OciXCrom's Rank System

amxx OciXCrom's Rank System v3.10

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Версия Дата выхода Скачиваний Оценка
v3.10 350 0.00 звёзд 0 оценок
v3.9.2 19 0.00 звёзд 0 оценок
v3.9 155 0.00 звёзд 0 оценок
  • The entire SQL code has been reworked and highly optimized. The entire procedure is now asynchronous which means that the server won't stall/lag with slower SQL servers, as well as when the connection fails on mapchange.
  • The SQL connection is now made only once when the map starts and closes when the map ends instead of opening/closing each time a player joins/leaves.
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Реакции: Nordic Warrior и karaulov
  • Enabled colored chat messages for Counter-Strike: Condition Zero.
  • Eliminated the need for two separate language files.
https://img.shields.io/badge/update-v3.9 @ 29.11.2019-green.svg

  • The setting HUDINFO_ALIVE_ONLY has been changed with HUDINFO_VISIBILITY that has more options than the previous one:

    # Who and when is able to see the HUD information.
    #     0 = all players at all time
    #     1 = only alive players
    #     2 = only dead players
    #     3 = dead players + alive players during freeze time
  • The old setting name is still active, but I suggest that you change it with the new one and update the description in the file.
  • Aside from the change above, the update features changes only in crx_ranksystem.sma.
https://img.shields.io/badge/update-v3.8.1 @ 31.10.2019-green.svg
  • Greatly optimized the way name changing is being handled. Thanks to Bugsy and this thread.
  • This small update features changes only in crx_ranksystem.sma.
  • Нравится
Реакции: Nordic Warrior
https://img.shields.io/badge/update-v3.8 @ 15.09.2019-green.svg

  • Added 4 new XP Rewards: team_win_ct, team_win_t, team_lose_ct и team_lose_t.
  • Added a new native: crxranks_xp_reward_is_set

In order to update from the previous version, you need to update the .sma file and crxranks.inc.
  • Нравится
Реакции: tarsisd2 и Nordic Warrior
https://img.shields.io/badge/update-v3.7 @ 04.09.2019-green.svg

  • MySQL optimization.
  • Added a new setting SAVE_INTERVAL that allows you to enable additional periods when the XP is saved, rather than it happening only when the player disconnects. Now you can do it when the player dies, in the end of the round or every time when the XP amount is modified. The goal of this setting is to prevent XP loss in servers that have a tendency to crash.
  • Added 2 new XP Rewards: team_win and team_lose that are called when you win a round and lose a round, respectively.

In order to update from the previous version, you need to update the .sma file and add the following lines in the [Settings] section of the configuration file:

# When to save the XP?
# It's best to leave this setting on 0 if your server isn't experiencing any problems (crashes) that prevent it from saving XP.
# 0 = on disconnect (best for servers that never crash)
# 1 = on disconnect + on death (good for servers that crash occasionally and you want to save the XP for at least the current life)
# 2 = on disconnect + on round end (good for servers that crash occasionally and you want to save the XP for at least the current round)
# 3 = every time the player's XP is changed (guarantees that XP will never be lost, but may be laggy if players receive XP very often)
  • Added a new setting HUDINFO_POSITION_DEAD that allows you to specify a different HUD position for dead players.
  • If the setting is empty or not found in the configuration file, the same position will be used for both dead and alive players.
https://img.shields.io/badge/update-v3.4 @ 31.05.2019-green.svg

  • Added command /hudinfo that lets players enable/disable the HUD information.
  • Added native crxranks_has_user_hudinfo that checks whether a player has their HUD information enabled or disabled.
https://img.shields.io/badge/update-v3.3 @ 11.05.2019-green.svg

  • Fixed the problem with the native crxranks_give_user_xp, where the source is wrongly placed and the MINIMUM_PLAYERS setting from the configuration file is ignore when it's not supposed to.
  • Imrpoved player suicide detection.
  • Added a message when you die and the NOTIFY_ON_KILL setting is active.
  • Нравится
Реакции: Nordic Warrior
  • Fixed MySQL saving/loading problems and errors.
  • Added "death" keyword for use in the [XP Rewards] section.
  • Нравится
Реакции: wopox1337
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