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amxx Chat Manager v4.8

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Версия Дата выхода Скачиваний Оценка
v4.8 306 5.00 звёзд 1 оценок
v4.7.1 5 0.00 звёзд 0 оценок
v4.7 16 0.00 звёзд 0 оценок
  • Addded a new setting SAY_METHOD which allows you to switch between hooking "say" and "say_text" commands or hooking the "SayText" message in order to detect chat messages.
  • Added protection against the chat exploit that allows you to change the chat colors. Thanks to Cirovic for reporting this.
  • Added a new setting COLORCHAT_FLAG. Players with this flag can use color codes in their message (&x01, &x03, &x04) in order to modify their message color.
  • Changed PLUGIN_HANDLED to PLUGIN_HANDLED_MAIN (credits to Nord1cWarr1or).
  • Updated cromchat.inc in order to fix issues regarding wrong team colors in chat. Please recompile the plugin with the new library.
  • Added a new setting ADMIN_LISTEN_TEAM_CHAT that controls whether players with the admin listen flag can see the opposite team's private chat.
  • Added a new setting GLOBAL_CHAT_FLAG. When a player with this flag writes in chat, it will be visible for all players at all times.
  • Added a new setting GLOBAL_CHAT_TEAM that controls whether players with global chat will be visible when writing in their team's private chat.
  • The CHAT_LOG_FILE setting now supports time formatting. This means you can add the current date in the filename, thus having a different chat log file each day.
  • Sounds now use precache_generic() instead of precache_sound(). This means that their paths in the .ini file will need to have sound/ in the beginning.
  • Fixed the bug with the ALL_CHAT = 1 setting where players couldn't see their team's private chat when they are dead/alive.
  • The maximum prefix length has been increased to 64 characters.
Fixed ARG_CURRENT_XP being defined as ARG_XP.
  • Нравится
Реакции: SergeyShorokhov и rian18
https://img.shields.io/badge/update-v4.5 @ 22.12.2019-green.svg

  • Added a forward cm_on_player_data_updated.
  • Optimized the part of the code that gets executed when a player changes his name.
  • The update includes changes only in crx_chatmanager.sma and chatmanager.inc.
https://img.shields.io/badge/update-v4.4 @ 30.05.2019-green.svg

  • Added the ability to set an expiration date for the extras.
    • The expiration date can be added in the end of the line where the extra is set.
    • For example, if you want to give a prefix to the player named OciXCrom that will expire on 20.09.2019, you need to type "name" "OciXCrom" "[Prefix]" "20.09.2019" on a new line in the [Admin Prefixes] section.
  • Added a new setting EXPIRATION_DATE_FORMAT that tells the plugin which date format to use with expiration date. By default, it's set to day.month.year.
  • Added a new setting EXPIRATION_DATE_BEHAVIOR that tells the plugin what to do when a specific extra has expired:
    • 0 = ignore the entire line
    • 1 = put a "#" symbol in the beginning of the line
    • 2 = remove the entire line from the file
  • Added the standard *SPEC* prefix for spectators. It can be changed from the new SPEC_PREFIX setting.

If you're updating from an older version and don't want to replace the entire .ini file, simply add these lines in the [Settings] section:

# The standard spectator prefix.

# Date format for use with expiration dates where available in sections down below.
# For a list of valid parameters, see: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/ctime/strftime/

# What to do when the date for a specific extra has expired?
# 0 = ignore the entire line
# 1 = put a "#" symbol in the beginning of the line
# 2 = remove the entire line from the file
# Note that when the setting is non-zero, the entire file will be rewritten after being read.
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