Иконка ресурса

amxx reapi ReAmx Super 1.8

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Версия Дата выхода Скачиваний Оценка
1.8 134 0.00 звёзд 0 оценок
1.7 60 0.00 звёзд 0 оценок
1.6 14 0.00 звёзд 0 оценок
1.5 46 0.00 звёзд 0 оценок
1.4 10 0.00 звёзд 0 оценок
1.4 0 0.00 звёзд 0 оценок
1.3 16 0.00 звёзд 0 оценок
1.2 14 0.00 звёзд 0 оценок
1.1 26 0.00 звёзд 0 оценок
1.0 8 0.00 звёзд 0 оценок
  • The plugin has been rewritten to recreate the plugin layout. Thanks wopox1337
  • The command of the warning 'USAGE' message given when entering a missing value has been shortened.
  • Added enums to understand which variables works to do what. However, the value of some commands has been decreased or increased.
  • Removed define from the plugin. After using the freeze command, the freeze model will appear.
  • Some commands' functionality has been changed.
    amx_speed - People speed up as the value increases.
    amx_freeze - 0 unfreeze - 1 freeze
  • Extend const variables have been replaced with cvars. Added 2 cvars.
  • Some bugs fixed like unfreeze while freezetime.
  • Added Turkish language
  • Corrected model file.
  • Added amx_hrespawn
  • Rocket bug is fixed
  • Deleted kind of needless commands
  • Нравится
Реакции: rian18 и Nordic Warrior
+ Added amx_teamswap
+ Some kind of optimization
+ Added amx_invisible, amx_fire, amx_multijump say /admins
+ Added define to enable/disable freeze model #define FREEZE_MODEL
+ Corrected kind of problems
+ All get_user_name codes removed and %s replaced with %n.
+ Most codes are optimized.
+ Rewritten version (economy around 1k lines.)

Thanks to fl0wer.
+ Added amx_freeze & amx_unfreeze (and freeze model).
+ Added const to variables that never change.
+ Some "static"s has been changed "new".
+ Removed stocks.
  • Нравится
Реакции: Nordic Warrior
+ Unnecessary commands have been deleted.
+The cstrike module in the plugin has been deleted.

thanks to
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