OciXCrom's Rank System

amxx OciXCrom's Rank System v3.10

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Версия Дата выхода Скачиваний Оценка
v3.10 350 0.00 звёзд 0 оценок
v3.9.2 19 0.00 звёзд 0 оценок
v3.9 155 0.00 звёзд 0 оценок
https://img.shields.io/badge/update-v3.1 @ 28.12.2018-green.svg

  • In order to update from version 3.0 to version 3.1, it is NOT required to replace the configration file as it doesn't include any changes.
  • IMPORTANT (READ IF YOU ARE USING MYSQL): the new update includes a change in the MySQL saving method that requires you to change the SQL table that you're using, aka change the SQL_TABLE setting. Bear in mind that this will restart the players' XP. In order to transfer the XP from the old table, use the server command crxranks_update_mysql CRXRanks only once - where CRXRanks is the name of the SQL table that you used in the old version. The command is accessible only through the server's console (if you don't have access to it, use amx_rcon crxranks_update_mysql CRXRanks). There's no need to do any of this if you're using nVault to save the XP.
  • MySQL now stores the player's level, rank, next rank and XP required for the next rank as well. This is very useful to those who want to create a webpanel for displaying player data, as well as creating top15 which will be created soon as a sub-plugin.
  • Added a new native crxranks_get_setting which allows you to read a setting from the [Settings] section in the configuration file. With this addition, it is now possible to add new settings in the configuration file which can be read by other plugins.
  • Finally added MySQL support. Now you can use MySQL to save the XP rather than nVault.
  • If the MySQL connection fails, the plugin will automatically switch to using nVault for saving the XP rather than completely shutting down.
  • In order to update the server from version 2.7.1 to the latest 3.0 version without using the changes made in RankSystem.ini, replace all other files and add the following in the configuration file in the [Settings] section below the SAVE_TYPE setting:

    # If set to 1, player XP will be saved and loaded using MySQL rather than nVault.
    # If the MySQL connection fails, the plugin will automatically switch to using nVault.
    USE_MYSQL = 0
    # SQL information to use if USE_MYSQL is set to 1.
    SQL_HOST =
    SQL_USER = root
    SQL_DATABASE = amx
    SQL_TABLE = CRXRanks
  • Set the USE_MYSQL setting to 1 and set up the SQL information in order to use the MySQL saving method.
  • Did you know that you can use the same MySQL information in multiple servers which will allow players to share the same XP in all of your servers?

Special thanks to HueHue for writing a SQL example that I implemented in this plugin.
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Реакции: Best777 и sbelov020
  • Added a new setting NOTIFY_ON_KILL - if enabled, players will receive chat notifications about the XP they received when killing a player.

In order to update the plugin from version v2.5 to version v2.6, you need to make the following changes:
  • update the file crx_ranksystem.sma and recompile the plugin;
  • update all files in the data folder;
  • in the [Settings] section in the file configs/RankSystem.ini, add the new setting:

    # If set to 1, players will receive a chat message containing the amount of XP that they receive when killing another player.
    # This will also display a chat message to the player if he committed suicide and the plugin is set to make players lose XP on suicide.
In order to update from version 2.4, you need to update only the following files:
  • scripting/crx_ranksystem.sma
  • scripting/include/crxranks.inc

List of changes in version 2.5:
  • Added a new native crxranks_set_user_xp.
    Added a new forward crxranks_user_xp_updated.
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