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Swap After restart live on 3 will play on new team

public plugin_restart_round()
set_task(3.0, "plugin_live");
set_task(4.0, "plugin_live");
set_task(5.0, "plugin_live");

set_task(5.1, "plugin_message");


public plugin_live()
server_cmd("sv_restart ^"1^"");

client_print(0, print_chat, "[ST] Live! Live!");

#include < amxmodx >
#include < cstrike >

// team names
new const TeamNames[ CsTeams ][ ] =

// variable holding the current round
new CurrentRound;

// bool whether it's the 15th round or not
new bool:LastRound;

// current team round count
new RoundsWon[ CsTeams ];

// holding get_maxplayers( ) value
new MaxPlayers;

new g_pCvarScore;

public plugin_init( )
register_plugin("Score Team", "0.1F", "unkown");
register_clcmd( "say /score", "ClientCommand_Score" );
register_clcmd( "say /start", "ClientCommand_Live" );
register_clcmd( "say /stop", "ClientCommand_Warmup" );

// hook round start
register_logevent( "LogEvent_RoundStart", 2, "1=Round_Start" );

// hook round win
register_event( "SendAudio", "Event_SendAudio_TWin", "a", "2&%!MRAD_terwin" );
register_event( "SendAudio", "Event_SendAudio_CTWin", "a", "2&%!MRAD_ctwin" );

// assign MaxPlayers the value of get_maxplayers( )
MaxPlayers = get_maxplayers( );

g_pCvarScore = register_cvar( "sb_enable", "1" );

state warmup;

public ClientCommand_Score( Client ) <warmup>
if(get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarScore)) {
// print score (in this case warmup doesn't have any scores.. so print a message)
client_print( Client, print_chat, "Game mode is currently in Warmup mode - no scores available!" );

public ClientCommand_Score( Client ) <live>
if(get_pcvar_num(g_pCvarScore)) {
// print score
client_print( Client, print_chat, "(CTerrorists Score: %i Terorists Score: %i)", RoundsWon[ CS_TEAM_CT ], RoundsWon[ CS_TEAM_T ] );

public ClientCommand_Live( Client )
// switch state to live
state live;

RoundsWon[ CS_TEAM_CT ] = 0;
RoundsWon[ CS_TEAM_T ] = 0;

Reset( );

public ClientCommand_Warmup( Client )
// switch state to warmup
state warmup;

Reset( );

public LogEvent_RoundStart( ) <warmup>
// print every warmup round
client_print( 0, print_chat, "", RoundsWon[ CS_TEAM_CT ], RoundsWon[ CS_TEAM_T ] );

public LogEvent_RoundStart( ) <live>
// increment round counter

client_print( 0, print_chat, "(CTerrorists Score: %i Terorists Score: %i)", RoundsWon[ CS_TEAM_CT ], RoundsWon[ CS_TEAM_T ] );

// check if rounds == 15, if so, set last true (will be handled when round is won by a team)
if( CurrentRound == 15 )
client_print( 0, print_chat, "This is the last round before switching teams!" );

LastRound = true;

public Event_SendAudio_TWin( ) <warmup> { }
public Event_SendAudio_TWin( ) <live>
// increment the team round counter for T team
RoundsWon[ CS_TEAM_T ]++;

// check if they have 16 rounds in the bag
CheckWinner( CS_TEAM_T );

// if it's the 15th round, reset the round counter, and swap team scores
if( LastRound )
Reset( );

Swap( );

public Event_SendAudio_CTWin( ) <warmup> { }
public Event_SendAudio_CTWin( ) <live>
// increment the team round counter for CT team
RoundsWon[ CS_TEAM_CT ]++;

// check if they have 16 rounds in the bag
CheckWinner( CS_TEAM_CT );

// if it's the 15th round, reset the round counter, and swap team scores
if( LastRound )
Reset( );

Swap( );

CheckWinner( CsTeams:Team )
// check if team has won 15 rounds
if( RoundsWon[ Team ] == 15 )
client_print( 0, print_chat, "%s team has won 15 rounds now - they're only one away from winning!", TeamNames[ Team ] );
// check if team has won 16 rounds
else if( RoundsWon[ Team ] == 16 )
client_print( 0, print_chat, "%s team has won 16 rounds now, resetting!", TeamNames[ Team ] );

// reset
Reset( true );

Reset( bool:TeamWon = false )
// check if a teamwon is true (false by default), if so (see comment below)
if( TeamWon )
// reset rounds for terrorists and cts
for( new CsTeams:Team = CS_TEAM_T; Team <= CS_TEAM_CT; Team++ )
RoundsWon[ Team ] = 0;

// set round counter to 0
CurrentRound = 0;

// restart round
server_cmd( "sv_restartround 1" );

// set last round false
LastRound = false;

Swap( )
// iterate through all players
for( new PlayerIndex = 1; PlayerIndex <= MaxPlayers; PlayerIndex++ )
// check if connected
if( is_user_connected( PlayerIndex ) )
// swap team
switch( cs_get_user_team( PlayerIndex ) )
case CS_TEAM_T: cs_set_user_team( PlayerIndex, CS_TEAM_CT );
case CS_TEAM_CT: cs_set_user_team( PlayerIndex, CS_TEAM_T );

// swap scores
new TempScore = RoundsWon[ CS_TEAM_T ];
RoundsWon[ CS_TEAM_T ] = RoundsWon[ CS_TEAM_CT ];
RoundsWon[ CS_TEAM_CT ] = TempScore;
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