountdownLevels[g_iSizeLightsCountdownLevels])
engfunc(EngFunc_LightStyle, 0, g_szLightsCountdownLevels[g_iDelay])
if (!g_szLighting[0])
engfunc(EngFunc_LightStyle, 0, g_szLighting)
set_pcvar_string(g_pCvarLighting, g_szLighting)
g_szLighting = "";
g_iSeconds = g_iDelay;
set_task(1.0, "CountDown", g_iTaskCountdownID, _, _, "b")
public CountDown(iTaskID)
// Check for the external "TASK_MAKEZOMBIE" from inside ZPNM
if (!task_exists(3000, 1)) //2010
set_dhudmessage(random_num(57, 255), random_num(0, 255), random_num(0, 255), -1.0, 0.39, 0, 6.0, 0.001, 0.1, 1.0)
show_dhudmessage(0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "TALRASHA_COUNTDOWN", g_iSeconds + 1)
if (g_iSeconds <= g_iSizeSoundsCountdown && g_szSoundsCountdown[g_iSeconds][0])
client_cmd(0, "%s ^"%s^"", !IsMp3(g_szSoundsCountdown[g_iSeconds]) ? "spk" : "mp3 play", g_szSoundsCountdown[g_iSeconds])
if (g_iSeconds <= g_iSizeLightsCountdownLevels && g_szLightsCountdownLevels[g_iSeconds][0] && get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarEffects))
engfunc(EngFunc_LightStyle, 0, g_szLightsCountdownLevels[g_iSeconds])
if(g_iSeconds == 29)
for(new i = 0; i <= get_maxplayers(); i++)
message_begin(MSG_ONE, get_user_msgid("ScreenFade"), _, i)
write_short(0) // duration
write_short(0) // hold time
write_short(0x0004) // fade type
write_byte(50) // red
write_byte(0) // green
write_byte(0) // blue
write_byte(255) // alpha
if(g_iSeconds == 25)
set_dhudmessage(255, 0, 0, -1.0, 0.35, 0, 6.0, 0.001, 0.1, 1.0)
show_dhudmessage(0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "TALRASHA_WARNING");
for(new i = 0; i <= get_maxplayers(); i++)
message_begin(MSG_ONE, get_user_msgid("ScreenFade"), _, i)
write_short(0) // duration
write_short(0) // hold time
write_short(0x0004) // fade type
write_byte(0) // red
write_byte(0) // green
write_byte(50) // blue
write_byte(255) // alpha
if(g_iSeconds == 23)
for(new i = 0; i <= get_maxplayers(); i++)
message_begin(MSG_ONE, get_user_msgid("ScreenFade"), _, i)
write_short((1<<12)) // duration
write_short(0) // hold time
write_short(0x0000) // fade type
write_byte(0) // red
write_byte(0) // green
write_byte(50) // blue
write_byte(255) // alpha
if(g_iSeconds == 21)
set_dhudmessage(0, 0, 255, -1.0, 0.3, 0, 6.0, 0.001, 0.1, 1.0)
show_dhudmessage(0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "TALRASHA_BIO_DANGER");
if(g_iSeconds == 17)
set_dhudmessage(255, 0, 0, -1.0, 0.35, 0, 6.0, 0.001, 0.1, 1.0)
show_dhudmessage(0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "TALRASHA_WARNING");
if(g_iSeconds == 14)
set_dhudmessage(0, 0, 255, -1.0, 0.3, 0, 6.0, 0.001, 0.1, 1.0)
show_dhudmessage(0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "TALRASHA_ATTACKING");
message_begin(MSG_BROADCAST, get_user_msgid("ScreenShake"))
write_short((1<<12)*4) // amplitude
write_short((1<<12)*2) // duration
write_short((1<<12)*10) // frequency
if(g_iSeconds == 11)
set_dhudmessage(0, 0, 255, -1.0, 0.3, 0, 6.0, 0.001, 0.1, 1.0)
show_dhudmessage(0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "TALRASHA_EVACUATION");
if(g_iSeconds == 9)
message_begin(MSG_BROADCAST, get_user_msgid("ScreenShake"))
write_short((1<<12)*4) // amplitude
write_short((1<<12)*3) // duration
write_short((1<<12)*12) // frequency
if(g_iSeconds == 8)
set_dhudmessage(255, 0, 0, -1.0, 0.35, 0, 6.0, 0.001, 0.1, 1.0)
show_dhudmessage(0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "TALRASHA_WARNING");
if(g_iSeconds == 6)
set_dhudmessage(0, 0, 255, -1.0, 0.3, 0, 6.0, 0.001, 0.1, 1.0)
show_dhudmessage(0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "TALRASHA_PREPARE_ZOMBIES");
if(g_iSeconds == 4)
set_dhudmessage(255, 255, 255, -1.0, 0.3, 0, 6.0, 0.001, 0.1, 1.0)
show_dhudmessage(0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "TALRASHA_PREPARE_WEAPON");
message_begin(MSG_BROADCAST, get_user_msgid("ScreenShake"))
write_short((1<<12)*5) // amplitude
write_short((1<<12)*4) // duration
write_short((1<<12)*15) // frequency
if(g_iSeconds == 2)
set_dhudmessage(255, 0, 0, -1.0, 0.35, 0, 6.0, 0.001, 0.1, 1.0)
show_dhudmessage(0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "TALRASHA_TVIRUS");
if(g_iSeconds == 1)
if(g_iSeconds == 0)
set_dhudmessage(0, 255, 0, -1.0, 0.6, 0, 6.0, 0.001, 0.1, 1.0)
show_dhudmessage(0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "TALRASHA_INFECTION_START");
if (g_iSeconds < 0)
PlaySound(id, const sound[])
client_cmd(id, "spk ^"%s^"", sound)
public TaskThunderClapModeStart(iTaskID)
if (g_iSeconds)
new iRandom;
if (g_iSeconds % 2 != 0)
iRandom = random_num(0, g_iSizeLightsThunderClap1);
engfunc(EngFunc_LightStyle, 0, g_szLightsThunderClap1[iRandom])
iRandom = random_num(0, g_iSizeLightsThunderClap2);
engfunc(EngFunc_LightStyle, 0, g_szLightsThunderClap2[iRandom])
if (!g_szLighting[0])
engfunc(EngFunc_LightStyle, 0, g_szLighting)
set_pcvar_string(g_pCvarLighting, g_szLighting)
g_szLighting = "";
public zp_user_infected_post(id)
if((zp_get_user_zombie(id) && !zp_get_user_nemesis(id)))
random_num(0, g_iSizeSoundsModeStart);
client_cmd(0, "%s ^"%s^"", !IsMp3(g_szSoundsModeStart[random_num(0,2)]) ? "spk" : "mp3 play", g_szSoundsModeStart[random_num(0,2)])
public zp_round_started(iMode, id)
new iRandom;
/*if (iMode == MODE_ASSASSIN)
else if (!get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarEffects))
if (g_szLighting[0])
engfunc(EngFunc_LightStyle, 0, g_szLighting)
set_pcvar_string(g_pCvarLighting, g_szLighting);
g_szLighting = "z";
for(new i = 0; i <= get_maxplayers(); i++)
message_begin(MSG_ONE, get_user_msgid("ScreenFade"), _, i)
write_short((1<<12)) // duration
write_short(0) // hold time
write_short(0x0000) // fade type
write_byte(0) // red
write_byte(0) // green
write_byte(50) // blue
write_byte(255) // alpha
message_begin(MSG_BROADCAST, get_user_msgid("ScreenShake"))
write_short((1<<12)*6) // amplitude
write_short((1<<12)*2) // duration
write_short((1<<12)*22) // frequency
iRandom = random_num(0, g_iSizeSoundsThunderModeStart);
client_cmd(0, "%s ^"%s^"", !IsMp3(g_szSoundsThunderModeStart[iRandom]) ? "spk" : "mp3 play", g_szSoundsThunderModeStart[iRandom])
g_iSeconds = 15;
set_task(0.1, "TaskThunderClapModeStart", g_iTaskLightningID, _, _, "b")
stock MsgScreenFade(id)
static msg_screenfade; if(!msg_screenfade) msg_screenfade = get_user_msgid("ScreenFade");
message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, msg_screenfade, {0,0,0}, id);
stock MsgScreenFade_2(id)
static msg_screenfade; if(!msg_screenfade) msg_screenfade = get_user_msgid("ScreenFade");
message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, msg_screenfade, {0,0,0}, id);
Парни не получается заставить его работать на этом моде zombie_plague40_guf,весь инет облазил одно и тоже с ним,в конце отчета только идет гроза и чувак что та говорит разок а весь звуковой эфект в течение 30 секунд почему то не воспроизводится,как решить это недоразумение
17 Ноя 2017
- Есть 3 стадии тряски экрана во время отсчета
- Звуки были взяты из игры Unreal Tournament 2004
- Красиво оформленный отсчет
- В новом раунде сверкает гроза
- При заражении повторно сверкает гроза и свет карты меняется на тот что стоит в zombieplague.cfg: zp_lighting
- Приятный на глаза ScreenFade вначале отсчета и при наступлении заражения
- Настроенный Dhud который не будет конфликтовать с другими
- Встроены звуки заражения зомби из csnz
- Настроенный lang файл с русским и английским языками
- Оповещения во время отсчета - Постепенно темнеет карта, настроить затемнение можно здесь:
Буквы идут справа-налево, начинает темнеть с 12 секунды, это буква m, если вы хотите больше 12 то добавляйте еще.
Дак вот этих звуки он не выдает и в Dhud не хрена не пишет(((
17 Ноя 2017
#define MESSAGE_SOUND "sound/player/TalRasha/countdown.wav/"Изменял
Ни чего не изменилось